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Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri ile Deniz Alanları İçin Kadastral Veri Modeli: Trabzon İli Örneği

Year 2019, , 253 - 263, 22.10.2019


Türkiye’de deniz ve kıyı alanlarında sürdürülebilir bir
çevre yönetimi için konumsal veriye ihtiyaç vardır. Bilgi çağı olarak
adlandırılan günümüzde veri/veri edinimi ve analizi, hızlı, hassas ve ekonomik
karar vermenin ön şartıdır. Deniz alanları deniz yatağı, deniz yüzeyi ve kıyı
alanları olmak üzere yoğun veri setlerine sahiptir. Deniz tabanından geçen
derin deşarj sistemi ya da boru hatlar (petrol, doğal gaz, ulaşım), kum
gemileri için ayrılan kum çıkarma alanları, petrol tankerleri için güvenli
geçiş güzergâhları ve bekleme alanları, avlanma alanları, deniz ekosistemi için
koruma alanları gibi birçok konumsal veri sürdürülebilir bir deniz ve kıyı
yönetimi için gerekli olan verilerdir. Denizel alanlara yönelik yönetişim
bağlamında farklı kurumlar için yasal düzenlemeler vardır. İyi bir yönetim
yoğun bilgi setlerinin en iyi bir şekilde analizini gerektirir. İdeal bir
denizel alan ve kıyı yönetimi için günümüze kadar yapılan karasal ölçümlerin
yanında gelecekte denizel alanların ölçümü ve kayıtlarının da gerçekleştirileceği
açıktır. Denizel ve kıyı alanlarının da karasal alanlar gibi kayıt altına
alınması, kullanım haklarının ve sınırlarının belirlenmesi hukuki, sosyal ve
ekonomik bir gereklilik olduğu kadar sürdürülebilir bir deniz yönetimi için de
gereklidir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, denizel alanların sürdürülebilir
yönetimi ve denizel alan CBS için, temel harita altlıkları ve denizel alanların
planlanmasına yönelik konumsal veri modelinin bilgi teknolojileri desteği ile
tasarlanmasını sağlamaktır.


  • Biyik C., Karatas K., 2002. Yüzyılımızda Kadastroda İçerik ve Kapsam. Selçuk Üniversitesi Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri Mühendisliği Öğretiminde 30. Yıl Sempozyumu. 16-18 Ekim 2002, Konya.
  • Erbas Y. S., 2013. Denizel Alan Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri İçin Deniz Kadastrosu Modellemesi, Karadeniz Technical University. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Geomatics Engineering Graduate Program. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Recep Nisanci, 89 Pages, 12 Appendix.
  • Fowler C., Treml E., 2001. Building a Marine Cadastral Information System for the United Stated – A Case Study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 25, 493507.
  • Harris T. M., Weiner D., 1998. Empowerment, Marginalization, And “Communityintegrated” GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 25, 67-76.Kaufmann J. and Steudler D., 1998. Cadastre 2014 A Vision For A Future Cadastral System. FIG Commission 7.
  • Merrifield M. S., McClintock W., Burt C., Fox E., Serpa P., Steinback C., Gleason M., 2013. Marinemap: A Web-Based Platform For Collaborative Marine Protected Area Planning. Ocean & Coastal Management. 74, 67-76.
  • Ng’ang’a S, Nichols S, Sutherland M, Cockburn S (2001). Toward a Multidimensional Marine Cadastre in Support of Good Ocean Governance. International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development. 2-5 October 2001, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Nichols S., Monahan D. and Sutherland M., 2000. Good Governance of Canada's Offshore and Coastalzone: Towards an Understanding of The Marine Boundary Issues. Geomatica. 54 (4) 415-424.
  • Nyerges, T., Jankowski, P., Tuthill, D., Ramsey, K., 2006. Collaborative Water Resource Decision Support: Results Of A Field Experiment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 96, 699-725.
  • Sieber R., 2006. Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review And Framework. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 96, 491-507.
  • Sutherland M., 2005. The Marine Cadastre: Legal and Spatial Data Contribution to Economic, Environmental and Social Development. FIG Commission 4 Working Group Activities. April 16-21, Egypt.
  • URL-1, 2014. Cadastre. Wikipedia. Last Access date: 1 March.
  • Widodo M. S., 2003. The Needs for Marine Cadastre and Supports of Spatial Data Infrastructures in Marine Environment – A Case Study. FIG Working Week 2003. April 13-17, Paris, France.
  • Widodo M. S., 2004. Relationship of Marine Cadastre and Marine Spatial Planning in Indonesia. Marine Cadastre and Coastal Zone Management. 3rd FIG Regional Conference. October 3-7, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Cadastral Data Model with Geographic Information System For Marine Areas: A Case Study of Trabzon

