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Antropolog Robert H. Lowie

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 3023 - 3038, 30.12.2018


Robert Harry Lowie, Franz Boas (1858-1942)
ekolünden bir antropolog ve etnologtur. Lowie’nin yaşadığı dönemde ve öncesinde
etnolojik veriler, kâşifler, seyyahlar, misyonerler ve zayıf eğitimli kimseler
tarafından yazılmış tâli kaynaklardan elde ediliyordu. Lowie, hocası Boas gibi
bu verileri ilk elden saha çalışmasıyla temin etmeleri gerekliliğine
inanıyordu. Şehir alışkanlıklarına sahip biri olarak, Lowie’nin bu gayeyle uzak
ve fevkalade zorlu bölgelerde alan çalışması yapması dikkat çekicidir. Başka
hiçbir Amerikalı antropolog, saha çalışması metot ve esaslarını onun kadar
geliştiremedi. Antropoloji, Etnoloji ve Külterel Antropoloji’ye dair
görüşlerini Culture and Ethnology (Kültür ve Teknoloji), Primitive Society
(İlkel Toplum), Primitive Religion (İlkel Din), An Introduction to Culture
Anthropology (Kültür Antropolojisine Bir Giriş)
ve The History of Ethnological
Theory (Etnolojik Teori Tarihi)
adlı kitaplarında açıkladı. Almanya ve
Alman toplumuyla ilgisini The German People: A Social Portrait to 1914 (Alman
Toplumu: 1914’e Sosyal Bir Betimleme)
adlı kitabıyla sürdürdü. Lowie,
siyaset felsefesiyle de ilgiliydi. Bu konuya dair görüşlerini The Origin of
the State
(Devletin Kökeni) adlı kitabında ele aldı. 


  • Bourgoin, S. M.-Byers, P. K. (1998). Robert Harry Lowie. Encyclopedia of World Biography (Second Edition). Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomson Gale, 10, 18.
  • Erickson, P. A.-Murphy, L. D. (2008). A History of Anthropological Theory. Third Edition. Toronto, Canada: Broadwiev Press.
  • Fogelson, R. D. ve Jones L. (Ed.). (2005). Lowie, Robert H. Encyclopedia of Religion (Second Edition). Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomson Gale, 5521-5522.
  • Lowie, R. H. (1936). Primitive Religion. London, England: George Routledge and Sons Ltd.
  • Radin, P. (1958, Nisan). Robert H. Lowie, 1883-1957. American Anthropologist, 60/2, 358-375.
  • Steward, J. H. (1974). Robert Harry Lowie. Biographical Memoirs. Washington D. C. : National Academy of Science, 175-212.

Anthropologist Robert H. Lowie

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 3023 - 3038, 30.12.2018


Robert Harry
Lowie is an anthropologist and ethnologist from the school of thought of Franz
Boas (1858-1942). Ethnologic data during and before Lowie's era was being
provided from the secondary sources by explorers, voyagers, missionaries and inadequately
educated persons. Same as his master Boas, Lowie also believed that such data
should be obtained at firsthand through field work. As a person with urban
habits, it is quite interesting that Lowie worked on field studies in remote
and exceptionally arduous zones. No other American anthropologist enhanced the
methods and principles of field work as much as him. He made also theoretical
contributions to anthropology in addition to the field works. He expressed his
views on anthropology, ethnology and cultural anthropology in his books titled
Culture and Ethnology, Primitive Society, Primitive Religion, An Introduction
to Culture Anthropology, The History of Ethnological Theory. He pursued his
interest in Germany and the German society with his book called The German
People: A Social Portrait to 1914. Interested in political philosophy as well,
Lowie discusses his views on this topic, in his book, The Origin of the State.


  • Bourgoin, S. M.-Byers, P. K. (1998). Robert Harry Lowie. Encyclopedia of World Biography (Second Edition). Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomson Gale, 10, 18.
  • Erickson, P. A.-Murphy, L. D. (2008). A History of Anthropological Theory. Third Edition. Toronto, Canada: Broadwiev Press.
  • Fogelson, R. D. ve Jones L. (Ed.). (2005). Lowie, Robert H. Encyclopedia of Religion (Second Edition). Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomson Gale, 5521-5522.
  • Lowie, R. H. (1936). Primitive Religion. London, England: George Routledge and Sons Ltd.
  • Radin, P. (1958, Nisan). Robert H. Lowie, 1883-1957. American Anthropologist, 60/2, 358-375.
  • Steward, J. H. (1974). Robert Harry Lowie. Biographical Memoirs. Washington D. C. : National Academy of Science, 175-212.
There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nihat Durak 0000-0002-6902-1868

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA Durak, N. (2018). Antropolog Robert H. Lowie. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(4), 3023-3038.

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