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Turkish-Georgian Cooperation in the Struggle for Security in the South Caucasus (The Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform)

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 209 - 224, 04.10.2021


With the collapse of the Soviet Union (SU), the South Caucasus region has been in the interest of the world’s great powers. The South Caucasus has been a key to maintaining peace and stability on the continent. Formation of new states in the South Caucasus and Central Asia after the collapse of the SU raised to have relations with the Turkic peoples of Central Asia first in the history of the Republic for Turkey. Foreign policy the Caucasus continues to evolve in its foreign policy strategy. Because in terms of the security of Anatolia, permanent peace and stability in the South Caucasus has a special importance for Turkey. However, there were forces that did not want lasting peace and stability in the region, generally Russia hinders Turkey’s peaceful policies in the region. This article examines Turkey’s role in maintaining security in the South Caucasus, Turkey’s and Russia’s rivalry in the political process in the region, Turkey’s role in restoring security in the region in the Russia-Georgia war, and the Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform and other power centers in the region, aimed at the economic, political, military and cultural interests of the challenges and their effects posed by Turkey. Also in the article have been analyzed one of the three South Caucasus states of Georgia, the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, within Georgia’s territorial integrity. Finally, some examples are provided to ensure security in the region.


  • Avinoam Idan, “Russia and Turkey: Behind the Armenia-Azerbaijan Clashes?” Published in the CACI Analytical August 31, 2020, Analyst Erişim 14 Eylül 2021 item/13636-russia-and-turkey-behind-the-armenia-azerbaijan-clashes?.html
  • Arikhov J. Azerbaijan-Georgia: dynamics of development of friendly relations (1992-2003). Baku .: Qanun, 2008
  • Алексаня Лarisa .Мgerovna. The “soft power” policy of Turkey towards Georgia. Turkey in world politics and economics. Vestnik MGİMO University 2016 2(47) 71-83
  • Andrew Purvis, Who Started the War in Georgia ?, Time, September 3, 2008, Erişim 09 Eylül 2020 http://,8599,1838305,00.html
  • Alliance in 24 hours August 15, 2008. http: // com:80/politika/24-saatte-ittifak-120867.htm
  • Aliyev’s support for cooperation in the Caucasus. 20.08.2008 aliyev-destegi-894659/
  • Binay Mehmed. After the Balkans, the Caucasus established a pact. 19 May 2000 Erişim 25 Ağustos 2020 5088.asp
  • A belt-a-road-project extending into the future. Official Gazette, January 27, 2017
  • Cecire Michael Hikari, “The Merchant Hegemon: Georgia’s Role in Turkey’s Caucasus System”, in Kornely Kakachia and Michael Cecire (eds.), 2013
  • Çoğal Necat. References in the Caucasus. 09.06.2015 Erişim 11 Ocak 2020 2015/06/09/1723
  • Davutoglu Ahmed. Strategic Depth. Istanbul, 2016
  • Demirel: He wanted the Caucasus Pact., 15 January Erişim 13 Şubat 2020 demirel-kafkas-istikrar-pakti-istedi
  • Daria Isachenko, Turkey–Russia Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh. SWP Comment 2020/C 53, 19.11.2020, Erişim 13 Haziran 2021
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Description January 8, 2001, Erişim 06 Şubat 2020
  • Hakan Aksay. Ankara and Caucasus policy. Taraf Gaz., August 16, 2008 Erişim tarihi: 07 Kasım 2020 http: // tr / arsiv
  • Haldun Yalçınkaya, “Turkey’s Overlooked Role in the Second Nagorno Karabahk War. 21.01.2021 The German Marshall Fund of the United Stade”. January 21, 2021 Erişim 06 Şubat 2021 news/turkeys-overlooked-role-second-nagorno-kabakh-war
  • Heydar Aliyev. Our independence is eternal. Book 40 (June, 2002 - August, 2002). B .: Azerneshr, 2012
  • Heydar Aliyev’s light - the Silk Road. Baku, 2001
  • Hasanov Ali. Modern international relations and foreign policy of Azerbaijan. Baku 2005.
  • Hasanli Jamil. New geopolitical situation in the Chernomorsk-Caspian region after August 2008. Black Sea- Caspian: search for new formats of security and cooperation. Moscow. 2011
  • Huseynova Hicran. Azerbaijan in the system of European integration processes. Baku 2008
  • Hüseynova İrada. Heydar Aliyev and the peace process in the South Caucasus. Baku: Çaşıoğlu Publishing House, 2008
  • Ismet Berkan. Caucasus Platform. Radikal newspaper, August 21, 2008 Erişim 12 Mart 2020 http: // www.
  • Imanov Vugar. Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform. Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future. Editors: Komatsu Hisaa, Karasar Shahin, Dadayev Timur, Guljanat Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun. Maltepe University, No 46 2011/5,
  • Interview of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu, the architect of the last six years of Turkish foreign policy. Transverse and Longitudinal Program.TRT 31 January 2009 Erişim 06 Ocak 2018
  • Martirosyan S. Turkish throw in the Caucasus. September 10, 2008 Erişim 06 Ocak 2020 http: // www.
  • Mammadov Novruz. Foreign policy: realities and vision of the future, Baku 2013
  • Mamduh Karakullukçu and Dmitri Trenin. Examining Opportunities for Russian-Turkish Cooperation in a Challenging Region. Turkey, 2014
  • Kotchikian Asbed, “The Perceived Roles of Russia and Turkey in Georgian Foreign Policy”, Insight Turkey, vol. 6, no. 2, 2004, p. 33-44.
  • Serkan Demirtaş. A new Caucasus reference, Cumhuriyet newspaper, January 17, 2000
  • Safrançuk İvan, Kazarov Püstəm. The Caucasus after the 2008 crisis is a new reality, new opportunities, limited results. The role of Russia and Turkey in the security system of the South Caucasus. SAM. Bakı. 2012.
  • The interests of Russia and Iran coincide somewhere. Gas. Kommersant, 2002, May 4
  • Turkish-Georgian political relations. Erişim 12 Aralık 2019
  • Tüysüzoğlu Göytürk. Turkey, South Caucasus and Trabzon notification, June 2012 Erişim 09 Şubat 2020 /
  • The Trabzon summit called for stability in the South Caucasus. Voice newspaper, May 3
  • Turkish-Armenian political relations. The official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Erişim 12 Mart 2020 http: // www.
  • Turkey in external press, RFE / RL Newsline, June 13, 2001 Erişim 06 Şubat 2020
  • Workable on the Peace Draft. Cumhuriyet newspaper, January 5, 2008
  • Vahram Ter-Matevosyan. Cooperation paradigms in the South Caucasus Making sense of Turkish-Georgian relations. Coopération au Sud Caucase: le cas des relations turco-géorgiennes. 04.2014. https://journals.
  • Zalmay Khalilzad, Ian Lesser and Stephen Larrabee, The Future of Turkish-Western Relations: Toward a Strategic Plan, Santa Monica, CA, RAND, 2000,

