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Year 2021, Volume: 20 Issue: 40, 683 - 703, 25.06.2021


To struggle with the waste problem, the main thoughts of the waste management approach, which is considered zero waste at present, are largely analogous to the bases of the natural cycles and circular economy model.
Purpose: This study aims to examine the transformations of the zero waste approach from the past to the present in the context of the waste problem, the necessity of waste management, linear and circular economy and to examine the current meaning of the concept.
Method: In this study, which based on literature research method, the literature review was carried out in “Science Direct”, “Wiley”, “Taylor and Francis”, “JStor”, “Web of Science”, and “Google Scholar” databases to “zero waste approach”, “history of zero waste approach”, “zero waste hierarchy”, and “circular economy and zero waste” keywords.
Findings: As a result of the research, it has been determined that although the thoughts compatible with the basic idea of the zero waste approach were encountered in the 19th century, the concept was first used in the 1970s, and its current meaning is mostly addressed in the context of the circular economy and zero waste hierarchy. Also, it was concluded that the priority applications of the zero waste approach are zero waste product design, waste reduction/prevention, and reuse.
Originality: The authenticity aspect of the study is to explain the occurrence of the zero waste approach, the historical transformation process, and the current meaning in Turkish environmental literature in detail


  • Abouelsoud, A. M. (2020). Waste design using experimental design techniques. Journal of Design Science and Applied Arts, 1(1), 116-124.
  • Antikainen, R., Lazarevic, D. & Seppala, J. (2018). Circular economy: Origins and future orientations. In Lehmann, H. (Eds.), Factor X: Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (pp.115-130), Vol. 32, Springer International Publishing.
  • Ayeleru, O. O., Okonta, F. N. & Ntuli, F. (2018). Municipal solid saste generation and characterization in the City of Johannesburg: Apathway for the ımplementation of zero waste. Waste Management 79, 87-97.
  • Barclay, C. A. (1993). Quality strategy and TQM policies: Empirical evidence. Management International Review, 33, 1993, s. 87-98. Connett, P. & Sheehan, B. (2001). A Citizens Agenda for Zero Waste: A United States/Canadian Perspective, GrassRoots Recycling Network, ( /zerowaste/community/activist/ citizens_agenda_2_read.pdf E. T. 31.07.2020)
  • Connett, P. (2013). The Zero Waste Solution: Untrashing the Planet One Community at A Time, United States of America: Chelsea Green Publishing,.
  • Curran, T. & Williams, I. D. (2012). A zero waste vision for ındustrial networks in Europe. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 207-208, 3-7.
  • Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (2014). Düzenli depolama tesisleri saha yönetimi ve işletme kılavuzu. Depolama_Tesis_Saha_Yon_ve_isletme_kilavuzu.pdf (Ziyaret Tarihi: 20/07/2020).
  • Demirkaya, H. (2002). Toplam kalite yönetimi felsefesinin siyasette uygulanabilirliği. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 169-187. Dileep, M. R. (2007). Tourism and waste management: A review of implementation of ‘zero waste’ at Kovalam. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 12(4), 377-392.
  • Edgerly, J. & Borrelli, D. (2007). Moving Toward Zero From Waste Management to Resource Recovery, Montpelier: Toxic Action Center.
  • Elia, V., Gnoni, M. G. & Tornese, F. (2015). Designing pay-as-you-throw schemes in municipal waste management services: A holistic approach. Waste Management, 44, 188-195.
  • Ewijk, S. & Stegemann, J. A. (2020). Recognising waste use potential to achieve a circular economy. Waste Management, 105, 1-7.
  • Ferrel, J. (2002). George Washington Carver and Henry Ford: Pioneers of zero waste”, http:// www. /publications/PIONEERS.PDF (E. T. 31.07.2020)
  • Gharfalkar, M., Court, R., Campbell, C., Ali, Z. & Hillier, G. (2015). Analysis of waste hierarchy in the European waste directive 2008/98/EC. Waste Management, 39, 305-313.
