Abul Fazl Mehmed Efendi rose up to the rank of kadi-ul asker that is one
of the highest au-thorities fallowing the Grand Vizier in the Ottoman Empire.
He served the nation to his coun-try throughout his life. While he was on duty
he did not tolerate any illegal activities and en-forced the law. With a lofty
personality Abul Fazl Mehmed Efendi is a kind of person that prefer his pride
rather than his post. He had been grown up by his father Mevlana Idris-i
Bitlisi and trained by ethics of his father and reached perfection by science
of his father. He was righteous and a scholar and a historian same as his father.
He completed his father’s works, which his father could not been able to
complete during his life, and enabled those works to reach today’s world. Sources
qualify him as a well-behaved, rhetoric, well-writing, religious, wise and
helpful person, who was specialized in all aspects of politics. Historians
noted that they became insuf-ficient to describe him comprehensively. Works
written by him and services carried out by him will continue to be understood
for ever and ever, as long as the earth continues to exist, and his personality
will always be remembered with great appreciation and fondness.
Osmanlı Devleti’nde Sadrazamlıktan sonra gelen
ve en yüksek makamlardan birisi olan “Kazaskerlik" makamına kadar
yükselmiş kişidir Ebu’l Fazl Mehmed Efendi. Hayatı boyunca ülkesine, milletine
hizmet etmiş birisidir. Görevde kaldığı sürede kanuna aykırı işlere müsamaha
göstermemiş, hukuku makamına tercih etmiştir. Ulvi bir kişiliğe sahip olan
Ebu’l Fazl Efendi; mevki ve makamdan daha ziyade onurunu, gururunu ve makamının
hakkını gözeten kişidir. Babası Mevlana İdris-i Bitlisi’nin örsünde dövülmüş,
O’nun terbiyesinde yetişmiş, O’nun ilmiyle kemale ermiştir. Babası gibi âlim,
fadıl, tarihçi bir insandır. Babasının tamamla-yamadığı, yarım bıraktığı
eserleri tamamlamış, bu eserlerin günümüze ulaşmasını sağlamıştır. Kaynaklar
onu güzel huylu, etkili konuşan, kalemi kuvvetli, dindar, bilgili, yardımsever
ve özellikle siyasetin inceliklerini bilen bir kimse olarak nitelendirilir.
Tarihçiler O’nu anlatmak-tan aciz kaldıklarını yazarlar. Yazdığı eserler,
yaptığı hizmetler dünya durdukça anılacak, kendileri her zaman rahmetle yâd
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 |