Research Article
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Nasir al-Din Shah’s Visit to Istanbul (1873): The Problem of the Legal Status of the Iranians

Year 2024, , 61 - 81, 05.04.2024


This article examines the visit of the Iranian ruler Nasir al-Din Shah to Istanbul within the context of the problem of the legal status of the Iranians. The legal status of Iranians living in the Ottoman Empire had been a problem for the Ottoman State since the mid-nineteenth century. The article first discusses this problem and its history before explaining how it came to be on the agenda before the shah’s visit to Istanbul. Prior to his arrival in Istanbul, the shah claimed that unless this problem was resolved, he would not visit Istanbul, despite Sultan Abdülaziz’s invitation. The shah travelled to Istanbul only after receiving assurances that an agreement on the issue would be signed. The article then describes the shah’s days in Istanbul and discusses how and in what ways the two states showed goodwill towards each other and how the Ottoman state attached special importance to the shah. Despite the ongoing problem, the Ottoman State and the sultan treated the shah with special care. The shah was personally received by the sultan at the port, and numerous ceremonies and dinners were held in his honour. During the shah’s visit to Istanbul, he and his bureaucrats met privately with the sultan and Ottoman bureaucrats to discuss the issue of Iranian legal status, and they signed a protocol on the subject before leaving. Subsequent agreements in 1874 and 1875 confirmed and finalised this protocol, which classified the Iranians as foreigners. This article finally examines the agreements signed by the two states and discusses how and in what ways the legal status of Iranians in the Ottoman Empire changed.