  • Kahraman, C. & Sarı, İ. U. (2017). Introduction to Intelligence Techniques in Environmental Management. In Kahraman C., Sari İ. (Eds), Intelligence Systems in Environmental Management: Theory and Applications (pp. 1-18), Springer, Cham.
  • Kaza, S., Yao, C., Bhada-Tata, P. & Woerden, F. (2018). What a waste 2.0 a global snapshot solid waste management to 2050. Washington DC: World Bank Group.
  • Lehmann, S. (2011). Optimizing urban material flows and waste streams in urban development through principles of zero waste and sustainable consumption. Sustainability, 3, 155-183.
  • Lindhqvist, T. (2000). Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production: Policy Principle to Promote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems, Sweden: Lund University,.
  • Matias, J. C. O. & Coelho, D. A. (2011). Integrated Total Quality Management: Beyond Zero Defects Theory and Towards Innovation”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22 (8), 891-910.
  • Mauch, C. (2016). Introduction: The Call for Zero Waste. Mauch, C. (Eds), A Future Without Waste? Zero Waste in Theory and Practice, Munich: Rachel Carson Center Perspectives.
  • McDonough, W. & Braungart, M. (2002). Cradle to Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press
  • Memon, M. A. (2010). Integrated solid waste management based on the 3R approach”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 12, 30-40.
  • Mishra, K., Banerjee, A., Ranga, M. M., Jhariya, M. K., Yadav, D. K. & Raj, A. (2020). Solid waste management scenario in Ambikapur, Surguja, Chhattisgrah: A sustainable approach. In Raj, A., Jhariya, M. K., Yadav, D. K., Banerjee, A. (Eds.), Climate Change and Agroforestry Systems; Adoptation and Mitigation Strategies (pp. 297-336), Ontario-Florida: Apple Academic Press.
  • Murray, R. (1999). Creating Wealth from Waste. London: DEMOS.
  • Murray, R. (2002). Zero Waste. London: Greenpeace Environmental Trust.
  • Nizar, M., Munir, E., Munavar, E. & Irvan, M. (2018). Implementation of Zero Waste Concept in Waste Management of Banda Aceh City. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1116, 1-12.
  • OECD (2001). Extended producer responsibility A guidance manuel for governments. Paris: OECD Publications Service. Pongracz, E. & Pohjola, V. J. (2004). Re-defining waste, the concept of ownership and the role of waste management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 40, 141-153.
  • Rushton, L. (2003). Health hazards and waste management. British Medical Bulletin, (68), 183-197.
  • Simmonds, P. L. (1862). Waste products and undeveloped substances: Or, hints for enterprise in neglected fields. London: Robert Hardwicke.
  • Simon, J. M. (2019). A Zero Waste hierarchy for Europe New tools for new times. From waste management to resource management. (E. T. 26.08.2020).
  • Snow, W. & Dickinson, J. (2003). Getting there! The road to zero waste. Auckland: Envision New Zealand Ltd.
  • Song, Q., Li, J. & Zeng, X. (2015). Minimizing the increasing solid waste through zero waste strategy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 104, 199-210.
  • Stahel, W. R. (2016) .Circular economy. Nature, 531(March), 435-438.
  • Tchobanoglous, G., Kreith, F. & Williams, M. E. (2002). Introduction, waste generation and management in a technological society. In Tchobanoglous, G and Kreith, F (Ed.), Handbook of Solid Waste Management (pp. 1.1-1.27), Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Handbooks.
  • Tennant-Wood, R. (2003). Going for zero: A comperative critical analysis of zero waste events in Southern New South Wales. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 10(1), 46-55.
  • Uz Zaman, A. &- Lehmann, S. (2011). Challenges and opportunities in transforming a city into a zero waste city. Challenges, 2, 73-93. Uz Zaman, A. (2014). Identification of key assessment indicators of the zero waste managament systems. Ecological Indicators, 36, 682-693.
