Research Article
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Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1 - 28, 01.12.2017


This study aims to systematically review the results of research on the effect of short-term imprisonment and alternative sanctions on preventing recidivism. The systematic review in this study was carried out using resources at the Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviews and Google Scholar. Three meta-analytic studies about the effect of short-term imprisonment and alternative sanctions on preventing recidivism met the eligibility criterias set forth for this systematic review. These three studies include evaluations carried out between 1960 and 2013. All three meta-analytic studies suggest that alternative sanctions are more effective at preventing recidivism than imprisonment. However, the level of effectiviness is not significant. These three studies indicate that imprisonment does not have a statistically significant effect in preventing reoffense. Furthermore, one of three studies indicates that imprisonment actually has an adverse effect on preventing recidivism. 

The following questions are discussed in this study: Can the finding that alternative sanctions are more effective than imprisonment on preventing recidivism be generalized across all alternative sanctions? In addition, is it possible to draw conclusions as to which alternative sanctions are more effective than others? Finally, can these findings guide the evaluation of the Turkish criminal justice system? The results of these findings are discussed in terms of theory, practice, and research.


  • ABANOZ, Buket, “Ceza İnfaz Kurumları’nda Özelleştirmenin Çok Boyutlu Değerlendirilmesi ve Türkiye’de Uygulanabilirliği”, V. Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, I. Kitap, 2016, s. 41-62. Bkz.
  • ADA, Şükrü, PEKER, Adem, “Tedavi ve Denetimli Serbestlik Tedbiri Uygulamasının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi (Sakarya İli Örneği)”, AÜSBED, 2012, 16 (1), 425-438.
  • AKERS, Ronald L., SELLERS, Christine S., Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 5. Edition, 2009.
  • ALBRECHT, H. J., “Recidivism after fines, suspended sentences and imprisonment”, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 1984, 8/2, 199-207.
  • APEL, Robert, Gary Sweeten, Incarceration, Crime and Employment, Unpublished manuscript, Albany, NY: State University at Albany, 2008.
  • BARTELS, L.,”The weight of the sword of Damocles: A reconviction analysis of suspended sentences in Tasmania”, The Australian and New Zealand J. Of Criminology, 2009, 42/1, 72-100.
  • BARTON, William H., Jeffrey A. Butts, “Viable Options: Intensive Supervision Programs for Juvenile Delinquents”, Crime and Delinquency, 1990, V. 36, N. 2, 238-256.
  • BECCARİA, Cesare, Suçlar ve Cezalar Hakkında, Çev. Sami Selçuk, Ankara, İmge Kitabevi, 2013.
  • BENNETT, Trevor, HOLLOWAY, Kathy, FARRINGTON, David, The Effectiveness of Neigborhood Watch, Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2008: 18.
  • BERGMAN, G.R., The evaluation of an experimental program designed to reduce recidivism among second felony criminal offenders, Wayne State Universitu, Detroit (Mich.), PhD dissertation, 1976.
  • BOERINGER, Scot, Constance L. Shehan, Ronald L. Akers, “Social context and social learning in sexual coercion and aggression: Assesing the contribution of fraternity membership”, Family Relations, 1991, 40, 558-564, nakleden Akers, 2009: 104.
  • BONTREGAR, R. S., E. K. Winokur, G. Hand, S. Chapman, “Juvenile Justice Interventions: System escalation and effective alternatives to residental placement”, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 2013, 52/5, 358-375.
  • COOLEY, Charles Horton, Human Nature and Social Order, NewYork: Scribner, 1902 nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • DURKIN, Keith F., Timothy W. Wolfe, Gregory A. Clark, ““College students and binge drinking: An evaluation of social learning theory”, Sociological Spectrum, 25, 2005, 255-272.
  • ERDEM, Mustafa Ruhan, Kısa Süreli Özgürlüğü Bağlayıcı Cezaların İnfazı ve Yeni Seçenekler, İnfaz Hukukunun Sorunları Sempozyumu, Ankara: Başkent Üniversitesi, Öz-Özen Matbaa, 1993 s. 192-214.