  • BOA (Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives or Ottoman State Archives) google scholar
  • FO (National Archives at Kew Gardens) google scholar
  • Foreign Policy Documents at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs google scholar
  • La Turquie google scholar
  • Basiret google scholar
  • Rûznâme-i Cerîde-i Havadis google scholar
  • Fasai, Hasan. History of Persia under Qajar Rule, translated by Heribert Busse, NewYork&London: University Press, 1972.Colombia google scholar
  • Mehdi Fraşerli, Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kapitülasyonların Uygulanışı (İmtiyazat-ı Ecnebiyyenin Tatbikat-ı Hazırası), yayına hazırlayan, Fahrettin Tızlak, (İstanbul: Fakülte Kitabevi) google scholar
  • Mirza ‘Ali Khan Amin al-Dawlah, Khatirat-i siyasi-i Mirza ‘Ali Khan Amin al-Dawlah, ed. Hafiz Farmanfarmyan (Tehran: Kitabha-yi Iran, 1341/1962). google scholar
  • Nasir al-Din Shah, The Diary of H.M The Shah of Persia during His Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873, translated by J.W. Redhouse, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1874. google scholar
  • Sasani, Han Melik.Payitahtın Son Yıllarında Bir Sefir. trans. Hakkı Uygur, Istanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2006. google scholar
  • Ahmad, Feroz. “Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914”, Journal of Islamic Studies 111 (2000). google scholar
  • Amanat, Abbas. “Royal Authority”, in Iranian Studies ed. Layla Diba, 34, (USA: The Society for Iranian Studies, 2001). google scholar
  • Apaydın, H. Yunus. “Kefalet”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 2005. google scholar
  • Atçıl, Abdurrahman. “The Safavid Threat and Juristic Authority in the Ottoman Empire During the 16th Century”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, (2017): 295-314. google scholar
  • Ateş, Sabri. The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands, Making a boundary, 1843-1914, U.S.A: Cambridge University Press, 2013. google scholar
  • Can, Lale. “The Protection Question: Central Asians and Extraterritoriality in the late Ottoman Empire”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, no. 48 (2016): 679-699. google scholar
  • Chelkowski, Peter ‘‘Popular Arts, Patronage and Piety’’ in The Persian Royal Paintings, Qajar Epoch (17851925), ed Layla Diba and Maryam Ekhtiar, USA: Brookly Museum of Arts, 1998. google scholar
  • Çetinsaya, Gökhan. The Ottoman Administration in Iraq, London and NewYork: Routledge, 2006. google scholar
  • Demirel, Fatmagül. Son Ziyaretler, Son Ziyafetler. İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2007. google scholar
  • Deringil, Selim. ‘The Ottoman Empire and Russian Muslims: Brothers or Rivals?’. Central Asian Survey, No. 13:3, (1994): 409-416. google scholar
  • Eldem, Edhem. İftihar ve İmtiyaz. Osmanlı Nişan ve Madalyaları Tarihi (Pride and Privilege. A History of Ottoman Orders, Medals and Decorations), İstanbul: Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi. google scholar
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It, (London&NewYork: I.b. Tauris, 2004 google scholar
  • Göyünç, Nejat. ‘‘Muzaferüddin Şah ve II. Abdülhamid Devrinde Türk-İran Dostluk Tezahürleri’’ in İran Şehinşahlığı’nın 2500. Kuruluş Dönemine Armağan, (İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi, 1971. google scholar
  • Hanley, Will. “What Ottoman Nationality Was and Was Not”, Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, no. 3,2, (November 2016), 277-278. google scholar
  • İnalcık, Halil. “İmtiyazat”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Istanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 2005. google scholar
  • Karaer, Nihat. Paris, Londra, Viyana, Abdülaziz’in Avrupa Seyahati. İstanbul: Phoneix, 2003. google scholar
  • Kayaoğlu, Turan. Legal Imperialism: Sovereignity and Extraterritoriality in Japan, the Ottoman Empire, and China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2010. google scholar
  • Kern, Karen. Imperial Citizen. Marriage and Citizenship in the Ottoman Frontier Provinces of Iraq, NewYork: Syracuse University Press, 2011. google scholar
  • Kilerci, Başak. “Ottoman-Qajar Relations through Photography: Mozaffar al-Din Shah’s Istanbul Visit (1900)”, master’s thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2013. google scholar
  • Kilerci, Başak. “A Foreign Community in the Making: Iranians in the Late Ottoman Empire”, a doctoral thesis submitted to Oriental Institute, Oxford University, 2022. google scholar
  • Masters, Bruce. “The Treaties of Erzurum (1823 and 1848) and the Changing Status of Iranians in the Ottoman Empire”, Iranian Studies, Vol.24, No: 1/4, 1991. google scholar
  • Meyer, James. “Immigration, Return, and the Politics of Citizenship: Russian Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, 1860-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. Cambridge University Press, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Feb. 2007), 15-32. google scholar
  • Nakash, Yitzhak. The Shii’tes of Iraq. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. google scholar
  • Namık Kemal, Osmanlı Modernleşmesinin Meseleleri, Bütün Makaleleri 1, eds. Nergis Yılmaz Aydoğdu, İsmail Kara, (İstanbul: Dergah Yayınları, 2005). google scholar
  • Nasiri, Mohammad Reza. Nasıreddin Şah Zamanında Osmanlı-İran Münasebetleri (1848-1896), Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1991. google scholar
  • Rubin, Avi. Ottoman Nizamiye Courts, Law and Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. google scholar
  • Quatert, Donald. The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. google scholar
  • Serbestoğlu, İbrahim. Osmanlı Kimdir? Osmanlı Devleti’nde Tabiiyet Sorunu. Istanbul: Yeditepe Yayınları, 2014. google scholar
  • Shaw, Stanford. “The Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Tax Reforms and Revenue System”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, no.6, 1975:421-459 google scholar
  • Sohrabi, Naghmeh. Taken for Wonders: Nineteenth-Century Travel Accounts from Iran to Europe, Newyork: Oxford University Press, 2012. google scholar
  • Uğur, Yunus; Demir, Beyza Topuz. “Mahalle: Bir Mensubiyet ve Mesuliyet ilişkisi Olarak Osmanlı Şehirleri ve Kefalet Sistemi Örneği”, in Kent ve Maneviyat, eds Seyfettin Erşahin, Zehra Erşahin, Ankara: İdealkent Yayınları, 2020. google scholar
  • Van Den Boogert, Maurits H. The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System: Qadis, Consuls, and Beratlıs in the 18th Century. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005. google scholar
  • Yıldız, Mehmet. “Türk Resmi Ziyafet Kültüründe Zirve: Fransa İmparatoriçesi Eugenie Onuruna Verilen Muhteşem Ziyafetler (1869)”, in Milli Folklor, 26, s.102, (2014), 124-137. google scholar

