Research Article
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Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”

Year 2022, Issue: 71, 349 - 390, 31.12.2022


This article offers a critique of the teleological interpretation of the provision of Art. 7(1)(b) of the Brussels I Regulation Recast, adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union, in relation to the cases where there are several places of performance. First, the nature of the jurisdiction rules in civil law is discussed and the main purpose of the special jurisdiction rules is identified. In this context, it is emphasized that legal certainty and predictability are the main objectives of the jurisdiction rules, while proximity is an instrument to achieve these main objectives. Secondly, the “principal place of performance” approach of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the provision of Art. 7(1)(b), in cases where there are several places of performance, is discussed. It is demonstrated that the Court of Justice of the European Union’s quest for the “closest link” is not in accordance with the spirit of the Recast. Aside from the difficulty of determining the principal place of performance; the search for the closest link being the basis of the determination of the principal place of performance is criticized. Additionally, this approach is remarkable as to how it is close to the application of “forum (non) conveniens” in common law. As a result, it is proposed to abandon the “principal place of performance” approach in cases where the place of performance is located in several Member States; and it is argued that it is necessary to recognize that the courts of several places of performance are competent.


  • Briggs, A, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, 6th ed. (Informa law from Routledge 2015). google scholar
  • Dickinson A and Lein, E, The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Droz, G A L, ‘Delendum est forum contractus’ (1997) Recueil Dalloz, Chronique 351-356. google scholar
  • Ehrenzweig, A A, ‘The Transient Rule of Personal Jurisdiction: The “Power” Myth and Forum Conveniens’ (1956) 65 Yale L. J. 289-314. google scholar
  • Franzina, P and Michaels, R, ‘Jurisdiction, Foundations’ (2017) Encyclopedia of Private International Law 1042-1051. google scholar
  • Graziano, T K, ‘Jurisdiction under article 7 no. 1 of the recast Brussels I regulation: disconnecting the procedural place of performance from its counterpart in substantive law. An analysis of the case law of the ECJ and proposals de lege lata and de lege ferenda’ (2015) 16 Yearbook of Private International Law 169-217. google scholar
  • Grossi, S, The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach (Cambridge University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Hartley, T C, ‘Basic Principles of Jurisdiction in Private International Law: The European Union, The United States and England’ (2021) ICLQ 1-16. google scholar
  • Heuze, V, ‘De quelques infirmites congenitales du droit uniforme: l’exemple de l’article 5-1 de la Convention de Bruxelles du 27 septembre 1968’ (2000) Revue critique de droit international prive 595-639. google scholar
  • Hill, J, ‘Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to a Contract under Brussels Convention’ (1995) 44 ICLQ 591-619. google scholar
  • Juenger, F, ‘Judicial Jurisdiction in the United States and in the European Communities: A Comparison’ (1984) 82 Mich. L. Rev. 1195-1212. google scholar
  • Magnus, U and Mankowski, P, Brussels I Bis Regulation: Commentary (Otto Schmidt 2016). google scholar
  • Mankowski, P, Special Jurisdictions, Article 5, Brussels I Regulation, (European Law Publishers 2007) 78-235. google scholar
  • Michaels, R, ‘Two Paradigms of Jurisprudence’ (2006) 27 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1004-1069. google scholar
  • Newton, J, The Uniform Interpretation of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions (Hart Publishing 2002). google scholar
  • Okoli, C S A, Place of Performance: A Comparative Analysis (Hart Publishing 2020). google scholar
  • Pâlsson, L, ‘The Unruly Horse of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions: The Forum Solutionis’ Festkrif für Ole Lando (Copenhagen 1997) 259-282. google scholar
  • Schlosser, P F, ‘Lectures on Civil-Law Litigation Systems and American Cooperation with Those Systems’ (1996) 45 U. Kan. L. Rev. 9-48. google scholar
  • Poon, A, ‘Determining the Place of Performance under Article 7(1) of the Brussels I Recast’ (2021) 70 ICLQ 635-663. google scholar
  • Tetley, W, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions: common law vs civil law (codified and uncodified)’ (Part II) (1999-4) Rev. dr. unif. 678-738. google scholar
  • Van Lith, H, International Jurisdiction and Commercial Litigation (T.M.C. Asser Press 2009). google scholar
  • Von Dryander, C, ‘Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters under the German Code of Civil Procedure’ (1982) 16 No 4 Int’l Lawyer 671-692. google scholar
  • Von Mehren, A T, ‘Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: General Theories Compared and Evaluated’ (19831984) 6 Tel Aviv U. Stud. L. 50-121. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 71, 349 - 390, 31.12.2022



