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Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 30 - 38, 02.01.2013


Meme kanseri ve diğer maligniteler, hücre büyümesi ve gelişimine katılan hücresel yollan etkileyen genetik değişimler sonucu
ortaya çıkar. Proto-onkogenler normal hücre büyümesi ve farklılaşması için önemli bazı proteinlere ait kodlar içerirler. Eğer bir
mutasyon sonucu proto-onkogenin yapısı değişirse oluşan hasar, genin ve gen ürünün yapışım değiştirerek, çeşitli yollarla hücre
bölünmesinin kontrolünü ortadan kaldırır ve malignité ortaya çıkar. Kanser oluşumunda, onkogenlerden başka önemli ikinci bir
gen grubu da tümör-baskılayıcı genlerdir.
Kaderinler, birbiri ile genelde homofilik karakterde ilişkiye girerler ve bağlanarak hücre-hücre adezyonunu sağlarlar. Tümör
hücrelerinin düzensiz davranışı nedeniyle hücre-hücre ilişkisi tümörlerde bozulmuştur. E-Kaderin (CDH-1) hücrenin hareketlilik
özelliğinin yok olmasına neden olur. Meme kanserlerinde, E-Kaderin ekspresyon kaybı veya sitoplazmik parçasının
fosforilasyonundaki bozukluk nedeniyle epitelyum hücreleri hareketlilik kazanır ve lokal yayılmada artış gözlenir. E-Kaderin
eksikliği invazif fenotipin ortaya çıkmasından sorumludur ve duktal karsinomlarda kötü prognoza yol açmaktadır.
Matriks metalloproteinaz (MMP) gen ailesi extraselûler matriks makromoleküllerine karşı aktivite gösteren dokuz ya da daha
fazla endopeptidaz kodlarlar. Yapılan çalışmalarda meme kanserinde artmış MMP-3 ekspresyonunun tümör prognozunu teşvik
edici olduğu bildirilmiştir.
Bu bilgiler ışığında çalışmamızda meme kanserinde E-Kaderin -160 C/A ve MMP-3 5A/6A gen polimorfizmlerinin etkisini
incelemeyi amaçladık. Bu amaçla çalışmamızda ilgili gen polimorfizmlerini tayin etmek için polimeraz zincir reaksiyonurestriksiyon
fragmanı uzunluk polimorfizmi (PZR-RFLP) metodunu kullandık. İstatistiksel değerlendirme sonucunda MMP-3
6A alleli ve E-Kaderin CC genotiplerini taşımanın, hastalık gelişiminde ve metastaz oluşumunda rol oynayabileceği izlenimini
elde ettik


