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Pazarlama ve Toplum Arasindaki Müşterek İlişki

Year 2018, , 117 - 133, 29.12.2018


yılların başında pazarlama disiplinin ortaya çıkmasından itibaren pazarlamanın
kapsamı sürekli bir değişim ve gelişim içinde olmuştur. Fakat pazarlama ile
ilgili bilim adamları henüz pazarlamanın kapsamı ile ilgili bir sonuca
varamamışlardır. Pazarlamanın kapsamı ile ilgili tartışma incelendiğinde, bu
tartışmanın özünün pazarlama ve sosyal konular arasındaki ilişkiler olduğu
görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı Pazarlama ve toplum arasındaki
ilişkiyi makro-pazarlama, sosyal pazarlama, sosyal alışveriş ve tüketici
davranışları perspektiflerinden incelemektir. Konu ile ilgili literatür
incelendiğinde, pazarlamanın mutlaka sosyal yönleri de içine alması gerektiği
ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Çünkü hayat kalitesini arttırabilmek ve dünyayı daha
yaşanılabilir bir yer kılabilmek için hem toplum pazarlama için hayati önem
taşımaktadır, hem de pazarlama toplum için çok önemlidir. 


  • Andreasen AR. (2003). The life trajectory of social marketing. Marketing Theory Vol: 3: pp. 293–303
  • Andreasen, Alan R. (1994) ‘Social Marketing: Definition and Domain’, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Vol: 13(1): pp. 108–114.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. (1974): Marketing as Organized Behavioural System of Exchange. Journal of Marketing, vol. 38 -4 (October), pp. 77-81.
  • Bagozzi, Richard (1975), "Marketing as Exchange," Journal of Marketing, Vol: 39 (October), pp. 32-39.
  • Bagozzi, Richard P. (1978), "Marketing As Exchange," American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 21 (March-April), pp. 535-36.
  • Bearden, William O. and Michael Etzel (1982), “Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Decisions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (April), 183–194.
  • Breyer, R. F. (1934), The marketing institution, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Brown, B. (1986), "Social Marketing and the Construction of a New Policy Domain: An Understanding ofthe Convergence Which Made Social Marketing Possible." doctoral thesis. Virginia Commonwealth University (quoted in Andreasen, 1994).
  • Bucklin, Louis P. (1970). Vertical marketing systems. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company
  • Dixon, D.F. and Wilkinson, I.F. (1982) The Marketing System. Sydney, Australia: Longman Cheshire.
  • Dixon, Donald F. (1984). Macromarketing: A social systems perspective. Journal of Macromarketing, vol: 4(2), pp. 4–17
  • Farley, John U., Leavitt, Harold J., (1971), Marketing and population problems. Journal of Marketing Vol: 35 (3), pp. 28–33.
  • Fisk, George (1981), “An Invitation to Participate in Affairs of the Journal of Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1(Spring), pp. 3–6.
  • Godes, D. and Mayzlin, D. (2003) “Using Online Conversations to Study Word of mouth Communication,” Yale SOM working paper.
  • Grønhaug, Kjell and I.A. Kleppe (2010), The sociological basis of marketing, in Marketing Theory, Eds: Baker, M.J and M. Saren, Sage: LA
  • Harris, Sharon (1996), “Are we teaching the ‘science of transactions’? In: Stuart, Ortinau, Moore, editors. Marketing: Moving Toward the 21st Century (SMA Conference Proceedings). Rock Hills, SC: Southern Marketing Association, pp.365-368.
  • Harvey, Philip D. (1999) Let Every Child Be Wanted: How Social Marketing Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World, Westport, CT: Auburn House
  • Holloway R. J, R.S. Hancock (1964), The Environment of Marketing Behaviour: Selections from the Literature, New York : John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Howard J. and J. Sheth (1969), The Theory of Buyer Behavior.New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hunt, Shelby (1981). Macromarketing as a multidimensional concept. Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1 (1): pp. 7-8.
  • Hunt, Shelby D (1977), The three dichotomies model of marketing: An evaluation of issues. In Distributive processes from a societal perspective: The proceedings of the macro-marketing seminar, ed. Charles C. Slater, pp. 52-56. Boulder, CO: Business Research Division, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Hunt, Shelby D., (1976), “The Nature and Scope of Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, July pp. 17-28
