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Yavaş Şehirlerdeki Konaklama İşletmelerinde Çevre Yönetimi Uygulamaları: Akyaka Örneği

Year 2019, , 1 - 15, 05.02.2019


Günümüzde tüm dünyada çevreye duyarlı uygulamalara olan eğilimin
giderek arttığı görülebilir. Turizm sektörü yapısı gereği, doğal çevre ile
gelişen ve büyüyen faaliyetleri kapsamaktadır. Yavaş şehirler sahip oldukları
doğal güzellikleri, özgün tarihleri ve yerel kültürleriyle, alternatif turizm
pazarında proaktif şekilde değerlendirilebilir. Yavaş Şehir kriterlerinin
sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerine dayanarak hazırlanmış olması, bu şehirlerde
sürdürülebilir turizm faaliyetlerinin gerçekleşmesine kolaylık sağlayabilir.  Bu çalışmada, Muğla ilinin Ula ilçesine
bağlıolan Yavaş Şehir Akyaka’da bulunan konaklama işletmelerinin çevre yönetimi
uygulamaları kapsamında mevcut durumlarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Amacın
gerçekleşmesi için, Akyaka’daki faaliyet gösteren konaklama işletmelerinin
6’sında yöneticilik konumunda çalışanlarla yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılmıştır.
Araştırma sonucunda; katılımcıların çevre yönetiminin uygulamaları ve sağladığı
faydaları hakkında, bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Akyaka’da
konaklama işletmelerinin türlerine göre çevreye duyarlı uygulamalarında
farklılık göstermediği de araştırmanın diğer bir sonucu olarak ortaya
çıkmıştır. Çevre yönetimi ve uygulamaları kapsamında konaklama işletme
yöneticilerine yönelik düzenlenmiş olacak eğitim programları, Akyaka’ya çevreye
duyarlı olma yolunda ilerlenmesine destek verebilir.


