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Rekabet İstihbaratı ve Endüstriyel Casusluk: Ulusal Güvenlik Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2024, , 37 - 60, 05.04.2024


Günümüzde işletmeler ve uluslar, yeni teknolojiler, bilgiler ve yenilikler elde etmeye çalışan aktörler tarafından yasa dışı yöntemlerle her zamankinden daha fazla hedef alınmaktadırlar. Özellikle yüksek teknoloji, askeri uygulamalar ve biyoteknoloji alanında, devletler ile koordineli şekilde faaliyet gösteren işletmeler çok sayıda değerli ticari sırlara ve en son teknolojilere sahip olmaları nedeniyle endüstriyel casusluk için özellikle çekici bir hedeftir. Bu varlıklar, rakipler için milyarlarca dolar değerinde olabilir ve bunların çalınması rakip/düşman devletlere önemli bir askeri ya da ekonomik avantaj sağlayabilir. Bu nedenle bazı devletlerin ya da devlet dışı aktörlerin, gizli iş ayrıntılarını ve teknik bilgileri hedef alması, devletler tarafından ulusal güvenlik kapsamında değerlendirilmekte ve rekabet istihbaratından daha çok özellikle bu tür endüstriyel casusluk faaliyetlerine karşı koyma, istihbarat örgütlerinde “kontrespiyonaj” kapsamına alınmaktadır. Bu çalışma, öncelikle endüstriyel casusluğun kapsamını derinlemesine inceleyerek bu faaliyetlerin çok yönlü boyutlarını ortaya çıkarmayı ve bunun tespiti ve önlenmesine yönelik istihbarat örgütleri ile işletmelerin stratejilerini örnekler üzerinden keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma, endüstriyel casusluk ve rekabet istihbaratının, ekonomik ve ulusal güvenlik kaygıları ile arasındaki karmaşık etkileşimi araştırmakta ve endüstriyel casusluğa karşı, istihbarat örgütleri ile işletmelerin kurması gereken hassas dengeye ışık tutmaktadır.


  • Akdeve, Erdal, Erman Benli, “Rekabet İstihbaratı ve Risklerin Tespiti.”, ThinkTech. 2020. Erişim 22 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Anderson, Collin, Karim Sadjadpour, “Iran’s Cyber Threat: Espionage, Sabotage and Revenge.”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2018. Erişim 17 Eylül 2023. Iran_Cyber_Final_Full_v2.pdf. google scholar
  • Annual Report to Congress on Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage. 1995. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Argaman, Shahar, Gabi Siboni. “Commercial and Industrial Cyber Espionage in Israel.”, Military and Strategic Affairs. 6/1, 2014. 43-58. google scholar
  • Benny, Daniel J. Industrial Espionage Developing a Counterespionage Program. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. google scholar
  • Bernhardt, Douglas. Competitive Intelligence: How to Acquire and Use Corporate Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence. Edinburgh: Prentice Hall, 2003. google scholar
  • Binanti, Andrea. “Economic Intelligence and Industrial Espionage.”, Luiss, Department of Political Science Master’s Degree. 2019. google scholar
  • Bradley, Margaret. “Examples of Industrial and Military Technology Transfer in The Eighteenth Century.”, Documents pour l’histoire des techniques. 2010. 87-95. google scholar
  • Brazdilova, Miroslava. “Competitive Intelligence and Competitive Abilities of Enterprises.”, Ekonomika A Management. 2005. google scholar
  • Bronwyn, Higgs. “Industrial espionage: The Legal Way.”, Marketing Magazine. 76, 2005. 76-77. google scholar
  • Cable, Vincent. “What is International Economic Security?.”, International Affairs. 71/2, 1995. 305-324. google scholar
  • Colibasanu, Antonia. “Between Intelligence and Espionage in the Contemporary Business Environment.”, Ekonomika a Management Prague University of Economics and Business. 4, 2008. 1-13. google scholar
  • Control Risks. “Iranian Cyber Espionage Group Targets Suppliers of Industrial Control Systems.”, 2020. Erişim 03 Ekim 20203. google scholar