  • ELLIS, Lee & Anthony Walsh, “Criminologists’ opinions about causes and theories of crime and delinquency”, The Criminologist, 1999, 24 (4):1, 4-6, nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • FARRINGTON, D. P., & Petrosino, A., The Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Academy of Political and Social Science, 2001, 578, 35–49.
  • GARRIDO, Vicente, QUINTRO, Luz Anyela Morales, Serious (Violent and Chronic) Juvenile Offenders: A Systematic Review of Treatment Effectiveness in Secure Corrections, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2007.
  • GENDREAU P., Goggin, C., & Cullen, F, The effects of prison sentences on recidivism. A report to the Corrections Research and Development and Aboriginal Policy Branch, Solicitor General of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Public Works & Government Services Canada, 1999.
  • GENDREAU, P., Goggin, C., & Fulton, B., Intensive probation in probation and parole settings, In C. R. Hollin (Ed.), Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment (pp. 195-204). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2000.
  • GENDREAU, P., Goggin, C., Cullen, F. T., & Andrews, D. A., The effects of community sanctions and incarceration on recidivism, In Compendium of Effective Correctional Programs (volume 1, chapter 4). Ottawa, Ontario: Correctional Service of Canada, Solicitor General of Canada, 2001.
  • GÜVEL, Enver Alper, Suç ve Ceza Ekonomisi, Ankara: Roma Yayınları, 2004.
  • İÇEL, Kayıhan ve diğerleri, Yaptırım Teorisi, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım, 2000.
  • KARAKAŞ-DOĞAN, Fatma, Kuzey Kıbrıs (KKTC) Merkezi Cezaevi Üzerinde Yapılan Alan Çalışmasından Elde Edilen Verilerin Suçla Mücadele Bağlamında Analizi, TBB Dergisi, 2012 (100), 97-151.
  • KIZMAZ, Zahir, Cezaevinin ve Hapsetmenin Suçu Engellemedeki Etkisi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi SBD, 2007 (17), 44-68.
  • KILLIAS M., Aebi M., RIBEAUD, D., Does community service rehabilitate better than shorter-term imprisonment? Results of a controlled experiment. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 39/1, 2000, 40-57.
  • KRAUS, J., “A comparison of Corrective Effects of Probation and Detention on Male Juvenile Offenders”, British Journal of Criminology, V. 14, N. 1, 1974, 49-62; ---------, “Remand in Custody as a Deterrrent in Juvenile Jurisdiction”, British Journal of Criminology, V. 18, N. 3, 1978, 285-289; ----------, “The Effects of Committal to a Special School for Truants”, International Journal of Offender Therapies and Comparative Criminology, V. 25, N. 2, 1981, 130-138.
  • LEE, Gang, Ronald L. Akers, Marism Borg, “Social learning and structural factors in adolescent substance use”, Western Criminology Review, 2004, 5, 17-34, nakleden Akers, 2009: 104.
  • LITTEL, J. H., Corcoran, J., & Pillai, V., Systematic reviews and meta-analysis. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • LOUGHRAN, Thomas A., Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, Jeffrey Fagan, Sandra H. Losoya, Alex R. Piquero, “Estimating a Dose-Response Relationship between Length of Stay and Recidivism in Serious Juvenile Offenders”, Working Paper, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 2008.
  • LUM, Cynthia, KENNEDY, Leslie W., SHERLEY, Alison J., The Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism Strategies, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2006.
  • MacIVOR, G., “Community service and custody in Scotland”, The Howard Journal, 1990, 29/2, 101-113.
  • MacKENZIE, D. L., SHAW, J.W.: The impact of shock incarceration on technical violations and new Criminal activities, Justice Quartely, 1993, 10/3, 463-487.
  • McDOUGALL, Cynthia, COHEN, Mark. A., SWARAY, Raymond ve PERRY, Amanda, “The Costs and Benefits of Sentencing: A Systematic Review, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science”, Assessing Systematic Evidence, Crime and Justice: Methodological Concerns and Empirical Outcomes (May, 2003),V. 587, pp. 160-177.
  • MCDOUGALL, Cynthia, COHEN, Mark A. PERRY, Amanda, SWARAY, Raymond, Benefit-Cost Analyses of Sentencing: A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2008.