Güney Kafkasya’da Güvenlik Mücadelesinde Türkiye-Gürcistan İşbirliği (Kafkasya İstikrar ve İşbirliği Platformu)

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 209 - 224, 04.10.2021


Sovyetler Birliği’nin (SB) çöküşünün ardından Güney Kafkasya bölgesi dünyanın büyük güçlerinin çıkarında olmuştur. Güney Kafkasya, kıtada barış ve istikrarın korunmasının anahtarı olmuştur. SB’nin dağılmasından sonra Güney Kafkasya ve Orta Asya’da yeni devletlerin oluşması, Türkiye için Cumhuriyet tarihinde ilk kez Orta Asya Türk halkları ile ilişkiler kurmayı ve onlara sahip olmayı gündeme getirdi. Türkiye dış politika stratejisinde Güney Kafkasya, bölgesi gelişmeye devam ediyor. Çünkü Anadolu'nun güvenliği açısından Güney Kafkasya'da kalıcı barış ve istikrarın olması Türkiye için özel bir öneme sahiptir. Ancak bölgede kalıcı barış ve istikrarın olmamasını istemeyen güçler vardı ki, genellikle Rusya Türkiye'nin bölgedeki barışçıl politikalarına engel oluyor. Bu makale, Güney Kafkasya’da güvenliğin sağlanmasında Türkiye’nin rolünü, bölgedeki siyasi süreçte Türkiye ve Rusya’nın rekabetini, Rusya-Gürcistan savaşında bölgede güvenliğin sağlanmasında Türkiye’nin rolünü ve “Kafkas İstikrar ve İşbirliği Platformu” ve bölgedeki güç merkezlerinin ekonomik, siyasi, askeri ve kültürel çıkarlarının Türkiye için yarattığı sorunlar ve etkileri incelenmişti. Makale ayrıca, Türkiye’nin üç Güney Kafkasya devletinden biri olan Gürcistan’daki Abhazya ve Güney Osetya’daki ihtilafları Gürcistan’ın toprak bütünlüğü içinde çözme çabalarını da incelemektedir. Son olarak bölgede güvenliği sağlamak için bazı örnekler verilmiştir.


