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MENA Ülkelerinde Finansal Gelişme ve Yoksulluk İlişkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: Ek, 66 - 77, 31.12.2020


Finansal gelişmenin büyüme, eşitsizlik ve yoksulluk ile olan ilişkisi son dönemlerde özel bir inceleme alanı haline gelmiştir. Bu alanda, özellikle az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler geniş kapsamlı bir analiz kümesi oluşturmaktadır. Mevcut çalışmada, 1980-2017 dönemi periyoduna ait verilerle seçilmiş MENA ülkeleri (Cezayir, Bahreyn, Mısır, İran, İsrail, Ürdün, Kuveyt, Malta, Fas, Suudi Arabistan, Tunus ve Türkiye) için finansal gelişme ve yoksulluk arasındaki ilişki ele alınmaktadır. Elde edilen Panel ARDL Sınır Testi sonuçlarına göre, uzun dönemde finansal gelişmede ortaya çıkan artış yoksulluğu arttırmaktadır. Ayrıca ekonomik büyüme ile yoksulluk arasında Ters-U şeklinde bir ilişki söz konusudur. Kurulan modelde yer alan diğer değişkenlerden enflasyon, dışa açıklık ve kamu harcamalarındaki artış ise yoksulluğu azaltmaktadır. 


  • Abdin, J. (2016). Financial development and poverty reduction: Exploring the links between the issues using evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(4), 44-65.
  • Arestis, P., & Caner, A. (2005). Financial liberalization and poverty: channels of influence. In Financial Liberalization (pp. 90-128). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Baltagi, B. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, BRICS Joint Statistical Publication, Durban, South Africa.
  • Barajas, A., Chami, R., & Seyed Reza, Y. (2016). The finance and growth nexus re-examined: Do all countries benefit equally?. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, (1 (5)), 5-38.
  • Belen, M., & Karamelikli, H. (2016). Finansal Gelişme Ve Yoksulluğun Azalması Arasındaki İlişki: Ampirik Bir İnceleme. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1), ss.125-141.
  • Boukhatem, J. (2016). Assessing the direct effect of financial development on poverty reduction in a panel of low-and middle-income countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 37, 214-230.
  • Breitung, J. (2000), The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
  • Chemli, L. (2014). The nexus among financial development and poverty reduction: an application of ARDL approach from the MENA region. Journal of Life Economics, 1(2), 133-148.
  • Claessens, S., & Feijen, E. (2007). Financial sector development and the millennium development goals. The World Bank., Washington, DC. pp. 1-106.
  • Devereux, M. B., & Smith, G. W. (1994). International risk sharing and economic growth. International Economic Review, 35(3), pp. 535-550.
  • Dewi, S., Majid, M. S. A., & Kassim, S. (2018). Dynamics of financial development, economic growth, and poverty alleviation: The Indonesian experience. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 13(1), 17-30.
  • Dhrifi, A. (2015). Financial development and the" Growth-Inequality-Poverty" triangle. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 6(4), pp.1163-1176.
  • Donou-Adonsou, F., & Sylwester, K. (2016). Financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries: New evidence from banks and microfinance institutions. Review of Development Finance, 6(1), pp.82-90.
  • Easterly, W. & Fischer, S. (2001),Inflation and the Poor. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(2), pp. 160-78.
  • Fowowe, B., & Abidoye, B. (2013). The effect of financial development on poverty and inequality in African countries. The Manchester School, 81(4), pp. 562-585.
  • Greenwood, J., & Jovanovic, B. (1990). Financial development, growth, and the distribution of income. Journal of political Economy, 98(5, Part 1), pp. 1076-1107.
  • Hassan, A. K., & Islam, M. R. (2005). Temporal causality and dynamics of financial development, trade openness, and economic growth in Vector Auto Regression (VAR) for Bangladesh, 1974-2003: Implication for poverty reduction. Journal of Nepalese Business Studies, 2(1), pp. 1-12.
  • IMF (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 14. 02. 2020.
  • Jalilian, H., & Kirkpatrick, C. (2005). Does financial development contribute to poverty reduction?. Journal of development studies, 41(4), 636-656.
  • Jeanneney, S. G., & Kpodar, K. (2011). Financial development and poverty reduction: can there be a benefit without a cost?. The Journal of development studies, 47(1), pp. 143-163.
  • Kao, C. (1999), Spurious Regression and Residual-Based Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data, Journal of Econometrics, 90, pp. 1-44.
  • Kar, M., Agir, H., & Peker, O. (2011). Financial development and poverty reduction in Turkey. Department of Economics, Adana, Çukurova University, Turkey, pp. 681-703.
  • Khan, M. M. S., & Semlali, M. A. S. (2000). Financial development and economic growth: An overview (No. 0-209). International Monetary Fund.
  • King, R. G., & Levine, R. (1993). Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right. The quarterly journal of economics, 108(3), pp. 717-737.
  • McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital in economic development (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1973). McKinnonMoney and Capital in Economic Development. Odhiambo, N. M. (2010a). Financial deepening and poverty reduction in Zambia: an empirical investigation. International journal of social economics., 37(1), pp. 41-53.
  • Odhiambo, N. M. (2010b). Is financial development a spur to poverty reduction? Kenya's experience. Journal of Economic Studies. 37(3), pp. 343-353.
  • Perez-moreno, S.(2011).Financial Development and Poverty in Developing Countries: A Causal Analysis. Empirical Economics, 41, pp. 57-80.
  • Pesaran, M. (2004), General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, CESifo Working Paper Series, No. 1229; IZA Discussion Paper No. 1240.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y., & Smith, R. P. (1999). Pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panels. Journal of the American statistical Association, 94(446), pp. 621-634.
  • Pradhan, R. P. (2010). The nexus between finance, growth and poverty in India: The cointegration and causality approach. Asian Social Science, 6(9), pp. 114-122.
  • Rewilak, J. (2017). The role of financial development in poverty reduction. Review of development finance, 7(2), pp. 169-176.
  • Sehrawat, M., & Giri, A. K. (2016). Financial development, poverty and rural-urban income inequality: evidence from South Asian countries. Quality & Quantity, 50(2), 577-590. pp. 577-590.
  • Shaw, E. S. (1973), Financial Deepening in Economic Development, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Stiglitz, J. (1993). The role of the state in financial markets. The World Bank. In Annual Conference on Development Economics, Washington DC, mai., pp. 19-52.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y.(2017). Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi. Beta Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 02. 02. 2020.
  • Uddin, G. S., Shahbaz, M., Arouri, M., & Teulon, F. (2014). Financial development and poverty reduction nexus: A cointegration and causality analysis in Bangladesh. Economic Modelling, 36, pp. 405-412.
  • World Bank (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 02. 02. 2020.
  • Zahonogo, P. (2017). Financial development and poverty in developing countries: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 9(1), pp. 211-220.
  • Zhang, R., & Naceur, S. B. (2019). Financial development, inequality, and poverty: Some international evidence. International Review of Economics & Finance, 61, pp. 1-16.
  • Zhuang, J., Gunatılake, H., Niimi Y., Khan, M.E., Jiang, Y., Hasan, R., Khor, N., Lagman-Martin, A.S., Bracey P. & Huang, B., (2009). Financial Sector Development, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction: A Literature Review, Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series, Working Paper Series No. 173.

