Uzay Ekonomisinde Yeni Fırsatlar
Year 2019,
, 3252 - 3271, 31.12.2019
Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı
Sefer Darıcı
Son zamanlarda, uzay faaliyetleri radikal dönüşümlere sahne
olmaktadır. Küreselleşme ve gelişen teknolojiler uzay çağının başlangıcından
beri sadece belirli ülkeler için stratejik bir tekel olan uzay faaliyetlerini
de etkilemiştir. Uzay, artık süper güçlerin iki kutuplu politikalarının oyun
alanı değildir. Uzay etkinlikleri günümüzde oyuncularının sayısı ve kalitesi
günden güne artan, devletlerin ve özel girişimlerin ticari faaliyet konusu
haline gelmiştir. Bu makale, kamu ve özel sektör bütçelerini, uzay ekonomisi
gelirlerini ve resmi kayıtlardan elde edilen istatistikleri analiz ederek uzay
faaliyetlerinin ekonomik ve sosyal etkilerine odaklanmaktadır. Uzay
ekonomisinin gelecek yıllarda kaçınılmaz bir şekilde ülkelerin sosyo-ekonomik
büyüme hedeflerini etkileyebileceği ve girişimlerin yatırım kalemlerini
değiştirebileceği öngörülebilir.
- REFERENCESAmadeo, K. (25 Haziran 2019). NASA Budget, Current, Funding, History and Economic Impact,, (30.06.2019).
- Berrisford, C. (2018). Longer Term Investments Space, p.6, (25.06.2019).
- Bordacchini, G., Burger, E. (2018). Space Policies, Issues and Trends in 2017- 2018, European Space Policy Institute, Report 65, October, p.16.
- Bryce Space and Technology. (2018). Start-up Space: Update on Investment Commercial Space Ventures, (30.08.2019).
- Burger, E., Bordacchini, G. (2019). Yearbook on Space Policy 2017, Security in Outer Space: Rising Stakes for Civilian Space Programmes, European Space Policy Institüte, Springer, eBook, pp.55-57. Chinese Budget Expenditures. 2017., (26.06.2019).
- Crawford, IAN. A. (2016). The long- term scientific benefits of a space economy, Space Policy, Volume:37, Part 2, pp. 59.
- Crawford, IAN. A., Elvis, M., & Carpenter, J. (2016). Carpenter J. Meeting Report: Using Extraterrestrial Resources for Science, Astronomy Geophysics, 57, 4.32-4.36, p59.
- ESA Budget 2017. (2017). Italy, the UK, Belgium and Spain contribute the same % of amount as 2016. 16th January 2017. ESA 6th August 2018:˂˃, (26.06.2019).
- Forbes. (2018). What’s Driving SpaceX Sky High Valuation?≠1d7a75cbbde9, (29.06.2019).
- Global Space Industry Dynamics. (2017). Research Paper for Australian Government, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science by Bryce Space and Technology, LLC,, (30.08.2019).
- Griffin, M.D. (2007). The Space Economy, NASA 50th Anniversary Lecture Series, (30.08.2019).
- Günel, R.V. (2016). Uzay Madenciliği, Turhan Kitapevi, Ankara, p.1.
- Jewel, D. (2015). The Internet of Everything: It’s All in the Timing,
- GPS World, June 20, 2015,, (03.06.2019).
- Hertzfeld, H.R. (2007). Globalization, Commercial Space and Space Power in the USA, Space Policy, 23, p.220.
- Henry, C.(4 Şubat 2019). Space Startup Investments Continued to Rise in 2018,, (29.06.2019).
- NASA. (2019). FY 2019 Budget Estimates, , p.17, (22.06.2019).
- NASA. (28 Mayıs 2019). Study Entry Announces NASA Course for a Lively Future Commercial Space Economy,, (30.06.2019).
- OECD. (2004). Space 2030: Exploring the future of space applications. Paris, France: OECD Publishing, (30.08.2019).
- OECD. (2007). The Space Economy at a Glance 2007, ISBN 978-92-64-03109-8, OECD Publishing, (30.08.2019).
- OECD. (2008). Space Technologies and Climate Change: Implications for Water Management, Marine Resources, and Maritime Transport,
- OECD Publishing,, (02.06.2019).
- OECD. (2012). OECD Handbook on Measuring the Space Economy,
- OECD Publishing., (19.06.2019).
- Selding, P.B. (19 0cak 2015). SpaceX to Build 4000 Broadband Satellites in Seattle, (04.07.2019).
- SpaceX. (2015). SpaceX CRS- 6 Mission Press Kit, (29.06.2019).
- SpaceX. (2018). Updated regularly., 26 June 2018 <>. (29.06.2019).SpaceX. (2019). Updated regularly. Equidate,, (29.06.2019).
- Spudis, P.D., Lavoie, A.R. (2011). Using the resources of the Moon to create a permanent cislunar space faring system, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronatics Space Conference, AIAA 2011- 7185, 1-24. (Online), p.137, (09.06.2019).
- Strada, G.M., Sasanelli, N. (2018). Growing the Space Economy: The Downstream Segment as a Driver, (This report has been reviewed by Mr Michael Davis (Space Industry Association of Australia)), pp.16-23, (30.08.2019).
- The Future of the European Space Sector. (2019). How to leverage Europe’s technological leadership and boost investments for space ventures, The European Commission,, (05.08.2019)
- Trefis: Collaborate on Forecasts. (2019). (29.06.2019).
