Research Article
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Year 2020, , 175 - 188, 10.11.2021



  • Reference 1 M.Arnaudov, “Neofit Khilendarski Bozveli (1785—1848)”, Sofiya, 1930
  • Reference 2 Candan Badem, “The Ottoman Crimean War (1853-1856)”, Leidem-Boston, 2010
  • Reference 3 Yu.Borisonok, “Ataman Sadyk-pasha”, Rodina, 1998, №5-6
  • Reference 4 M.S. Chaykowskiy, “Zapiski” Russkaya starina,1895-1898, 1900, 1904
  • Reference 5 J. Chudzikowska, “Dziwne życie Sadyka Paszy o Michal e Czajkowskim”, 1971
  • Reference 6 M. Czajkowski, “Moje wspomnienia o wojnie 1854 roku”, Warszawa, 1962
  • Reference 7 M.Czajkowski “Pamietniki Sadyka Paszy Michal a Czajkowskiego”, Lwow, 1898
  • Reference 8 Michał Czaykowski. “Kozaczyzna w Turcyi”, Paryż, 1857
  • Reference 9 Musa Gümüs, “Mehmed Sadik Pasa (Michal Czajkowski) ve Osmanli devlet’nde kazak suvari alayi”, Turkish studies, V. 5/3, 2010
  • Reference 10 Ye. Khadzhinikolova, “Mikhail Chayka-Chaykovski (Mekhmed Sadyk pasha) i bolgarite v Tulchanski sandzhak (50-70-te godini na XIX v.)”, Chornomors'ka minuvshina, 2010, №3
  • Reference 11 Alisiya Kulets'ka, “Pomizh Pol'shcheyu, Turechchinoyu i Rosiyeyu: Mikhal Chaykovs'kiy (Mekhmet Sadik pasha) i problemi "kozachchini" v XIX st.”, Prichornomors'kiy region u konteksti svitovoí̈ politiki: istoriya ta s'ogodennya, Odesa, 2008
  • Reference 12 Jerzy S. Łątka, “Słownik Polaków w Imperium Osmańskim i Republice Turcji”, Kraków, 2005
  • Reference 13 I. Lysyak-Rudnits'kiy, “Kozats'kiy proyekt Mikhala Chaykovs'kogo pid chas Krims'koyi viyny: analiz idey”, Lisyak-Rudnits'kiy I. Istorichni ese, K., 1994, T. 1
  • Reference 14 Unver Metin, “Wanda ya da Mehmed Sadik (Cayka) pasa’nin turkiye anekdotlari”, Tarih Dergisi, 2017, №1
  • Reference 15 B. Penev, “Istoriya na novata bolgarska literatura”, T. IV Sofiya, 1936
  • Reference 16 V. Poltorak, “Dokumenty pro M. Chaykovs'kogo v Derzhavnomu arkhivi Odes'koyi oblasti», Chornomors'ka mynuvshina, Vyp. 5, Odesa, 2010.
  • Reference 17 O. Prigarin, “«Kozatstvo v Turechchini» M. Chaykivs'kogo yak dzherelo vivchennya kozats'kikh formuvan' v Ottomans'kiy Porti seredyny XIX st.”, Naukovi pratsi istorichnogo fakul'tetu Zaporiz'kogo derzhavnogo universitetu, 2001, Vyp. XIII, S.26.
  • Reference 18 Fr. Rawita-Gawronski, “Michal Czaykowski (Sadyk-pasza). Jego zycie, dzialalnosc wojskowa i literacka. Zarys biograficzny”, Petersburg, 1901
  • Reference 19 Ye. Rudnits'kiy, “Do istoriyi pol's'kogo kozakofil'stva”, Za sto lit, Kn. 1, 1925, S. 62–66
  • Reference 20 M.Rybak, “Mikhaylo Chaykovs'kiy – Megmet Sadik Pasha», Al'manakh ukraí̈ns'kogo natsional'nogo soyuzu, N'yu-York, 1971
  • Reference 21 D.Sen', A.Prigarin “Panslavizm Mikhala Chaykovskogo i istoriya kazachestva v Osmanskoy imperii”, Polyaki v istorii Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost', Krasnodar, 2007, S.147–160
  • Reference 22 I. Shishmanov, “Studii iz oblasta na bolgarskoto vozrazhdane”, Sbornik Bolgarskoy Akademii na Naukite, 4, 1916
  • Reference 23 T.Slabchenko, “Koly povernuv na Ukrayinu Sadyk-Pasha?” Zapiski Istoriko-Filologichnogo Viddilu Vseukrayins'koyi Akademiyi Nauk, Kn. ХХV, K., 1929
  • Reference 24 V.Smokhovska-Petrova, “Mikhal Chaykovski – Sadyk pasha i Bolgarsko vozrazhdene”, Sofiya, 1973
  • Reference 25 V. Smokhovska-Petrova, “Neofit Bozveli i bolgarskiyat tserkoven vopros”. Sofiya, 1964
  • Reference 26 I.K. Stoychev, “Kazak-alaya na Chaykovski”, Sofiya, 1944
  • Reference 27 K.Sukhodolska, “Bolgarite v neizdanite memuari na Chayka Chaykovski (Sadyk-pasha)”, Sbornik za narodni umotvoreniya, nauka i knizhnina, Kniga X. Sofiya, 1894
  • Reference 28 P.Wierzbicki, “Dziennik generala Feliksa Breanskiego, dowodcy brygady w Dywizji Kozakow Sultanskich”, Akta THL v Paryzu, 2000, T. 5
  • Reference 29 “Zapiski Mikhaila Chaykovskogo (Sadyk Pashi)”, Kiyevskaya starina, 1891, 1892
  • Reference 30 A.Zlatanov, “Kazak alayat na Sadyk pasha”, Izvestiya na intituta za istoricheski izsleduvaniya, T.32, Sofiya, 2015

Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872)

Year 2020, , 175 - 188, 10.11.2021


There should be three periods in the activity of Myhaylo Czajkowski on the Balkan Peninsula. The first is the time when Czajkowski led the Oriental mission of Hotel Lambert in Istanbul. The Concept of the South Slavic Federation, created by Adam Czartoryski, included the liberalization of the policy of the Ottoman Empire in relation to the Christian population, and the promotion of the Uniate movement among the Orthodox. The second period is the time before and immediately after the Crimean War, when Czajkowski became an Ottoman general (Sadyk) and headed the Cossack regiments. At this time, his projects became free from the influences of Czartoryski. An idea emerges about the formation of the Ukrainian-Bessarabian Principality, headed by Hetman. The third period is the 1860s, when Sadyk Pasha contributed to the proclamation of the Bulgarian Autocephalous Church, entered into an open conflict with former colleagues from Hotel Lambert and at the same time began to substantiate the concept of Pan-Slavism.
Consequently, the project activity of Mykhaylo Czajkowski deserves our attention, because it played a certain positive role in the Bulgarian revival, sometimes contrary to the intentions of Sadyk Pasha. For the first time, the Bulgarians received patronage in the upper circles of the Ottoman Empire, which was marked primarily by the successful proclamation of the autocephaly of the Bulgarian church in 1870. The Ottoman Cossacks, headed by Czajkowski, positively influenced the processes of national revival in the 1860s. Cossacks laid the foundations of European cultural influence on the population of Bulgarian cities. The Cossacks softened the repressive actions of the Ottoman administration against the insurgent movement in the 1860s. Czajkowski’s literary works in the "Spring of Peoples" introduced the Bulgarian people to the European reader and justified the image of Bulgarian movement for independence.