The Relationship between Financial Development and Poverty in MENA Countries

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: Ek, 66 - 77, 31.12.2020


Finansal gelişmenin büyüme, eşitsizlik ve yoksulluk ile olan ilişkisi son dönemlerde özel bir inceleme alanı haline gelmiştir. Bu alanda, özellikle az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler geniş kapsamlı bir analiz kümesi oluşturmaktadır. Mevcut çalışmada, 1980-2017 dönemi periyoduna ait verilerle seçilmiş MENA ülkeleri (Cezayir, Bahreyn, Mısır, İran, İsrail, Ürdün, Kuveyt, Malta, Fas, Suudi Arabistan, Tunus) ve Türkiye için finansal gelişme ve yoksulluk arasındaki ilişki ele alınmıştır. Panel ARDL Sınır Testi sonuçları uzun dönemde finansal gelişmenin yoksulluğu azalttığını, kısa dönemli nedensellik testi bulguları ise, finansal gelişme ve kamu harcamalarından yoksulluğa doğru tek yönlü ve ekonomik büyüme ile yoksulluk göstergesi arasında çift yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Uzun dönemli nedensellik ilişkisi sonuçları ise açıklayıcı değişkenler ile yoksulluk arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin varlığını ispatlar niteliktedir.


  • Abdin, J. (2016). Financial development and poverty reduction: Exploring the links between the issues using evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(4), 44-65.
  • Arestis, P., & Caner, A. (2005). Financial liberalization and poverty: channels of influence. In Financial Liberalization (pp. 90-128). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Baltagi, B. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, BRICS Joint Statistical Publication, Durban, South Africa.
  • Barajas, A., Chami, R., & Seyed Reza, Y. (2016). The finance and growth nexus re-examined: Do all countries benefit equally?. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, (1 (5)), 5-38.
  • Belen, M., & Karamelikli, H. (2016). Finansal Gelişme Ve Yoksulluğun Azalması Arasındaki İlişki: Ampirik Bir İnceleme. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1), ss.125-141.
  • Boukhatem, J. (2016). Assessing the direct effect of financial development on poverty reduction in a panel of low-and middle-income countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 37, 214-230.
  • Breitung, J. (2000), The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
  • Chemli, L. (2014). The nexus among financial development and poverty reduction: an application of ARDL approach from the MENA region. Journal of Life Economics, 1(2), 133-148.
  • Claessens, S., & Feijen, E. (2007). Financial sector development and the millennium development goals. The World Bank., Washington, DC. pp. 1-106.
  • Devereux, M. B., & Smith, G. W. (1994). International risk sharing and economic growth. International Economic Review, 35(3), pp. 535-550.
  • Dewi, S., Majid, M. S. A., & Kassim, S. (2018). Dynamics of financial development, economic growth, and poverty alleviation: The Indonesian experience. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 13(1), 17-30.
  • Dhrifi, A. (2015). Financial development and the" Growth-Inequality-Poverty" triangle. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 6(4), pp.1163-1176.
  • Donou-Adonsou, F., & Sylwester, K. (2016). Financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries: New evidence from banks and microfinance institutions. Review of Development Finance, 6(1), pp.82-90.
  • Easterly, W. & Fischer, S. (2001),Inflation and the Poor. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(2), pp. 160-78.
  • Fowowe, B., & Abidoye, B. (2013). The effect of financial development on poverty and inequality in African countries. The Manchester School, 81(4), pp. 562-585.
  • Greenwood, J., & Jovanovic, B. (1990). Financial development, growth, and the distribution of income. Journal of political Economy, 98(5, Part 1), pp. 1076-1107.
  • Hassan, A. K., & Islam, M. R. (2005). Temporal causality and dynamics of financial development, trade openness, and economic growth in Vector Auto Regression (VAR) for Bangladesh, 1974-2003: Implication for poverty reduction. Journal of Nepalese Business Studies, 2(1), pp. 1-12.
  • IMF (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 14. 02. 2020.
