Year 2020,
Volume: 19 Issue: Temmuz 2020(Özel Ek) - Prof. Dr. Sabri ORMAN Özel Sayısı, 478 - 500, 31.07.2020
Semra Birgün
Atık Kulaklı
Lean management is an operation management approach to improve processes by concentrating the eliminating disruptions, waste management, and enabling smooth production principles. The interest has increased recently in scholarly publications in the healthcare sector. Authors aimed to explore the research outputs to identify and synthesize the results from studies on lean management following real-life sector practices. The bibliometric approaches employed to analyze the papers published in highly ranked and cited journals which indexed and ranked in Web of Science Core Collection from 2010 to 2019. Further, similar studies will be conducted on lean management fields and publication sources. The data of 74 highly ranked journal articles found in SCI-Exp and SSCI indexed sources.
Supporting Institution
- Adebanjo, D., Laosirihongthong, T. and Samaranayake, P., (2016), “Prioritizing Lean Supply Chain Management Initiatives in Healthcare Service Operations: A Fuzzy AHP Approach”, Production Planning & Control, 27, 12, 953-966.
- Ahmed, S., (2019), “Integrating DMAIC Approach of Lean Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints toward Quality Improvement in Healthcare”, Reviews on Environmental Health, 34, 4, 427-434.
- Ajmera, P. and Jain, V., (2019), “A Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Factors Affecting Lean Implementation in Indian Healthcare Industry”,
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11, 2, 376-397.
- Al-Balushi, S. Sohal, A.S.; Singh, P.J., Al Hajri, A., Al Farsi, Y.M. and Al Abri, R., (2014), “Readiness Factors for Lean Implementation in Healthcare Settings - A Literature Review”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, 2, 135-153.
- Al Khamisi, Y.N., Khan, M.K. and Munive-Hernandez, J.E., (2019), Knowledgebased Lean Six Sigma System for Enhancing Quality Management Performance in Healthcare Environment”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10, 1, 211-233.
- Alkher, M., Radosevic, M., Beker, I., Cabarkapa, V., Toljaga-nikolic, D., Caric, M. and Moraca, S., (2019), “Case Study of Healthcare Organization Improvement with Lean
Concept”, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 26, 3, 845-851.
- Barnabe, F., Giorgino, M.C., Guercini, J. Bianciardi, C. and Mezzatesta, V., (2018), “Management Simulations for Lean Healthcare: Exploiting the Potentials of Roleplaying”, 32, 2, 298-320.
- Barnabe, F., Guercini, J.and Perna, M.D., (2019), “Assessing Performance and ValueCreation Capabilities in Lean Healthcare: Insights from a Case Study”, Public Money &
Management, 39, 7, 503-511.
- Birgün, S., Gülen, K. G. and Özkan, K., (2006), “A Case Study on Eliminating Waste from the Business Processes”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual World Business Congress,
International Management Development Association, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 41-46.
- Borges, G.A., Tortorella, G., Rossini, M. and Portioli-Staudacher, A., (2019), Lean Implementation in Healthcare Supply Chain: A Scoping Review, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 33, 3, 304-322.
- Boronat, F., Budia, A., Broseta, E., Ruiz-Cerda, J.L. and Vivas-Consuelo, D., (2018), “Application of Lean Healthcare Methodology in a Urology Department of a Tertiary Hospital as a Tool for Improving Efficiency”, Actas Urologicas Espanolas, 42,1, 42-48.
- Chiarini, A. and Bracci, E., (2013), “Implementing Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare: Issues from Italy”, Public Money & Management, 33, 5, 361-368.
- Costa, L.B.M. and Godinho, M., (2016), “Lean Healthcare: Review, Classification and Analysis of Literature”, Production Planning & Control, 27, 10, 823-836.
- Costa, L.B.M., Godinho, M. Rentes, A.F., Bertani, T.M. and Mardegan, R., (2017), “Lean Healthcare in Developing Countries: Evidence from Brazilian Hospitals”, International
Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32, 1, E99-E120.
