Research Article
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Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy

Year 2020, , 267 - 286, 31.12.2020


Limiting global warming to 1.5o Celsius is the goal set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for avoiding catastrophic and irreversible consequences. Time is running out quickly for humanity to reach this 1.5o Celsius goal and efficiently mitigate and adapt to the negative impacts of climate change. Climate stabilization policies and actions will determine global economic, social, political, and ecological health in the next decade. This paper analyzes the economic and environmental consequences of public policy choices related to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13, Climate Action. The analysis examines how SDG 13 could be implemented more rapidly and effectively through the Equimarginal Principle and based on the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC). The paper also discusses how transitioning to a circular economy could play a significant role in achieving the SDG 13 and the objectives of the Paris Agreement.


  • Circle Economy (2019). The circularity gap report-2019. The platform for accelerating the circular economy (PACE).Earth Negotiations
  • Bulletin (2018a). Summary of the 2018 meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development (9-18 July 2018 | UN Headquarters, New York). 33(45), 21 July.
  • Earth Negotiations Bulletin (2018b). Summary of the Chile/Madrid climate change conference. Number 775, (12)18 December. Available at
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2019). Completing the picture: How the circular economy tackles climate change, 3, September. Available at
  • Esposito M., Tse T. & Soufani K. (2018). The circular economy: An opportunity for renewal, growth, and stability. Thunderbird international business review, 60. European Commission (2019) Towards a Circular Economy, Available at commission/priorities/jobs-growth-and-investment/towards-circular-economy_en.Field B. &
  • Field M. K. (2016). Environmental economics, 7th Edition. McGraw and Hill. Government of India
  • Press Information Bureau (2019). Joint statement issued at the conclusion of the 28th basıc ministerial meeting on climate change, São Paulo, Brazil, 16 August 2019. Available at
  • IPCC (2018). Global warming of 1.5 °c, summary for policymakers. Approved at the first joint session of working groups I, II and III of the ıpcc and accepted by the 48th session of the ıpcc, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 6 October.
  • Kosolapova E. (2019). UN report calls for multilevel approach to advance sdgs, climate action in synergy. SDG knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 26 november. Available at news/un-report-calls-for-multilevel-approach-to-advance-sdgs-climate-action-in-synergy/
  • Leone F. (2019). HLPF 2020 to focus on accelerated action, transformative pathways. SDG Knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 18 november. Available at 2020-to-focus-on-accelerated-action-transformative-pathways/
  • McGrath M. (2019). Climate change: ‘bleak’ outlook as carbon emissions gap grows. BBC News, 26 November. Available at 50547073.
  • Mead L. (2018). Climate COP 23, incoming COP 24 presidencies synthesize talanoa dialogue inputs ahead of political phase. SDG knowledge hub, a project by international institute for sustainable development (IISD), 27 November. Available at dialogue-inputs-ahead-of-political-phase/.
  • Millar N., McLaughlin E. and Börger T. (2019). The circular economy: Swings and roundabouts? Ecological economics, 158, April.
  • Ngan S. L., How B. S., Teng S. Y., Promentilla M. A. B., Yatim P., Er A. C. & Lam H. L. (2019). Prioritization of sustainability ındicators for promoting the circular economy: The case of developing countries. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 111, September.
  • OECD (2019). Circular economy, waste and materials. in environment at a glance indicators. OECD publishing, Paris. Available at
  • Risse N. (2018). ECOSOC, UNGA committee discuss leveraging circular economy to advance SDGs. SDG knowledge hub, a project by ıısd, 16 october. Available at ecosoc-unga-committee-discuss-leveraging-circular-economy-to-advance-sdgs/
  • Rowling M. (2019). Global leadership deficit leaves development goals in doldrums. The thomson reuters foundation news, 17 January.
  • SEI, IISD, ODI, Climate Analytics, CICERO, and UNEP (2019). The production gap: The discrepancy between countries’ planned fossil fuel production and global production levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. Available at
  • UN (2019). The sustainable development goals report2019. New York: United Nations.UN Climate Change (2018). The talanoa dialogue’s synthesis report. 19 November. Available at
  • UN Climate Change (2020). Paris agreement - status of ratification. Available at process/the-paris-agreement/status-of-ratification.
  • UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the UN Climate Change (2019). Maximizing co-benefits by linking ımplementation of the sustainable development goals and climate action. Summary of global conference on strengthening synergies between the paris agreement on climate change and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • UN ECOSOC (2018). Draft opening remarks by HE ambassador ınga rhonda king president of ECOSOC. Joint meeting of the economic and social council and the second committee of the general assembly, 10 october. Available at / ecosoc /files/files/en /2018doc/Joint%20Event%20 %20ECOSOC%20President%20Draft% 20Remarks_5_10_18%20(002).pdf
  • UN Environment Programme (2019). Emission gap report 2019. Nairobi: UNEP. Available at https://
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform (2019a). High-level political forum. Available at Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform (2019b). Voluntary national reviews. Available at
  • UN Water (2018). Sustainable development goal 6: Synthesis report on water and sanitation. (Unedited version). New York: United Nations Publications.
  • UNFCCC (2018). Mitigation benefits and co-benefits of policies, practices and actions for enhancing mitigation ambition: implementation of circular economies with a focus on waste-to-energy technologies and on industrial waste reuse and prevention solutions. Technical paper prepared by UNFCCC secretariat, FCCC/TP/2018/2, 30 October.Wagner L. (2017). Circular economy forum discusses links with 2030 agenda. SDG knowledge hub, a project by ıısd, 12 june. Available at
  • Wagner L. (2019). SDG 13 HLPF review highlights linkages with SDGs 5, 7, 8 and 16. SDG knowledge hub, a project by international institute for sustainable development (IISD), 1 august. Available at
  • Wahlén C. B. (2019). Report highlights overlooked role of circular economy in meeting climate goals. SDG knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 31 january. Available at report-highlights-overlooked-role-of-circular-economy-in-meeting-climate-goals/
  • WHO (2018). COP 24 special report: Climate change and health. Geneva: World health organization.
  • WMO (2019). Greenhouse gas concentrations in atmosphere reach yet another high. Press Release Number: 25112019, 25 November. Available at reach-yet-another-high
  • Wuppertal Institute (2019). Time for action: Blocked and postponed, a first assessment of COP 25 in Madrid. Available at redaktion/downloads/publications/COP25_ First_Assessment_en.pdf.

Sűrdűrűlebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri’nin Marjinal Hakkaniyet Prensibi ve Sirkűler Ekonomi ile Gerçekleştirilmesi

Year 2020, , 267 - 286, 31.12.2020


Hűkűmetlerarası İklim Değişikliği Paneli, geri dönűşű olmayan felaketlere yol açmaması için, kűresel ısınmayı 1,5o Santigrad ile sınırlı tutmak hedefini belirlemiştir. 1,5o Santigrad hedefine erişmek, iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerini en aza indirebilmek ve adaptasyonu sağlayabilmek için, insanlığın fazla bir zamanı kalmamıştır. Őnűműzdeki on yılın kűresel ekonomik, sosyal, siyasal ve ekolojik koşullarını, devletlerin bugűnkű iklim politikaları ve uygulamaları şekillendirecektir. Bu makale, Birleşmiş Milletler Sűrdűrűlebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri içinde yer alan İklim Politika ve Uygulamalarına (Hedef 13) yönelik adımların ekonomik ve çevresel sonuçlarını irdelemektedir. Makale, marjinal hakkaniyet adlı ekonomi prensibi ve uluslararası iklim anlaşmalarında benimsenmiş olan űlkelerin Ortak Fakat Farklılandırılmış Sorumlulukları ve Göreceli Kapasiteleri Prensipleri çerçevesinde, Hedef 13’e daha etkili ve hızlı bir biçimde ulaşılabileceğini öngörmektedir. Makale ayrıca, sirkűler ekonomiye geçişin, Hedef 13 ve Paris İklim Anlaşması’nın gayelerine erişilebilmesinde nasıl etkili bir rol oynayacağını tartışmaktadır.