  • Avinoam Idan, “Russia and Turkey: Behind the Armenia-Azerbaijan Clashes?” Published in the CACI Analytical August 31, 2020, Analyst Erişim 14 Eylül 2021 item/13636-russia-and-turkey-behind-the-armenia-azerbaijan-clashes?.html
  • Arikhov J. Azerbaijan-Georgia: dynamics of development of friendly relations (1992-2003). Baku .: Qanun, 2008
  • Алексаня Лarisa .Мgerovna. The “soft power” policy of Turkey towards Georgia. Turkey in world politics and economics. Vestnik MGİMO University 2016 2(47) 71-83
  • Andrew Purvis, Who Started the War in Georgia ?, Time, September 3, 2008, Erişim 09 Eylül 2020 http://,8599,1838305,00.html
  • Alliance in 24 hours August 15, 2008. http: // com:80/politika/24-saatte-ittifak-120867.htm
  • Aliyev’s support for cooperation in the Caucasus. 20.08.2008 aliyev-destegi-894659/
  • Binay Mehmed. After the Balkans, the Caucasus established a pact. 19 May 2000 Erişim 25 Ağustos 2020 5088.asp
  • A belt-a-road-project extending into the future. Official Gazette, January 27, 2017
  • Cecire Michael Hikari, “The Merchant Hegemon: Georgia’s Role in Turkey’s Caucasus System”, in Kornely Kakachia and Michael Cecire (eds.), 2013
  • Çoğal Necat. References in the Caucasus. 09.06.2015 Erişim 11 Ocak 2020 2015/06/09/1723
  • Davutoglu Ahmed. Strategic Depth. Istanbul, 2016
  • Demirel: He wanted the Caucasus Pact., 15 January Erişim 13 Şubat 2020 demirel-kafkas-istikrar-pakti-istedi
  • Daria Isachenko, Turkey–Russia Partnership in the War over Nagorno-Karabakh. SWP Comment 2020/C 53, 19.11.2020, Erişim 13 Haziran 2021
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Description January 8, 2001, Erişim 06 Şubat 2020
  • Hakan Aksay. Ankara and Caucasus policy. Taraf Gaz., August 16, 2008 Erişim tarihi: 07 Kasım 2020 http: // tr / arsiv
  • Haldun Yalçınkaya, “Turkey’s Overlooked Role in the Second Nagorno Karabahk War. 21.01.2021 The German Marshall Fund of the United Stade”. January 21, 2021 Erişim 06 Şubat 2021 news/turkeys-overlooked-role-second-nagorno-kabakh-war
  • Heydar Aliyev. Our independence is eternal. Book 40 (June, 2002 - August, 2002). B .: Azerneshr, 2012
  • Heydar Aliyev’s light - the Silk Road. Baku, 2001
  • Hasanov Ali. Modern international relations and foreign policy of Azerbaijan. Baku 2005.
  • Hasanli Jamil. New geopolitical situation in the Chernomorsk-Caspian region after August 2008. Black Sea- Caspian: search for new formats of security and cooperation. Moscow. 2011
  • Huseynova Hicran. Azerbaijan in the system of European integration processes. Baku 2008
  • Hüseynova İrada. Heydar Aliyev and the peace process in the South Caucasus. Baku: Çaşıoğlu Publishing House, 2008
  • Ismet Berkan. Caucasus Platform. Radikal newspaper, August 21, 2008 Erişim 12 Mart 2020 http: // www.
  • Imanov Vugar. Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform. Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future. Editors: Komatsu Hisaa, Karasar Shahin, Dadayev Timur, Guljanat Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun. Maltepe University, No 46 2011/5,
  • Interview of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu, the architect of the last six years of Turkish foreign policy. Transverse and Longitudinal Program.TRT 31 January 2009 Erişim 06 Ocak 2018
  • Martirosyan S. Turkish throw in the Caucasus. September 10, 2008 Erişim 06 Ocak 2020 http: // www.
  • Mammadov Novruz. Foreign policy: realities and vision of the future, Baku 2013
  • Mamduh Karakullukçu and Dmitri Trenin. Examining Opportunities for Russian-Turkish Cooperation in a Challenging Region. Turkey, 2014
  • Kotchikian Asbed, “The Perceived Roles of Russia and Turkey in Georgian Foreign Policy”, Insight Turkey, vol. 6, no. 2, 2004, p. 33-44.
  • Serkan Demirtaş. A new Caucasus reference, Cumhuriyet newspaper, January 17, 2000
  • Safrançuk İvan, Kazarov Püstəm. The Caucasus after the 2008 crisis is a new reality, new opportunities, limited results. The role of Russia and Turkey in the security system of the South Caucasus. SAM. Bakı. 2012.
  • The interests of Russia and Iran coincide somewhere. Gas. Kommersant, 2002, May 4
  • Turkish-Georgian political relations. Erişim 12 Aralık 2019
  • Tüysüzoğlu Göytürk. Turkey, South Caucasus and Trabzon notification, June 2012 Erişim 09 Şubat 2020 /
  • The Trabzon summit called for stability in the South Caucasus. Voice newspaper, May 3
  • Turkish-Armenian political relations. The official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Erişim 12 Mart 2020 http: // www.
  • Turkey in external press, RFE / RL Newsline, June 13, 2001 Erişim 06 Şubat 2020
  • Workable on the Peace Draft. Cumhuriyet newspaper, January 5, 2008
  • Vahram Ter-Matevosyan. Cooperation paradigms in the South Caucasus Making sense of Turkish-Georgian relations. Coopération au Sud Caucase: le cas des relations turco-géorgiennes. 04.2014. https://journals.
  • Zalmay Khalilzad, Ian Lesser and Stephen Larrabee, The Future of Turkish-Western Relations: Toward a Strategic Plan, Santa Monica, CA, RAND, 2000,
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Murad Asadov This is me 0000-0003-1528-2533

Publication Date October 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


Chicago Asadov, Murad. “Turkish-Georgian Cooperation in the Struggle for Security in the South Caucasus (The Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform)”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 10, no. 2 (October 2021): 209-24.