- Crema, M. and Verbano, C., (2017), “Lean Management to Support Choosing Wisely in Healthcare: The First Evidence from a Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal for Quality in Healthcare, 29, 7, 889-895.
- Dahlgaard, J.J., Pettersen, J. and Dahlgaard-Park, S.M., (2011), “Quality and Lean Health Care: A System for Assessing and Improving the Health of Healthcare Organisations”,
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22, 6, 673-689.
- D'Andreamatteo, A., Ianni, L., Lega, F. and Sargiacomo, M., (2015),“Lean in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review”, Health Policy, 119, 9, 1197-1209.
- D'Andreamatteo, A., Ianni, L., Rangone, A., Paolone, F. and Sargiacomo, M., (2019), “Institutional Pressures, Isomorphic Changes and Key Agents in the Transfer of Knowledge of Lean in Healthcare”, Business Process Management Journal, 25, 1, 164-184.
- de Koeijer, R.J., Paauwe, J. and Huijsman, R., (2014), “Toward a Conceptual Framework for Exploring Multilevel Relationships between Lean Management and Six Sigma,
Enabling HRM, Strategic Climate and Outcomes in Healthcare”, International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 25, 21, 2911-2925.
- Dinulescu, R., Smeureanu, I., Dobrin, C. and Popa, I., (2018), “A Statistical Approach for Improving the Romanian Public Healthcare System Using the Lean Six Sigma
Methodology”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 52, 3, 55-72.
- Dogan, N.O. and Unutulmaz, O., (2016), “Lean Production in Healthcare: A SimulationBased Value Stream Mapping in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of a Public Hospital”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27, 1-2, 64-80.
- Drotz, E. and Poksinska, B., (2014), “Lean in Healthcare from Employees' Perspectives”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, 2, 177-195.
- Efe, B. and Efe, O.F., (2016), “An Application of Value Analysis for Lean Healthcare Management in an Emergency Department”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 9, 4, 689-697.
- Filser, L.D. da Silva, F.F. and de Oliveira, O.J., (2017), “State of Research and Future Research Tendencies in Lean Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis”, Scientometrics, 112, 2, 799-816.
- Flynn, R., Newton, A.S., Rotter, T., Hartfield, D., Walton, S., Fiander, M. and Scott, S.D., (2018), “The Sustainability of Lean in Pediatric Healthcare: A Realist Review”, Systematic Reviews, 7, Article Number: 137.
- Flynn, R., Rotter, T., Hartfield, D., Newton, A.S. and Scott, S.D., (2019), “A Realist Evaluation to Identify Contexts and Mechanisms that Enabled and Hindered Implementation and had an Effect on Sustainability of a Lean Intervention in Pediatric Healthcare”, BMC Health Services Research, 19, 1, Article Number: 912.
- Fogliatto, F.S., Anzanello, M.J., Tonetto, L.M. Schneider, D.S.S. and Magalhaes, A.M.M., (2020), “Lean-healthcare Approach to Reduce Costs in a Sterilization Plant based on Surgical Tray Rationalization”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 6, 483-495.
- Fournier, P.L. and Jobin, M.H., (2018), “Understanding before Implementing: The Context of Lean in Public Healthcare Organizations”, Public Money & Management, 38,1, 37-44.
- Hicks, C., McGovern, T., Prior, G. and Smith, L., (2015), “Applying Lean Principles to the Design of Healthcare Facilities”, International Journal of Production Economics, 170,
- Holden, R.J., Eriksson, A., Andreasson, J., Williamsson, A. and Dellve, L., (2015), “Healthcare Workers' Perceptions of Lean: A Context-Sensitive, Mixed Methods Study in Three Swedish Hospitals”, Applied Ergonomics, 47, 181-192.
- Hussain, M., Malik, M. and Al Neyadi, H.S., (2016), “AHP Framework to Assist Lean Deployment in Abu Dhabi Public Healthcare Delivery System”, Business Process Management Journal, 22, 3, 546-565.