- Weinzierl, M. (2018). Space, the Final Economic Frontier, Journal Economic Perspectives, Volume:32, Number:2, p.173.
- Whealan, G.K. (2013). The Projected U.S. Economic Impacts of the Space Industry 2030, from, (29.06.2019).
-, (02.08.2019).
The New Opportunities in Space Economy
Year 2019,
, 3252 - 3271, 31.12.2019
Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı
Sefer Darıcı
space activities have been the scene of radical transformations. Globalization
and emerging technologies have also affected space activities, which have been
a strategic monopoly for certain countries since the beginning of the space
age. Space is no longer the playing field of the bipolar policies of
superpowers. Today, the number and quality of players increase day by day in
space activities also become the subject of commercial activities of states and
private enterprises. This article focuses on the economic and social impacts of
space activities by analyzing public and private budgets, space economy
revenues, and statistics from official records. It can be foreseen that space
economy will inevitably affect the socio-economic growth targets of the countries
in the coming years and that the enterprises may change the investment items.
- REFERENCESAmadeo, K. (25 Haziran 2019). NASA Budget, Current, Funding, History and Economic Impact,, (30.06.2019).
- Berrisford, C. (2018). Longer Term Investments Space, p.6, (25.06.2019).
- Bordacchini, G., Burger, E. (2018). Space Policies, Issues and Trends in 2017- 2018, European Space Policy Institute, Report 65, October, p.16.
- Bryce Space and Technology. (2018). Start-up Space: Update on Investment Commercial Space Ventures, (30.08.2019).
- Burger, E., Bordacchini, G. (2019). Yearbook on Space Policy 2017, Security in Outer Space: Rising Stakes for Civilian Space Programmes, European Space Policy Institüte, Springer, eBook, pp.55-57. Chinese Budget Expenditures. 2017., (26.06.2019).
- Crawford, IAN. A. (2016). The long- term scientific benefits of a space economy, Space Policy, Volume:37, Part 2, pp. 59.
- Crawford, IAN. A., Elvis, M., & Carpenter, J. (2016). Carpenter J. Meeting Report: Using Extraterrestrial Resources for Science, Astronomy Geophysics, 57, 4.32-4.36, p59.
- ESA Budget 2017. (2017). Italy, the UK, Belgium and Spain contribute the same % of amount as 2016. 16th January 2017. ESA 6th August 2018:˂˃, (26.06.2019).
- Forbes. (2018). What’s Driving SpaceX Sky High Valuation?≠1d7a75cbbde9, (29.06.2019).
- Global Space Industry Dynamics. (2017). Research Paper for Australian Government, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science by Bryce Space and Technology, LLC,, (30.08.2019).
- Griffin, M.D. (2007). The Space Economy, NASA 50th Anniversary Lecture Series, (30.08.2019).
- Günel, R.V. (2016). Uzay Madenciliği, Turhan Kitapevi, Ankara, p.1.
- Jewel, D. (2015). The Internet of Everything: It’s All in the Timing,
- GPS World, June 20, 2015,, (03.06.2019).
- Hertzfeld, H.R. (2007). Globalization, Commercial Space and Space Power in the USA, Space Policy, 23, p.220.
- Henry, C.(4 Şubat 2019). Space Startup Investments Continued to Rise in 2018,, (29.06.2019).
- NASA. (2019). FY 2019 Budget Estimates, , p.17, (22.06.2019).
- NASA. (28 Mayıs 2019). Study Entry Announces NASA Course for a Lively Future Commercial Space Economy,, (30.06.2019).
- OECD. (2004). Space 2030: Exploring the future of space applications. Paris, France: OECD Publishing, (30.08.2019).
- OECD. (2007). The Space Economy at a Glance 2007, ISBN 978-92-64-03109-8, OECD Publishing, (30.08.2019).
- OECD. (2008). Space Technologies and Climate Change: Implications for Water Management, Marine Resources, and Maritime Transport,
- OECD Publishing,, (02.06.2019).
- OECD. (2012). OECD Handbook on Measuring the Space Economy,
- OECD Publishing., (19.06.2019).
- Selding, P.B. (19 0cak 2015). SpaceX to Build 4000 Broadband Satellites in Seattle, (04.07.2019).
- SpaceX. (2015). SpaceX CRS- 6 Mission Press Kit, (29.06.2019).
- SpaceX. (2018). Updated regularly., 26 June 2018 <>. (29.06.2019).SpaceX. (2019). Updated regularly. Equidate,, (29.06.2019).
- Spudis, P.D., Lavoie, A.R. (2011). Using the resources of the Moon to create a permanent cislunar space faring system, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronatics Space Conference, AIAA 2011- 7185, 1-24. (Online), p.137, (09.06.2019).
- Strada, G.M., Sasanelli, N. (2018). Growing the Space Economy: The Downstream Segment as a Driver, (This report has been reviewed by Mr Michael Davis (Space Industry Association of Australia)), pp.16-23, (30.08.2019).
- The Future of the European Space Sector. (2019). How to leverage Europe’s technological leadership and boost investments for space ventures, The European Commission,, (05.08.2019)
- Trefis: Collaborate on Forecasts. (2019). (29.06.2019).
- Weinzierl, M. (2018). Space, the Final Economic Frontier, Journal Economic Perspectives, Volume:32, Number:2, p.173.
- Whealan, G.K. (2013). The Projected U.S. Economic Impacts of the Space Industry 2030, from, (29.06.2019).
-, (02.08.2019).