  • Hunt, Shelby, D (2002), Foundations of Marketing Theory, M.E. Sharpe: New York
  • Hunt, Shelby, Scott J. Vitell (1986), “A General Theory of Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 6 (Spring), pp. 5-16.
  • Kahn, Kamran Naqi (2005), Social Marketing: Group Dynamics as a Strategic Tool for Social Marketing, PhD Dissertation, Hamdard University Karachi
  • Katz, E., P. F. Lazarsfeld (1955). Personal Influence. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
  • Kelly, E.J. and Lazer, W.(1973), Managerial Marketing, Irwin, Homewood, IL
  • Kindra, G S and Rick Stapenhurst (1998), Social Marketing Strategies to Fight Corruption. EDI Working Papers World Bank Economic Development Institute. (Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Kotler, p., E.L. Roberto (1989), Social Marketing Strategies for Changing Public Behavior. New York: The Free Press
  • Kotler, Philip and Sidney J. Levy (1969), Broadening the Concept of Marketing, Journal o f Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 1. (Jan), pp. 10-15.
  • Kotler, S. J., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: An approach to planned social change. Journal of Marketing, Vol: 35(3), pp. 3–12.
  • Laczniak, G.R. and Michie, D.A. (1979) ‘The Social Disorder of the Broadened Concept of Marketing’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Vol: 7(3): pp. 214–232.
  • Laczniak, Gene R. (1983), “Framework for Analyzing Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1 (Spring), pp. 7-18.
  • Layton, R. A., and S. Grossbart (2006), Macromarketing: Past, present, and possible future. Journal of Macromarketing 26 (2): 193–213.
  • Lazer, W. (1969), Marketing’s Changing social relationships, Journal o f Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 1. (Jan), pp. 3-9.
  • Luck, David J. (1974), "Social Marketing: Confusion Compounded," Journal of Marketing. Vol: 38 (October). pp. 70-72.
  • Luck, David J. (1969), “Broadening the Concept of Marketing: Too Far,” Journal of Marketing, 33 (July), pp. 53–55.
  • MacFadyen, L, Stead, M, and Hastings, G. (1999) Synopsis of Social Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Centre for Social Marketing available at (reach date: 15.01.2013)
  • Mangold, W.G., Faulds, D.J. (2009) Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons, 52(4), pp. 357–365.
  • Moyer, R. (1972), Macro-Marketing: A Social Perspective. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Nickels, W. G. (1974) Conceptual conflicts in marketing, Journal of Economics and Business, Vol: 27(1), pp. 140–143.
  • Serrat, O.,(2010), “The Future of Social Marketing”, Avalibale at /documents /information/knowledgesolutions/future-of-social-marketing.pdf
  • Shaw, E. H., and Jones, D. G. B. (2005). A History of Schools of Marketing Thought. Marketing Theory, Vol: 5(3),pp. 239-281.
  • Shaw, Eric H. (1995), “The First Dialogue on Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 15 (Spring), pp. 7–20.
  • Sheth, J. (1992), Toward a theory of macromarketing. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Vol. 9, pp. 154-161.
  • Sheth, J.N. y Garrett, D.E. (1986): Marketing Theory. Classic and Contemporary Readings. Ohio: SouthWestern Publishing Co.
  • Sheth, J.N., Gardner, D.M. and Garrett, D.E., (1988), Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation, Wiley: New York.
  • Vaile, R. S., E. T. Grether, and R. Cox. (1952), Marketing in the American economy. New York: Ronald Press.
  • White, P. D., and C. C. Slater, (1978), Macro-marketing: Distributive processes from a societal perspective, an elaboration of issues. Boulder, CO: Business Research Division, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Colorado
  • Wiebe, G.D. (1951), ‘Merchandising Commodities and Citizenship on Television’, Public Opinion Quarterly Vol: 15: pp. 679–91.
  • Wilkie, W. L., and E. S. Moore (2006). Macromarketing as a pillar of marketing thought. Journal of Macromarketing Vol:26 (2) pp. 224-232
  • Zaltman, Gerald and Vertinsky, Ilan (1971), Health Service Marketing: A Suggested Model, Journal of Marketing, Vol.35, July, pp.19-27.