  • Briggs, A, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, 6th ed. (Informa law from Routledge 2015). google scholar
  • Dickinson A and Lein, E, The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Droz, G A L, ‘Delendum est forum contractus’ (1997) Recueil Dalloz, Chronique 351-356. google scholar
  • Ehrenzweig, A A, ‘The Transient Rule of Personal Jurisdiction: The “Power” Myth and Forum Conveniens’ (1956) 65 Yale L. J. 289-314. google scholar
  • Franzina, P and Michaels, R, ‘Jurisdiction, Foundations’ (2017) Encyclopedia of Private International Law 1042-1051. google scholar
  • Graziano, T K, ‘Jurisdiction under article 7 no. 1 of the recast Brussels I regulation: disconnecting the procedural place of performance from its counterpart in substantive law. An analysis of the case law of the ECJ and proposals de lege lata and de lege ferenda’ (2015) 16 Yearbook of Private International Law 169-217. google scholar
  • Grossi, S, The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach (Cambridge University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Hartley, T C, ‘Basic Principles of Jurisdiction in Private International Law: The European Union, The United States and England’ (2021) ICLQ 1-16. google scholar
  • Heuze, V, ‘De quelques infirmites congenitales du droit uniforme: l’exemple de l’article 5-1 de la Convention de Bruxelles du 27 septembre 1968’ (2000) Revue critique de droit international prive 595-639. google scholar
  • Hill, J, ‘Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to a Contract under Brussels Convention’ (1995) 44 ICLQ 591-619. google scholar
  • Juenger, F, ‘Judicial Jurisdiction in the United States and in the European Communities: A Comparison’ (1984) 82 Mich. L. Rev. 1195-1212. google scholar
  • Magnus, U and Mankowski, P, Brussels I Bis Regulation: Commentary (Otto Schmidt 2016). google scholar
  • Mankowski, P, Special Jurisdictions, Article 5, Brussels I Regulation, (European Law Publishers 2007) 78-235. google scholar
  • Michaels, R, ‘Two Paradigms of Jurisprudence’ (2006) 27 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1004-1069. google scholar
  • Newton, J, The Uniform Interpretation of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions (Hart Publishing 2002). google scholar
  • Okoli, C S A, Place of Performance: A Comparative Analysis (Hart Publishing 2020). google scholar
  • Pâlsson, L, ‘The Unruly Horse of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions: The Forum Solutionis’ Festkrif für Ole Lando (Copenhagen 1997) 259-282. google scholar
  • Schlosser, P F, ‘Lectures on Civil-Law Litigation Systems and American Cooperation with Those Systems’ (1996) 45 U. Kan. L. Rev. 9-48. google scholar
  • Poon, A, ‘Determining the Place of Performance under Article 7(1) of the Brussels I Recast’ (2021) 70 ICLQ 635-663. google scholar
  • Tetley, W, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions: common law vs civil law (codified and uncodified)’ (Part II) (1999-4) Rev. dr. unif. 678-738. google scholar
  • Van Lith, H, International Jurisdiction and Commercial Litigation (T.M.C. Asser Press 2009). google scholar
  • Von Dryander, C, ‘Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters under the German Code of Civil Procedure’ (1982) 16 No 4 Int’l Lawyer 671-692. google scholar
  • Von Mehren, A T, ‘Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: General Theories Compared and Evaluated’ (19831984) 6 Tel Aviv U. Stud. L. 50-121. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 71, 349 - 390, 31.12.2022