  • Uz Zaman, A. (2015). A Comprehensive Review of the Development of Zero Waste Management: Lessons Learned and Guidelines. Journal of Clenaer Production, 91, 12-25.
  • Ünal, E., Duyguluer, F., & Bolat, E. Z. (1998). İmar terimleri. Türkiye ve Orta Doğu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü: 288, Yerel Yönetimler Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi: 3, Kentsel Hizmetler Dizisi: 3, Ankara: Yorum Matbaası.
  • Warner, C., Phillips, P. Santos, A. & Pimenta, B. (2015). Evaluation of Zero Waste Places Projects 2009–2010 in England. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Waste and Resource Management, 168(1), 14-25.
  • Welford, R. (1992). Linking Quality and the Environment: A Strategy for the Implementation of Environmental Management Systems. Business Strategy and The Environment, 1(1), 25-34.
  • Yaman, K. & Olhan, E. (2010). Atık yönetiminde sıfır atık yaklaşımı ve bu anlayışa küresel bir bakış. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1), 53-57.
  • ZWIA (2018). Zero waste hierarchy of highest and best use 7.0. (E. T. 26.08.2020).
  • (E. T. 28.07.2020)
  • Atık Yönetimi Yönetmeliği (Tarih: 02. 04. 2015, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 29314).


Year 2021, Volume: 20 Issue: 40, 683 - 703, 25.06.2021


Atık sorunuyla mücadele edebilmek için günümüzde sıfır atık olarak nitelendirilen atık yönetim anlayışının temel düşünceleri, doğal çevrimler ve döngüsel ekonomi modelinin dayanak noktalarıyla büyük oranda benzerlik göstermektedir.
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, sıfır atık yaklaşımının, geçmişten günümüze geçirdiği dönüşümleri atık sorunu, atıkların yönetilmesi gerekliliği, doğrusal ve döngüsel ekonomi bağlamında ele alınması ve kavramın günümüzdeki anlamının incelenmesidir.
Yöntem: Literatür araştırması yöntemine dayanan bu çalışmada, kaynak taraması “Science Direct”, “Wiley”, “Taylor and Francis”, “ JStor”, “Web of Science” ve “Google Scholar” veri tabanlarında, “sıfır atık yaklaşımı”, “sıfır atık yaklaşımının tarihi”, “sıfır atık hiyerarşisi” ve “döngüsel ekonomi ve sıfır atık” gibi anahtar kavramlar girilerek gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda, sıfır atık yaklaşımının temel mantığı ile uyumlu düşüncelere 19. yüzyılda rastlanılmasına rağmen, kavramın ilk kez 1970’li yıllarda kullanıldığı, günümüzdeki anlamının ise daha çok döngüsel ekonomi ve sıfır atık hiyerarşisi kapsamında ele alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca sıfır atık yaklaşımının öncelikli uygulamalarının sıfır atık ürün tasarımı, atık azaltımı ve önleme ile yeniden kullanım olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Özgünlük: Çalışmanın özgün yanı, sıfır atık yaklaşımının ortaya çıkışı, tarihsel dönüşüm süreci ve günümüzdeki anlamını Türk çevre literatüründe detaylı bir şekilde ele almasıdır.


  • Abouelsoud, A. M. (2020). Waste design using experimental design techniques. Journal of Design Science and Applied Arts, 1(1), 116-124.
  • Antikainen, R., Lazarevic, D. & Seppala, J. (2018). Circular economy: Origins and future orientations. In Lehmann, H. (Eds.), Factor X: Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (pp.115-130), Vol. 32, Springer International Publishing.
  • Ayeleru, O. O., Okonta, F. N. & Ntuli, F. (2018). Municipal solid saste generation and characterization in the City of Johannesburg: Apathway for the ımplementation of zero waste. Waste Management 79, 87-97.