Nasreddin Şah’ın İstanbul Ziyareti (1873): İranlılar’ın Hukuki Statü Sorunu

Year 2024, , 61 - 81, 05.04.2024


Bu makale, İran hükümdarı Nasıreddin Şah’ın İstanbul ziyaretini İranlılar’ın hukuki statüsü sorunu bağlamında incelemektedir. Osmanlı’da yaşayan İranlılar’ın hukuki statüsü meselesi on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren Osmanlı Devleti için bir sorun teşkil etmiştir. Makalede önce bu sorun ve tarihçesi ele alınmakta ve ardından bu sorunun şahın İstanbul ziyareti öncesinde nasıl gündeme geldiği anlatılmaktadır. Şah İstanbul’a gelmeden önce, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda yaşayan İranlıların hukuki statü sorunu çözülmezse Sultan Abdülaziz’in davetine rağmen İstanbul’u ziyaret etmeyeceğini ifade etmiştir. Şah, ancak konuyla ilgili bir anlaşma imzalanacağına dair garanti aldıktan sonra İstanbul’a gelmiştir. Makale, daha sonra, şahın İstanbul günlerini anlatmakta ve iki devletin birbirine nasıl ve ne şekillerde iyi niyet gösterdiğini ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin şaha nasıl özel ihtimam verdiğini tartışmaktadır. Osmanlı Devlet’i mevzu bahis soruna rağmen şahı özel bir özenle ağırlamıştır. Şah bizzat sultan Abdülaziz tarafından limanda karşılanmış ve onuruna birçok tören ve yemek düzenlenmiştir. Şah ve bürokratları İstanbul’da bulundukları süre içerisinde, İranlılar’ın hukuki statüsü sorununu tartışmak için Sultan Abdülaziz ve Osmanlı bürokratlarıyla özel görüşmeler yapmış ve İstanbul’dan ayrılmadan mesele ile ilgili bir protokol imzalamışlardır. İranlıları ecnebi olarak sınıflandıran bu protokol, 1874 ve 1875 yıllarında yeni anlaşmalarla onaylanacak ve kesinleştirilecektir. Makale, son olarak iki devlet arasında imzalanan bu anlaşmaları incelemekte ve İranlılar’ın hukuki statülerinin nasıl ve ne şekilde değiştiğini tartışmaktadır.