  • Cordesman, Anthony H., Arleigh A. Burke, Max Molot, “China’s Rising Military Technology and Industrial Base.”, Strategic and International Studies. 2019. google scholar
  • Cueto, Santiago A. “Spies, Lies and Secrets: 37 Industrial Espionage Tactics that Threaten to Kill Your International Business.”, 2013. Erişim 18 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Dempsey, Gillian. “Industrial Espionage: Criminal or Civil Remedies.”, Australian Institute of Criminology. No 106, 1999. Erişim 17 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Disotell, Michael. “The Spies Who Loved Me (And My Trade Secrets): A Brief History of Industrial Espionage.”, 2013. Erişim 20 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Fraumann, Edwin. “Economic Espionage: Security Missions Redefined.”, Public Administration Review. 57/4, 1997. 303-308. google scholar
  • Greenberg, Andy. “A Notorious Iranian Hacking Crew Is Targeting Industrial Control Systems.”, 2019. Erişim 12 Ekim 2023. google scholar
  • Heims, Peter. Countering Industrial Espionage. Surrey: Century Security Education Ltd, 1982. google scholar
  • Holmström, Lauri. “Industrial Espionage and Corporate Security: The Ericsson Case.”, Reports of the Police College of Finland. 87, 2010. 11-17. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. handle/10024/86735/Rapotteja_87_holmstrom.pdf?sequence google scholar
  • Hvistendahl, Mara, Valerio Pellegrini, “The Oldest Game.”, Foreign Policy. 232, 2019. 32-33. google scholar
  • Ivanov, Tsanko V. “Competitive Intelligence and Counterintelligence - Modern Tools For Generating Proactive Corporate Security.”, International Scientific Journal Security & Future. 1/1, 2017. 7-10. google scholar
  • Labonia, Francesca. “The Strategic Role of Competitive Intelligence: A Study of The Brazilian Market.”, 2018. Erişim 10 Eylül 2023. FRANCESCA%20LABONIA%20-%20PRO18.pdf. google scholar
  • Lewis, James Andrew. “Counterespionage.”, Center for Strategic and International Studies. 2019. google scholar
  • Mclaughlin, Michael G., William J. Holstein, “A Long March: China’s Military-Industrial Espionage.”, 2023. Erişim 21 Eylül 20223. google scholar
  • Mihm, Stephen. “China Didn’t Invent Industrial Espionage.”, Bloomberg, 2015. Erişim 21 Eylül 2023.https:// google scholar
  • National Counterintelligence and Security Center, “Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace.”, 2018. Erişim 22 Eylül 2023. google scholar
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  • Pellegrino, Massimo. “The Threat of State-Sponsored Industrial Espionage.”, European Union Institute for Security Studies. 26, 2015. Erişim 15 Eylül 2023. publication/9de4b721-6256-43f0-b7df-988e3c4c945. google scholar
  • Reid, Melanie. “A Comparative Approach to Economic Espionage: Is Any Nation Effectively Dealing With This Global Threat?.”, University of Miami Law Review. 70/757, 2016. 757-829. google scholar
  • Roper, Carl. Trade Secret Theft Industrial Espionage, and the China Threat. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. google scholar
  • Salminen, Joni, William Degbey. “Social Media Espionage - A Strategic Grid.”, New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Haz. Gary Cook. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015. 261-274. google scholar
  • Segal, Adam. “The Coming Tech Cold War With China”, Foreign Affairs. 2020. Erişim 02 Ekim 20203.https:// google scholar
  • Senatore, Giancarlo, Fabio Lorenzo, Giovanna Galasso ve Federica Magna. “Study on the Scale and Impact of Industrial Espionage and Theft of Trade Secrets through Cyber.”, European Commission. 2019. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Shaitura, Sergey Vladimirovich, Konstantin Vasilievich Ordov, Irina Georgievna Lesnichaya, Yulia Dmitrievna Romanova, Seda Seiranovna Khachaturova. “Services and Mechanisms of Competitive Intelligence on The Internet.”, ESPACIOS. 39/45, 2018. 1-7. google scholar