Year 2019, , 253 - 263, 22.10.2019


In Turkey, spatial data is needed for a sustainable
environmental management of its marine and coastal areas. In the contemporary
age, which is also called “Information Age”, data/information acquisition and
analysis are prerequisites for rapid, precise and economical decision making.
Marine areas have intensive information sets including sea bed, sea surface and
coastal areas. A vast variety of spatial data such as deep discharge lying
through the sea bed or pipelines (oil, natural gas, transportation), sand
extraction areas for sand ships, secure routes and holding areas or anchorage
for petroleum tankers, fishing areas, conservation areas for sea ecosystem are
required for a sustainable marine and coastal management. In the context of
marine, there are different legal arrangements for different foundations or
government bodies. For an effective management, extensive information sets must
be effectively analyzed. For an ideal management of marine coastal and areas,
in addition to the previous terrestrial surveying activities, it is evident
that surveying and registration of marine areas will be carried out in the
future. The registration of marine and coastal areas and related rights and
boundaries similar to terrestrial areas is a legal, social and economic
requirement requiredwhich is important for a sustainable marine and coastal
management. The aim of the present study was to design a basic mapping coverage
and develop a cadastral data model for planning marine areas with the support
of information technologies for a sustainable management of marine area and
Geographic Information System (GIS) of marine areas.


  • Biyik C., Karatas K., 2002. Yüzyılımızda Kadastroda İçerik ve Kapsam. Selçuk Üniversitesi Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri Mühendisliği Öğretiminde 30. Yıl Sempozyumu. 16-18 Ekim 2002, Konya.
  • Erbas Y. S., 2013. Denizel Alan Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri İçin Deniz Kadastrosu Modellemesi, Karadeniz Technical University. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Geomatics Engineering Graduate Program. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Recep Nisanci, 89 Pages, 12 Appendix.
  • Fowler C., Treml E., 2001. Building a Marine Cadastral Information System for the United Stated – A Case Study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 25, 493507.
  • Harris T. M., Weiner D., 1998. Empowerment, Marginalization, And “Communityintegrated” GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 25, 67-76.Kaufmann J. and Steudler D., 1998. Cadastre 2014 A Vision For A Future Cadastral System. FIG Commission 7.
  • Merrifield M. S., McClintock W., Burt C., Fox E., Serpa P., Steinback C., Gleason M., 2013. Marinemap: A Web-Based Platform For Collaborative Marine Protected Area Planning. Ocean & Coastal Management. 74, 67-76.
  • Ng’ang’a S, Nichols S, Sutherland M, Cockburn S (2001). Toward a Multidimensional Marine Cadastre in Support of Good Ocean Governance. International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development. 2-5 October 2001, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Nichols S., Monahan D. and Sutherland M., 2000. Good Governance of Canada's Offshore and Coastalzone: Towards an Understanding of The Marine Boundary Issues. Geomatica. 54 (4) 415-424.
  • Nyerges, T., Jankowski, P., Tuthill, D., Ramsey, K., 2006. Collaborative Water Resource Decision Support: Results Of A Field Experiment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 96, 699-725.
  • Sieber R., 2006. Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review And Framework. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 96, 491-507.
  • Sutherland M., 2005. The Marine Cadastre: Legal and Spatial Data Contribution to Economic, Environmental and Social Development. FIG Commission 4 Working Group Activities. April 16-21, Egypt.
  • URL-1, 2014. Cadastre. Wikipedia. Last Access date: 1 March.
  • Widodo M. S., 2003. The Needs for Marine Cadastre and Supports of Spatial Data Infrastructures in Marine Environment – A Case Study. FIG Working Week 2003. April 13-17, Paris, France.
  • Widodo M. S., 2004. Relationship of Marine Cadastre and Marine Spatial Planning in Indonesia. Marine Cadastre and Coastal Zone Management. 3rd FIG Regional Conference. October 3-7, Jakarta, Indonesia.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Yaşar Selçuk Erbaş 0000-0001-8991-0964

Bayram Uzun This is me 0000-0001-6492-6820

Publication Date October 22, 2019
Submission Date March 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Erbaş, Y. S., & Uzun, B. (2019). Cadastral Data Model with Geographic Information System For Marine Areas: A Case Study of Trabzon. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 4(3), 253-263.