  • Hulpiaua P, Roy a F. Molecular evolution of the Cadherin superfamily, The International J BiochemCell Biol 2009;41:349-369.
  • Güc D. Adezyon Molekülleri, Ankem Dergi 2004; 18(Ek2):158-163.
  • Hazan RB, Qiao AR, Keren BR, Badano AI, Suyamaa K. Cadherin Switch in Tumor Progression, Ann NY Acad Sei 2004;1014: 155-163.
  • Qureshi HS, Linden MD, Divine G, Raju UB. E- Cadherin Status in Breast Cancer Correlates With Histologic Type but Does Not Correlate With Established Prognostic Parameters, Am J Clin Pathol 2006;125:377-385
  • Kowalski PJ, Rubin MA, Kleer CG. E-cadherin expression in primary carcinomas of the breast and its distant metastases, Breast Cancer Res 2003;5(6):R217-22.
  • Beeghly-Fadiel A, Lu W, Gao YT, Long J, Deming SL, Cai Q, Zheng Y, Shu XO, Zheng W. E-cadherin polymorphisms and breast cancer susceptibility: a report from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study, Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010; 121:445-452
  • Singhai R, Patil VW, Jaiswal SR, Patil SD, Tayade MB, Patil AV. E-Cadherin as diagnostic biomarker in breast cancer, North Am J Med Sei 2011; 3: 227-233.
  • Suciu C, Cimpean AM, Muresan AM, Izvernariu D, Raica M. E-cadherin expression in invasive breast cancer, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(4):517-523
  • Angst BD, Marcozzi C, Magee A I . The Cadherin superfamily, J Cell Sei 2001; 114, 625-626.
  • Berx G, Becker KF, Höfler H, van Roy F. Mutations of the Human E-Cadherin (CDH1) Gene, Hum Mutat 1998;12(4):226-37.
  • L i LC, Chui RM, Sasaki M. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene promoter alters transcriptional activities, Cancer Res 2000;60:873-876.
  • Ferre N, Camps J, Joven J. Lack of Association of the 1171 (5A) Allele of the MMP3 Promoter with Breast Cancer, Clin Chem 2002; 48:5.
  • Amälinei C, Cäruntu ID, Giugcä SE, Bälan RA. Matrix metalloproteinases involvement in pathologic conditions, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2010, 51(2):215-228.
  • Wang GY, Lu CQ, Zhang RM, Hu XH, Luo ZW. The E-cadherin Gene Polymorphism 160C/A and Cancer Risk: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis of 26 Case-Control Studies, Am J Epidemiol 2008; 167 (1): 7-14.
  • Li LC, Chui RM, Sasaki M, Nakajima K, Perinchery G, Au HC, Nojima D, Carroll P, Dahiya R. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene Promoter Alters Transcriptional Activities, Cancer Res 2000;60:873-876.
  • Pecina-Slaus N. Tumor suppressor gene E-cadherin and its role in nOimal and malignant cells, Cancer Cell Int. 2003; 3: 17.
  • Berx G, Van Roy F. The E-cadherin/catenin complex: an important gatekeeper in breast cancer tumorigenesis and malignant progression, Breast Cancer Res 2001; 3:289-293
  • Cattaneo F, Venesio T, Molatore S, Russo A, Fiocca R, Frattini M, Scovassi AI, Ottini L, Bertario L, Ranzani GN. Functional Analysis and Case-control Study of -160C/A Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene Promoter: Association with Cancer Risk, Anticancer Research 2006; 26: 4627-4632
  • Motovali-Bashi M, Hojati Z, Hajihosein S. The role of matrix metalloproteinase-3 functional 5A/6A promoter polymorphism in tumor cell progression and metastasis of breast cancer, IJB, 2008; 6:45-49.
  • Ye S, Eriksson P, HamstenA, Kurkinen M, Humphries SE, Henney AM. Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis Is Associated with a Common Genetic Variant of the Human Stromelysin-1 Promoter Which Results in Reduced Gene Expression, J Biol Chem 1996; 271(22):13055-60.
  • Samnegard A, Silveira A, Lundman P, Boquist S, Odeberg J, Hulthe J, McPheat W, Tornvall P, Bergstrand L, Ericsson CG, Hamsten A, Eriksson P. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-3 concentration is influenced by MMP-3 - 1612 5 A/6 A promoter genotype and associated with myocardial infarction, J Intern Med 2005;258(5):411-9.
  • Kohrmann A, Kammerer U, Kapp M, Dietl J, Anacker J. Expression of Matrixmetalloproteinases in primary human, BMC Cancer 2009; 9:188
  • Doizer KJ, Mahon SM. Cancer Prevention, Detection and Control, A Nursing Perspective, Oncology Nursing Society Pittsburg, PA, 2002; 389-444.
  • McPherson K, Steel CM, Dixon JM. ABC of breast diseases. Breast cancer epidemiology, risk factors, and genetics, BMJ 2000;321(7261): 624-628.
  • Radisky ES, Radisky DC. Matrix Metalloproteinase- Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer, J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2010;15:201-212
  • Tsukino H, Kuroda Y, Imai H, Nakao H, Qiu D, Komiya Y, Inatomi H, Hamasaki, T, Kohshi K, Osada Y, Katoh T. Lack of Evidence for the Association of E-Cadherin Gene Polymorphism with Increased Risk or Progression of Prostate Cancer, Urol Int 2004;72(3):203-7.
  • Lo YL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Mau YC, Yang SL, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the mitotic checkpoint genes: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility, Carcinogenesis 2007; 28(5): 1079-1086.
  • Ghilardi G, Biondi M L , Caputo M . A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Matrix Metalloproteinase- 3 Promoter Enhances Breast Cancer Susceptibility, Clin Cancer Res 2002;8:3820-3823.
  • Krippl P, Langsenlehner U, Renner W. The 5A/6A Polymorphism of the Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 Gene Promoter and Breast Cancer, Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:3518
Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 30 - 38, 02.01.2013