- Improta, G., Cesarelli, M., Montuori, P., Santillo, L.C. and Triassi, M., (2018), “Reducing the Risk of Healthcare-associated Infections through Lean Six Sigma: The Case of the
Medicine Areas at the Federico II University Hospital in Naples (Italy)”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24, 2, 338-346.
- Johnson, K., Mazur, L.M., Chadwick, J., Pooya, P., Amos, A. and McCreery, J., (2017), “Integrating Lean Exploration Loops into Healthcare Facility Design: Schematic Phase”, HERD-Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 10, 3, 131-141.
- Kaltenbrunner, M., Bengtsson, L., Mathiassen, S.E. and Engstrom, M., (2017), “A Questionnaire Measuring Staff Perceptions of Lean Adoption in Healthcare: Development and Psychometric Testing”, BMC Health Services Research, 17, Article Number: 235
- Kanamori, S., Sow, S., Castro, M.C., Matsuno, R., Tsuru, A. and Jimba, M., (2015), “Implementation of 5S Management Method for Lean Healthcare at a Health Center in Senegal: A Qualitative Study of Staff Perception”, Global Health Action, 8, Article Number: 27256
- Ker, J.I., Wang, Y.C., Hajli, M.N., Song, J.H. and Ker, C.W., (2014), “Deploying Lean in Healthcare: Evaluating Information Technology Effectiveness in US Hospital Pharmacies”, International Journal of Information Management, 34, 4, 556-560.
- Kulakli, A. and Osmanaj V. (2020). Global research on big data in relation with artificial intelligence (A bibliometric study: 2008-2019). International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 16(2), pp 31-46
- Kulakli, A. and Shubina I. (2020). A bibliometric study on Mobile Applications for PTSD treatment: The period of 2010-2019. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Information Management, IEEE (ICIM 2020), Imperial College London, UK. 27th-29th March 2020, pp. 319-323
- Leite, H., Bateman, N. and Radnor, Z., (2020), “Beyond the Ostensible: An Exploration of Barriers to Lean Implementation and Sustainability in Healthcare”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 1, 1-18.
- Lindsay, C.F., Kumar, M. and Juleff, L., (2020), “Operationalising Lean in Healthcare: The Impact of Professionalism”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 8, 629-643.
- Lindskog, P., Hemphala, J. and Eriksson, A., (2017), “Lean Tools Promoting Individual Innovation in Healthcare”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 26, 2, 175-188.
- Mazur, L., Stokes, S.B. and McCreery, J., (2019), “Lean-Thinking: Implementation and Measurement in Healthcare Settings”, Engineering Management Journal, 31, 3, 193-206.
- Mazur, L.M., Johnson, K., Pooya, P., Chadwick, J. and McCreery, J., (2017), “Integrating Lean Exploration Loops into Healthcare Facility Design: Programming Phase”, HERDHealth Environments Research & Design Journal, 10, 3, 116-130.
- Mazzocato, P., Savage, C., Brommels, M., Aronsson, H. and Thor, J., (2010), “Lean Thinking in Healthcare: A Realist Review of the Literature”, Quality & Safety in Health Care, 19, 5, 376-382.
- Montella, E., Di Cicco, M.V., Ferraro, A., Centobelli, P., Raiola, E., Triassi, M. and Improta, G., (2017), “The Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce the Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Surgery Departments”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23, 3, 530-539.
- Moraros, J., Lemstra, M. and Nwankwo, C., (2016), “Lean Interventions in Healthcare: Do They Actually Work? A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 28, 2, 150-165.
- Narayanamurthy, G., Gurumurthy, A., Subramanian, N. and Moser, R., (2018), “Assessing the Readiness to Implement Lean in Healthcare Institutions - A Case Study”, International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 123-142.
- Papadopoulos, T., Radnor, Z. and Merali, Y., (2011), “The Role of Actor Associations in Understanding the Implementation of Lean Thinking in Healthcare”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31, 1-2, 167-191.
- Poksinska, B. Swartling, D. and Drotz, E., (2013), “ The Daily Work of Lean Leaders - Lessons from Manufacturing and Healthcare”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 24, 7-8, 886-898.