  • MEAD, George Herbert, Mind, Self, and Society, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934, nakleden Akers& Sellers, 2009: 152.
  • MEARS, Daniel P., Coachran, Joshua C., Cullen, Francis T., “Incarceration Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Assessing the Effectiveness of Imprisonment on Recidivism”, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 24 April 2014.
  • MITCHELL, Ojmarrh, MACKENZIE, Doris,WILSON, David, The Effectiveness of Incarceration-Based Drug Treatment on Crime Behavior: A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2012.
  • MUILUVUORI, M.L.,“Recidivism amog people sentenced to community service in Finland”, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 2/7, 2001, pp. 72-82.
  • MURRAY, Joseph, FARRINGTON, David,SEKOL, Ivana, OLSEN, Rikke F., Parental Imprisonment: A Systematic Review of Its Effects on Child Antisocial Behavior, Crime and Mental Health, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2009.
  • NAGIN, Daniel S., Francis T. Cullen ve Cheryl Lero Jonson, “Imprisonment and Reoffending”, Crime and Justice, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2009, 115-200.
  • NAGIN, Daniel S., Deterrence: Scaring offenders straight. In F. T. Cullen & C. L. Jonson (Eds.), Correctional Theory: Context and Consequences (pp. 67–98). California, CA: Sage. 2012.
  • NIEUWBEERTA P., NAGIN D., BLOKLAND A., Assessing the impact of first-time imprisonment on offenders’ subsequent criminal career development: A matched samples comparison. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25,2009, 227-257.
  • PETERSILIA, Joan, Susan Turner, Judith Peterson, Prison versus Probation in California: Implications for Crime and Offender Recidivism, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1986.
  • PETROSINO, Anthony, BUEHLER, John,TURPIN-PETROSINO, Carolyn, Scared Straight and Other Juvenile Awareness Programs for Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, V. 589, N. 1, 2003, 41-62.
  • SAVOLAINEN, Jukka, Wayne Nehwadowich, Aida Teharatchi ve Bernice LinenReed, Criminal Recidivisim among Felony-Level ATI Program Participants in New York City, New York City Criminal Justice Agency, 2002.
  • SCHNEIDER, Anne L., “Restitution and Recidivism Rates of Juvenile Offenders: Results from Four Experimental Studies”, Criminology, V. 24, N. 33, 1986, 533,552.
  • SKINNER, William F., A. M. Fream, “A socail learning theory analysis of computer crime among college students”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1997, 34, 495-518 nakleden Akers, 2009.
  • SIMPSON, Sally, RORIE, Melissa, ALPER Mariel Elise, SCHELL- BUSEY Natalie, LAUFER William, N. Craig Smith, “Corporate Crime Deterrence A Systematic Review”, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 01.05.2014.
  • SMITH, P., Ronald L. Akers, “A Comparison of Recidivism of Florida’s Community Control and Prison: A Five-Year Survival Analysis” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, V. 30, N. 3, 1993, 267-292.
  • SMITH, P., GOGGIN, C., GENDREAU, P., The effects of prison sentences and intermediate Sanctions on Recidivism: General effects and individual differences, Canada Public Works and Government, 2002.
  • STITT, B., Grant ve David. J. Giacopassi, “Trends in the connectivity of theory and research in criminology”, The Criminologist, 1992, 17:1, 3-6, nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • STRANG, Heather, SHERMAN, Lawrence W.,MAYO-WİLSON, Evan, Restorative Justice Conferencing (RJC) Using Face-to-Dace Meetings of Offenders and Victims: Effects on Offender Recidivism and Victim Satisfaction, A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2013.
