Research Article
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The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 65 - 85, 30.06.2021


The subject matter of this paper is the notion of a considerable quantity of narcotics. ‘A considerable quantity’ of narcotics is a determining factor in many criminal narcotics offences. The term ‘a considerable quantity’ does not have a statutory definition. It is an evaluative term, and its interpretation creates many problems in the practice of the justice system. In this paper, the author attempts to illustrate the notion of ‘a considerable quantity’ as applied in case law in Poland by examining numerous court decisions. The author presents a variety of criteria used to determine whether a given quantity of narcotics is a considerable quantity and also presents sample court decisions in which these criteria were applied. This is used to demonstrate the disparity of interpretation between different courts. Drawing on the results of the analysis undertaken, the author identifies the notion of this quantity, which is currently dominant in Polish court case law. This notion conceives of ‘a considerable quantity’ of narcotics as an amount which can satisfy the needs of at least several dozen users on a single occasion, thus a quantity from which at least several dozen consumption portions can be made.

Supporting Institution

The research was co-financed with funds earmarked for financing of the statutory activities of the Faculty of Law, Administration and International Relations at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (research task no.: WPAiSM/DS/19/2019-KON).


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Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 65 - 85, 30.06.2021



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  • Act dated 29 July 2005 on Counteracting Drug Addiction, unified text, Journal of Laws 2019 item 852 as amended. google scholar
  • Kanarek, J. (2019). Ocenny charakter znamienia „znacznej ilosci” srodkow odurzaj^cych. Proba reinterpretacji przyjmowanych w doktrynie i orzecznictwie pogladow [The evaluative character of the factor ‘a considerable quantity’ of illicit drugs. An attempt at reinterpretation of views accepted in doctrine and case law]. Przeglqd Sqdowy, 1, 55-63. google scholar
  • Konarska-Wrzosek, V. (2014). Pozakodeksowe przestçpstwa przeciwko zdrowiu [Non-code crimes against health]. In M. Bojarski (Ed.), System Prawa Karnego. Tom XI. Szczegölne dziedziny prawa karnego. Prawo karne wojskowe, skarbowe i pozakodeksowe [The criminal law system. Volume 11. Particular areas of criminal law. Military criminal law, tax criminal law and non-code criminal law]. Warsaw: C.H. Beck. google scholar
  • Koziol, T. (2010). Znaczna ilosc srodka odurzaj^cego [A considerable quantity of illicit drugs]. Prokuratura i Prawo, 11, 62-77. google scholar
  • Kulik, M. (2017). Komentarz do niektorych przepisow ustawy o przeciwdzialaniu narkomanii [Commentary on some provisions of the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction]. In M. Mozgawa (Ed.), Pozakodeksowe przestçpstwa przeciwko zdrowiu. Komentarz [Non-code crimes against health: Commentary]. Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer Polska. google scholar
  • Kurzçpa, B. (2019). Komentarz do art. 53 [Commentary to Art. 53]. In A. Wazny (Ed.), Ustawa oprzeciwdzialaniu narkomanii. Komentarz [The Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction: Commentary]. (2nd ed.). Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer. google scholar
  • Malasinska-Nagorny, A. (2013). Pojçcie „znacznej ilosci” srodkow odurzaj^cych [The notion of‘a considerable quantity’ of illicit drugs]. Prokuratura i Prawo, 11, 159-167. google scholar
  • Marciniak, J., & Marciniak, M. (2011). „Znaczna ilosc srodkow odurzaj^cych” a wymog okreslonosci prawa karnego [A considerable quantity of illicit drugs and requirement to define in criminal law]. Wojskowy PrzeglqdPrawniczy, 1, 67-82. google scholar
  • Muszynska, A., & Eucarz, K. (2008). Ustawa oprzeciwdzialaniu narkomanii. Komentarz[TheActon Counteracting Drug Addiction: Commentary]. (1st ed.). Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer Polska. google scholar
  • Srogosz, T. (2008). Ustawa oprzeciwdzialaniu narkomanii. Komentarz [The Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction: Commentary]. (2nd ed.). Warsaw: C.H. Beck. google scholar
  • Stçpien, E. (2015). „Znaczna ilosc” srodkow odurzaj^cych, substancji psychotropowej i stomy makowej. Uwagi natle ustawy o przeciwdzialaniu narkomanii w swietle orzecznictwa Sadu Najwyzszego i sadow powszechnych [“A considerable quantity” of illicit drugs or psychotropic substance and poppy straw. Comments in relation to the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction in view of the case law of the Supreme Court and common courts]. Kwartalnik SqdowyApelacji Gdahskiej, III, 57-71. google scholar
  • United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances drawn up in Vienna on 20 December 1988, google scholar
  • Cited court rulings google scholar Verdict of the Supreme Court dated 17 June 1999, IV KKN 813/98, LEX no. 38935. google scholar
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  • Verdict of the Court of Appeals in Krakow dated 06 June 2017, II AKa 71/17, Legalis no. 1807187. google scholar
  • Verdict of the District Court in Warsaw dated 18 July 2017, VI Ka 1530/16, LEX no. 2361875. google scholar
  • Verdict of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw dated 04 August 2017, II AKa 168/17, Legalis no. 1658268. google scholar
  • Verdict of the Supreme Court dated 11 October 2017, III KK 73/17, LEX no. 2389557. google scholar
  • Verdict of the Court of Appeals in Krakow dated 12 December 2017, II AKa 242/17, Legalis no. 1843591. google scholar
  • Verdict of the Court of Appeals in Wroclaw dated 14 November 2018, II AKa 251/18, LEX no. 2609639. google scholar
  • Verdict of the Court of Appeals in Wroclaw dated 21 November 2018, II AKa 376/17, LEX no. 2613655. google scholar
  • Verdict of the District Court in Sieradz dated 21 October 2019, II Ka 145/19, LEX no. 2761534. google scholar
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Article

Katarzyna Banasik 0000-0003-3693-0480

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date December 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Banasik, K. (2021). The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts. Ceza Hukuku Ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, 9(1), 65-85.
AMA Banasik K. The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi. June 2021;9(1):65-85.
Chicago Banasik, Katarzyna. “The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts”. Ceza Hukuku Ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 9, no. 1 (June 2021): 65-85.
EndNote Banasik K (June 1, 2021) The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 9 1 65–85.
IEEE K. Banasik, “The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts”, Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 65–85, 2021.
ISNAD Banasik, Katarzyna. “The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts”. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 9/1 (June 2021), 65-85.
JAMA Banasik K. The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi. 2021;9:65–85.
MLA Banasik, Katarzyna. “The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts”. Ceza Hukuku Ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, 2021, pp. 65-85.
Vancouver Banasik K. The Notion of ‘a Considerable Quantity’ of Narcotics in the Case Law of Polish Courts. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi. 2021;9(1):65-8.