- Poksinska, B.B., Fialkowska-Filipek, M. and Engstrom, J., (2017), “Does Lean Healthcare Improve Patient Satisfaction? A Mixed-method Investigation into Primary Care”, BMJ Quality & Safety, 26, 2, 95-103.
- Radnor, Z.J., Holweg, M. and Waring, J., (2012), “Lean in Healthcare: The Unfilled Promise?”, Social Science & Medicine, 74, 3, 364-371.
- Ramori, K.A., Cudney, E.A., Elrod, C.C. and Antony, J., (2019), “Lean Business Models in Healthcare: A Systematic Review”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,
DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2019.1601995 Early Access Date: APR 2019
- Rees, G.H. and Gauld, R., (2017), “Can Lean Contribute to Work in Healthcare?”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31, 3, 369-384.
- Regis, T.K., Gohr, C.F. and Santos, L.C., (2018), “Lean Healthcare Implementation: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Brazilian Hospitals”, RAE-Revista De Administracao De Empresas, 58, 1, 30-43.
- Robinson, S., Radnor, Z.J., Burgess, N. and Worthington, C., (2012), “SimLean: Utilising Simulation in the Implementation of Lean in Healthcare”, European Journal of Operational Research, 219, 1, 188-197.
- Rosso, C.B. and Saurin, T.A., (2018), “The Joint Use of Resilience Engineering and Lean Production for Work System Design: A Study in Healthcare”, Applied Ergonomics, 71, 45-56.
- Sari, N., Rotter, T., Goodridge, D., Harrison, L. and Kinsman, L., (2017), “An Economic Analysis of a System Wide Lean Approach: Cost Estimations for the Implementation of Lean in the Saskatchewan Healthcare System for 2012-2014, BMC Health Services Research, 17, Article Number: 523
- Schonberger, R.J., (2018), “Reconstituting Lean in Healthcare: From Waste Elimination toward 'Queue-Less' Patient-Focused Care”, Business Horizons, 61, 1, 13-22.
- Tay, H.L., Singh, P.J., Bhakoo, V. and Al-Balushi, S., (2017), “Contextual Factors: Assessing their Influence on Flow or Resource Efficiency Orientations in Healthcare Lean Projects”, Operations Management Research, 10, 3-4, 118-136.
- van Rossum, L., Aij, K.H., Simons, F.E., van der Eng, N. and ten Have, W.D., (2016), “Lean Healthcare from a Change Management Perspective: The Role of Leadership and
Workforce Flexibility in an Operating Theatre”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30, 3, 475-493.
- Waring, J.J. and Bishop, S., (2010), “Lean Healthcare: Rhetoric, Ritual and Resistance”, Social Science & Medicine, 71, 7, 1332-1340.
- Wilson, W.J., Jayamaha, N. and Frater, G., (2018), “The Effect of Contextual Factors on Quality Improvement Success in a Lean-Driven New Zealand Healthcare Environment”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 9, 2, 199-220.
- Yeh, H.L., Lin, C.S., Su, C.T. and Wang, P.C., (2011), “Applying lean six sigma to improve healthcare: An empirical study”, African Journal of Business Management, 5, 31,
Year 2020,
Volume: 19 Issue: Temmuz 2020(Özel Ek) - Prof. Dr. Sabri ORMAN Özel Sayısı, 478 - 500, 31.07.2020
Semra Birgün
Atık Kulaklı
Yalın yönetim, aksaklıkları ortadan kaldırmaya, israf yönetimine ve düzgünleştirilmiş üretim ilkelerini mümkün kılmaya odaklanarak süreçleri iyileştirmek için başvurulan bir üretim yönetimi yaklaşımıdır. Son zamanlarda sağlık sektöründeki bilimsel yayınlara ilgi artmıştır. Yazarlar, sağlık sektörü uygulamalarına uygun olarak yalın yönetim üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sonuçlarını tanımlamak ve sentezlemek için araştırma çıktılarını ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamıştır. 2010-2019 yılları arasında Web of Science Core Collection'da dizine eklenen ve sıralanan yüksek sıralarda ve atıf alan dergilerde yayınlanan makaleleri analiz etmek için bibliyometrik yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, yalın yönetim alanları ve yayın kaynakları üzerinde benzer çalışmalar yapılacaktır. SCIExp ve SSCI endeksli kaynaklarda yüksek dereceli 74 dergi makalesinin verileri bulunmuştur.
