Research Article
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The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Fifth Column Activities

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 24, 15.12.2022


From the emergence of non-governmental organizations to the present day; It carries out
its activities in many critical areas such as human rights, especially poverty, children's rights
and violations, contributing to democratization efforts within the anti-democratic system,
and preventing terrorism and its spread. On the other hand, the activities of NGOs are
stated as revealing works to help protect the living standards of individuals, as well as their
democratic rights and freedoms, apart from the private sector as well as public institutions
and organizations. However, during the Colored Revolutions and the Arab Spring in
Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, it is seen that there are changes in the activities and roles
of NGOs. So much so that, according to the allegations, arguments emerged that the fifth
column activities, which started to take place in the literature on the Spanish civil war in
both the Color Revolutions and the Arab Spring, were carried out through NGOs. In this
context, the relationship between NGOs and Fifth Column Activities will be analyzed from
a historical perspective.


  • Abrams, A. (2019). Here’s What We Know So Far About Russian’s 2016 Meddling, Time, 18 Nisan 2019,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Amos, D. (2011). “For Some Arab Revolutionaries, A Serbian Tutor”, NPR, 13 Aralık 2011,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Armine Ishkanian, A. (2007). Democracy promotion and civil society, (Ed. Albrow, Martin and Glasius, Marlies and Anheier, Helmut K. and Kaldor, Mary, Global Civil Society, Communicative Power and Democracy. Global Civil Society, London: SAGE publications, ss. 58-85.
  • Berman, I. (2007). The Death of Democracy Promotion,The Journal of International Security Affairs, 14 Mart 2007,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Bodine-Baron, E., Helmus, T.C., Radin, A. ve Treyger, E. (2018). Countering Russian Social Media Influence, Rand Corporation.
  • CANVAS,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • CANVAS. Chronology of Events- A Brief of Otpor, uploads/2020/12/Chronology-OTPOR.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 9.09.2022).
  • Chaulia, S. (2006). Democratisation, NGOs and “Color Revolutions, Global Policy Forum,, (Erişim Tarihi 5.09.2022).
  • Chehayeb, K. (2019). Narrative Wars: Lebanon’s Media Take Shots At Popular Protests, Middle East Eye, 6 Kasım 2019, lebanons-popular-uprising, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • CNN. (2003). Georgians Party As President Steps Down, 24 Kasım 2003, https://edition., (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Dmitry Chernobrov, D. (2019). Who Is The Modern ‘Traitor’? ‘Fifth Column’ Accusations İn US And UK Politics And Media, Political Studies Association, 39(3)., ss. 347-362.
  • Doh J. ve Yaziji, M. (2009). NGOs and Corporations: Conflict and Collaborations, Cambridge
  • EIGE (2022). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), European Institute for Gender Equality in%3A&text=Non%2Dprofit%2C%20voluntary%20citizens',support%20of%20the%20 public%20good., (Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2022).
  • Estebo, E. (2015). Russian Foreign Policy and Putin’s Fear of Revolution, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – Tufts University.
  • Fairbanks, C. (2004). Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Journal of Democracy 15(2)., ss. 110-124.
  • FBI (2020). Iranian Cyber Actors Responsible for Website Threatening U.S. Election Officials, 23 Aralık 2020, actors-responsible-for-website-threatening-us-election-officials, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Florian Bieber, F. (2011). The Otpor Connection in Egypt, 31 Ocak 2011, https://, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.10.2022).
  • Francis MacDonnell, F. (1995). Insidious Foes: The Axis Fifth Column and the American Gerber, T., P. ve Zaviscai, J. (2015). What 18 Focus Groups in The Former USSR Taught Us About American’s Image Problems, The Wilson Quartly, quarterly/summer-2015-an-age-of-connectivity/what-18-focus-groups-in-former-ussrtaught- us-about-americas-pr-problems/, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2022).
  • Global Technology Report 2019,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.09.2022).
  • Gomes Beirao, L. (2019). The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Economic Law, Lawyr, 6(2).
  • Grey, B., ve Volkov, V. (2003). Georgia’s “Rose Revolutions”: A-made-in America Coup, World Socialist Web Site, 5 Aralık 2003, geor-d05.html, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Gude, K. (2017). Russia’s 5th Column, Center For American Progress, 15 Mart 2017, 5th-column/, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022).