The Mutual Relationship between Marketing and Society

Year 2018, , 117 - 133, 29.12.2018


After the emergence
of marketing as a discipline in the early 1900’s, the scope of marketing
experienced a constant change and development. However, the researchers have
not yet arrived at a conclusion about the scope of marketing. When the debates
on the scope of marketing is analyzed, it may be seen that the relationship
between the social issues and marketing is one of the issues at the core. In
this context, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between
society and marketing from different perspectives such as macromarketing, social
marketing, social exchange and consumer behavior. Based on the evaluation of
the relevant literature, it is suggested that the definition of marketing
should be made from the social perspective, for the concepts of marketing and society
are indispensable for each other.  Thus,
society is crucial for the marketing and vice versa. The relationship between
the two is essential for enhancing the quality of life and making the world
more liveable. 


  • Andreasen AR. (2003). The life trajectory of social marketing. Marketing Theory Vol: 3: pp. 293–303
  • Andreasen, Alan R. (1994) ‘Social Marketing: Definition and Domain’, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Vol: 13(1): pp. 108–114.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. (1974): Marketing as Organized Behavioural System of Exchange. Journal of Marketing, vol. 38 -4 (October), pp. 77-81.
  • Bagozzi, Richard (1975), "Marketing as Exchange," Journal of Marketing, Vol: 39 (October), pp. 32-39.
  • Bagozzi, Richard P. (1978), "Marketing As Exchange," American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 21 (March-April), pp. 535-36.
  • Bearden, William O. and Michael Etzel (1982), “Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Decisions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (April), 183–194.
  • Breyer, R. F. (1934), The marketing institution, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Brown, B. (1986), "Social Marketing and the Construction of a New Policy Domain: An Understanding ofthe Convergence Which Made Social Marketing Possible." doctoral thesis. Virginia Commonwealth University (quoted in Andreasen, 1994).
  • Bucklin, Louis P. (1970). Vertical marketing systems. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company
  • Dixon, D.F. and Wilkinson, I.F. (1982) The Marketing System. Sydney, Australia: Longman Cheshire.
  • Dixon, Donald F. (1984). Macromarketing: A social systems perspective. Journal of Macromarketing, vol: 4(2), pp. 4–17
  • Farley, John U., Leavitt, Harold J., (1971), Marketing and population problems. Journal of Marketing Vol: 35 (3), pp. 28–33.
  • Fisk, George (1981), “An Invitation to Participate in Affairs of the Journal of Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1(Spring), pp. 3–6.
  • Godes, D. and Mayzlin, D. (2003) “Using Online Conversations to Study Word of mouth Communication,” Yale SOM working paper.
  • Grønhaug, Kjell and I.A. Kleppe (2010), The sociological basis of marketing, in Marketing Theory, Eds: Baker, M.J and M. Saren, Sage: LA
  • Harris, Sharon (1996), “Are we teaching the ‘science of transactions’? In: Stuart, Ortinau, Moore, editors. Marketing: Moving Toward the 21st Century (SMA Conference Proceedings). Rock Hills, SC: Southern Marketing Association, pp.365-368.
  • Harvey, Philip D. (1999) Let Every Child Be Wanted: How Social Marketing Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World, Westport, CT: Auburn House
  • Holloway R. J, R.S. Hancock (1964), The Environment of Marketing Behaviour: Selections from the Literature, New York : John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Howard J. and J. Sheth (1969), The Theory of Buyer Behavior.New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hunt, Shelby (1981). Macromarketing as a multidimensional concept. Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1 (1): pp. 7-8.
  • Hunt, Shelby D (1977), The three dichotomies model of marketing: An evaluation of issues. In Distributive processes from a societal perspective: The proceedings of the macro-marketing seminar, ed. Charles C. Slater, pp. 52-56. Boulder, CO: Business Research Division, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Hunt, Shelby D., (1976), “The Nature and Scope of Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, July pp. 17-28