- Adebanjo, D., Laosirihongthong, T. and Samaranayake, P., (2016), “Prioritizing Lean Supply Chain Management Initiatives in Healthcare Service Operations: A Fuzzy AHP Approach”, Production Planning & Control, 27, 12, 953-966.
- Ahmed, S., (2019), “Integrating DMAIC Approach of Lean Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints toward Quality Improvement in Healthcare”, Reviews on Environmental Health, 34, 4, 427-434.
- Ajmera, P. and Jain, V., (2019), “A Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Factors Affecting Lean Implementation in Indian Healthcare Industry”,
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11, 2, 376-397.
- Al-Balushi, S. Sohal, A.S.; Singh, P.J., Al Hajri, A., Al Farsi, Y.M. and Al Abri, R., (2014), “Readiness Factors for Lean Implementation in Healthcare Settings - A Literature Review”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, 2, 135-153.
- Al Khamisi, Y.N., Khan, M.K. and Munive-Hernandez, J.E., (2019), Knowledgebased Lean Six Sigma System for Enhancing Quality Management Performance in Healthcare Environment”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10, 1, 211-233.
- Alkher, M., Radosevic, M., Beker, I., Cabarkapa, V., Toljaga-nikolic, D., Caric, M. and Moraca, S., (2019), “Case Study of Healthcare Organization Improvement with Lean
Concept”, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 26, 3, 845-851.
- Barnabe, F., Giorgino, M.C., Guercini, J. Bianciardi, C. and Mezzatesta, V., (2018), “Management Simulations for Lean Healthcare: Exploiting the Potentials of Roleplaying”, 32, 2, 298-320.
- Barnabe, F., Guercini, J.and Perna, M.D., (2019), “Assessing Performance and ValueCreation Capabilities in Lean Healthcare: Insights from a Case Study”, Public Money &
Management, 39, 7, 503-511.
- Birgün, S., Gülen, K. G. and Özkan, K., (2006), “A Case Study on Eliminating Waste from the Business Processes”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual World Business Congress,
International Management Development Association, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 41-46.
- Borges, G.A., Tortorella, G., Rossini, M. and Portioli-Staudacher, A., (2019), Lean Implementation in Healthcare Supply Chain: A Scoping Review, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 33, 3, 304-322.
- Boronat, F., Budia, A., Broseta, E., Ruiz-Cerda, J.L. and Vivas-Consuelo, D., (2018), “Application of Lean Healthcare Methodology in a Urology Department of a Tertiary Hospital as a Tool for Improving Efficiency”, Actas Urologicas Espanolas, 42,1, 42-48.
- Chiarini, A. and Bracci, E., (2013), “Implementing Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare: Issues from Italy”, Public Money & Management, 33, 5, 361-368.
- Costa, L.B.M. and Godinho, M., (2016), “Lean Healthcare: Review, Classification and Analysis of Literature”, Production Planning & Control, 27, 10, 823-836.
- Costa, L.B.M., Godinho, M. Rentes, A.F., Bertani, T.M. and Mardegan, R., (2017), “Lean Healthcare in Developing Countries: Evidence from Brazilian Hospitals”, International
Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32, 1, E99-E120.
- Crema, M. and Verbano, C., (2017), “Lean Management to Support Choosing Wisely in Healthcare: The First Evidence from a Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal for Quality in Healthcare, 29, 7, 889-895.
- Dahlgaard, J.J., Pettersen, J. and Dahlgaard-Park, S.M., (2011), “Quality and Lean Health Care: A System for Assessing and Improving the Health of Healthcare Organisations”,
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22, 6, 673-689.
- D'Andreamatteo, A., Ianni, L., Lega, F. and Sargiacomo, M., (2015),“Lean in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review”, Health Policy, 119, 9, 1197-1209.