  • BOA (Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives or Ottoman State Archives) google scholar
  • FO (National Archives at Kew Gardens) google scholar
  • Foreign Policy Documents at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs google scholar
  • La Turquie google scholar
  • Basiret google scholar
  • Rûznâme-i Cerîde-i Havadis google scholar
  • Fasai, Hasan. History of Persia under Qajar Rule, translated by Heribert Busse, NewYork&London: University Press, 1972.Colombia google scholar
  • Mehdi Fraşerli, Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kapitülasyonların Uygulanışı (İmtiyazat-ı Ecnebiyyenin Tatbikat-ı Hazırası), yayına hazırlayan, Fahrettin Tızlak, (İstanbul: Fakülte Kitabevi) google scholar
  • Mirza ‘Ali Khan Amin al-Dawlah, Khatirat-i siyasi-i Mirza ‘Ali Khan Amin al-Dawlah, ed. Hafiz Farmanfarmyan (Tehran: Kitabha-yi Iran, 1341/1962). google scholar
  • Nasir al-Din Shah, The Diary of H.M The Shah of Persia during His Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873, translated by J.W. Redhouse, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1874. google scholar
  • Sasani, Han Melik.Payitahtın Son Yıllarında Bir Sefir. trans. Hakkı Uygur, Istanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2006. google scholar
  • Ahmad, Feroz. “Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914”, Journal of Islamic Studies 111 (2000). google scholar
  • Amanat, Abbas. “Royal Authority”, in Iranian Studies ed. Layla Diba, 34, (USA: The Society for Iranian Studies, 2001). google scholar
  • Apaydın, H. Yunus. “Kefalet”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi. Istanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 2005. google scholar
  • Atçıl, Abdurrahman. “The Safavid Threat and Juristic Authority in the Ottoman Empire During the 16th Century”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, (2017): 295-314. google scholar
  • Ateş, Sabri. The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands, Making a boundary, 1843-1914, U.S.A: Cambridge University Press, 2013. google scholar
  • Can, Lale. “The Protection Question: Central Asians and Extraterritoriality in the late Ottoman Empire”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, no. 48 (2016): 679-699. google scholar
  • Chelkowski, Peter ‘‘Popular Arts, Patronage and Piety’’ in The Persian Royal Paintings, Qajar Epoch (17851925), ed Layla Diba and Maryam Ekhtiar, USA: Brookly Museum of Arts, 1998. google scholar
  • Çetinsaya, Gökhan. The Ottoman Administration in Iraq, London and NewYork: Routledge, 2006. google scholar
  • Demirel, Fatmagül. Son Ziyaretler, Son Ziyafetler. İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2007. google scholar
  • Deringil, Selim. ‘The Ottoman Empire and Russian Muslims: Brothers or Rivals?’. Central Asian Survey, No. 13:3, (1994): 409-416. google scholar
  • Eldem, Edhem. İftihar ve İmtiyaz. Osmanlı Nişan ve Madalyaları Tarihi (Pride and Privilege. A History of Ottoman Orders, Medals and Decorations), İstanbul: Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi. google scholar
  • Faroqhi, Suraiya. The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It, (London&NewYork: I.b. Tauris, 2004 google scholar
  • Göyünç, Nejat. ‘‘Muzaferüddin Şah ve II. Abdülhamid Devrinde Türk-İran Dostluk Tezahürleri’’ in İran Şehinşahlığı’nın 2500. Kuruluş Dönemine Armağan, (İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi, 1971. google scholar
  • Hanley, Will. “What Ottoman Nationality Was and Was Not”, Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, no. 3,2, (November 2016), 277-278. google scholar
  • İnalcık, Halil. “İmtiyazat”, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Istanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 2005. google scholar
  • Karaer, Nihat. Paris, Londra, Viyana, Abdülaziz’in Avrupa Seyahati. İstanbul: Phoneix, 2003. google scholar
  • Kayaoğlu, Turan. Legal Imperialism: Sovereignity and Extraterritoriality in Japan, the Ottoman Empire, and China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2010. google scholar
  • Kern, Karen. Imperial Citizen. Marriage and Citizenship in the Ottoman Frontier Provinces of Iraq, NewYork: Syracuse University Press, 2011. google scholar
  • Kilerci, Başak. “Ottoman-Qajar Relations through Photography: Mozaffar al-Din Shah’s Istanbul Visit (1900)”, master’s thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2013. google scholar
  • Kilerci, Başak. “A Foreign Community in the Making: Iranians in the Late Ottoman Empire”, a doctoral thesis submitted to Oriental Institute, Oxford University, 2022. google scholar
  • Masters, Bruce. “The Treaties of Erzurum (1823 and 1848) and the Changing Status of Iranians in the Ottoman Empire”, Iranian Studies, Vol.24, No: 1/4, 1991. google scholar
  • Meyer, James. “Immigration, Return, and the Politics of Citizenship: Russian Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, 1860-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. Cambridge University Press, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Feb. 2007), 15-32. google scholar
  • Nakash, Yitzhak. The Shii’tes of Iraq. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. google scholar
  • Namık Kemal, Osmanlı Modernleşmesinin Meseleleri, Bütün Makaleleri 1, eds. Nergis Yılmaz Aydoğdu, İsmail Kara, (İstanbul: Dergah Yayınları, 2005). google scholar
  • Nasiri, Mohammad Reza. Nasıreddin Şah Zamanında Osmanlı-İran Münasebetleri (1848-1896), Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1991. google scholar
  • Rubin, Avi. Ottoman Nizamiye Courts, Law and Modernity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. google scholar
  • Quatert, Donald. The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. google scholar
  • Serbestoğlu, İbrahim. Osmanlı Kimdir? Osmanlı Devleti’nde Tabiiyet Sorunu. Istanbul: Yeditepe Yayınları, 2014. google scholar
  • Shaw, Stanford. “The Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Tax Reforms and Revenue System”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, no.6, 1975:421-459 google scholar
  • Sohrabi, Naghmeh. Taken for Wonders: Nineteenth-Century Travel Accounts from Iran to Europe, Newyork: Oxford University Press, 2012. google scholar
  • Uğur, Yunus; Demir, Beyza Topuz. “Mahalle: Bir Mensubiyet ve Mesuliyet ilişkisi Olarak Osmanlı Şehirleri ve Kefalet Sistemi Örneği”, in Kent ve Maneviyat, eds Seyfettin Erşahin, Zehra Erşahin, Ankara: İdealkent Yayınları, 2020. google scholar
  • Van Den Boogert, Maurits H. The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System: Qadis, Consuls, and Beratlıs in the 18th Century. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005. google scholar
  • Yıldız, Mehmet. “Türk Resmi Ziyafet Kültüründe Zirve: Fransa İmparatoriçesi Eugenie Onuruna Verilen Muhteşem Ziyafetler (1869)”, in Milli Folklor, 26, s.102, (2014), 124-137. google scholar
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Başak Kilerci 0009-0000-5585-460X

Publication Date April 5, 2024
Submission Date February 16, 2024
Acceptance Date March 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Chicago Kilerci, Başak. “Nasir Al-Din Shah’s Visit to Istanbul (1873): The Problem of the Legal Status of the Iranians”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 13, no. 1 (April 2024): 61-81.