Research Article
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The Question of the Social State in China: Hukou Problem

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 249 - 264, 31.03.2020


The hukou system, which came into force in 1958, is the household registration system in China's immigration terminology that distinguishes rural and urban concepts from each other, as well as differentiate between the economic classes. In China, the residence certificate (Hùkǒu běn: 户口本) registered in the name of the citizen is determined by the place of birth.
This study consists of four chapters in total. In the first chapter, the conceptual framework of hukou are explained. The definition, origins and aims of the hukou are discussed. The preparation stage of the hukou system is examined and it is tried to explain why such a system was needed. In the second chapter, the main problems of this system are examined. In the third chapter, detailed researches about the historical development and transformation of the hukou system are carried out and the reform movements of the period are examined. In the last section, current problems are explained. In this study, the primary and secondary sources written about hukou system and the data of National Bureau of Statistics of China were used.    


  • Afridi, F., Li, S. X., & Ren, Y. (2015). Social identity and inequality: The impact of China’s hukou system. Journal of Public Economics, 123, 17–29.
  • Alexander, P., & Chan, A. (2004). Does China have an apartheid pass system? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30(4), 609–629.
  • Banister, J. (1987). China’s changing population. Stanford University Press.
  • Carrillo Garcia, B. (2004). Rural-urban migration in China: Temporary migrants in search of permanent settlement. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies.
  • Chan, K. W. (1994). Cities with invisible walls: Reinterpreting urbanization in post-1949 China. Oxford University Press.
  • Chan, K. W. (2009). The Chinese hukou system at 50. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 50(2), 197–221.
  • Chan, K. W. (2010). The household registration system and migrant labor in China: Notes on a debate. Population and Development Review, 36(2), 357–364.
  • China Population Statistics and Related Information. (2010). China Today. 08 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • China to abolish controversial temporary residence permit. (2015, February 15). China Daily. 14 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Cui, R., & Cohen, J. H. (2015). Reform and the HuKou system in China. Migration Letters, 12(3), 327–335.
  • Fang, C. (2003). Migration and socio-economic insecurity: Patterns, processes and policies. ILO.
  • Fung, K. (1987). Kirkby, RJR," Urbanisation in China: Town and Country in a Developing Economy", 1949-2000 AD (Book Review). Third World Planning Review, 9(2), 187.
  • Gönder, H. (n.d.). 1956-66 Pre-Cultural Revolution period and Mao’s lack of self-criticism. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(15), 1734–1748.
  • Griffiths, M., & Schiavone, M. (2016). China’s New Urbanisation Plan 2014–20. China Report, 52(2), 73–91.
  • Howe, C. (1971). Employment and economic growth in urban China 1949-1957. Cambridge University Press.
  • Howe, C., & Walker, K. R. (2016). The Foundations of the Chinese Planned Economy: A Documentary Survey, 1953–65. Springer.
  • Jensen, B. (2019). ‘Perceived social citizenship’: A comparative study between two different hukous. Citizenship Studies, 23(2), 172–188.
  • Knight, J., & Song, L. (1999). The rural-urban divide: Economic disparities and interactions in China. OUP Catalogue.
  • Liang, X. (2006). The evolution of township and village enterprises (TVEs) in China. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(2), 235–241.
  • Lieberthal, K., & Oksenberg, M. (1988). Policy making in China: Leaders, structures, and processes. Princeton University Press.
  • Lieberthal, K., & Tong, J. (1978). Central documents and Politburo politics in China (Vol. 33). Center for Chinese Studies, The Universi.
  • Looser Residency Policy for Beijing Rural Workers. (2003, February 24). Xinhua News Agency. 09 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Prime, P. B. (2002). China joins the WTO: How, why, and what now? Business Economics, 37(2), 26–32.
  • Selden, M. (2016). The political economy of Chinese development. Routledge.
  • Sun Zhigang’s Brutal Killers Sentenced. (2003, June 10). China Daily. 24 Haziran 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • National Bureau of Statisctics of China. (2019). China Statistical New Year Book. [Data file]. Available from National Bureau of Statisctics of China Web site,
  • Wallace, J. (2014). Cities and stability: Urbanization, redistribution, and regime survival in China. Oxford University Press.
  • Wang, F., & Liu, Y. (2018). Interpreting Chinese Hukou system from a Foucauldian perspective. Urban Policy and Research, 36(2), 153–167.
  • White, L. T. (2015). Unstately Power: Local Causes of China’s Intellectual, Legal and Governmental Reforms. Routledge.
  • Wu, X., & Treiman, D. J. (2004). The household registration system and social stratification in China: 1955–1996. Demography, 41(2), 363–384.
  • Yep, R., Wang, J., & Johnson, T. (2019). Handbook on Urban Development in China.