- D'Andreamatteo, A., Ianni, L., Rangone, A., Paolone, F. and Sargiacomo, M., (2019), “Institutional Pressures, Isomorphic Changes and Key Agents in the Transfer of Knowledge of Lean in Healthcare”, Business Process Management Journal, 25, 1, 164-184.
- de Koeijer, R.J., Paauwe, J. and Huijsman, R., (2014), “Toward a Conceptual Framework for Exploring Multilevel Relationships between Lean Management and Six Sigma,
Enabling HRM, Strategic Climate and Outcomes in Healthcare”, International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 25, 21, 2911-2925.
- Dinulescu, R., Smeureanu, I., Dobrin, C. and Popa, I., (2018), “A Statistical Approach for Improving the Romanian Public Healthcare System Using the Lean Six Sigma
Methodology”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 52, 3, 55-72.
- Dogan, N.O. and Unutulmaz, O., (2016), “Lean Production in Healthcare: A SimulationBased Value Stream Mapping in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of a Public Hospital”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27, 1-2, 64-80.
- Drotz, E. and Poksinska, B., (2014), “Lean in Healthcare from Employees' Perspectives”, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, 2, 177-195.
- Efe, B. and Efe, O.F., (2016), “An Application of Value Analysis for Lean Healthcare Management in an Emergency Department”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 9, 4, 689-697.
- Filser, L.D. da Silva, F.F. and de Oliveira, O.J., (2017), “State of Research and Future Research Tendencies in Lean Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis”, Scientometrics, 112, 2, 799-816.
- Flynn, R., Newton, A.S., Rotter, T., Hartfield, D., Walton, S., Fiander, M. and Scott, S.D., (2018), “The Sustainability of Lean in Pediatric Healthcare: A Realist Review”, Systematic Reviews, 7, Article Number: 137.
- Flynn, R., Rotter, T., Hartfield, D., Newton, A.S. and Scott, S.D., (2019), “A Realist Evaluation to Identify Contexts and Mechanisms that Enabled and Hindered Implementation and had an Effect on Sustainability of a Lean Intervention in Pediatric Healthcare”, BMC Health Services Research, 19, 1, Article Number: 912.
- Fogliatto, F.S., Anzanello, M.J., Tonetto, L.M. Schneider, D.S.S. and Magalhaes, A.M.M., (2020), “Lean-healthcare Approach to Reduce Costs in a Sterilization Plant based on Surgical Tray Rationalization”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 6, 483-495.
- Fournier, P.L. and Jobin, M.H., (2018), “Understanding before Implementing: The Context of Lean in Public Healthcare Organizations”, Public Money & Management, 38,1, 37-44.
- Hicks, C., McGovern, T., Prior, G. and Smith, L., (2015), “Applying Lean Principles to the Design of Healthcare Facilities”, International Journal of Production Economics, 170,
- Holden, R.J., Eriksson, A., Andreasson, J., Williamsson, A. and Dellve, L., (2015), “Healthcare Workers' Perceptions of Lean: A Context-Sensitive, Mixed Methods Study in Three Swedish Hospitals”, Applied Ergonomics, 47, 181-192.
- Hussain, M., Malik, M. and Al Neyadi, H.S., (2016), “AHP Framework to Assist Lean Deployment in Abu Dhabi Public Healthcare Delivery System”, Business Process Management Journal, 22, 3, 546-565.
- Improta, G., Cesarelli, M., Montuori, P., Santillo, L.C. and Triassi, M., (2018), “Reducing the Risk of Healthcare-associated Infections through Lean Six Sigma: The Case of the
Medicine Areas at the Federico II University Hospital in Naples (Italy)”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24, 2, 338-346.
- Johnson, K., Mazur, L.M., Chadwick, J., Pooya, P., Amos, A. and McCreery, J., (2017), “Integrating Lean Exploration Loops into Healthcare Facility Design: Schematic Phase”, HERD-Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 10, 3, 131-141.