  • Circle Economy (2019). The circularity gap report-2019. The platform for accelerating the circular economy (PACE).Earth Negotiations
  • Bulletin (2018a). Summary of the 2018 meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development (9-18 July 2018 | UN Headquarters, New York). 33(45), 21 July.
  • Earth Negotiations Bulletin (2018b). Summary of the Chile/Madrid climate change conference. Number 775, (12)18 December. Available at
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2019). Completing the picture: How the circular economy tackles climate change, 3, September. Available at
  • Esposito M., Tse T. & Soufani K. (2018). The circular economy: An opportunity for renewal, growth, and stability. Thunderbird international business review, 60. European Commission (2019) Towards a Circular Economy, Available at commission/priorities/jobs-growth-and-investment/towards-circular-economy_en.Field B. &
  • Field M. K. (2016). Environmental economics, 7th Edition. McGraw and Hill. Government of India
  • Press Information Bureau (2019). Joint statement issued at the conclusion of the 28th basıc ministerial meeting on climate change, São Paulo, Brazil, 16 August 2019. Available at
  • IPCC (2018). Global warming of 1.5 °c, summary for policymakers. Approved at the first joint session of working groups I, II and III of the ıpcc and accepted by the 48th session of the ıpcc, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 6 October.
  • Kosolapova E. (2019). UN report calls for multilevel approach to advance sdgs, climate action in synergy. SDG knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 26 november. Available at news/un-report-calls-for-multilevel-approach-to-advance-sdgs-climate-action-in-synergy/
  • Leone F. (2019). HLPF 2020 to focus on accelerated action, transformative pathways. SDG Knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 18 november. Available at 2020-to-focus-on-accelerated-action-transformative-pathways/
  • McGrath M. (2019). Climate change: ‘bleak’ outlook as carbon emissions gap grows. BBC News, 26 November. Available at 50547073.
  • Mead L. (2018). Climate COP 23, incoming COP 24 presidencies synthesize talanoa dialogue inputs ahead of political phase. SDG knowledge hub, a project by international institute for sustainable development (IISD), 27 November. Available at dialogue-inputs-ahead-of-political-phase/.
  • Millar N., McLaughlin E. and Börger T. (2019). The circular economy: Swings and roundabouts? Ecological economics, 158, April.
  • Ngan S. L., How B. S., Teng S. Y., Promentilla M. A. B., Yatim P., Er A. C. & Lam H. L. (2019). Prioritization of sustainability ındicators for promoting the circular economy: The case of developing countries. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 111, September.
  • OECD (2019). Circular economy, waste and materials. in environment at a glance indicators. OECD publishing, Paris. Available at
  • Risse N. (2018). ECOSOC, UNGA committee discuss leveraging circular economy to advance SDGs. SDG knowledge hub, a project by ıısd, 16 october. Available at ecosoc-unga-committee-discuss-leveraging-circular-economy-to-advance-sdgs/
  • Rowling M. (2019). Global leadership deficit leaves development goals in doldrums. The thomson reuters foundation news, 17 January.
  • SEI, IISD, ODI, Climate Analytics, CICERO, and UNEP (2019). The production gap: The discrepancy between countries’ planned fossil fuel production and global production levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. Available at
  • UN (2019). The sustainable development goals report2019. New York: United Nations.UN Climate Change (2018). The talanoa dialogue’s synthesis report. 19 November. Available at
  • UN Climate Change (2020). Paris agreement - status of ratification. Available at process/the-paris-agreement/status-of-ratification.
  • UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the UN Climate Change (2019). Maximizing co-benefits by linking ımplementation of the sustainable development goals and climate action. Summary of global conference on strengthening synergies between the paris agreement on climate change and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • UN ECOSOC (2018). Draft opening remarks by HE ambassador ınga rhonda king president of ECOSOC. Joint meeting of the economic and social council and the second committee of the general assembly, 10 october. Available at / ecosoc /files/files/en /2018doc/Joint%20Event%20 %20ECOSOC%20President%20Draft% 20Remarks_5_10_18%20(002).pdf
  • UN Environment Programme (2019). Emission gap report 2019. Nairobi: UNEP. Available at https://
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform (2019a). High-level political forum. Available at Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform (2019b). Voluntary national reviews. Available at
  • UN Water (2018). Sustainable development goal 6: Synthesis report on water and sanitation. (Unedited version). New York: United Nations Publications.
  • UNFCCC (2018). Mitigation benefits and co-benefits of policies, practices and actions for enhancing mitigation ambition: implementation of circular economies with a focus on waste-to-energy technologies and on industrial waste reuse and prevention solutions. Technical paper prepared by UNFCCC secretariat, FCCC/TP/2018/2, 30 October.Wagner L. (2017). Circular economy forum discusses links with 2030 agenda. SDG knowledge hub, a project by ıısd, 12 june. Available at
  • Wagner L. (2019). SDG 13 HLPF review highlights linkages with SDGs 5, 7, 8 and 16. SDG knowledge hub, a project by international institute for sustainable development (IISD), 1 august. Available at
  • Wahlén C. B. (2019). Report highlights overlooked role of circular economy in meeting climate goals. SDG knowledge hub, a project by IISD, 31 january. Available at report-highlights-overlooked-role-of-circular-economy-in-meeting-climate-goals/
  • WHO (2018). COP 24 special report: Climate change and health. Geneva: World health organization.
  • WMO (2019). Greenhouse gas concentrations in atmosphere reach yet another high. Press Release Number: 25112019, 25 November. Available at reach-yet-another-high
  • Wuppertal Institute (2019). Time for action: Blocked and postponed, a first assessment of COP 25 in Madrid. Available at redaktion/downloads/publications/COP25_ First_Assessment_en.pdf.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Konuralp Pamukcu 0000-0002-6729-9276

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date October 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Pamukcu, K. (2020). Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, 70(2), 267-286.
AMA Pamukcu K. Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. December 2020;70(2):267-286. doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2020-804635
Chicago Pamukcu, Konuralp. “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 70, no. 2 (December 2020): 267-86.
EndNote Pamukcu K (December 1, 2020) Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 70 2 267–286.
IEEE K. Pamukcu, “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy”, İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 267–286, 2020, doi: 10.26650/ISTJECON2020-804635.
ISNAD Pamukcu, Konuralp. “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 70/2 (December 2020), 267-286.
JAMA Pamukcu K. Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. 2020;70:267–286.
MLA Pamukcu, Konuralp. “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, vol. 70, no. 2, 2020, pp. 267-86, doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2020-804635.
Vancouver Pamukcu K. Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals Through the Equimarginal Principle and Circular Economy. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. 2020;70(2):267-86.