  • Akdur, R. (2005). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de çevre koruma politikaları. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.Alexander, S. (2002). Green hotel: Opportunity and resources for success, zero wastealliance. Portland: One World Trade Center.Balas, L., Inan, A., & Yılmaz, E. (2011). Modelling of sediment transport of Akyaka Beach. Journal of CoastalResearch, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International CoastalSymposium), 460-463. Szczecin, Poland.Bohdanowicz, P. (2005). European hoteliers’ environmental attitudes: greening the business. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 188-204.Bohdanowicz, P. (2006). Environmental awareness and initiatives in the Swedish and Polish hotel industries- surveyr esult. Hospitality Management, 25(4), 662-682.Butler, J. (2008). The compelling “Hard Case” for “Green” hotel development. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(3), 234-244. Chan, E. S. W., Okumus, F., &Chan, W. (2017). The applications of environmental technologies in hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 26(1), 23-47. Chan, W.W., & Lam, J. (2001). Environmental accounting of municipal solid wast originating from rooms and restaurants in the Hong Hong hotel ındustry. Journal of Hospitality& Tourism Research, 25(4), 371-385.Demircan, N., & Toy, S. (2018). Turkish urban climate change literature. Atlas International Referred, 4(10), 809-814.Dönmez Polat, D., & Demir Harputluoğlu, D. (2017). Ecologicalhotels in sustainability: Narköy ecological hotel and training center. Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management,14 (2), 31-46.Erdoğan, N. (2003). Çevre ve Ekoturizm. Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, Ankara: Erk Yayınları. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency.(2017). /sites/production/files/201508/documents/reducing_wasted_food_pkg_tool.pdf. Last accessed 16.07.2018.European Commission.(2013). /emas/documents/TourismBEMP.pdf Last accessed 12.07.2018.Filed, A. (1999). Cleanair at night. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(1), 60-67.Gössling, S., & Buckley, R. (2016). Carbonlabels in tourism: persuasive communication?.Journal of Cleaner Production, 111(B), 358-369.Goussous, J., Siam, H., & Alzoubi, H. (2014). Prospects of gren technology for energyand thermal benefits in buildings: case of Jordan. Sustainable Citiesand Society, 14 (June) 425- 440. Gündem 21. (1992). United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992, AGENDA 21. https://sustainable Lastaccessed11.07.2018 Han, H., &Hyun, S.S. (2018). What in fluen ces water conservation and towel reuse practices of hotel guests? Tourism Management, 64 (February), 87- 97.IHEI (1993). Environmental Management for Hotels, Oxford: Butterworth- Heineman. Lawson, F. (1976). Hotels, Motels and Condominiums: Design, Planning and Maintenance, Chapter 11, London: Architectural Press. IIEC, International Institute for Energy Conservation. (2015). 12.07.2018.2030 sürdürebilir kalkınma eylem planı. (2015). https://sustainable accessed 12.07.2018.Kasim, A. (2007). Toward a wider adoption of environmental responsible in the hotel sector. International Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Administration, 8(2), 25-49.Kasim, A.(2006). The need for business environmental and social responsibility in the tourism industry. International Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Administration, 7(1), 1-22.Kilic, S.E., & Aydogan, M. (2014). Spatial reflections of population movements in Gokceada and sustainable tourism. European Planning Studies, 22(11), 2213–2230.Kirk, D. (1995). Environmental management in hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(6), 3-8. Kirk, D. (1996). Environmental management for hotels: a student’s handbook. Oxford: Boston: Butterworth- Heinemann.Kozak, M. A. (2002). Otel işletmelerinde destek hizmetleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, Eskişehir.Kuo, N. W., Chiang, H. C., & Chiang, C.M. (2008). Development and implication of an integrated in doorair quality auditto an international hotel building in Taiwan. Environment MonitorAssessment, 147(1), 139-147.Maxim, C. (2016). Sustainable tourism implementation in urban areas: a casestudy of London. Journal of SustainableTourism, 24(7), 971-989.Mayer, H., &Knox, P. (2010). Small town sustainability: prospects in the second modernity. European Planning Studies, 18(10), 1545–1565.Mensah, I.(2014). Differents hades of green: environmental management in hotels in Accra. International Journal of TourismResearch, 16(5), 450–461. Park, E., & Kim, S. (2016). The potential of Cittaslow for sustainable tourism development: enhancing local community' sempowerment. Tourism Planning & Development, 13(3), 351-369. Pehlivanoğlu, B. (2011). Ecologicala pproaches in accommodation structures. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design, 1(3), 373-383. Pink, S. (2007). Sensing Cittaslow: slow living and the constitution of the sensorycity. The Sensesand Society, 2(1), 59–77.Presenza, A., Abbate, T., & Micera, R. (2015). The Cittaslow Movement: opportunities and challenges for the governance of tourism destinations. Tourism Planning & Development, 12(4),1-10Sarkis, J. (1998). Evoluating environmentally conscious business practices. European Journal of Operational Research, 107(1), 159-174.Scollo, M., Lal, A., Hyland, A., & Glantz, S. (2003). Review of the quality of studies on the economic effects of smoke- freepolicies on the hospitality industry. Tobacco Control, 12(1), 13-20.Semmens, J., & Freemen, C. (2012). The value of Cittaslow as an approach to local sustainable development: a New Zealand perspective. International Planning Studies, 17 (4), 353-375.Stipanuk, M. D. (2002). Hospitality facilities management and design. (2nd ed.). Lasing: MI, Education Institute of American Hotel &Lodging Association.Su, W.S., Chang, l. F., & Yeh, M.T. (2017). Developing a sustainable tourism attitude in Taiwanese residents. The International Journal of Organization al Innovation, 10(1), 275- 289.Sucheran, R., &Bob, U. (2015). Energy conservation measures in the hotel sector in Kwa- ZuluNatal, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourismand Leisure, 4 (2) Special Edition, 1-7.Tekin, Ç., & Kurugöl, S. (2011). Environment friendly three buildings based on three living creatures. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy Engineering Sciences, 6(4), 943-952. Trung, D. N., & Kumar, S. (2005). Resourcesuse and wast emanagement in Vietnam hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(2), 109-116.Ula MunicipalityPoliceDepartment. (2018). Unpublished data.URL-1, Cittaslow International. (2018). 08.09.2018. URL-2, CittaslowTurkey-Akyaka. (2108). http://cittaslowturkiye. org/cittaslow-akyaka/Lastaccessed08.09.2018.URL-3, CSD, Commission on Sustainable Development. (1992). https: //, IHEI, International Hotels Environment Initiative. (1999). 08.09.2018.URL-5, Hix Island House (2018). accessed 08.09.2018.URL-6, Association of Underwater Research. (2018). /kiyilar/gokova-projesi/gokova-korfezi/ Lastaccessed08.09.2018.URL-7, Ula Municipality,http://www.ula.bel.trLastaccessed08.09.2018. URL-8, Akyaka Municipality. (2018). Lastaccessed 08.09.2018.Wickramasinghe, K. (2016). Adoption of environmental management practices in the hotel industry in Sri Lanka, Published by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Kathmandu, Nepal.Zawadzka, A. K. (2017). Making small towns visible in Europe: Thecase of Cittaslow Network-the strategy based on sustainable development. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Special Issue, 90-106.