  • Briggs, A, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, 6th ed. (Informa law from Routledge 2015). google scholar
  • Dickinson A and Lein, E, The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Droz, G A L, ‘Delendum est forum contractus’ (1997) Recueil Dalloz, Chronique 351-356. google scholar
  • Ehrenzweig, A A, ‘The Transient Rule of Personal Jurisdiction: The “Power” Myth and Forum Conveniens’ (1956) 65 Yale L. J. 289-314. google scholar
  • Franzina, P and Michaels, R, ‘Jurisdiction, Foundations’ (2017) Encyclopedia of Private International Law 1042-1051. google scholar
  • Graziano, T K, ‘Jurisdiction under article 7 no. 1 of the recast Brussels I regulation: disconnecting the procedural place of performance from its counterpart in substantive law. An analysis of the case law of the ECJ and proposals de lege lata and de lege ferenda’ (2015) 16 Yearbook of Private International Law 169-217. google scholar
  • Grossi, S, The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach (Cambridge University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Hartley, T C, ‘Basic Principles of Jurisdiction in Private International Law: The European Union, The United States and England’ (2021) ICLQ 1-16. google scholar
  • Heuze, V, ‘De quelques infirmites congenitales du droit uniforme: l’exemple de l’article 5-1 de la Convention de Bruxelles du 27 septembre 1968’ (2000) Revue critique de droit international prive 595-639. google scholar
  • Hill, J, ‘Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to a Contract under Brussels Convention’ (1995) 44 ICLQ 591-619. google scholar
  • Juenger, F, ‘Judicial Jurisdiction in the United States and in the European Communities: A Comparison’ (1984) 82 Mich. L. Rev. 1195-1212. google scholar
  • Magnus, U and Mankowski, P, Brussels I Bis Regulation: Commentary (Otto Schmidt 2016). google scholar
  • Mankowski, P, Special Jurisdictions, Article 5, Brussels I Regulation, (European Law Publishers 2007) 78-235. google scholar
  • Michaels, R, ‘Two Paradigms of Jurisprudence’ (2006) 27 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1004-1069. google scholar
  • Newton, J, The Uniform Interpretation of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions (Hart Publishing 2002). google scholar
  • Okoli, C S A, Place of Performance: A Comparative Analysis (Hart Publishing 2020). google scholar
  • Pâlsson, L, ‘The Unruly Horse of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions: The Forum Solutionis’ Festkrif für Ole Lando (Copenhagen 1997) 259-282. google scholar
  • Schlosser, P F, ‘Lectures on Civil-Law Litigation Systems and American Cooperation with Those Systems’ (1996) 45 U. Kan. L. Rev. 9-48. google scholar
  • Poon, A, ‘Determining the Place of Performance under Article 7(1) of the Brussels I Recast’ (2021) 70 ICLQ 635-663. google scholar
  • Tetley, W, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions: common law vs civil law (codified and uncodified)’ (Part II) (1999-4) Rev. dr. unif. 678-738. google scholar
  • Van Lith, H, International Jurisdiction and Commercial Litigation (T.M.C. Asser Press 2009). google scholar
  • Von Dryander, C, ‘Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters under the German Code of Civil Procedure’ (1982) 16 No 4 Int’l Lawyer 671-692. google scholar
  • Von Mehren, A T, ‘Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: General Theories Compared and Evaluated’ (19831984) 6 Tel Aviv U. Stud. L. 50-121. google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 71, 349 - 390, 31.12.2022