  • Hulpiaua P, Roy a F. Molecular evolution of the Cadherin superfamily, The International J BiochemCell Biol 2009;41:349-369.
  • Güc D. Adezyon Molekülleri, Ankem Dergi 2004; 18(Ek2):158-163.
  • Hazan RB, Qiao AR, Keren BR, Badano AI, Suyamaa K. Cadherin Switch in Tumor Progression, Ann NY Acad Sei 2004;1014: 155-163.
  • Qureshi HS, Linden MD, Divine G, Raju UB. E- Cadherin Status in Breast Cancer Correlates With Histologic Type but Does Not Correlate With Established Prognostic Parameters, Am J Clin Pathol 2006;125:377-385
  • Kowalski PJ, Rubin MA, Kleer CG. E-cadherin expression in primary carcinomas of the breast and its distant metastases, Breast Cancer Res 2003;5(6):R217-22.
  • Beeghly-Fadiel A, Lu W, Gao YT, Long J, Deming SL, Cai Q, Zheng Y, Shu XO, Zheng W. E-cadherin polymorphisms and breast cancer susceptibility: a report from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study, Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010; 121:445-452
  • Singhai R, Patil VW, Jaiswal SR, Patil SD, Tayade MB, Patil AV. E-Cadherin as diagnostic biomarker in breast cancer, North Am J Med Sei 2011; 3: 227-233.
  • Suciu C, Cimpean AM, Muresan AM, Izvernariu D, Raica M. E-cadherin expression in invasive breast cancer, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2008, 49(4):517-523
  • Angst BD, Marcozzi C, Magee A I . The Cadherin superfamily, J Cell Sei 2001; 114, 625-626.
  • Berx G, Becker KF, Höfler H, van Roy F. Mutations of the Human E-Cadherin (CDH1) Gene, Hum Mutat 1998;12(4):226-37.
  • L i LC, Chui RM, Sasaki M. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene promoter alters transcriptional activities, Cancer Res 2000;60:873-876.
  • Ferre N, Camps J, Joven J. Lack of Association of the 1171 (5A) Allele of the MMP3 Promoter with Breast Cancer, Clin Chem 2002; 48:5.
  • Amälinei C, Cäruntu ID, Giugcä SE, Bälan RA. Matrix metalloproteinases involvement in pathologic conditions, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2010, 51(2):215-228.
  • Wang GY, Lu CQ, Zhang RM, Hu XH, Luo ZW. The E-cadherin Gene Polymorphism 160C/A and Cancer Risk: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis of 26 Case-Control Studies, Am J Epidemiol 2008; 167 (1): 7-14.
  • Li LC, Chui RM, Sasaki M, Nakajima K, Perinchery G, Au HC, Nojima D, Carroll P, Dahiya R. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene Promoter Alters Transcriptional Activities, Cancer Res 2000;60:873-876.
  • Pecina-Slaus N. Tumor suppressor gene E-cadherin and its role in nOimal and malignant cells, Cancer Cell Int. 2003; 3: 17.
  • Berx G, Van Roy F. The E-cadherin/catenin complex: an important gatekeeper in breast cancer tumorigenesis and malignant progression, Breast Cancer Res 2001; 3:289-293
  • Cattaneo F, Venesio T, Molatore S, Russo A, Fiocca R, Frattini M, Scovassi AI, Ottini L, Bertario L, Ranzani GN. Functional Analysis and Case-control Study of -160C/A Polymorphism in the E-cadherin Gene Promoter: Association with Cancer Risk, Anticancer Research 2006; 26: 4627-4632
  • Motovali-Bashi M, Hojati Z, Hajihosein S. The role of matrix metalloproteinase-3 functional 5A/6A promoter polymorphism in tumor cell progression and metastasis of breast cancer, IJB, 2008; 6:45-49.
  • Ye S, Eriksson P, HamstenA, Kurkinen M, Humphries SE, Henney AM. Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis Is Associated with a Common Genetic Variant of the Human Stromelysin-1 Promoter Which Results in Reduced Gene Expression, J Biol Chem 1996; 271(22):13055-60.
  • Samnegard A, Silveira A, Lundman P, Boquist S, Odeberg J, Hulthe J, McPheat W, Tornvall P, Bergstrand L, Ericsson CG, Hamsten A, Eriksson P. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-3 concentration is influenced by MMP-3 - 1612 5 A/6 A promoter genotype and associated with myocardial infarction, J Intern Med 2005;258(5):411-9.
  • Kohrmann A, Kammerer U, Kapp M, Dietl J, Anacker J. Expression of Matrixmetalloproteinases in primary human, BMC Cancer 2009; 9:188
  • Doizer KJ, Mahon SM. Cancer Prevention, Detection and Control, A Nursing Perspective, Oncology Nursing Society Pittsburg, PA, 2002; 389-444.
  • McPherson K, Steel CM, Dixon JM. ABC of breast diseases. Breast cancer epidemiology, risk factors, and genetics, BMJ 2000;321(7261): 624-628.
  • Radisky ES, Radisky DC. Matrix Metalloproteinase- Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer, J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2010;15:201-212
  • Tsukino H, Kuroda Y, Imai H, Nakao H, Qiu D, Komiya Y, Inatomi H, Hamasaki, T, Kohshi K, Osada Y, Katoh T. Lack of Evidence for the Association of E-Cadherin Gene Polymorphism with Increased Risk or Progression of Prostate Cancer, Urol Int 2004;72(3):203-7.
  • Lo YL, Yu JC, Chen ST, Hsu GC, Mau YC, Yang SL, Wu PE, Shen CY. Breast cancer risk associated with genotypic polymorphism of the mitotic checkpoint genes: a multigenic study on cancer susceptibility, Carcinogenesis 2007; 28(5): 1079-1086.
  • Ghilardi G, Biondi M L , Caputo M . A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Matrix Metalloproteinase- 3 Promoter Enhances Breast Cancer Susceptibility, Clin Cancer Res 2002;8:3820-3823.
  • Krippl P, Langsenlehner U, Renner W. The 5A/6A Polymorphism of the Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 Gene Promoter and Breast Cancer, Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:3518
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makale

