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Year 2021, Volume: 20 Issue: 42, 1307 - 1321, 19.12.2021


Engellilik durumu, işgücüne katılım ve ekonomik refahın temel belirleyicilerinden biridir. Benzer şekilde, engellilik piyasa ve piyasa dışı faaliyetlere ayrılan zamanı da etkiler, çünkü engelsiz bireyler piyasa faaliyetlerinde daha üretken ve ev işlerini yerine getirmede daha iyi olacaktır. Amaç: Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma engelli ve engelsiz bireylerin zaman kullanım kararlarını incelemektedir. Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) 2014 Zaman Kullanım Anketi verileri kullanılmaktadır. Ana odak grubu, öğrenci ve emekli olmayan, yaşları 25 ile 64 arasında olan kişilerdir. Tahmin metodolojisi olarak Görünüşte İlişkisiz Regresyon kullanılmaktadır. Bulgular: Betimleyici sonuçlar ortalama olarak, erkeklerin piyasa işlerine ve boş zamanlarına daha çok zaman harcadıklarını, kadınların ise piyasa dışı çalışma, çocuk bakımı ve diğer işlere daha çok zaman ayırdığını göstermektedir. Hem erkekler hem de kadınlar için piyasa çalışmasına ve piyasa dışı çalışmaya ayrılan zamanda engelli ve engelli olmayan bireyler arasında önemli farklılıklar gözlemlenmektedir. Ek olarak, Görünüşte İlişkisiz Regresyon sonuçları, her iki cinsiyet için de engellilik durumu ile piyasa çalışmasına ayrılan zaman arasında anlamlı ve negatif bir ilişki, piyasa dışı iş ve boş zamana ayrılan zaman arasında anlamlı ve pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Yaş ve eğitim düzeyi de anlamlı faktörlerdir. Özgünlük: Bu, Türkiye'de cinsiyete ve engellilik durumuna göre zaman kullanım kararlarını araştıran ilk çalışmadır.


  • Aguiar, M. and Hurst, E. (2007). Measuring Trends in Leisure: The Allocation of Time over Five Decades. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 122 (3), 969-1006.
  • Aguiar, M. and Hurst, E. (2008). The Increase in Leisure Inequality. NBER Working Paper, 12837.
  • Ali, M., Schur, L. and Blanck, P. (2011). What Types of Jobs Do People with Disabilities Want? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21, 199-210.
  • Baldwin, M. and Johnson, W.G. (1994). Labor Market Discrimination against Men with Disabilities. Journal of Human Resources, 29(1), 1-19.
  • Cai, L., Mavromaras, K. and Oguzoglu, U. (2014). The Effects of Health Status and Health Shocks on Hours Worked. Health Economics. 23 (5), 516-528.
  • Duzgun-Oncel, B. and Karaoglan, D. (2020). Disability and Labor Force Participation in a Developing Country: Evidence from Turkish Males. Global Business and Economics Review, 22(3), 270-288.
  • Gannon, B. (2009). The Influence of Economic Incentives on Reported Disability Status. Health Economics. 18, 743-759.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Ortega-Lapiedra, R. (2013). Health Status and Time Allocation in Spain. Applied Economics Letters. 20 (15), 1435-1439.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Molina, J. A. (2014). Regional Unemployment, Gender, and Time Allocation of the Unemployed. Review of Economics of the Household. 12, 105-127.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Molina, J. A. (2015). Health Status and the Allocation of Time: Cross-country Evidence from Europe. Economic Modelling. 46, 188-203.
  • Keuangkham, S. (2017). Health Status and the Allocation of Time: Empirical Evidence from Laos. Journal of the Graduate School of Aisa-Pacific Studies. 33 (3), 21–34.
  • Kidd, M.P., Sloane, P.J. and Ferko, I. (2000). Disability and Labor Market: An Analysis of British Males. Journal of Health Economics. 19, 961-981.
  • Leufstadius, C. and Eklund, M. (2008). Time Use Among Individuals with Persistent Mental Illness: Identifying Risk Factors for Imbalance in Daily Activities. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 15, 23-33.
  • Lindeboom, M., Llena-Nozal, A. and Van der Klaauw, B. (2016). Health Shocks, Disability and Work. Labour Economics.43, 186-200.
  • Lomax, C., Brown, R. and Howard, R. (2004). Measuring Disability in Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease Using the Yesterday Interview. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 19, 1058-1064.
  • Oi, W. (1991). Disability and a Workfare-Welfare Dilemma. In Weaver, C. (Ed.), Disability and Work. Washington: AEI Press.
  • Ozturk, Y. and Kose, T. (2019). Health, Time Allocation and Work: Empirical Evidence from Turkey. Applied Economics. 51, 5609-5622.
  • Pagan, R. (2013). Time Allocation of Disabled Individuals. Social Science and Medicine. 84, 80-93.
  • Podor, M. and Halliday, T. J. (2012). Health Status and the Allocation of Time. Health Economics. 21, 514-527.
  • Schuring, M., Robroek, S.T.W., Otten, F. W. J., Arts, C. H. and Burdorf, A. (2013). The Effect of Ill Health and Socioeconomic Status on Labor Force Exit and re-employment: A Prospective Study with Ten Years of Fllow-up in the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 39(2), 134-143.
  • Vornholt, K., Villotti, P., Muschalla, B., Bauer, J., Colella, A., Zijlstra, F., Van Ruitenbeek, G., Uitdewilligen, S., and Corbiere, M. (2017). Disability and Employment: Overview and Highlights. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 27(1), 40-55.