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Suçun Önlenmesinde Hapis Cezası ile Seçenek Yaptırımların Etkinliğinin Karşılaştırılması: Meta-Analiz Çalışmalarının Sistematik Olarak İncelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1 - 28, 01.12.2017


Bu çalışmada, kısa süreli hapis cezası ile seçenek yaptırımların mükerrer suçluluğun önlenmesi üzerindeki etkisi
ampirik bulgular eşliğinde değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada metot olarak arama, Campbell İşbirliği’nin sistematik
derlemeler kütüphanesi ve Google akademik üzerinden sistematik olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda,
araştırmada belirlenen kriterlere göre hapis ve seçenek yaptırımların mükerrer suçluluğun önlenmesi üzerindeki
etkisini değerlendiren üç meta-analiz çalışması tespit edilmiştir. Üç çalışmada da seçenek yaptırımların, hürriyeti
bağlayıcı cezalara nazaran tekrar eden suçluluğun önlenmesinde daha etkili olduğuna, fakat bu etkinin kayda değer bir
büyüklükte olmadığına ilişkin bulgular ortaya koyulmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bir çalışmada hapis cezasının mükerrer
suçluluğun önlenmesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı, bilakis tekrar eden suçluluğun artmasına
neden olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmada bulguların teori, uygulama ve bilimsel araştırmalar açısından doğurduğu
sonuçlar tartışılmaktadır


  • ABANOZ, Buket, “Ceza İnfaz Kurumları’nda Özelleştirmenin Çok Boyutlu Değerlendirilmesi ve Türkiye’de Uygulanabilirliği”, V. Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, I. Kitap, 2016, s. 41-62. Bkz.
  • ADA, Şükrü, PEKER, Adem, “Tedavi ve Denetimli Serbestlik Tedbiri Uygulamasının Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi (Sakarya İli Örneği)”, AÜSBED, 2012, 16 (1), 425-438.
  • AKERS, Ronald L., SELLERS, Christine S., Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 5. Edition, 2009.
  • ALBRECHT, H. J., “Recidivism after fines, suspended sentences and imprisonment”, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 1984, 8/2, 199-207.
  • APEL, Robert, Gary Sweeten, Incarceration, Crime and Employment, Unpublished manuscript, Albany, NY: State University at Albany, 2008.
  • BARTELS, L.,”The weight of the sword of Damocles: A reconviction analysis of suspended sentences in Tasmania”, The Australian and New Zealand J. Of Criminology, 2009, 42/1, 72-100.
  • BARTON, William H., Jeffrey A. Butts, “Viable Options: Intensive Supervision Programs for Juvenile Delinquents”, Crime and Delinquency, 1990, V. 36, N. 2, 238-256.
  • BECCARİA, Cesare, Suçlar ve Cezalar Hakkında, Çev. Sami Selçuk, Ankara, İmge Kitabevi, 2013.
  • BENNETT, Trevor, HOLLOWAY, Kathy, FARRINGTON, David, The Effectiveness of Neigborhood Watch, Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2008: 18.
  • BERGMAN, G.R., The evaluation of an experimental program designed to reduce recidivism among second felony criminal offenders, Wayne State Universitu, Detroit (Mich.), PhD dissertation, 1976.
  • BOERINGER, Scot, Constance L. Shehan, Ronald L. Akers, “Social context and social learning in sexual coercion and aggression: Assesing the contribution of fraternity membership”, Family Relations, 1991, 40, 558-564, nakleden Akers, 2009: 104.
  • BONTREGAR, R. S., E. K. Winokur, G. Hand, S. Chapman, “Juvenile Justice Interventions: System escalation and effective alternatives to residental placement”, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 2013, 52/5, 358-375.
  • COOLEY, Charles Horton, Human Nature and Social Order, NewYork: Scribner, 1902 nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • DURKIN, Keith F., Timothy W. Wolfe, Gregory A. Clark, ““College students and binge drinking: An evaluation of social learning theory”, Sociological Spectrum, 25, 2005, 255-272.
  • ERDEM, Mustafa Ruhan, Kısa Süreli Özgürlüğü Bağlayıcı Cezaların İnfazı ve Yeni Seçenekler, İnfaz Hukukunun Sorunları Sempozyumu, Ankara: Başkent Üniversitesi, Öz-Özen Matbaa, 1993 s. 192-214.
  • ELLIS, Lee & Anthony Walsh, “Criminologists’ opinions about causes and theories of crime and delinquency”, The Criminologist, 1999, 24 (4):1, 4-6, nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • FARRINGTON, D. P., & Petrosino, A., The Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Academy of Political and Social Science, 2001, 578, 35–49.
  • GARRIDO, Vicente, QUINTRO, Luz Anyela Morales, Serious (Violent and Chronic) Juvenile Offenders: A Systematic Review of Treatment Effectiveness in Secure Corrections, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2007.
