1925 yilmda yaym hayatma gec;:en ve Cumhuriyetin ilk yillanndan gi.ini.imi.ize kadar varltg1111 koruyabilen tek Rum gazetesi olan "Apoyevmatini", Rum bas1111 ic;:in 6nemli bir kaynakt1r. Sadece 6-7 Eyllil Olaylan s1rasmda kapand1g1 15 gi.inli.ik si.ire haricinde, gazete istanbul'daki Rum Cemaate glinli.ik ula~a bilcn ve tiim cemaat i.iyelerinin yakmdan takip ettigi bir gazetedir. Apoyevmatini gazetesinin sloga111 olan "Bizden habersiz ne kimse dogar, ne kimse 6li.ir."s6zi.i gazetenin tek ve gerc;:ek misyonu olarak gosterilebilir. Gazetede Rum Cemaat i.iyelerinin dogum, 6li.im, vaftiz haberlerinin yam Sira, yine ccmaatin baglt oldugu okul, dernck ve kiliselerde yapt1g1 ya da yapacag1 ti.im sosyal, klilti.irel ve dini faaliyetler okuyucuya aktanltr. Gazete, Rumlann sosyal ve kiilti.irel hayatm1an lama ac;:1smdan 6nemli bir kaynakt1r. Apoyevmatini gazetesi 6zellikle Rumlar ic;:in siyasi haber alma kaynagmdan c;:ok, kendi cemaatlerinin ic;:inde ge li ~e n olaylann takip edilmesi ac;:1smdan c;:ok 6nemli bir kaynak olma 6zelligindedir. Gazetede yer alan haberlerde neyin ne zaman, nerede, nasil olduguna dair haber ba ltklan , kilise haberleri, kilise ve derneklerde yapilan dini seremoniler, okullarda ve dcrneklerde yapilan her tiirlii sosyal ve kiiltiirel faaliyetler, oli.im ve vaftiz haberleri, Rumlara yonelik rekliim afi~leri, istanbul 'un merkezi, kazas1 ve koylerinde meydana gelen her ti.irlii kaza ve degi ~i mler ile ilgili bilgiler vard1r. Ozcllikle gazete ic;:inde verilen ilan ve toplumsal haberler gazetenin tamam1111 olu~turmaktad1r.
Apogevmatini, which was established in 1925 and is the only newspaper living in during Turkish Rebuplic until now, is an important source for the press of Greek minority. Except the 15 days that was closed after the events of S~pt mber on 6th and 7th, it is a daily newspaper very popular among the Greek minority in Istanbul. The slogan of the newspaper written under its title on the first page "Nobody was born or died without our ignorance" is the only and real mission of the newspaper. In the newspaper there is information about births, deaths and baptisms of the minority members as well as all the social, religious or cultural activities that will be taken place at schools, associations and churches of the Greek minority. Therefore the newspaper is an important source to understand the soci al and cultural life of the Greek minority in Istanbul. The main aim of Apogevmatini is to inform the minority for the events happened within congregation rather than to write about political news. In the newspaper there is news about people who leave or come in Istanbul, church news, social and cultural activities at schools and associations, news of deaths and baptisms, advertisements related to Greek minority, as well as news about accidents and variations in the centre or villages of Istanbul. Advertisements and social news are formed nearly the whole of newspaper.
Apogevmatini The Rum Press The Rum Community The Rum Newspapers
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 14 Ağustos 2014 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2011 Sayı: 20 |