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Year 2013, Issue: 6 - İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 34 - 65, 03.02.2016


Son yirmi yılda artan uluslar arası perakende zincirleri sayısı ile birlikte İletişim ve taşımacılık alanlarında yaşanan gelişmeler ve birbirinden farklı tüketim alışkanlıkları ve gelir düzeylerine sahip tüketicilerin varlığının bir sonucu olarak perakende sektörü zorlu ve fırsatlarla dolu bir sektör haline gelmiştir. Dolayısıyla son yıllarda rekabetin yoğun olarak yaşandığı perakendecilik sektöründe, başarılı olmanın tek yolu müşterilerin beklenti ve isteklerini karşılamak ve bir farklılık yaratmaktır. Yerleşim yeri kararları ise perakendeci mağazaların müşterilerinin beklenti ve isteklerini karşılayarak sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı elde etmelerinde özellikle önemlidir. Birçok durumda mağazanın bulunduğu yer ziyaretçilerinin mağaza tercihini etkileyen en önemli unsurdur. Buradan hareketle çalışmada perakendecilerin mağazasını yerleştirmeleri için ülkede yer alan uygun bölgelerin ve ticari alanların seçiminde incelenmesi gereken konulara değinmeden önce perakendecilerin yer kararları aracılığıyla hedef pazarlarını nasıl seçtikleri ve onlara nasıl ulaştıklarına değinilmektedir.


  • Achabal, D.D., Gorr W. L. ve Mahajan, V. (1982), “MULTILOC: A Multiple Store Location Model”, Journal of Retailing, 58.2, 5–25.
  • Applebaum, W. (1966), “Guidelines for a Store Location Strategy Study”, Journal of Marketing, 30.4, 42-55.
  • Arnold, S. J., Roth V. ve Tigert, D. (1981), “Conditional Logit Versus MDA in the Prediction of Store Choice”, Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 665-670.
  • Berman, B. ve Evans J. R. (1983), Retail Management: A Strategic Approach. 2nd Edition, New York: MacMillan.
  • Berman, B. ve Evans J. R. (2001), Retail. Management A Strategic Approach, 8th Edition, USA: Prentice Hall.
  • Brown, S. (1989),“Retail Location Theory: The Legacy of Harold Hotelling”, Journal of Retailing, 65.4 (Winter), 450-470.
  • Brown, S. (1991), “Retail Location: The Post Hierarchical Challenge ”, Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1.3 (Winter), 367-381.
  • Clawson, C.J. (1974), “Fitting Branch Locations, Performance Standards and Marketing Strategies to Local Conditions”, Journal of Marketing, 38.1 (January), 8–14.
  • Cottrell, J. (1973), ”An Environmental Model of Performance Measurement in a Chain of Supermarkets”, Journal of Retailing, 49.3, (Fall), 51-63.
  • Craig, C. S., Ghosh, A. ve McLafferty, S. (1984), "Models of the Retail Location Process: A Review", Journal of Retailing, 60.1, 5-36.
  • DeSmidt, P. (1999), “Claritas for Market Demographic Analysis”, Database, 22.3 June/July, 24-27.
  • Gautschi, D. A. (1981), “Specification of Patronage Models for Retail Center Choice”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18.2 (May), 162–174.
  • Davies, R. (1973), “Evolution of Retail Attributes and Sales Performance”, European Journal of Marketing, 7 (Summer), 89-102.
  • Dunne, P. ve Lusch, R. F. (1999), Retailing, Orlando: Dryden Press.
  • Durvasula, S., Sharma, S. ve Andrews, J C. (1992), "STORELOC: A Retail Store Location Model Based on Managerial Judgements" Journal of Retailing, 68, 420 – 425.
  • Ghosh, A. ve Craig, C. S. (1983), "Formulating Retail Location Strategy in a Changing Environment", Journal of Marketing, 47.3, 56-68.
  • Ghosh, A. ve Craig, C. S. (1991), “FRANSYS: A Franchise Distribution System Location Model”, Journal of Retailing, 67.4, 446–495.
  • Ghosh, A. (1994), Retail Management. Orlando, FL: The Dryden Press.
  • Gilbert, D. (1999), Retail Marketing Management, London: Pearson Education.
  • Goodchild, M. F. (1984), ILACS: A Location-Allocation Model for Retail Site Selection, Journal of Retailing, 60.1, 84–100.
  • Green, H.L. ve Applebaum W. (1976), “The Status of Computer Applications to Store Location Research ” AIDC Journal, 11 (April), 33-52.
  • Guy, C. (1994), The Retail Development Process: Location, Property and Planning, London: Routledge.
  • Hasty, R. ve Reardon, J. (1997), Retail Management, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Huff, D.L. (1963), “A Probabilistic Analysis of Shopping Centre Trade Areas” Land Economics, 39.4, 81-90.
  • Huff, D.L. (1964), “Defining and Estimating a Trade Area” Journal of Marketing, 28, 34-38.
  • Ingene, C. ve Lusch, R. (1980),"Market Selection Decisions or Department Stores", Journal of Retailing, 56 (Fall), 21-40.
  • Jain, A.K. ve Mahajan, V. (1979), “Evaluating the Competitive Environment in Retailing Using Multiplicative Competitive Interactive Model”, Research in Marketing, 2, 217-236.
  • Lord, J. ve Lynds, C. (1981), “The Use of Regression Models in Store Location Research: AReview and Case Study”, Akron Business and Economic Review, 10, 13-19.
  • Levy, M. ve Weitz, B. A. (1998), Retailing Management., 3rd edition, N.Y: Chicago: McGraw-Hills/Irwin.
  • Levy, M. ve Weitz, B. A. (2009), Retailing Management, 7th Edition, N.Y: The McGraw-Hills/Irwin.
  • Mazze, E.M. (1972), ‘Identifying the Key Factors in Retail Store Location’, Journal of Small Business Management, 10.1, 17-20.
  • Nakanishi, M. ve Cooper, L.G (1974), “Parameter Estimate for Multiplicative Interaction Interaction Choice Model: Least Squares Aproach”, Journal of Marketing Research, 11 (August), 303-311.
  • Omar, O. (1999), Retail Marketing. London: Financial Times/Pitman Publishing.
  • Sharma, S. ve Mahajan, V. (1980), “Early Warning Indicators of Business Failure”, Journal of Marketing (Fall), 80–89.
  • Stanley, T. J. ve Sewall, M. A. (1976), “Image Inputs to a Probablistic Model: Predicting Retail Potantial”, Journal of Marketing, 40 (July), 48-53.