  • GENDREAU P., Goggin, C., & Cullen, F, The effects of prison sentences on recidivism. A report to the Corrections Research and Development and Aboriginal Policy Branch, Solicitor General of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Public Works & Government Services Canada, 1999.
  • GENDREAU, P., Goggin, C., & Fulton, B., Intensive probation in probation and parole settings, In C. R. Hollin (Ed.), Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment (pp. 195-204). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2000.
  • GENDREAU, P., Goggin, C., Cullen, F. T., & Andrews, D. A., The effects of community sanctions and incarceration on recidivism, In Compendium of Effective Correctional Programs (volume 1, chapter 4). Ottawa, Ontario: Correctional Service of Canada, Solicitor General of Canada, 2001.
  • GÜVEL, Enver Alper, Suç ve Ceza Ekonomisi, Ankara: Roma Yayınları, 2004.
  • İÇEL, Kayıhan ve diğerleri, Yaptırım Teorisi, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım, 2000.
  • KARAKAŞ-DOĞAN, Fatma, Kuzey Kıbrıs (KKTC) Merkezi Cezaevi Üzerinde Yapılan Alan Çalışmasından Elde Edilen Verilerin Suçla Mücadele Bağlamında Analizi, TBB Dergisi, 2012 (100), 97-151.
  • KIZMAZ, Zahir, Cezaevinin ve Hapsetmenin Suçu Engellemedeki Etkisi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi SBD, 2007 (17), 44-68.
  • KILLIAS M., Aebi M., RIBEAUD, D., Does community service rehabilitate better than shorter-term imprisonment? Results of a controlled experiment. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 39/1, 2000, 40-57.
  • KRAUS, J., “A comparison of Corrective Effects of Probation and Detention on Male Juvenile Offenders”, British Journal of Criminology, V. 14, N. 1, 1974, 49-62; ---------, “Remand in Custody as a Deterrrent in Juvenile Jurisdiction”, British Journal of Criminology, V. 18, N. 3, 1978, 285-289; ----------, “The Effects of Committal to a Special School for Truants”, International Journal of Offender Therapies and Comparative Criminology, V. 25, N. 2, 1981, 130-138.
  • LEE, Gang, Ronald L. Akers, Marism Borg, “Social learning and structural factors in adolescent substance use”, Western Criminology Review, 2004, 5, 17-34, nakleden Akers, 2009: 104.
  • LITTEL, J. H., Corcoran, J., & Pillai, V., Systematic reviews and meta-analysis. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • LOUGHRAN, Thomas A., Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, Jeffrey Fagan, Sandra H. Losoya, Alex R. Piquero, “Estimating a Dose-Response Relationship between Length of Stay and Recidivism in Serious Juvenile Offenders”, Working Paper, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 2008.
  • LUM, Cynthia, KENNEDY, Leslie W., SHERLEY, Alison J., The Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism Strategies, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2006.
  • MacIVOR, G., “Community service and custody in Scotland”, The Howard Journal, 1990, 29/2, 101-113.
  • MacKENZIE, D. L., SHAW, J.W.: The impact of shock incarceration on technical violations and new Criminal activities, Justice Quartely, 1993, 10/3, 463-487.
  • McDOUGALL, Cynthia, COHEN, Mark. A., SWARAY, Raymond ve PERRY, Amanda, “The Costs and Benefits of Sentencing: A Systematic Review, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science”, Assessing Systematic Evidence, Crime and Justice: Methodological Concerns and Empirical Outcomes (May, 2003),V. 587, pp. 160-177.
  • MCDOUGALL, Cynthia, COHEN, Mark A. PERRY, Amanda, SWARAY, Raymond, Benefit-Cost Analyses of Sentencing: A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2008.
  • MEAD, George Herbert, Mind, Self, and Society, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934, nakleden Akers& Sellers, 2009: 152.
  • MEARS, Daniel P., Coachran, Joshua C., Cullen, Francis T., “Incarceration Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Assessing the Effectiveness of Imprisonment on Recidivism”, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 24 April 2014.