  • Barclay, C. A. (1993). Quality strategy and TQM policies: Empirical evidence. Management International Review, 33, 1993, s. 87-98. Connett, P. & Sheehan, B. (2001). A Citizens Agenda for Zero Waste: A United States/Canadian Perspective, GrassRoots Recycling Network, ( /zerowaste/community/activist/ citizens_agenda_2_read.pdf E. T. 31.07.2020)
  • Connett, P. (2013). The Zero Waste Solution: Untrashing the Planet One Community at A Time, United States of America: Chelsea Green Publishing,.
  • Curran, T. & Williams, I. D. (2012). A zero waste vision for ındustrial networks in Europe. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 207-208, 3-7.
  • Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (2014). Düzenli depolama tesisleri saha yönetimi ve işletme kılavuzu. Depolama_Tesis_Saha_Yon_ve_isletme_kilavuzu.pdf (Ziyaret Tarihi: 20/07/2020).
  • Demirkaya, H. (2002). Toplam kalite yönetimi felsefesinin siyasette uygulanabilirliği. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 169-187. Dileep, M. R. (2007). Tourism and waste management: A review of implementation of ‘zero waste’ at Kovalam. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 12(4), 377-392.
  • Edgerly, J. & Borrelli, D. (2007). Moving Toward Zero From Waste Management to Resource Recovery, Montpelier: Toxic Action Center.
  • Elia, V., Gnoni, M. G. & Tornese, F. (2015). Designing pay-as-you-throw schemes in municipal waste management services: A holistic approach. Waste Management, 44, 188-195.
  • Ewijk, S. & Stegemann, J. A. (2020). Recognising waste use potential to achieve a circular economy. Waste Management, 105, 1-7.
  • Ferrel, J. (2002). George Washington Carver and Henry Ford: Pioneers of zero waste”, http:// www. /publications/PIONEERS.PDF (E. T. 31.07.2020)
  • Gharfalkar, M., Court, R., Campbell, C., Ali, Z. & Hillier, G. (2015). Analysis of waste hierarchy in the European waste directive 2008/98/EC. Waste Management, 39, 305-313.
  • Kahraman, C. & Sarı, İ. U. (2017). Introduction to Intelligence Techniques in Environmental Management. In Kahraman C., Sari İ. (Eds), Intelligence Systems in Environmental Management: Theory and Applications (pp. 1-18), Springer, Cham.
  • Kaza, S., Yao, C., Bhada-Tata, P. & Woerden, F. (2018). What a waste 2.0 a global snapshot solid waste management to 2050. Washington DC: World Bank Group.
  • Lehmann, S. (2011). Optimizing urban material flows and waste streams in urban development through principles of zero waste and sustainable consumption. Sustainability, 3, 155-183.
  • Lindhqvist, T. (2000). Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production: Policy Principle to Promote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems, Sweden: Lund University,.
  • Matias, J. C. O. & Coelho, D. A. (2011). Integrated Total Quality Management: Beyond Zero Defects Theory and Towards Innovation”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22 (8), 891-910.
  • Mauch, C. (2016). Introduction: The Call for Zero Waste. Mauch, C. (Eds), A Future Without Waste? Zero Waste in Theory and Practice, Munich: Rachel Carson Center Perspectives.
  • McDonough, W. & Braungart, M. (2002). Cradle to Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press
  • Memon, M. A. (2010). Integrated solid waste management based on the 3R approach”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 12, 30-40.
  • Mishra, K., Banerjee, A., Ranga, M. M., Jhariya, M. K., Yadav, D. K. & Raj, A. (2020). Solid waste management scenario in Ambikapur, Surguja, Chhattisgrah: A sustainable approach. In Raj, A., Jhariya, M. K., Yadav, D. K., Banerjee, A. (Eds.), Climate Change and Agroforestry Systems; Adoptation and Mitigation Strategies (pp. 297-336), Ontario-Florida: Apple Academic Press.