  • Jalilian, H., & Kirkpatrick, C. (2005). Does financial development contribute to poverty reduction?. Journal of development studies, 41(4), 636-656.
  • Jeanneney, S. G., & Kpodar, K. (2011). Financial development and poverty reduction: can there be a benefit without a cost?. The Journal of development studies, 47(1), pp. 143-163.
  • Kao, C. (1999), Spurious Regression and Residual-Based Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data, Journal of Econometrics, 90, pp. 1-44.
  • Kar, M., Agir, H., & Peker, O. (2011). Financial development and poverty reduction in Turkey. Department of Economics, Adana, Çukurova University, Turkey, pp. 681-703.
  • Khan, M. M. S., & Semlali, M. A. S. (2000). Financial development and economic growth: An overview (No. 0-209). International Monetary Fund.
  • King, R. G., & Levine, R. (1993). Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right. The quarterly journal of economics, 108(3), pp. 717-737.
  • McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital in economic development (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1973). McKinnonMoney and Capital in Economic Development. Odhiambo, N. M. (2010a). Financial deepening and poverty reduction in Zambia: an empirical investigation. International journal of social economics., 37(1), pp. 41-53.
  • Odhiambo, N. M. (2010b). Is financial development a spur to poverty reduction? Kenya's experience. Journal of Economic Studies. 37(3), pp. 343-353.
  • Perez-moreno, S.(2011).Financial Development and Poverty in Developing Countries: A Causal Analysis. Empirical Economics, 41, pp. 57-80.
  • Pesaran, M. (2004), General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, CESifo Working Paper Series, No. 1229; IZA Discussion Paper No. 1240.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y., & Smith, R. P. (1999). Pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panels. Journal of the American statistical Association, 94(446), pp. 621-634.
  • Pradhan, R. P. (2010). The nexus between finance, growth and poverty in India: The cointegration and causality approach. Asian Social Science, 6(9), pp. 114-122.
  • Rewilak, J. (2017). The role of financial development in poverty reduction. Review of development finance, 7(2), pp. 169-176.
  • Sehrawat, M., & Giri, A. K. (2016). Financial development, poverty and rural-urban income inequality: evidence from South Asian countries. Quality & Quantity, 50(2), 577-590. pp. 577-590.
  • Shaw, E. S. (1973), Financial Deepening in Economic Development, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Stiglitz, J. (1993). The role of the state in financial markets. The World Bank. In Annual Conference on Development Economics, Washington DC, mai., pp. 19-52.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y.(2017). Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi. Beta Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 02. 02. 2020.
  • Uddin, G. S., Shahbaz, M., Arouri, M., & Teulon, F. (2014). Financial development and poverty reduction nexus: A cointegration and causality analysis in Bangladesh. Economic Modelling, 36, pp. 405-412.
  • World Bank (2020), Erişim Tarihi: 02. 02. 2020.
  • Zahonogo, P. (2017). Financial development and poverty in developing countries: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 9(1), pp. 211-220.
  • Zhang, R., & Naceur, S. B. (2019). Financial development, inequality, and poverty: Some international evidence. International Review of Economics & Finance, 61, pp. 1-16.
  • Zhuang, J., Gunatılake, H., Niimi Y., Khan, M.E., Jiang, Y., Hasan, R., Khor, N., Lagman-Martin, A.S., Bracey P. & Huang, B., (2009). Financial Sector Development, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction: A Literature Review, Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series, Working Paper Series No. 173.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Müge Manga 0000-0003-2675-2182

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date October 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: Ek


APA Manga, M. (2020). MENA Ülkelerinde Finansal Gelişme ve Yoksulluk İlişkisi. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 5(Ek), 66-77.