  • MITCHELL, Ojmarrh, MACKENZIE, Doris,WILSON, David, The Effectiveness of Incarceration-Based Drug Treatment on Crime Behavior: A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2012.
  • MUILUVUORI, M.L.,“Recidivism amog people sentenced to community service in Finland”, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 2/7, 2001, pp. 72-82.
  • MURRAY, Joseph, FARRINGTON, David,SEKOL, Ivana, OLSEN, Rikke F., Parental Imprisonment: A Systematic Review of Its Effects on Child Antisocial Behavior, Crime and Mental Health, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2009.
  • NAGIN, Daniel S., Francis T. Cullen ve Cheryl Lero Jonson, “Imprisonment and Reoffending”, Crime and Justice, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2009, 115-200.
  • NAGIN, Daniel S., Deterrence: Scaring offenders straight. In F. T. Cullen & C. L. Jonson (Eds.), Correctional Theory: Context and Consequences (pp. 67–98). California, CA: Sage. 2012.
  • NIEUWBEERTA P., NAGIN D., BLOKLAND A., Assessing the impact of first-time imprisonment on offenders’ subsequent criminal career development: A matched samples comparison. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25,2009, 227-257.
  • PETERSILIA, Joan, Susan Turner, Judith Peterson, Prison versus Probation in California: Implications for Crime and Offender Recidivism, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1986.
  • PETROSINO, Anthony, BUEHLER, John,TURPIN-PETROSINO, Carolyn, Scared Straight and Other Juvenile Awareness Programs for Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, V. 589, N. 1, 2003, 41-62.
  • SAVOLAINEN, Jukka, Wayne Nehwadowich, Aida Teharatchi ve Bernice LinenReed, Criminal Recidivisim among Felony-Level ATI Program Participants in New York City, New York City Criminal Justice Agency, 2002.
  • SCHNEIDER, Anne L., “Restitution and Recidivism Rates of Juvenile Offenders: Results from Four Experimental Studies”, Criminology, V. 24, N. 33, 1986, 533,552.
  • SKINNER, William F., A. M. Fream, “A socail learning theory analysis of computer crime among college students”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1997, 34, 495-518 nakleden Akers, 2009.
  • SIMPSON, Sally, RORIE, Melissa, ALPER Mariel Elise, SCHELL- BUSEY Natalie, LAUFER William, N. Craig Smith, “Corporate Crime Deterrence A Systematic Review”, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 01.05.2014.
  • SMITH, P., Ronald L. Akers, “A Comparison of Recidivism of Florida’s Community Control and Prison: A Five-Year Survival Analysis” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, V. 30, N. 3, 1993, 267-292.
  • SMITH, P., GOGGIN, C., GENDREAU, P., The effects of prison sentences and intermediate Sanctions on Recidivism: General effects and individual differences, Canada Public Works and Government, 2002.
  • STITT, B., Grant ve David. J. Giacopassi, “Trends in the connectivity of theory and research in criminology”, The Criminologist, 1992, 17:1, 3-6, nakleden Akers & Sellers, 2009.
  • STRANG, Heather, SHERMAN, Lawrence W.,MAYO-WİLSON, Evan, Restorative Justice Conferencing (RJC) Using Face-to-Dace Meetings of Offenders and Victims: Effects on Offender Recidivism and Victim Satisfaction, A Systematic Review, Campbell Systematic Reviews, The Campbell Collaboration Library, 2013.
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There are 64 citations in total.


Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Article

Buket Abanoz

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Submission Date June 23, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Abanoz, B. (2017). Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, 5(2), 1-28.
AMA Abanoz B. Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. December 2017;5(2):1-28.
Chicago Abanoz, Buket. “Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 5, no. 2 (December 2017): 1-28.
EndNote Abanoz B (December 1, 2017) Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 5 2 1–28.
IEEE B. Abanoz, “Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies”, Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1–28, 2017.
ISNAD Abanoz, Buket. “Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 5/2 (December 2017), 1-28.
JAMA Abanoz B. Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. 2017;5:1–28.
MLA Abanoz, Buket. “Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2017, pp. 1-28.
Vancouver Abanoz B. Comparing the Effects of Imprisonment and Alternative Sanctions on Crime Prevention: Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis Studies. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. 2017;5(2):1-28.