Year 2021, Volume: 20 Issue: 42, 1307 - 1321, 19.12.2021


Disability status is one of the certain elements of labor market condition and economic wellbeing. Likewise, disability also affects time devoted to market and nonmarket activities, since individuals without disabilities will be more productive in market activities and better at carrying household duties. In this respect, this study examines time allocation decisions of disabled and nondisabled individuals in Turkey. Purpose: Main aim of the study is to investigate how individuals with disabilities allocate their time to market work, nonmarket work, leisure, childcare and other work as compared to their nondisabled counterparts. Method: This study uses data from Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Time Use Survey 2014. Main focus group is non-student, non-retired individuals who are aged between 25 and 64. Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) is used as the estimation methodology. Findings: Descriptive evidence show that males spend more time to market work and leisure, whereas females spend more time to nonmarket work, childcare and other work on average. Significant differences between disabled and nondisabled individuals are observed in time devoted to market work and nonmarket work both for males and females. Additionally, Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) results show significant and negative association between disability status and time devoted to market work, and significant and positive association between disability and time allocated to nonmarket work and leisure for both genders. Age and education level also are important correlating factors. Originality: This is the first study in Turkey that investigates patterns of time allocation variation by gender and disability status.


  • Aguiar, M. and Hurst, E. (2007). Measuring Trends in Leisure: The Allocation of Time over Five Decades. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 122 (3), 969-1006.
  • Aguiar, M. and Hurst, E. (2008). The Increase in Leisure Inequality. NBER Working Paper, 12837.
  • Ali, M., Schur, L. and Blanck, P. (2011). What Types of Jobs Do People with Disabilities Want? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21, 199-210.
  • Baldwin, M. and Johnson, W.G. (1994). Labor Market Discrimination against Men with Disabilities. Journal of Human Resources, 29(1), 1-19.
  • Cai, L., Mavromaras, K. and Oguzoglu, U. (2014). The Effects of Health Status and Health Shocks on Hours Worked. Health Economics. 23 (5), 516-528.
  • Duzgun-Oncel, B. and Karaoglan, D. (2020). Disability and Labor Force Participation in a Developing Country: Evidence from Turkish Males. Global Business and Economics Review, 22(3), 270-288.
  • Gannon, B. (2009). The Influence of Economic Incentives on Reported Disability Status. Health Economics. 18, 743-759.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Ortega-Lapiedra, R. (2013). Health Status and Time Allocation in Spain. Applied Economics Letters. 20 (15), 1435-1439.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Molina, J. A. (2014). Regional Unemployment, Gender, and Time Allocation of the Unemployed. Review of Economics of the Household. 12, 105-127.
  • Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. and Molina, J. A. (2015). Health Status and the Allocation of Time: Cross-country Evidence from Europe. Economic Modelling. 46, 188-203.
  • Keuangkham, S. (2017). Health Status and the Allocation of Time: Empirical Evidence from Laos. Journal of the Graduate School of Aisa-Pacific Studies. 33 (3), 21–34.
  • Kidd, M.P., Sloane, P.J. and Ferko, I. (2000). Disability and Labor Market: An Analysis of British Males. Journal of Health Economics. 19, 961-981.
  • Leufstadius, C. and Eklund, M. (2008). Time Use Among Individuals with Persistent Mental Illness: Identifying Risk Factors for Imbalance in Daily Activities. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 15, 23-33.
  • Lindeboom, M., Llena-Nozal, A. and Van der Klaauw, B. (2016). Health Shocks, Disability and Work. Labour Economics.43, 186-200.
  • Lomax, C., Brown, R. and Howard, R. (2004). Measuring Disability in Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease Using the Yesterday Interview. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 19, 1058-1064.
  • Oi, W. (1991). Disability and a Workfare-Welfare Dilemma. In Weaver, C. (Ed.), Disability and Work. Washington: AEI Press.
  • Ozturk, Y. and Kose, T. (2019). Health, Time Allocation and Work: Empirical Evidence from Turkey. Applied Economics. 51, 5609-5622.
  • Pagan, R. (2013). Time Allocation of Disabled Individuals. Social Science and Medicine. 84, 80-93.
  • Podor, M. and Halliday, T. J. (2012). Health Status and the Allocation of Time. Health Economics. 21, 514-527.
  • Schuring, M., Robroek, S.T.W., Otten, F. W. J., Arts, C. H. and Burdorf, A. (2013). The Effect of Ill Health and Socioeconomic Status on Labor Force Exit and re-employment: A Prospective Study with Ten Years of Fllow-up in the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 39(2), 134-143.
  • Vornholt, K., Villotti, P., Muschalla, B., Bauer, J., Colella, A., Zijlstra, F., Van Ruitenbeek, G., Uitdewilligen, S., and Corbiere, M. (2017). Disability and Employment: Overview and Highlights. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 27(1), 40-55.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Burcu Düzgün 0000-0002-6834-7874

Publication Date December 19, 2021
Submission Date February 4, 2021
Acceptance Date September 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 20 Issue: 42


APA Düzgün, B. (2021). HOW DOES DISABILITY STATUS CHANGE TIME ALLOCATION? EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(42), 1307-1321. https://doi.org/10.46928/iticusbe.874601