  • Reference 1 M.Arnaudov, “Neofit Khilendarski Bozveli (1785—1848)”, Sofiya, 1930
  • Reference 2 Candan Badem, “The Ottoman Crimean War (1853-1856)”, Leidem-Boston, 2010
  • Reference 3 Yu.Borisonok, “Ataman Sadyk-pasha”, Rodina, 1998, №5-6
  • Reference 4 M.S. Chaykowskiy, “Zapiski” Russkaya starina,1895-1898, 1900, 1904
  • Reference 5 J. Chudzikowska, “Dziwne życie Sadyka Paszy o Michal e Czajkowskim”, 1971
  • Reference 6 M. Czajkowski, “Moje wspomnienia o wojnie 1854 roku”, Warszawa, 1962
  • Reference 7 M.Czajkowski “Pamietniki Sadyka Paszy Michal a Czajkowskiego”, Lwow, 1898
  • Reference 8 Michał Czaykowski. “Kozaczyzna w Turcyi”, Paryż, 1857
  • Reference 9 Musa Gümüs, “Mehmed Sadik Pasa (Michal Czajkowski) ve Osmanli devlet’nde kazak suvari alayi”, Turkish studies, V. 5/3, 2010
  • Reference 10 Ye. Khadzhinikolova, “Mikhail Chayka-Chaykovski (Mekhmed Sadyk pasha) i bolgarite v Tulchanski sandzhak (50-70-te godini na XIX v.)”, Chornomors'ka minuvshina, 2010, №3
  • Reference 11 Alisiya Kulets'ka, “Pomizh Pol'shcheyu, Turechchinoyu i Rosiyeyu: Mikhal Chaykovs'kiy (Mekhmet Sadik pasha) i problemi "kozachchini" v XIX st.”, Prichornomors'kiy region u konteksti svitovoí̈ politiki: istoriya ta s'ogodennya, Odesa, 2008
  • Reference 12 Jerzy S. Łątka, “Słownik Polaków w Imperium Osmańskim i Republice Turcji”, Kraków, 2005
  • Reference 13 I. Lysyak-Rudnits'kiy, “Kozats'kiy proyekt Mikhala Chaykovs'kogo pid chas Krims'koyi viyny: analiz idey”, Lisyak-Rudnits'kiy I. Istorichni ese, K., 1994, T. 1
  • Reference 14 Unver Metin, “Wanda ya da Mehmed Sadik (Cayka) pasa’nin turkiye anekdotlari”, Tarih Dergisi, 2017, №1
  • Reference 15 B. Penev, “Istoriya na novata bolgarska literatura”, T. IV Sofiya, 1936
  • Reference 16 V. Poltorak, “Dokumenty pro M. Chaykovs'kogo v Derzhavnomu arkhivi Odes'koyi oblasti», Chornomors'ka mynuvshina, Vyp. 5, Odesa, 2010.
  • Reference 17 O. Prigarin, “«Kozatstvo v Turechchini» M. Chaykivs'kogo yak dzherelo vivchennya kozats'kikh formuvan' v Ottomans'kiy Porti seredyny XIX st.”, Naukovi pratsi istorichnogo fakul'tetu Zaporiz'kogo derzhavnogo universitetu, 2001, Vyp. XIII, S.26.
  • Reference 18 Fr. Rawita-Gawronski, “Michal Czaykowski (Sadyk-pasza). Jego zycie, dzialalnosc wojskowa i literacka. Zarys biograficzny”, Petersburg, 1901
  • Reference 19 Ye. Rudnits'kiy, “Do istoriyi pol's'kogo kozakofil'stva”, Za sto lit, Kn. 1, 1925, S. 62–66
  • Reference 20 M.Rybak, “Mikhaylo Chaykovs'kiy – Megmet Sadik Pasha», Al'manakh ukraí̈ns'kogo natsional'nogo soyuzu, N'yu-York, 1971
  • Reference 21 D.Sen', A.Prigarin “Panslavizm Mikhala Chaykovskogo i istoriya kazachestva v Osmanskoy imperii”, Polyaki v istorii Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost', Krasnodar, 2007, S.147–160
  • Reference 22 I. Shishmanov, “Studii iz oblasta na bolgarskoto vozrazhdane”, Sbornik Bolgarskoy Akademii na Naukite, 4, 1916
  • Reference 23 T.Slabchenko, “Koly povernuv na Ukrayinu Sadyk-Pasha?” Zapiski Istoriko-Filologichnogo Viddilu Vseukrayins'koyi Akademiyi Nauk, Kn. ХХV, K., 1929
  • Reference 24 V.Smokhovska-Petrova, “Mikhal Chaykovski – Sadyk pasha i Bolgarsko vozrazhdene”, Sofiya, 1973
  • Reference 25 V. Smokhovska-Petrova, “Neofit Bozveli i bolgarskiyat tserkoven vopros”. Sofiya, 1964
  • Reference 26 I.K. Stoychev, “Kazak-alaya na Chaykovski”, Sofiya, 1944
  • Reference 27 K.Sukhodolska, “Bolgarite v neizdanite memuari na Chayka Chaykovski (Sadyk-pasha)”, Sbornik za narodni umotvoreniya, nauka i knizhnina, Kniga X. Sofiya, 1894
  • Reference 28 P.Wierzbicki, “Dziennik generala Feliksa Breanskiego, dowodcy brygady w Dywizji Kozakow Sultanskich”, Akta THL v Paryzu, 2000, T. 5
  • Reference 29 “Zapiski Mikhaila Chaykovskogo (Sadyk Pashi)”, Kiyevskaya starina, 1891, 1892
  • Reference 30 A.Zlatanov, “Kazak alayat na Sadyk pasha”, Izvestiya na intituta za istoricheski izsleduvaniya, T.32, Sofiya, 2015
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Volodymyr Poltorak 0000-0002-6336-9150

Publication Date November 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Poltorak, V. (2021). Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872). Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi(35), 175-188.
AMA Poltorak V. Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872). Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. November 2021;(35):175-188. doi:10.26650/gaad.796116
Chicago Poltorak, Volodymyr. “Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872)”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 35 (November 2021): 175-88.
EndNote Poltorak V (November 1, 2021) Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872). Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 35 175–188.
IEEE V. Poltorak, “Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872)”, Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 35, pp. 175–188, November 2021, doi: 10.26650/gaad.796116.
ISNAD Poltorak, Volodymyr. “Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872)”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 35 (November 2021), 175-188.
JAMA Poltorak V. Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872). Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021;:175–188.
MLA Poltorak, Volodymyr. “Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872)”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 35, 2021, pp. 175-88, doi:10.26650/gaad.796116.
Vancouver Poltorak V. Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha)’s Projects in The Ottoman Empire (1841-1872). Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021(35):175-88.