- Kaltenbrunner, M., Bengtsson, L., Mathiassen, S.E. and Engstrom, M., (2017), “A Questionnaire Measuring Staff Perceptions of Lean Adoption in Healthcare: Development and Psychometric Testing”, BMC Health Services Research, 17, Article Number: 235
- Kanamori, S., Sow, S., Castro, M.C., Matsuno, R., Tsuru, A. and Jimba, M., (2015), “Implementation of 5S Management Method for Lean Healthcare at a Health Center in Senegal: A Qualitative Study of Staff Perception”, Global Health Action, 8, Article Number: 27256
- Ker, J.I., Wang, Y.C., Hajli, M.N., Song, J.H. and Ker, C.W., (2014), “Deploying Lean in Healthcare: Evaluating Information Technology Effectiveness in US Hospital Pharmacies”, International Journal of Information Management, 34, 4, 556-560.
- Kulakli, A. and Osmanaj V. (2020). Global research on big data in relation with artificial intelligence (A bibliometric study: 2008-2019). International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 16(2), pp 31-46
- Kulakli, A. and Shubina I. (2020). A bibliometric study on Mobile Applications for PTSD treatment: The period of 2010-2019. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Information Management, IEEE (ICIM 2020), Imperial College London, UK. 27th-29th March 2020, pp. 319-323
- Leite, H., Bateman, N. and Radnor, Z., (2020), “Beyond the Ostensible: An Exploration of Barriers to Lean Implementation and Sustainability in Healthcare”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 1, 1-18.
- Lindsay, C.F., Kumar, M. and Juleff, L., (2020), “Operationalising Lean in Healthcare: The Impact of Professionalism”, Production Planning & Control, 31, 8, 629-643.
- Lindskog, P., Hemphala, J. and Eriksson, A., (2017), “Lean Tools Promoting Individual Innovation in Healthcare”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 26, 2, 175-188.
- Mazur, L., Stokes, S.B. and McCreery, J., (2019), “Lean-Thinking: Implementation and Measurement in Healthcare Settings”, Engineering Management Journal, 31, 3, 193-206.
- Mazur, L.M., Johnson, K., Pooya, P., Chadwick, J. and McCreery, J., (2017), “Integrating Lean Exploration Loops into Healthcare Facility Design: Programming Phase”, HERDHealth Environments Research & Design Journal, 10, 3, 116-130.
- Mazzocato, P., Savage, C., Brommels, M., Aronsson, H. and Thor, J., (2010), “Lean Thinking in Healthcare: A Realist Review of the Literature”, Quality & Safety in Health Care, 19, 5, 376-382.
- Montella, E., Di Cicco, M.V., Ferraro, A., Centobelli, P., Raiola, E., Triassi, M. and Improta, G., (2017), “The Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce the Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Surgery Departments”, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23, 3, 530-539.
- Moraros, J., Lemstra, M. and Nwankwo, C., (2016), “Lean Interventions in Healthcare: Do They Actually Work? A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 28, 2, 150-165.
- Narayanamurthy, G., Gurumurthy, A., Subramanian, N. and Moser, R., (2018), “Assessing the Readiness to Implement Lean in Healthcare Institutions - A Case Study”, International Journal of Production Economics, 197, 123-142.
- Papadopoulos, T., Radnor, Z. and Merali, Y., (2011), “The Role of Actor Associations in Understanding the Implementation of Lean Thinking in Healthcare”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31, 1-2, 167-191.
- Poksinska, B. Swartling, D. and Drotz, E., (2013), “ The Daily Work of Lean Leaders - Lessons from Manufacturing and Healthcare”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 24, 7-8, 886-898.
- Poksinska, B.B., Fialkowska-Filipek, M. and Engstrom, J., (2017), “Does Lean Healthcare Improve Patient Satisfaction? A Mixed-method Investigation into Primary Care”, BMJ Quality & Safety, 26, 2, 95-103.
- Radnor, Z.J., Holweg, M. and Waring, J., (2012), “Lean in Healthcare: The Unfilled Promise?”, Social Science & Medicine, 74, 3, 364-371.
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