  • Sinha, Sharad. “Understanding Industrial Espionage For Greater Technological and Economic Security.”, Digital Object Identifier. 2012. 37-41. google scholar
  • Snyder, Diane C., Sean Gregory, “Economic Intelligence in the Post-Cold War Era: Issues for Reform.”, 1997. Erişim 21 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Solberg, S0İlen K. “Economic and Industrial Espionage at The Start of The 21st Century - Status Quaestionis.”, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 6/3, 2016. 51-64. google scholar
  • Sungur, Bülent. Endüstriyel Casusluğun Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Küresel Rekabet Ortamındaki Yeri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul: Harp Akademileri Komutanlığı Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, 2012. google scholar
  • Tahmasebifard, Hamid. “The Role of Competitive Intelligence and Its Sub-Types On Achieving Market Performance.”, Cogent Business & Management. 5/1, 2018. 1-16. google scholar
  • Taylor, Trevor. “Defence Industries in International Relations.”, Review of International Studies. 16/1, 1990. 59-73. google scholar
  • The Associated Press, “How China, Russia, Iran Target US With Economic Espionage.”, 2018. Erişim 02 Ekim 2023. google scholar
  • Toriola, Temitope. “Industrial Espionage or Competitive Intelligence: Two Sides of the Same Coin.”, Purdue University. 2011. Erişim 12 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Vriens, Dirk. “The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Competitive Intelligence.”, Idea Group Inc, 2004. Erişim 07 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Winkler, Ira S. “Case Study of Industrial Espionage Through Social Engineering.”, 1996, 4-6. Erişim 20 Eylül 2023. https:// google scholar
  • Wray, Christopher. “Responding Effectively to the Chinese Economic Espionage Threat.”, FBI. 2020. Erişim 24 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Wright, Phillip C., Geraldine Roy, “Industrial Espionage and Competitive Intelligence: One You Do; One You Do Not.”, Journal of Workplace Learning. 11/2, 1999. 53-59. google scholar

Competitive Intelligencea Industrial Espionage: a National Security Perspective

Year 2024, , 37 - 60, 05.04.2024


Nowadays, companies and nations are being targeted more than ever illegally by actors trying to obtain new technologies, information, and innovations. Companies operating in coordination with governments, particularly in the fields of high technology, military applications, and biotechnology, are particularly attractive targets for industrial espionage because they possess many valuable trade secrets and the latest technologies. These assets can be worth billions of dollars to opponents, and their theft can provide a significant military and economic advantage to rival or enemy states. Therefore, the targeting of confidential business details and technical information by some states or nonstate actors is considered by states within the scope of national security. In particular, countering such industrial espionage activities, rather than competitive intelligence, is included in the scope of counterespionage in intelligence organizations. This study aimed to examine the scope of industrial espionage in depth, reveal the multifaceted dimensions of these activities, and explore the strategies of intelligence organizations and companies to detect and prevent this through examples. In addition, this study explores the complex interaction between industrial espionage and competitive intelligence with economic and national security concerns and sheds light on the delicate balance that intelligence organizations and companies should establish to decouple from industrial espionage.