Çin’de Sosyal Devlet Sorunsalı: Hukou Problemi

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 249 - 264, 31.03.2020


1958 yılında yürürlüğe giren hukou sistemi, Çin'in göç terminolojisinde yer alan, kır ve kent kavramlarını birbirinden ayrıştırarak yurttaşları arasında sınıfsal fark gözeten hane halkı kayıt sistemidir. Çin’de vatandaşın adına kayıtlı ikametgâh belgesi (Hùkǒu běn: 户口本), doğum yerine göre belirlenir.
Bu çalışma, toplamda dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, hukou sisteminin kavramsal çerçevesi açıklanmıştır. Hukounun tanımı, kökenleri ve amaçları üzerinde durulmuştur ve hukou sisteminin hazırlanış safhası incelenmiş ve böyle bir sisteme neden ihtiyaç duyulduğu açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde, bu sistemin temel sıkıntıları irdelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, hukou sisteminin tarihsel gelişimi ve dönüşümü ile ilgili detaylı araştırmalar yapılmış ve dönemin reform hareketleri incelenmiştir. Son bölümde ise güncel sorunlar açıklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hukou ile ilgili yazılmış birincil ve ikincil kaynaklar ile Çin Ulusal İstatistik Bürosu’nun verileri kullanılmıştır.


  • Afridi, F., Li, S. X., & Ren, Y. (2015). Social identity and inequality: The impact of China’s hukou system. Journal of Public Economics, 123, 17–29.
  • Alexander, P., & Chan, A. (2004). Does China have an apartheid pass system? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30(4), 609–629.
  • Banister, J. (1987). China’s changing population. Stanford University Press.
  • Carrillo Garcia, B. (2004). Rural-urban migration in China: Temporary migrants in search of permanent settlement. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies.
  • Chan, K. W. (1994). Cities with invisible walls: Reinterpreting urbanization in post-1949 China. Oxford University Press.
  • Chan, K. W. (2009). The Chinese hukou system at 50. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 50(2), 197–221.
  • Chan, K. W. (2010). The household registration system and migrant labor in China: Notes on a debate. Population and Development Review, 36(2), 357–364.
  • China Population Statistics and Related Information. (2010). China Today. 08 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • China to abolish controversial temporary residence permit. (2015, February 15). China Daily. 14 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Cui, R., & Cohen, J. H. (2015). Reform and the HuKou system in China. Migration Letters, 12(3), 327–335.
  • Fang, C. (2003). Migration and socio-economic insecurity: Patterns, processes and policies. ILO.
  • Fung, K. (1987). Kirkby, RJR," Urbanisation in China: Town and Country in a Developing Economy", 1949-2000 AD (Book Review). Third World Planning Review, 9(2), 187.
  • Gönder, H. (n.d.). 1956-66 Pre-Cultural Revolution period and Mao’s lack of self-criticism. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(15), 1734–1748.
  • Griffiths, M., & Schiavone, M. (2016). China’s New Urbanisation Plan 2014–20. China Report, 52(2), 73–91.
  • Howe, C. (1971). Employment and economic growth in urban China 1949-1957. Cambridge University Press.
  • Howe, C., & Walker, K. R. (2016). The Foundations of the Chinese Planned Economy: A Documentary Survey, 1953–65. Springer.
  • Jensen, B. (2019). ‘Perceived social citizenship’: A comparative study between two different hukous. Citizenship Studies, 23(2), 172–188.
  • Knight, J., & Song, L. (1999). The rural-urban divide: Economic disparities and interactions in China. OUP Catalogue.
  • Liang, X. (2006). The evolution of township and village enterprises (TVEs) in China. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(2), 235–241.
  • Lieberthal, K., & Oksenberg, M. (1988). Policy making in China: Leaders, structures, and processes. Princeton University Press.
  • Lieberthal, K., & Tong, J. (1978). Central documents and Politburo politics in China (Vol. 33). Center for Chinese Studies, The Universi.
  • Looser Residency Policy for Beijing Rural Workers. (2003, February 24). Xinhua News Agency. 09 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Prime, P. B. (2002). China joins the WTO: How, why, and what now? Business Economics, 37(2), 26–32.
  • Selden, M. (2016). The political economy of Chinese development. Routledge.
  • Sun Zhigang’s Brutal Killers Sentenced. (2003, June 10). China Daily. 24 Haziran 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • National Bureau of Statisctics of China. (2019). China Statistical New Year Book. [Data file]. Available from National Bureau of Statisctics of China Web site,
  • Wallace, J. (2014). Cities and stability: Urbanization, redistribution, and regime survival in China. Oxford University Press.
  • Wang, F., & Liu, Y. (2018). Interpreting Chinese Hukou system from a Foucauldian perspective. Urban Policy and Research, 36(2), 153–167.
  • White, L. T. (2015). Unstately Power: Local Causes of China’s Intellectual, Legal and Governmental Reforms. Routledge.
  • Wu, X., & Treiman, D. J. (2004). The household registration system and social stratification in China: 1955–1996. Demography, 41(2), 363–384.
  • Yep, R., Wang, J., & Johnson, T. (2019). Handbook on Urban Development in China.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Gönder 0000-0001-7327-1408

Alp Acar This is me 0000-0003-0352-1146

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Gönder, H., & Acar, A. (2020). Çin’de Sosyal Devlet Sorunsalı: Hukou Problemi. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 249-264.

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