Year 2013, Issue: 6 - İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 34 - 65, 03.02.2016


With the globalization in the last twenty years the number of international retail chains have increased. Retail industry has become a sector like compelling and full of opportunities as a result of consumers who have different consuming habits and incomes. For this reason, in the recent years in the retail industry where competition is very dense, the only way to succeed is to meet the expectations and desires of consumers and to make a difference. Decisions on the place of the store is especially important for retailers to gain constant competition advantage by meeting expectations of consumers. In most cases, place of store is the most important factor for its visitors to effect their store choice. Thus, in this study, before mentioning on the issues that the retailers need to analyse to set their stores in the right places and trading areas in a country, it is mentioned that how the retailers choose their target markets by the decisions of the place and how they reach them.


  • Achabal, D.D., Gorr W. L. ve Mahajan, V. (1982), “MULTILOC: A Multiple Store Location Model”, Journal of Retailing, 58.2, 5–25.
  • Applebaum, W. (1966), “Guidelines for a Store Location Strategy Study”, Journal of Marketing, 30.4, 42-55.
  • Arnold, S. J., Roth V. ve Tigert, D. (1981), “Conditional Logit Versus MDA in the Prediction of Store Choice”, Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 665-670.
  • Berman, B. ve Evans J. R. (1983), Retail Management: A Strategic Approach. 2nd Edition, New York: MacMillan.
  • Berman, B. ve Evans J. R. (2001), Retail. Management A Strategic Approach, 8th Edition, USA: Prentice Hall.
  • Brown, S. (1989),“Retail Location Theory: The Legacy of Harold Hotelling”, Journal of Retailing, 65.4 (Winter), 450-470.
  • Brown, S. (1991), “Retail Location: The Post Hierarchical Challenge ”, Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1.3 (Winter), 367-381.
  • Clawson, C.J. (1974), “Fitting Branch Locations, Performance Standards and Marketing Strategies to Local Conditions”, Journal of Marketing, 38.1 (January), 8–14.
  • Cottrell, J. (1973), ”An Environmental Model of Performance Measurement in a Chain of Supermarkets”, Journal of Retailing, 49.3, (Fall), 51-63.
  • Craig, C. S., Ghosh, A. ve McLafferty, S. (1984), "Models of the Retail Location Process: A Review", Journal of Retailing, 60.1, 5-36.
  • DeSmidt, P. (1999), “Claritas for Market Demographic Analysis”, Database, 22.3 June/July, 24-27.
  • Gautschi, D. A. (1981), “Specification of Patronage Models for Retail Center Choice”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18.2 (May), 162–174.
  • Davies, R. (1973), “Evolution of Retail Attributes and Sales Performance”, European Journal of Marketing, 7 (Summer), 89-102.
  • Dunne, P. ve Lusch, R. F. (1999), Retailing, Orlando: Dryden Press.
  • Durvasula, S., Sharma, S. ve Andrews, J C. (1992), "STORELOC: A Retail Store Location Model Based on Managerial Judgements" Journal of Retailing, 68, 420 – 425.
  • Ghosh, A. ve Craig, C. S. (1983), "Formulating Retail Location Strategy in a Changing Environment", Journal of Marketing, 47.3, 56-68.
  • Ghosh, A. ve Craig, C. S. (1991), “FRANSYS: A Franchise Distribution System Location Model”, Journal of Retailing, 67.4, 446–495.
  • Ghosh, A. (1994), Retail Management. Orlando, FL: The Dryden Press.