  • Akdeve, Erdal, Erman Benli, “Rekabet İstihbaratı ve Risklerin Tespiti.”, ThinkTech. 2020. Erişim 22 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Anderson, Collin, Karim Sadjadpour, “Iran’s Cyber Threat: Espionage, Sabotage and Revenge.”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2018. Erişim 17 Eylül 2023. Iran_Cyber_Final_Full_v2.pdf. google scholar
  • Annual Report to Congress on Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage. 1995. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Argaman, Shahar, Gabi Siboni. “Commercial and Industrial Cyber Espionage in Israel.”, Military and Strategic Affairs. 6/1, 2014. 43-58. google scholar
  • Benny, Daniel J. Industrial Espionage Developing a Counterespionage Program. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. google scholar
  • Bernhardt, Douglas. Competitive Intelligence: How to Acquire and Use Corporate Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence. Edinburgh: Prentice Hall, 2003. google scholar
  • Binanti, Andrea. “Economic Intelligence and Industrial Espionage.”, Luiss, Department of Political Science Master’s Degree. 2019. google scholar
  • Bradley, Margaret. “Examples of Industrial and Military Technology Transfer in The Eighteenth Century.”, Documents pour l’histoire des techniques. 2010. 87-95. google scholar
  • Brazdilova, Miroslava. “Competitive Intelligence and Competitive Abilities of Enterprises.”, Ekonomika A Management. 2005. google scholar
  • Bronwyn, Higgs. “Industrial espionage: The Legal Way.”, Marketing Magazine. 76, 2005. 76-77. google scholar
  • Cable, Vincent. “What is International Economic Security?.”, International Affairs. 71/2, 1995. 305-324. google scholar
  • Colibasanu, Antonia. “Between Intelligence and Espionage in the Contemporary Business Environment.”, Ekonomika a Management Prague University of Economics and Business. 4, 2008. 1-13. google scholar
  • Control Risks. “Iranian Cyber Espionage Group Targets Suppliers of Industrial Control Systems.”, 2020. Erişim 03 Ekim 20203. google scholar
  • Cordesman, Anthony H., Arleigh A. Burke, Max Molot, “China’s Rising Military Technology and Industrial Base.”, Strategic and International Studies. 2019. google scholar
  • Cueto, Santiago A. “Spies, Lies and Secrets: 37 Industrial Espionage Tactics that Threaten to Kill Your International Business.”, 2013. Erişim 18 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Dempsey, Gillian. “Industrial Espionage: Criminal or Civil Remedies.”, Australian Institute of Criminology. No 106, 1999. Erişim 17 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Disotell, Michael. “The Spies Who Loved Me (And My Trade Secrets): A Brief History of Industrial Espionage.”, 2013. Erişim 20 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Fraumann, Edwin. “Economic Espionage: Security Missions Redefined.”, Public Administration Review. 57/4, 1997. 303-308. google scholar
  • Greenberg, Andy. “A Notorious Iranian Hacking Crew Is Targeting Industrial Control Systems.”, 2019. Erişim 12 Ekim 2023. google scholar
  • Heims, Peter. Countering Industrial Espionage. Surrey: Century Security Education Ltd, 1982. google scholar
  • Holmström, Lauri. “Industrial Espionage and Corporate Security: The Ericsson Case.”, Reports of the Police College of Finland. 87, 2010. 11-17. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. handle/10024/86735/Rapotteja_87_holmstrom.pdf?sequence google scholar
  • Hvistendahl, Mara, Valerio Pellegrini, “The Oldest Game.”, Foreign Policy. 232, 2019. 32-33. google scholar
  • Ivanov, Tsanko V. “Competitive Intelligence and Counterintelligence - Modern Tools For Generating Proactive Corporate Security.”, International Scientific Journal Security & Future. 1/1, 2017. 7-10. google scholar
  • Labonia, Francesca. “The Strategic Role of Competitive Intelligence: A Study of The Brazilian Market.”, 2018. Erişim 10 Eylül 2023. FRANCESCA%20LABONIA%20-%20PRO18.pdf. google scholar
  • Lewis, James Andrew. “Counterespionage.”, Center for Strategic and International Studies. 2019. google scholar
  • Mclaughlin, Michael G., William J. Holstein, “A Long March: China’s Military-Industrial Espionage.”, 2023. Erişim 21 Eylül 20223. google scholar
  • Mihm, Stephen. “China Didn’t Invent Industrial Espionage.”, Bloomberg, 2015. Erişim 21 Eylül 2023.https:// google scholar
