Research Article
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Yaş-Kural İhlali Eğrisini Yeniden Keşfetmek: Cinsiyet ve Irk/Etnik Köken Etkileşim Etkileri

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 221 - 243, 28.12.2018




  • Anderson, E. (1999). Code of the street: Decency, violence, and the moral life of the inner city. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company.
  • Bales, W. D., & Miller, C. H. (2012).The impact of determinate sentencing on prisoner misconduct. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40(5), 394–403.
  • Banks, C. (2003). Women in prison: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
  • Berg, M. T., & DeLisi, M. (2006).The correctional melting pot: Race, ethnicity, citizenship, and prison violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 34, 631–642.
  • Bishop, D., & Frazier, C. (2000). Consequences of Transfer. In J. A. Fagan & F. E. Zimring (Eds.), The changing boarders of juvenile justice: Transfer of adolescents to the criminal court (pp. 227–276). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Blackburn, A. G., & Trulson, C. R. (2010). Sugar and spice and everything nice? Exploring institutional misconduct among serious and violent female delinquents. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 1132–1140.
  • Brame, R., Paternoster, R., Mazerolle, P., & Piquero, A. (1998). Testing for the equality of maximum-likelihood regression coefficients between two independent equations. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14, 245–261.
  • Cao, L., Zhao, J., & Dine, S. V. (1997). Prison disciplinary tickets: A test of the deprivation and importation models. Journal of Criminal Justice, 25, 103–113.
  • Camp, S. D., Gaes, G. G., Langan, N. P., & Saylor, W. G. (2003). The influence of prisons on inmate misconduct: A multilevel investigation. Justice Quarterly, 20(3), 501–534.
  • Cope, N. (2000). Drug use in prison: The experience of young offenders. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 7, 355–366.
  • Craddock, A. (1996). A comparative study of male and female prison misconduct careers. The Prison Journal, 76, 60–80.
  • Cunningham, M. D., & Sorensen, J. R. (2007). Predictive factors for violent misconduct in close custody. The Prison Journal, 87, 241–253.
  • DeLisi, M. (2003). Criminal careers behind bars. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 21, 653–669.
  • DeLisi, M., & Munoz, E. A. (2003). Future dangerousness revisited. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 14, 287–305.
  • DeLisi, M., Trulson, C. R., Marquart, J. W., Drury, A. J., & Kosloski, A. E. (2011). Inside the prison black box: Toward a life course importation model of inmate behavior. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55, 1186–1207.
  • Gottfredson, M. R., & Hirschi, T. (1990). A general theory of crime. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Gover, A. R., Pérez, D. M., & Jennings, W. G. (2008). Gender differences in factors contributing to institutional misconduct. The Prison Journal, 88, 378–403.
  • Griffin, M. L., & Hepburn, J. R. (2006). The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33, 419–466.
  • Harer, M. D., & Steffensmeier, D. J. (1996). Race and prison violence. Criminology, 34, 323–355.
  • Hochstetler, A., & DeLisi, M. (2005). Importation, deprivation, and varieties of serving time: An integrated-lifestyle-exposure model of prison offending. Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 257–266.
  • Houser, K. A., Belenko, S., & Brennan, P. K. (2012). The effects of mental health and substance abuse disorders on institutional misconduct among female inmates. Justice Quarterly, 29(6), 799–828.
  • Huebner, B. M. (2003). Administrative determinants of inmate violence: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31, 107–117.
  • Innes, C. A. (1997). Patterns of misconduct in the federal prison system. Criminal Justice Review, 22, 157–174.
  • Irwin, J., & Cressey, D. (1962). Thieves, convicts, and the inmate culture. Social Problems, 10, 142–155.
  • Jiang, S., & Winfree Jr, L. T. (2006). Social support, gender and inmate adjustment to prison life: Insights from a national sample. The Prison Journal, 85, 32–55.