Environmental Management Practices in Hospitality Establishments in Slow Cities: Akyaka Example

Year 2019, , 1 - 15, 05.02.2019


is easy to see that tendency to environmentally-conscious practices is
gradually increasing all around the world. Tourism sector inherently involves
activities that develop and grow in conjunction with natural environment.  As the criteria for Slow Cities are based on
the principles of sustainability, they would provide convenience to carry out
sustainable tourism activities in these cities. This study is aimed at
investigating the current status of accommodation establishments in Cittaslow
Akyaka in Ula county of Muğla province within the scope of environmental management
practices.  For this purpose,
face-to-face interviews have been made with executives of 6 accommodation
establishments in Akyaka. As a result of the research, it is determined that
the participants don’t have sufficient knowledge regarding environmental
management practices and their benefits. Another finding of the research is
that the accommodation establishments in Akyaka don’t differ from each other
with regard to their environmentally sensitive practices in terms of their
types. Training programs organized for the executives of accommodation
establishments within the scope of environmental management and practices may
support Akyaka to pursue the path of being sensitive to environment.


  • Akdur, R. (2005). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de çevre koruma politikaları. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.Alexander, S. (2002). Green hotel: Opportunity and resources for success, zero wastealliance. Portland: One World Trade Center.Balas, L., Inan, A., & Yılmaz, E. (2011). Modelling of sediment transport of Akyaka Beach. Journal of CoastalResearch, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International CoastalSymposium), 460-463. Szczecin, Poland.Bohdanowicz, P. (2005). European hoteliers’ environmental attitudes: greening the business. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 188-204.Bohdanowicz, P. (2006). Environmental awareness and initiatives in the Swedish and Polish hotel industries- surveyr esult. Hospitality Management, 25(4), 662-682.Butler, J. (2008). The compelling “Hard Case” for “Green” hotel development. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(3), 234-244. Chan, E. S. W., Okumus, F., &Chan, W. (2017). The applications of environmental technologies in hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 26(1), 23-47. Chan, W.W., & Lam, J. (2001). Environmental accounting of municipal solid wast originating from rooms and restaurants in the Hong Hong hotel ındustry. Journal of Hospitality& Tourism Research, 25(4), 371-385.Demircan, N., & Toy, S. (2018). Turkish urban climate change literature. Atlas International Referred, 4(10), 809-814.Dönmez Polat, D., & Demir Harputluoğlu, D. (2017). Ecologicalhotels in sustainability: Narköy ecological hotel and training center. Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management,14 (2), 31-46.Erdoğan, N. (2003). Çevre ve Ekoturizm. Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, Ankara: Erk Yayınları. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency.(2017). /sites/production/files/201508/documents/reducing_wasted_food_pkg_tool.pdf. Last accessed 16.07.2018.European Commission.(2013). /emas/documents/TourismBEMP.pdf Last accessed 12.07.2018.Filed, A. (1999). Cleanair at night. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(1), 60-67.Gössling, S., & Buckley, R. (2016). Carbonlabels in tourism: persuasive communication?.Journal of Cleaner Production, 111(B), 358-369.Goussous, J., Siam, H., & Alzoubi, H. (2014). Prospects of gren technology for energyand thermal benefits in buildings: case of Jordan. Sustainable Citiesand Society, 14 (June) 425- 440. Gündem 21. (1992). United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992, AGENDA 21. https://sustainable Lastaccessed11.07.2018 Han, H., &Hyun, S.S. (2018). What in fluen ces water conservation and towel reuse practices of hotel guests? Tourism Management, 64 (February), 87- 97.IHEI (1993). Environmental Management for Hotels, Oxford: Butterworth- Heineman. Lawson, F. (1976). Hotels, Motels and Condominiums: Design, Planning and Maintenance, Chapter 11, London: Architectural Press. IIEC, International Institute for Energy Conservation. (2015). 12.07.2018.2030 sürdürebilir kalkınma eylem planı. (2015). https://sustainable accessed 12.07.2018.Kasim, A. (2007). Toward a wider adoption of environmental responsible in the hotel sector. International Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Administration, 8(2), 25-49.Kasim, A.