  • Murray, R. (1999). Creating Wealth from Waste. London: DEMOS.
  • Murray, R. (2002). Zero Waste. London: Greenpeace Environmental Trust.
  • Nizar, M., Munir, E., Munavar, E. & Irvan, M. (2018). Implementation of Zero Waste Concept in Waste Management of Banda Aceh City. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1116, 1-12.
  • OECD (2001). Extended producer responsibility A guidance manuel for governments. Paris: OECD Publications Service. Pongracz, E. & Pohjola, V. J. (2004). Re-defining waste, the concept of ownership and the role of waste management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 40, 141-153.
  • Rushton, L. (2003). Health hazards and waste management. British Medical Bulletin, (68), 183-197.
  • Simmonds, P. L. (1862). Waste products and undeveloped substances: Or, hints for enterprise in neglected fields. London: Robert Hardwicke.
  • Simon, J. M. (2019). A Zero Waste hierarchy for Europe New tools for new times. From waste management to resource management. (E. T. 26.08.2020).
  • Snow, W. & Dickinson, J. (2003). Getting there! The road to zero waste. Auckland: Envision New Zealand Ltd.
  • Song, Q., Li, J. & Zeng, X. (2015). Minimizing the increasing solid waste through zero waste strategy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 104, 199-210.
  • Stahel, W. R. (2016) .Circular economy. Nature, 531(March), 435-438.
  • Tchobanoglous, G., Kreith, F. & Williams, M. E. (2002). Introduction, waste generation and management in a technological society. In Tchobanoglous, G and Kreith, F (Ed.), Handbook of Solid Waste Management (pp. 1.1-1.27), Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Handbooks.
  • Tennant-Wood, R. (2003). Going for zero: A comperative critical analysis of zero waste events in Southern New South Wales. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 10(1), 46-55.
  • Uz Zaman, A. &- Lehmann, S. (2011). Challenges and opportunities in transforming a city into a zero waste city. Challenges, 2, 73-93. Uz Zaman, A. (2014). Identification of key assessment indicators of the zero waste managament systems. Ecological Indicators, 36, 682-693.
  • Uz Zaman, A. (2015). A Comprehensive Review of the Development of Zero Waste Management: Lessons Learned and Guidelines. Journal of Clenaer Production, 91, 12-25.
  • Ünal, E., Duyguluer, F., & Bolat, E. Z. (1998). İmar terimleri. Türkiye ve Orta Doğu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü: 288, Yerel Yönetimler Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi: 3, Kentsel Hizmetler Dizisi: 3, Ankara: Yorum Matbaası.
  • Warner, C., Phillips, P. Santos, A. & Pimenta, B. (2015). Evaluation of Zero Waste Places Projects 2009–2010 in England. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Waste and Resource Management, 168(1), 14-25.
  • Welford, R. (1992). Linking Quality and the Environment: A Strategy for the Implementation of Environmental Management Systems. Business Strategy and The Environment, 1(1), 25-34.
  • Yaman, K. & Olhan, E. (2010). Atık yönetiminde sıfır atık yaklaşımı ve bu anlayışa küresel bir bakış. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1), 53-57.
  • ZWIA (2018). Zero waste hierarchy of highest and best use 7.0. (E. T. 26.08.2020).
  • (E. T. 28.07.2020)
  • Atık Yönetimi Yönetmeliği (Tarih: 02. 04. 2015, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 29314).
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Muhammed Yunus Bilgili 0000-0002-6062-8858

Publication Date June 25, 2021
Submission Date August 29, 2020
Acceptance Date April 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 20 Issue: 40


APA Bilgili, M. Y. (2021). SIFIR ATIK YAKLAŞIMININ KÖKENLERİ VE GÜNÜMÜZDEKİ ANLAMI. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(40), 683-703.