  • National Counterintelligence and Security Center, “Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace.”, 2018. Erişim 22 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • O’Brien, Dick. “A Short History of Cyber Espionage”., 2017. Erişim 14 Ekim 2023. threat-intel/cyber-espionage-spying-409416c794ec. google scholar
  • Paganini, Pierluigi. “10 Biggest Cyber Espionage Cases.”, 2017. Erişim 28 Eylül 2023. https://securityaffairs. com/66617/hacking/cyber-espionage-cases.html. google scholar
  • Pellegrino, Massimo. “The Threat of State-Sponsored Industrial Espionage.”, European Union Institute for Security Studies. 26, 2015. Erişim 15 Eylül 2023. publication/9de4b721-6256-43f0-b7df-988e3c4c945. google scholar
  • Reid, Melanie. “A Comparative Approach to Economic Espionage: Is Any Nation Effectively Dealing With This Global Threat?.”, University of Miami Law Review. 70/757, 2016. 757-829. google scholar
  • Roper, Carl. Trade Secret Theft Industrial Espionage, and the China Threat. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. google scholar
  • Salminen, Joni, William Degbey. “Social Media Espionage - A Strategic Grid.”, New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Haz. Gary Cook. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015. 261-274. google scholar
  • Segal, Adam. “The Coming Tech Cold War With China”, Foreign Affairs. 2020. Erişim 02 Ekim 20203.https:// google scholar
  • Senatore, Giancarlo, Fabio Lorenzo, Giovanna Galasso ve Federica Magna. “Study on the Scale and Impact of Industrial Espionage and Theft of Trade Secrets through Cyber.”, European Commission. 2019. Erişim 16 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Shaitura, Sergey Vladimirovich, Konstantin Vasilievich Ordov, Irina Georgievna Lesnichaya, Yulia Dmitrievna Romanova, Seda Seiranovna Khachaturova. “Services and Mechanisms of Competitive Intelligence on The Internet.”, ESPACIOS. 39/45, 2018. 1-7. google scholar
  • Sinha, Sharad. “Understanding Industrial Espionage For Greater Technological and Economic Security.”, Digital Object Identifier. 2012. 37-41. google scholar
  • Snyder, Diane C., Sean Gregory, “Economic Intelligence in the Post-Cold War Era: Issues for Reform.”, 1997. Erişim 21 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Solberg, S0İlen K. “Economic and Industrial Espionage at The Start of The 21st Century - Status Quaestionis.”, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 6/3, 2016. 51-64. google scholar
  • Sungur, Bülent. Endüstriyel Casusluğun Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Küresel Rekabet Ortamındaki Yeri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul: Harp Akademileri Komutanlığı Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, 2012. google scholar
  • Tahmasebifard, Hamid. “The Role of Competitive Intelligence and Its Sub-Types On Achieving Market Performance.”, Cogent Business & Management. 5/1, 2018. 1-16. google scholar
  • Taylor, Trevor. “Defence Industries in International Relations.”, Review of International Studies. 16/1, 1990. 59-73. google scholar
  • The Associated Press, “How China, Russia, Iran Target US With Economic Espionage.”, 2018. Erişim 02 Ekim 2023. google scholar
  • Toriola, Temitope. “Industrial Espionage or Competitive Intelligence: Two Sides of the Same Coin.”, Purdue University. 2011. Erişim 12 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Vriens, Dirk. “The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Competitive Intelligence.”, Idea Group Inc, 2004. Erişim 07 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Winkler, Ira S. “Case Study of Industrial Espionage Through Social Engineering.”, 1996, 4-6. Erişim 20 Eylül 2023. https:// google scholar
  • Wray, Christopher. “Responding Effectively to the Chinese Economic Espionage Threat.”, FBI. 2020. Erişim 24 Eylül 2023. google scholar
  • Wright, Phillip C., Geraldine Roy, “Industrial Espionage and Competitive Intelligence: One You Do; One You Do Not.”, Journal of Workplace Learning. 11/2, 1999. 53-59. google scholar
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Gök 0000-0002-0734-459X

Taner Akçacı 0000-0002-5343-0894

Publication Date April 5, 2024
Submission Date November 12, 2023
Acceptance Date January 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Chicago Gök, Ali, and Taner Akçacı. “Rekabet İstihbaratı Ve Endüstriyel Casusluk: Ulusal Güvenlik Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 13, no. 1 (April 2024): 37-60.