Notes for Authors
All articles should have an Abstract, Introduction, main section(s), Conclusion, and References. The e-mail address(es) of the author(s) should be given on the cover page and under the title of the article before the Abstract. The cover page should be added after the referee processes are completed.
The journal publishes scholarly articles in Turkish and English classified as Research, Theoretical and Review articles. When determining the type of article, the authors are expected to pay attention to the following distinction: Research articles are mostly empirical articles that systematically apply a certain scientific method by addressing a clearly stated problematic and present new and original findings. Theoretical articles are drawn from a conceptual model or framework, have a theoretical grounding and/or present different theoretical approaches. Review articles, on the other hand, are articles that analyze existing research on primary sources, usually in the form of a critical evaluation of studies on a particular topic. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 11,000 words including references.
Considering the important role of language in the transmission of thoughts, authors are expected to proofread their manuscripts in terms of grammar before submission.
The other issue we are concerned about is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, which are becoming more and more prevalent in our lives. It is important to note that these tools could be used at certain stages of the research process in a way that does not substitute the original contribution of the researcher. The researcher is primarily responsible for ensuring that this use is free from factual errors, fabricated sources and the production of biased/false information, and thus potential ethical violations. It is considered plagiarism if all or a certain part of the articles are generated by AI tools. Some plagiarism detection programs may also indicate the possibility that the text was AI-generated. In such a dubious case, in accordance with the Journal's policy, the articles are returned to the authors. Translation of an entire text into English with AI is also considered in this regard by the Journal. If tools that provide English language control are used, these should be indicated. The information about when and in which part or stage of the study this tool is used, and its version should be provided. The use of texts and images produced by AI tools also carries ethical risks. Data source, permission to use, intellectual property rights, data confidentiality, data reliability and data bias are important topics that authors should pay attention to in this context.
Guidelines for Writing
The text should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 pt, justified, 1.5 line spacing, with paragraph values of 6pt before and after, without indentation.
In-text citations should be cited using APA 7 style ( Direct quotations exceeding 40 words should be indented 1.25 from right and left starting from a new line, with a line spacing of 1.15, without double quotation marks.
Although APA 7 does not require page numbers in in-text references, it states that page numbers may be given depending on the interest of the audience of an academic journal. Accordingly, as the Editorial Board, we consider it necessary to give page numbers in both direct and indirect references, except for general references to the work. According to APA 7, footnotes should be included as little as possible in the text, but there may be situations where they are deemed necessary. In these cases, footnotes should be written in 7.5 font size.
If the manuscript is derived from a thesis, presented as a conference paper and/or included in the abstract book, this should be indicated as a footnote.
Appropriate heading can be made at different levels if required by the study. If there is only one subheading in a section, this subheading should be removed. Headings should not be labeled by numbers and letters. The abbreviations should not be used in headings.
The Journal is open to various disciplines of Social Sciences and hence studies based on different philosophical and methodological traditions are welcomed. To accommodate this diversity as a richness, but at the same time to develop a uniform practice in terms of form, we suggest that manuscripts be organized within the following sections.
The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with general information about the article. A general introduction on the subject should be made. Sentences should be written in a clear and fluent language, the subject of the study should be stated, the research question/problem, the purpose of the study and its contribution to the field should be presented. Information about the data/methods used should be given. Figures or tables should not be used in the introduction.
Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
In this section, conceptual and theoretical discussions can be included within the scope of the study. Literature review should be presented in support of the study.
In this section, the method of the research should be elaborated in the following points.
- Research Design/Model/Type
- Universe-Sample/Research Group
- Data Collection Tools
- Data Collection/Processing
- Data Analysis
Figures and tables used to present the findings should be numbered sequentially. When citing figures and tables, it should be ensured that the first instance of referring to them occurred before the presentation of the figure or table. Attention should be paid to the style of citation. See the template for examples of figures and tables.
Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations
Authors are expected to consider how the findings can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies. The implications of the findings should be discussed clearly. Suggestions for future research can also be emphasized in this section.
All the works cited in the text should be included in the reference list according to APA 7 style. Each reference should be written as a single paragraph, justified on both sides. References should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the first author. For references without an author, the order is based on the title of the reference. A 1,25 cm hanging indent should be applied to the whole reference list. For detailed information see:
Note: Authors are required to check the conformity of their manuscripts with the article template of our journal before submission. Please see the Article Template at the bottom right corner of the home page.
The information in the Template must be filled in completely. ORCID and ResearchID numbers should be added inside the icons (by right-clicking on the icon: edit hyperlink tab, authors should add their own ORCID numbers instead of xxxx in the Address section (
The data in the submission page must be compatible with the content of the article.