(2006). The need for business environmental and social responsibility in the tourism industry. International Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Administration, 7(1), 1-22.Kilic, S.E., & Aydogan, M. (2014). Spatial reflections of population movements in Gokceada and sustainable tourism. European Planning Studies, 22(11), 2213–2230.Kirk, D. (1995). Environmental management in hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(6), 3-8. Kirk, D. (1996). Environmental management for hotels: a student’s handbook. Oxford: Boston: Butterworth- Heinemann.Kozak, M. A. (2002). Otel işletmelerinde destek hizmetleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, Eskişehir.Kuo, N. W., Chiang, H. C., & Chiang, C.M. (2008). Development and implication of an integrated in doorair quality auditto an international hotel building in Taiwan. Environment MonitorAssessment, 147(1), 139-147.Maxim, C. (2016). Sustainable tourism implementation in urban areas: a casestudy of London. Journal of SustainableTourism, 24(7), 971-989.Mayer, H., &Knox, P. (2010). Small town sustainability: prospects in the second modernity. European Planning Studies, 18(10), 1545–1565.Mensah, I.(2014). Differents hades of green: environmental management in hotels in Accra. International Journal of TourismResearch, 16(5), 450–461. Park, E., & Kim, S. (2016). The potential of Cittaslow for sustainable tourism development: enhancing local community' sempowerment. Tourism Planning & Development, 13(3), 351-369. Pehlivanoğlu, B. (2011). Ecologicala pproaches in accommodation structures. Inonu University Journal of Art and Design, 1(3), 373-383. Pink, S. (2007). Sensing Cittaslow: slow living and the constitution of the sensorycity. The Sensesand Society, 2(1), 59–77.Presenza, A., Abbate, T., & Micera, R. (2015). The Cittaslow Movement: opportunities and challenges for the governance of tourism destinations. Tourism Planning & Development, 12(4),1-10Sarkis, J. (1998). Evoluating environmentally conscious business practices. European Journal of Operational Research, 107(1), 159-174.Scollo, M., Lal, A., Hyland, A., & Glantz, S. (2003). Review of the quality of studies on the economic effects of smoke- freepolicies on the hospitality industry. Tobacco Control, 12(1), 13-20.Semmens, J., & Freemen, C. (2012). The value of Cittaslow as an approach to local sustainable development: a New Zealand perspective. International Planning Studies, 17 (4), 353-375.Stipanuk, M. D. (2002). Hospitality facilities management and design. (2nd ed.). Lasing: MI, Education Institute of American Hotel &Lodging Association.Su, W.S., Chang, l. F., & Yeh, M.T. (2017). Developing a sustainable tourism attitude in Taiwanese residents. The International Journal of Organization al Innovation, 10(1), 275- 289.Sucheran, R., &Bob, U. (2015). Energy conservation measures in the hotel sector in Kwa- ZuluNatal, South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourismand Leisure, 4 (2) Special Edition, 1-7.Tekin, Ç., & Kurugöl, S. (2011). Environment friendly three buildings based on three living creatures. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy Engineering Sciences, 6(4), 943-952. Trung, D. N., & Kumar, S. (2005). Resourcesuse and wast emanagement in Vietnam hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(2), 109-116.Ula MunicipalityPoliceDepartment. (2018). Unpublished data.URL-1, Cittaslow International. (2018). 08.09.2018. URL-2, CittaslowTurkey-Akyaka. (2108). http://cittaslowturkiye. org/cittaslow-akyaka/Lastaccessed08.09.2018.URL-3, CSD, Commission on Sustainable Development. (1992). https: //, IHEI, International Hotels Environment Initiative. (1999). 08.09.2018.URL-5, Hix Island House (2018). accessed 08.09.2018.URL-6, Association of Underwater Research. (2018). /kiyilar/gokova-projesi/gokova-korfezi/ Lastaccessed08.09.2018.URL-7, Ula Municipality,http://www.ula.bel.trLastaccessed08.09.2018. URL-8, Akyaka Municipality. (2018). Lastaccessed 08.09.2018.Wickramasinghe, K. (2016). Adoption of environmental management practices in the hotel industry in Sri Lanka, Published by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Kathmandu, Nepal.Zawadzka, A. K. (2017). Making small towns visible in Europe: Thecase of Cittaslow Network-the strategy based on sustainable development. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Special Issue, 90-106.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Feriyal Farhadi Andarabi 0000-0001-6425-6038

Azize Tunç Hassan 0000-0003-2509-1415

Publication Date February 5, 2019
Submission Date September 10, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Farhadi Andarabi, F., & Tunç Hassan, A. (2019). Environmental Management Practices in Hospitality Establishments in Slow Cities: Akyaka Example. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 4(1), 1-15.