Nazlı Turan This is me

Arzu Ergen This is me

Soykan Arıkan This is me

İlhan Yaylım This is me

Turgay Isbir This is me

Publication Date January 2, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Turan, N., Ergen, A., Arıkan, S., Yaylım, İ., et al. (2013). Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(4), 30-38.
AMA Turan N, Ergen A, Arıkan S, Yaylım İ, Isbir T. Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. January 2013;2(4):30-38.
Chicago Turan, Nazlı, Arzu Ergen, Soykan Arıkan, İlhan Yaylım, and Turgay Isbir. “Mmp-3 Ve E-Kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü”. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2, no. 4 (January 2013): 30-38.
EndNote Turan N, Ergen A, Arıkan S, Yaylım İ, Isbir T (January 1, 2013) Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2 4 30–38.
IEEE N. Turan, A. Ergen, S. Arıkan, İ. Yaylım, and T. Isbir, “Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü”, Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 30–38, 2013.
ISNAD Turan, Nazlı et al. “Mmp-3 Ve E-Kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü”. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 2/4 (January 2013), 30-38.
JAMA Turan N, Ergen A, Arıkan S, Yaylım İ, Isbir T. Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;2:30–38.
MLA Turan, Nazlı et al. “Mmp-3 Ve E-Kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü”. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 4, 2013, pp. 30-38.
Vancouver Turan N, Ergen A, Arıkan S, Yaylım İ, Isbir T. Mmp-3 ve E-kaderin Polimorfizmlerinin Meme Tümörlerindeki Rolü. Deneysel Tıp Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2013;2(4):30-8.