  • Briggs, A, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, 6th ed. (Informa law from Routledge 2015). google scholar
  • Dickinson A and Lein, E, The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Droz, G A L, ‘Delendum est forum contractus’ (1997) Recueil Dalloz, Chronique 351-356. google scholar
  • Ehrenzweig, A A, ‘The Transient Rule of Personal Jurisdiction: The “Power” Myth and Forum Conveniens’ (1956) 65 Yale L. J. 289-314. google scholar
  • Franzina, P and Michaels, R, ‘Jurisdiction, Foundations’ (2017) Encyclopedia of Private International Law 1042-1051. google scholar
  • Graziano, T K, ‘Jurisdiction under article 7 no. 1 of the recast Brussels I regulation: disconnecting the procedural place of performance from its counterpart in substantive law. An analysis of the case law of the ECJ and proposals de lege lata and de lege ferenda’ (2015) 16 Yearbook of Private International Law 169-217. google scholar
  • Grossi, S, The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach (Cambridge University Press 2015). google scholar
  • Hartley, T C, ‘Basic Principles of Jurisdiction in Private International Law: The European Union, The United States and England’ (2021) ICLQ 1-16. google scholar
  • Heuze, V, ‘De quelques infirmites congenitales du droit uniforme: l’exemple de l’article 5-1 de la Convention de Bruxelles du 27 septembre 1968’ (2000) Revue critique de droit international prive 595-639. google scholar
  • Hill, J, ‘Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to a Contract under Brussels Convention’ (1995) 44 ICLQ 591-619. google scholar
  • Juenger, F, ‘Judicial Jurisdiction in the United States and in the European Communities: A Comparison’ (1984) 82 Mich. L. Rev. 1195-1212. google scholar
  • Magnus, U and Mankowski, P, Brussels I Bis Regulation: Commentary (Otto Schmidt 2016). google scholar
  • Mankowski, P, Special Jurisdictions, Article 5, Brussels I Regulation, (European Law Publishers 2007) 78-235. google scholar
  • Michaels, R, ‘Two Paradigms of Jurisprudence’ (2006) 27 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1004-1069. google scholar
  • Newton, J, The Uniform Interpretation of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions (Hart Publishing 2002). google scholar
  • Okoli, C S A, Place of Performance: A Comparative Analysis (Hart Publishing 2020). google scholar
  • Pâlsson, L, ‘The Unruly Horse of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions: The Forum Solutionis’ Festkrif für Ole Lando (Copenhagen 1997) 259-282. google scholar
  • Schlosser, P F, ‘Lectures on Civil-Law Litigation Systems and American Cooperation with Those Systems’ (1996) 45 U. Kan. L. Rev. 9-48. google scholar
  • Poon, A, ‘Determining the Place of Performance under Article 7(1) of the Brussels I Recast’ (2021) 70 ICLQ 635-663. google scholar
  • Tetley, W, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions: common law vs civil law (codified and uncodified)’ (Part II) (1999-4) Rev. dr. unif. 678-738. google scholar
  • Van Lith, H, International Jurisdiction and Commercial Litigation (T.M.C. Asser Press 2009). google scholar
  • Von Dryander, C, ‘Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters under the German Code of Civil Procedure’ (1982) 16 No 4 Int’l Lawyer 671-692. google scholar
  • Von Mehren, A T, ‘Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: General Theories Compared and Evaluated’ (19831984) 6 Tel Aviv U. Stud. L. 50-121. google scholar
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Makaleler

Banu Şit Köşgeroğlu This is me 0000-0001-8407-9446

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date April 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 71


APA Şit Köşgeroğlu, B. (2022). Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”. Annales De La Faculté De Droit d’Istanbul(71), 349-390.
AMA Şit Köşgeroğlu B.Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection.” Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. December 2022;(71):349-390.
Chicago Şit Köşgeroğlu, Banu. “Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over ‘a Close Connection’”. Annales De La Faculté De Droit d’Istanbul, no. 71 (December 2022): 349-90.
EndNote Şit Köşgeroğlu B (December 1, 2022) Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul 71 349–390.
IEEE B. Şit Köşgeroğlu, “Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over ‘a Close Connection’”, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, no. 71, pp. 349–390, December 2022.
ISNAD Şit Köşgeroğlu, Banu. “Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over ‘a Close Connection’”. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul 71 (December 2022), 349-390.
JAMA Şit Köşgeroğlu B. Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. 2022;:349–390.
MLA Şit Köşgeroğlu, Banu. “Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over ‘a Close Connection’”. Annales De La Faculté De Droit d’Istanbul, no. 71, 2022, pp. 349-90.
Vancouver Şit Köşgeroğlu B. Performance of Characteristic Obligation in Multiple Places under Brussels I Recast Article 7(1)(b): Legal Certainty and Predictability over “a Close Connection”. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. 2022(71):349-90.