  • Kuanliang, A., Sorensen, J. R., & Cunningham, M. D. (2008). Juvenile inmates in an adult prison system: Rate of disciplinary misconduct and violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 1186–1201.
  • Kuanliang, A., & Sorenson, J. R. (2008). Predictors of self-reported prison misconduct. 21 Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law, and Society, 21, 27–35.
  • Marquart, J. W. (1986). Prison guards and the use of physical coercion as a mechanism of prisoner control. Criminology, 24, 347–366.
  • McClellan, D. S. (1994). Disparity in the discipline of male and female inmates in Texas prisons. Women & Criminal Justice, 5, 71–97.
  • McReynolds, L. S., & Wasserman, G. A. (2008). Risk for disciplinary infractions among incarcerated male youths: Influence of psychiatric disorder. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(9), 1174–1185.
  • McShane, M. D., & Williams, F. P. (1989). The prison adjustment of juvenile offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 35, 254–269.
  • Morris, R. G., Longmire, D. R., Buffington-Vollum, J., & Vollum, S. (2010). Institutional misconduct and differential parole eligibility among capital inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37, 417–438.
  • Pallo, J. (2018). Era of change in Hungarian prison law. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, 6, 55–71.
  • Paternoster, R., Brame, R., Mazerolle, P., & Piquero, A. (1998). Using the correct statistical test for the equality of regression coefficients. Criminology, 36, 859–866.
  • Pollock, J. M. (1986). Sex and supervision: Guarding male and female inmates. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Pollock, J. M., Mullings, J. L., & Crouch, B. M. (2006). Violent women: Findings from the Texas women inmates study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 485–502.
  • Poole, E. D., & Regoli, R. M. (1980). Race, institutional rule breaking, and institutional response: A study of discretionary decision making in prison. Law and Society Review, 14, 931–946.
  • Scott, E. S., & Steinberg, L. (2008). Rethinking juvenile justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Sorensen, J., & and Cunningham, M. D. (2008). Conviction offense and prison violence: A comparative study of murderers and other offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 56, 103–125.
  • Steiner, B. H., & Butler, D., & Ellison, J. M. (2014). Causes and correlates of prison inmate misconduct: A systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 42, 462–470.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2008). Inmate versus environmental effects on prison rule violations. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 438–456.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2009a). The relevance of inmate race/ethnicity versus population composition for understanding prison rule violations. Punishment and Society, 11, 459–489.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2009b). Individual and environmental effects on assaults and nonviolent rule-breaking by women in prison. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46, 437–467.
  • Tasca, Melinda, Marie L. Griffin and Nancy Rodriguez (2010). The effect of importation and deprivation factors on violent misconduct: An examination of black and Latino youth in prison. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 8, 234–249.
  • Thomas, J. (2003). Gendered control in prison: The difference difference makes. In B. H. Zaitzow & J. Thomas (Eds.), Women in prison: Gender and social control (pp. 1–20). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Trulson, C. R., DeLisi, M., & Marquart, J. W. (2011). Institutional misconduct, delinquent background, and rearrest frequency among serious and violent delinquent offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 57, 709–731.
  • Valentine, C. L., Mears, D. P., & Bales, W. D. (2015). Unpacking the relationship between age and prison misconduct. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 418–427.
  • Zingraff, M. T. (1980). Inmate assimilation: A comparison of male and female delinquents. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 7, 275–292.

Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 221 - 243, 28.12.2018


Numerous studies have focused on age as one of the most robust correlates of prison misconduct, with younger inmates more likely to commit disciplinary infractions compared to their older counterparts. However, less empirical attention has been paid to the conditioning effects of additional demographic variables such as sex or race/ethnicity on the age-misconduct relationship. The current study, thus, further extends prior research on age and prison misconduct by examining potential interaction effects between age and sex (i.e., male and female), and separately, between age and race/ethnicity (i.e., non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic). Negative binominal regression models are used to examine 137,552 inmates admitted to state prison in Florida from 1995-2000. Analyses indicate that overall, there are no substantial differences between males and females or between racial/ethnic categories when examining the relationship between age and prison misconduct. However, the youngest offenders warrant some attention for their visible differences in levels of misconduct for both males and females and for Hispanic, black, and white inmates. Research and policy implications are discussed regarding the potential variation in the age-misconduct curve, especially for younger inmates. 


  • Anderson, E. (1999). Code of the street: Decency, violence, and the moral life of the inner city. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company.
  • Bales, W. D., & Miller, C. H. (2012).The impact of determinate sentencing on prisoner misconduct. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40(5), 394–403.
  • Banks, C. (2003). Women in prison: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
  • Berg, M. T., & DeLisi, M. (2006).The correctional melting pot: Race, ethnicity, citizenship, and prison violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 34, 631–642.
  • Bishop, D., & Frazier, C. (2000). Consequences of Transfer. In J. A. Fagan & F. E. Zimring (Eds.), The changing boarders of juvenile justice: Transfer of adolescents to the criminal court (pp. 227–276). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Blackburn, A. G., & Trulson, C. R. (2010). Sugar and spice and everything nice? Exploring institutional misconduct among serious and violent female delinquents. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 1132–1140.
  • Brame, R., Paternoster, R., Mazerolle, P., & Piquero, A. (1998). Testing for the equality of maximum-likelihood regression coefficients between two independent equations. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14, 245–261.
  • Cao, L., Zhao, J., & Dine, S. V. (1997). Prison disciplinary tickets: A test of the deprivation and importation models. Journal of Criminal Justice, 25, 103–113.
  • Camp, S. D., Gaes, G. G., Langan, N. P., & Saylor, W. G. (2003). The influence of prisons on inmate misconduct: A multilevel investigation. Justice Quarterly, 20(3), 501–534.
  • Cope, N. (2000). Drug use in prison: The experience of young offenders. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 7, 355–366.
  • Craddock, A. (1996). A comparative study of male and female prison misconduct careers. The Prison Journal, 76, 60–80.
  • Cunningham, M. D., & Sorensen, J. R. (2007). Predictive factors for violent misconduct in close custody. The Prison Journal, 87, 241–253.
  • DeLisi, M. (2003). Criminal careers behind bars. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 21, 653–669.
  • DeLisi, M., & Munoz, E. A. (2003). Future dangerousness revisited. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 14, 287–305.
  • DeLisi, M., Trulson, C. R., Marquart, J. W., Drury, A. J., & Kosloski, A. E. (2011). Inside the prison black box: Toward a life course importation model of inmate behavior. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55, 1186–1207.
  • Gottfredson, M. R., & Hirschi, T. (1990). A general theory of crime. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Gover, A. R., Pérez, D. M., & Jennings, W. G. (2008). Gender differences in factors contributing to institutional misconduct. The Prison Journal, 88, 378–403.
  • Griffin, M. L., & Hepburn, J. R. (2006). The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33, 419–466.
  • Harer, M. D., & Steffensmeier, D. J. (1996). Race and prison violence. Criminology, 34, 323–355.
  • Hochstetler, A., & DeLisi, M. (2005). Importation, deprivation, and varieties of serving time: An integrated-lifestyle-exposure model of prison offending. Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 257–266.
  • Houser, K. A., Belenko, S., & Brennan, P. K. (2012). The effects of mental health and substance abuse disorders on institutional misconduct among female inmates. Justice Quarterly, 29(6), 799–828.
  • Huebner, B. M. (2003). Administrative determinants of inmate violence: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31, 107–117.
  • Innes, C. A. (1997). Patterns of misconduct in the federal prison system. Criminal Justice Review, 22, 157–174.
  • Irwin, J., & Cressey, D. (1962). Thieves, convicts, and the inmate culture. Social Problems, 10, 142–155.
  • Jiang, S., & Winfree Jr, L. T. (2006). Social support, gender and inmate adjustment to prison life: Insights from a national sample. The Prison Journal, 85, 32–55.