  • H. Teegen, J. P. Doh ve S. Vachani. (2004). The importance of nongovern- mental organizations (NGOs) in global governance and value creation: An international business research agenda,” Journal of International Business Studies 35 (6) (2004), 463–483.
  • Holmen., H. ve Jirström, M. (2009). Look! Who is Talking!: Second Thoughts about NGO’S as Representing Civil Society, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 44(4)., ss.429-448. Home Front, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2018). Kalkınma Sürecinde Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023). Ankara. Loeffel, R. (2015). The Fifth Column in World War II 2015, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Malena, C. (1995). Working With NGOs: A Practical Guide to Operational Collaboration Between The World Bank and Non-Govermental Organization, Operation Policy Department World Bank.
  • Markham, J.M. (1982). Madrid’s ‘Fifth Column’ Harbors Memory and Hope, https://www. html, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2022).
  • Martens, K. (2002). Mission İmpossible? Defining Nongovernmental Organizations, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization, 13(2)., ss. 271-285.
  • Matar, D. (2019). Dr. Zahera Harb Discusses Fake News and the Lebanese Protests, SOAS Centre for Global Media and Communication, 13 Kasım 2019, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Miller, G., Nakashima, E. ve Entous, A. (2017). Obama’s Secret Struggle To Punish Russia For Putin’s Election Assault, Washintonpost, 23 Haziran 2017, https://www.washingtonpost. com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=. c18575deee98, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Nikitina, Y. (2014). The “Color Revolutions” and “Arab Spring”, Russian Official Discourse, Connections The Quartely Journal 14(1), ss. 87-104.
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2017)Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution,, (Erişim Tarihi: 5.09.2022).
  • Olena Nikolayenko, O. (2013). The History Of Serbia’s Youth Protests Illustrates The Importance Of Learning and Adaptation in Protest Tactic, europpblog/2013/05/30/serbia-student-protests-otpor/, (Erişim Tarihi:09.09.2022).
  • Olena Nikolayenko, O. (2017). Kmara! Enough of Corruption and Poverty in Georgia. In Youth Movements and Elections in Eastern Europe, Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics, ss, 125-154.
  • Pam Fessler, P. (2017). Timeline: Foreign Efforts To Hack State Election Systems And How Officials Responded, NPR, 31 Temmuz 2017, timeline-foreign-efforts-to-hack-state-election-systems-and-how-officials-respon, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Pearce, J. (1993). NGOs and social change: Agents or facilitators?, Development in Practice, 3(3), ss. 222-227.
  • Peter Willets (2010). What is a Non-Govermental Organization? City University London,, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2022).
  • Pierobon, C. (2018). The Development of Civil Society in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan, Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale, ss.107-134.
  • Radnitz, S. (2018). The Real or Imagined Infiltration of Fifth Columns in the Post-Soviet Region, PONARS Eurasia Policy, No. 548.
  • Sally Leverty (2008) NGO’s, the UN and APA, Apa Office of International Affairs, https://www. Organizations%20(NGOs)&text=The%20United%20Nations%20(U.N.),support%20 of%20the%20public%20good. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.08.2022).
  • Schneider, W. (2004). “Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’”, The Atlantic, https://www., (Erişim Tarihi: 04.09.2022).
  • Sputniknews (2015). The Fifth Column: Western NGOs Accused of Financing Macedonian Uprising, 21 Mayıs 2015,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Standish, R. (2014). Fifth Columns Are (and Were) Everywhere, Foreign Policy, 25 Temmuz 2014,, (Erişim Tarihi: 19.07.2022).
  • Sussman, Krader, S (2008). Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in Eastern Europe, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture , 5(3)., ss. 91-112.
  • U.S. Deparment of State. (2017). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the United States,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.09.2022).
  • U.S. Department of State (2021). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the United States,, (Erişim Tarihi:20.07.2022).
  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (1940). War Front; FDR speaks about Fifth Column,, (Erişim Tarihi: 09.09.2022).
  • Warrick, T.S., (2020). How to Defeat İranian and Russian Cyber Operations Against The U.S. Election, 28 Ekim 2020, Atlantic Council, how-to-defeat-iranian-and-russian-cyber-operations-against-the-us-election/, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Wilson, A. (2006). Ukraine's Orange Revolution, NGOs and the Role of the West, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19(1)., ss. 21-32.

Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Beşinci Kol Faaliyetlerindeki Rolü

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 24, 15.12.2022


Sivil toplum kuruluşları ortaya çıkışından günümüze kadar; yoksulluk başta olmak üzere
insan hakları, çocuk hakları ve ihlalleri, antidemokratik sistem içerisindeki demokratikleşme
çabalarına katkı sağlama ve terörizmin engellenmesi ve yaygınlaşmasının önlenmesi
gibi birçok kritik alanda faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir. STK’ların ise söz konusu faaliyetleri
kamu kurum ve kuruluşların yanı sıra özel sektör haricinde bireylerin yaşam standartlarının
yanı sıra, demokratik hak ve özgürlüklerinin korunmasına yardımcı olmak adına
çalışmaları ortaya çıkarması olarak belirtilmektedir. Ancak Ukrayna, Gürcistan ve Kırgızistan’da
yaşanılan Renkli Devrimler’de ve Arap Baharı’nda STK’ların söz konusu faaliyet
alanları ve üstlendiği rollerde değişimlerin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Öyle ki iddialara
göre: hem Renkli Devrimler’de hem de Arap Baharı’nda İspanya iç savaşıyla ilgili literatürde
yer almaya başlayan beşinci kol faaliyetlerinin STK’lar aracılığıyla yürütüldüğüne
dair savlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu bağlamda da çalışmada STK’lar ve Beşinci Kol Faaliyetleri
arasındaki ilişki tarihsel bir perspektiften ele alınarak analiz edilecektir.