  • Gilbert, D. (1999), Retail Marketing Management, London: Pearson Education.
  • Goodchild, M. F. (1984), ILACS: A Location-Allocation Model for Retail Site Selection, Journal of Retailing, 60.1, 84–100.
  • Green, H.L. ve Applebaum W. (1976), “The Status of Computer Applications to Store Location Research ” AIDC Journal, 11 (April), 33-52.
  • Guy, C. (1994), The Retail Development Process: Location, Property and Planning, London: Routledge.
  • Hasty, R. ve Reardon, J. (1997), Retail Management, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Huff, D.L. (1963), “A Probabilistic Analysis of Shopping Centre Trade Areas” Land Economics, 39.4, 81-90.
  • Huff, D.L. (1964), “Defining and Estimating a Trade Area” Journal of Marketing, 28, 34-38.
  • Ingene, C. ve Lusch, R. (1980),"Market Selection Decisions or Department Stores", Journal of Retailing, 56 (Fall), 21-40.
  • Jain, A.K. ve Mahajan, V. (1979), “Evaluating the Competitive Environment in Retailing Using Multiplicative Competitive Interactive Model”, Research in Marketing, 2, 217-236.
  • Lord, J. ve Lynds, C. (1981), “The Use of Regression Models in Store Location Research: AReview and Case Study”, Akron Business and Economic Review, 10, 13-19.
  • Levy, M. ve Weitz, B. A. (1998), Retailing Management., 3rd edition, N.Y: Chicago: McGraw-Hills/Irwin.
  • Levy, M. ve Weitz, B. A. (2009), Retailing Management, 7th Edition, N.Y: The McGraw-Hills/Irwin.
  • Mazze, E.M. (1972), ‘Identifying the Key Factors in Retail Store Location’, Journal of Small Business Management, 10.1, 17-20.
  • Nakanishi, M. ve Cooper, L.G (1974), “Parameter Estimate for Multiplicative Interaction Interaction Choice Model: Least Squares Aproach”, Journal of Marketing Research, 11 (August), 303-311.
  • Omar, O. (1999), Retail Marketing. London: Financial Times/Pitman Publishing.
  • Sharma, S. ve Mahajan, V. (1980), “Early Warning Indicators of Business Failure”, Journal of Marketing (Fall), 80–89.
  • Stanley, T. J. ve Sewall, M. A. (1976), “Image Inputs to a Probablistic Model: Predicting Retail Potantial”, Journal of Marketing, 40 (July), 48-53.
There are 35 citations in total.


Other ID JA24CD89SF
Journal Section Articles

Ferahnur Özgören

Publication Date February 3, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 6 - İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi


APA Özgören, F. (2016). MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(6), 34-65.
AMA Özgören F. MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. May 2016;(6):34-65.
Chicago Özgören, Ferahnur. “MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ”. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 6 (May 2016): 34-65.
EndNote Özgören F (May 1, 2016) MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6 34–65.
IEEE F. Özgören, “MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ”, İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 6, pp. 34–65, May 2016.
ISNAD Özgören, Ferahnur. “MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ”. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6 (May 2016), 34-65.
JAMA Özgören F. MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016;:34–65.
MLA Özgören, Ferahnur. “MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ”. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 6, 2016, pp. 34-65.
Vancouver Özgören F. MAĞAZA YERİ VE TİCARİ ALAN ANALİZİ. İstanbul Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016(6):34-65.