  • Hunt, Shelby, D (2002), Foundations of Marketing Theory, M.E. Sharpe: New York
  • Hunt, Shelby, Scott J. Vitell (1986), “A General Theory of Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 6 (Spring), pp. 5-16.
  • Kahn, Kamran Naqi (2005), Social Marketing: Group Dynamics as a Strategic Tool for Social Marketing, PhD Dissertation, Hamdard University Karachi
  • Katz, E., P. F. Lazarsfeld (1955). Personal Influence. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
  • Kelly, E.J. and Lazer, W.(1973), Managerial Marketing, Irwin, Homewood, IL
  • Kindra, G S and Rick Stapenhurst (1998), Social Marketing Strategies to Fight Corruption. EDI Working Papers World Bank Economic Development Institute. (Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Kotler, p., E.L. Roberto (1989), Social Marketing Strategies for Changing Public Behavior. New York: The Free Press
  • Kotler, Philip and Sidney J. Levy (1969), Broadening the Concept of Marketing, Journal o f Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 1. (Jan), pp. 10-15.
  • Kotler, S. J., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: An approach to planned social change. Journal of Marketing, Vol: 35(3), pp. 3–12.
  • Laczniak, G.R. and Michie, D.A. (1979) ‘The Social Disorder of the Broadened Concept of Marketing’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Vol: 7(3): pp. 214–232.
  • Laczniak, Gene R. (1983), “Framework for Analyzing Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol: 1 (Spring), pp. 7-18.
  • Layton, R. A., and S. Grossbart (2006), Macromarketing: Past, present, and possible future. Journal of Macromarketing 26 (2): 193–213.
  • Lazer, W. (1969), Marketing’s Changing social relationships, Journal o f Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 1. (Jan), pp. 3-9.
  • Luck, David J. (1974), "Social Marketing: Confusion Compounded," Journal of Marketing. Vol: 38 (October). pp. 70-72.
  • Luck, David J. (1969), “Broadening the Concept of Marketing: Too Far,” Journal of Marketing, 33 (July), pp. 53–55.
  • MacFadyen, L, Stead, M, and Hastings, G. (1999) Synopsis of Social Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Centre for Social Marketing available at (reach date: 15.01.2013)
  • Mangold, W.G., Faulds, D.J. (2009) Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons, 52(4), pp. 357–365.
  • Moyer, R. (1972), Macro-Marketing: A Social Perspective. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Nickels, W. G. (1974) Conceptual conflicts in marketing, Journal of Economics and Business, Vol: 27(1), pp. 140–143.
  • Serrat, O.,(2010), “The Future of Social Marketing”, Avalibale at /documents /information/knowledgesolutions/future-of-social-marketing.pdf
  • Shaw, E. H., and Jones, D. G. B. (2005). A History of Schools of Marketing Thought. Marketing Theory, Vol: 5(3),pp. 239-281.
  • Shaw, Eric H. (1995), “The First Dialogue on Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 15 (Spring), pp. 7–20.
  • Sheth, J. (1992), Toward a theory of macromarketing. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Vol. 9, pp. 154-161.
  • Sheth, J.N. y Garrett, D.E. (1986): Marketing Theory. Classic and Contemporary Readings. Ohio: SouthWestern Publishing Co.
  • Sheth, J.N., Gardner, D.M. and Garrett, D.E., (1988), Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation, Wiley: New York.
  • Vaile, R. S., E. T. Grether, and R. Cox. (1952), Marketing in the American economy. New York: Ronald Press.
  • White, P. D., and C. C. Slater, (1978), Macro-marketing: Distributive processes from a societal perspective, an elaboration of issues. Boulder, CO: Business Research Division, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Colorado
  • Wiebe, G.D. (1951), ‘Merchandising Commodities and Citizenship on Television’, Public Opinion Quarterly Vol: 15: pp. 679–91.
  • Wilkie, W. L., and E. S. Moore (2006). Macromarketing as a pillar of marketing thought. Journal of Macromarketing Vol:26 (2) pp. 224-232
  • Zaltman, Gerald and Vertinsky, Ilan (1971), Health Service Marketing: A Suggested Model, Journal of Marketing, Vol.35, July, pp.19-27.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mesut Çiçek 0000-0001-8046-1293

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Çiçek, M. (2018). The Mutual Relationship between Marketing and Society. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(5), 117-133.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.