  • Abrams, A. (2019). Here’s What We Know So Far About Russian’s 2016 Meddling, Time, 18 Nisan 2019,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Amos, D. (2011). “For Some Arab Revolutionaries, A Serbian Tutor”, NPR, 13 Aralık 2011,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Armine Ishkanian, A. (2007). Democracy promotion and civil society, (Ed. Albrow, Martin and Glasius, Marlies and Anheier, Helmut K. and Kaldor, Mary, Global Civil Society, Communicative Power and Democracy. Global Civil Society, London: SAGE publications, ss. 58-85.
  • Berman, I. (2007). The Death of Democracy Promotion,The Journal of International Security Affairs, 14 Mart 2007,, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Bodine-Baron, E., Helmus, T.C., Radin, A. ve Treyger, E. (2018). Countering Russian Social Media Influence, Rand Corporation.
  • CANVAS,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • CANVAS. Chronology of Events- A Brief of Otpor, uploads/2020/12/Chronology-OTPOR.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 9.09.2022).
  • Chaulia, S. (2006). Democratisation, NGOs and “Color Revolutions, Global Policy Forum,, (Erişim Tarihi 5.09.2022).
  • Chehayeb, K. (2019). Narrative Wars: Lebanon’s Media Take Shots At Popular Protests, Middle East Eye, 6 Kasım 2019, lebanons-popular-uprising, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • CNN. (2003). Georgians Party As President Steps Down, 24 Kasım 2003, https://edition., (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Dmitry Chernobrov, D. (2019). Who Is The Modern ‘Traitor’? ‘Fifth Column’ Accusations İn US And UK Politics And Media, Political Studies Association, 39(3)., ss. 347-362.
  • Doh J. ve Yaziji, M. (2009). NGOs and Corporations: Conflict and Collaborations, Cambridge
  • EIGE (2022). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), European Institute for Gender Equality in%3A&text=Non%2Dprofit%2C%20voluntary%20citizens',support%20of%20the%20 public%20good., (Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2022).
  • Estebo, E. (2015). Russian Foreign Policy and Putin’s Fear of Revolution, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – Tufts University.
  • Fairbanks, C. (2004). Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Journal of Democracy 15(2)., ss. 110-124.
  • FBI (2020). Iranian Cyber Actors Responsible for Website Threatening U.S. Election Officials, 23 Aralık 2020, actors-responsible-for-website-threatening-us-election-officials, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Florian Bieber, F. (2011). The Otpor Connection in Egypt, 31 Ocak 2011, https://, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.10.2022).
  • Francis MacDonnell, F. (1995). Insidious Foes: The Axis Fifth Column and the American Gerber, T., P. ve Zaviscai, J. (2015). What 18 Focus Groups in The Former USSR Taught Us About American’s Image Problems, The Wilson Quartly, quarterly/summer-2015-an-age-of-connectivity/what-18-focus-groups-in-former-ussrtaught- us-about-americas-pr-problems/, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2022).
  • Global Technology Report 2019,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.09.2022).
  • Gomes Beirao, L. (2019). The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Economic Law, Lawyr, 6(2).
  • Grey, B., ve Volkov, V. (2003). Georgia’s “Rose Revolutions”: A-made-in America Coup, World Socialist Web Site, 5 Aralık 2003, geor-d05.html, (Erişim Tarihi: 4.09.2022).
  • Gude, K. (2017). Russia’s 5th Column, Center For American Progress, 15 Mart 2017, 5th-column/, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022).
  • H. Teegen, J. P. Doh ve S. Vachani. (2004). The importance of nongovern- mental organizations (NGOs) in global governance and value creation: An international business research agenda,” Journal of International Business Studies 35 (6) (2004), 463–483.
  • Holmen., H. ve Jirström, M. (2009). Look! Who is Talking!: Second Thoughts about NGO’S as Representing Civil Society, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 44(4)., ss.429-448. Home Front, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2018). Kalkınma Sürecinde Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, On Birinci Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023). Ankara. Loeffel, R. (2015). The Fifth Column in World War II 2015, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Malena, C. (1995). Working With NGOs: A Practical Guide to Operational Collaboration Between The World Bank and Non-Govermental Organization, Operation Policy Department World Bank.
  • Markham, J.M. (1982). Madrid’s ‘Fifth Column’ Harbors Memory and Hope, https://www. html, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2022).
  • Martens, K. (2002). Mission İmpossible? Defining Nongovernmental Organizations, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization, 13(2)., ss. 271-285.
  • Matar, D. (2019). Dr. Zahera Harb Discusses Fake News and the Lebanese Protests, SOAS Centre for Global Media and Communication, 13 Kasım 2019, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Miller, G., Nakashima, E. ve Entous, A. (2017). Obama’s Secret Struggle To Punish Russia For Putin’s Election Assault, Washintonpost, 23 Haziran 2017, https://www.washingtonpost. com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=. c18575deee98, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Nikitina, Y. (2014). The “Color Revolutions” and “Arab Spring”, Russian Official Discourse, Connections The Quartely Journal 14(1), ss. 87-104.
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2017)Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution,, (Erişim Tarihi: 5.09.2022).
  • Olena Nikolayenko, O. (2013). The History Of Serbia’s Youth Protests Illustrates The Importance Of Learning and Adaptation in Protest Tactic, europpblog/2013/05/30/serbia-student-protests-otpor/, (Erişim Tarihi:09.09.2022).
  • Olena Nikolayenko, O. (2017). Kmara! Enough of Corruption and Poverty in Georgia. In Youth Movements and Elections in Eastern Europe, Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics, ss, 125-154.
  • Pam Fessler, P. (2017). Timeline: Foreign Efforts To Hack State Election Systems And How Officials Responded, NPR, 31 Temmuz 2017, timeline-foreign-efforts-to-hack-state-election-systems-and-how-officials-respon, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Pearce, J. (1993). NGOs and social change: Agents or facilitators?, Development in Practice, 3(3), ss. 222-227.
  • Peter Willets (2010). What is a Non-Govermental Organization? City University London,, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2022).
  • Pierobon, C. (2018). The Development of Civil Society in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan, Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale, ss.107-134.
  • Radnitz, S. (2018). The Real or Imagined Infiltration of Fifth Columns in the Post-Soviet Region, PONARS Eurasia Policy, No. 548.
  • Sally Leverty (2008) NGO’s, the UN and APA, Apa Office of International Affairs, https://www. Organizations%20(NGOs)&text=The%20United%20Nations%20(U.N.),support%20 of%20the%20public%20good. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.08.2022).
  • Schneider, W. (2004). “Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’”, The Atlantic, https://www., (Erişim Tarihi: 04.09.2022).
  • Sputniknews (2015). The Fifth Column: Western NGOs Accused of Financing Macedonian Uprising, 21 Mayıs 2015,, (Erişim Tarihi: 2.09.2022).
  • Standish, R. (2014). Fifth Columns Are (and Were) Everywhere, Foreign Policy, 25 Temmuz 2014,, (Erişim Tarihi: 19.07.2022).
  • Sussman, Krader, S (2008). Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in Eastern Europe, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture , 5(3)., ss. 91-112.
  • U.S. Deparment of State. (2017). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the United States,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.09.2022).
  • U.S. Department of State (2021). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the United States,, (Erişim Tarihi:20.07.2022).
  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (1940). War Front; FDR speaks about Fifth Column,, (Erişim Tarihi: 09.09.2022).
  • Warrick, T.S., (2020). How to Defeat İranian and Russian Cyber Operations Against The U.S. Election, 28 Ekim 2020, Atlantic Council, how-to-defeat-iranian-and-russian-cyber-operations-against-the-us-election/, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Wilson, A. (2006). Ukraine's Orange Revolution, NGOs and the Role of the West, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19(1)., ss. 21-32.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Emine Çelik

Göktuğ Sönmez

Publication Date December 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, E., & Sönmez, G. (2022). Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Beşinci Kol Faaliyetlerindeki Rolü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 1-24.