  • Kuanliang, A., Sorensen, J. R., & Cunningham, M. D. (2008). Juvenile inmates in an adult prison system: Rate of disciplinary misconduct and violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 1186–1201.
  • Kuanliang, A., & Sorenson, J. R. (2008). Predictors of self-reported prison misconduct. 21 Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law, and Society, 21, 27–35.
  • Marquart, J. W. (1986). Prison guards and the use of physical coercion as a mechanism of prisoner control. Criminology, 24, 347–366.
  • McClellan, D. S. (1994). Disparity in the discipline of male and female inmates in Texas prisons. Women & Criminal Justice, 5, 71–97.
  • McReynolds, L. S., & Wasserman, G. A. (2008). Risk for disciplinary infractions among incarcerated male youths: Influence of psychiatric disorder. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(9), 1174–1185.
  • McShane, M. D., & Williams, F. P. (1989). The prison adjustment of juvenile offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 35, 254–269.
  • Morris, R. G., Longmire, D. R., Buffington-Vollum, J., & Vollum, S. (2010). Institutional misconduct and differential parole eligibility among capital inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37, 417–438.
  • Pallo, J. (2018). Era of change in Hungarian prison law. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, 6, 55–71.
  • Paternoster, R., Brame, R., Mazerolle, P., & Piquero, A. (1998). Using the correct statistical test for the equality of regression coefficients. Criminology, 36, 859–866.
  • Pollock, J. M. (1986). Sex and supervision: Guarding male and female inmates. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Pollock, J. M., Mullings, J. L., & Crouch, B. M. (2006). Violent women: Findings from the Texas women inmates study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 485–502.
  • Poole, E. D., & Regoli, R. M. (1980). Race, institutional rule breaking, and institutional response: A study of discretionary decision making in prison. Law and Society Review, 14, 931–946.
  • Scott, E. S., & Steinberg, L. (2008). Rethinking juvenile justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Sorensen, J., & and Cunningham, M. D. (2008). Conviction offense and prison violence: A comparative study of murderers and other offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 56, 103–125.
  • Steiner, B. H., & Butler, D., & Ellison, J. M. (2014). Causes and correlates of prison inmate misconduct: A systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 42, 462–470.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2008). Inmate versus environmental effects on prison rule violations. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 438–456.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2009a). The relevance of inmate race/ethnicity versus population composition for understanding prison rule violations. Punishment and Society, 11, 459–489.
  • Steiner, B., & Wooldredge, J. (2009b). Individual and environmental effects on assaults and nonviolent rule-breaking by women in prison. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46, 437–467.
  • Tasca, Melinda, Marie L. Griffin and Nancy Rodriguez (2010). The effect of importation and deprivation factors on violent misconduct: An examination of black and Latino youth in prison. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 8, 234–249.
  • Thomas, J. (2003). Gendered control in prison: The difference difference makes. In B. H. Zaitzow & J. Thomas (Eds.), Women in prison: Gender and social control (pp. 1–20). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Trulson, C. R., DeLisi, M., & Marquart, J. W. (2011). Institutional misconduct, delinquent background, and rearrest frequency among serious and violent delinquent offenders. Crime and Delinquency, 57, 709–731.
  • Valentine, C. L., Mears, D. P., & Bales, W. D. (2015). Unpacking the relationship between age and prison misconduct. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 418–427.
  • Zingraff, M. T. (1980). Inmate assimilation: A comparison of male and female delinquents. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 7, 275–292.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Article

Colby L. Valentıne This is me 0000-0001-5009-3311

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Submission Date August 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Valentıne, C. L. (2018). Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, 6(2), 221-243.
AMA Valentıne CL. Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. December 2018;6(2):221-243.
Chicago Valentıne, Colby L. “Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 6, no. 2 (December 2018): 221-43.
EndNote Valentıne CL (December 1, 2018) Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 6 2 221–243.
IEEE C. L. Valentıne, “Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*”, Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 221–243, 2018.
ISNAD Valentıne, Colby L. “Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology 6/2 (December 2018), 221-243.
JAMA Valentıne CL. Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. 2018;6:221–243.
MLA Valentıne, Colby L. “Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*”. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 221-43.
Vancouver Valentıne CL. Reexamining the Age-Misconduct Curve: Interaction Effects of Sex and Race/Ethnicity*. Journal of Penal Law and Criminology. 2018;6(2):221-43.