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Yıl 2009, Sayı: 16, 105 - 128, 14.08.2014


ll. Selim le ba!jlaya11 Os111a11h Devleti '11i11 "Bat1hla~· 11ia" hareketi, 1839 Ta11::i111at 'la be/Ii hir iv111e /w::m11r. Ta11zi11111t 'm ta111111lad1g1 topl11111 yap1s111da A 11/'11pa re/erans al1111r. 1841 Lo11dra a11tla:f111as1yla da Os111r111h Devleti '11i11 topmk hiitiinliigii ve /11.'ikii111ra11l1g1 Av/'llpah biiyiik devletlerce ko/'111111r. 9 Ocak 1853 'de St. Petersburg 'ta ('ar I. Nikola ile i11giliz Elr;isi Sir George Ha111ilto11 Sey111 011r aras111da Os111a11l1 Devleti '11i11 toprak pa la~· 11111 lwkk111da yapi/a11 tarihi ko1111:;111ada "//asta ada111 "111 kaderi tan1111la111r. Os111a11h res111i {:evreleri, Avmpal1 devletleri11 izledikleri yke11 politikalan vc Tanzi111at '1 halka a11lat111ada paradokslar ya!jarlar. Bir tarajia ideal topl11111 olarak Ta11zi111at 'la ta111111la11a11 Avmpa, diger tarafia dost-dii,\'111011 Avmpa, paradoks1m bu temeli11i l11~· t11mr. Kutsal Yer/er .1·omm1. Pre11 .1· Mem;iko/1111 dip/0111atik kurallan zorlayan is1a11lml ziyarcti, gergi11/e~·e 11 Os111a11/i-R11.1· i/i!jkileri. R11sya '11111 £.flak-Bogdan 'a asker sok111 as1 ve 4 ki111 1853 de Os111a11/1 Devleti '11i11 R11sya 'ya sava~· ar;111as1yla Km111 I larbi res111e11 ba ·lar. iki dev/et aras111da (Os111 a11/1 -Rusya) ba!j/aya11 sava,1', lusa si:irede Avrupa sava,wia donii,l'l'ir. Sava~·, il rley ~· i 1·e so11ur,:lanyla Modem Avrupa '11111 kuru/11~· u11 a ::e111i11 /1az1rlar. Batilila,rniak isteye11 bir devlet, Avmpa )11 algila111aya (·ah!jan bir top/um. ~· i111diye kadar gor111 edigi Avmpa/1 askerleri sokalilar111da gore11 Os111a11/i ha/la, dost-rh'i.>man olg11/an11 birbirine girdigi. a/gila111 a som11/al'I r,:eke11 bir top/11111 ve hepsi11de11 ii11 e111/isi sava,1·1aki i11sa11 portreleri 11 e.frC'I, ac1, kan, gc}zya!jl cluygulam1111 kan,~ 11 1 ava~· K1n111 Sava,1·1 'd1r. Makalc11i11 a11a te111a/any/a bu ekse11/er r,:er{:evesi11de K1m11 Sava,1·1 '11111 Os111a11/1 sosyal lwyat111daki ya11 s1111alar1111 ar,1·iv belgeleri vc devri11 kay11aklar111a daya11arak analiz et111 eyi a111ar;la111aktad1r. Sayilari 0 11 hi11/eri b11/a11 Avmpali asker/ere devletin ve halk111 tavri 11 e oldu? /Ju kadar ('Ok Avr11pa/1 ista11b11/ 'daki sosyal hayata 11 e gihi izler b1raktilar? 1856 ls/a/iat /emw111, d1~· 111iidahale, ilk bor1·/a11111a. az111/1klan11 de ,~e 11 stahileri, k1sac.:a 111 odC'm sava,\'111 Os11w11/1 111 odemle,rn1esi11deki tesirleri tali/ii edilecektir.


  • Ba~bakanlik Os111anl1 Ar~iv i (BOA),Umum Vilayat, (A-MKT.UM),
  • Ba~bakanlik Osmanl1 Ar~ivi (BOA),l-lariciye Nezareti Mcktubi Kalemi (HR-MKT),
  • Ba~bakanlik Osman Ii Ar~ivi (BOA), Amedi Kalerni (A-AMD), Seco11dary Sources
  • Andis:, Fuat and Suphan Andis:, ed. 2002. Kmm Sava~1, Ali Pa ~a ve Paris Antla~nias1. istanbul: Eren Yay111cJ!1k.
  • Ahmed Cevdct Pa~a, 1986. Tezakir (21-39), ed. Cavid Baysun. Ankara: Tlirk Tarih Kurnmu Yay111lan.
  • Gooch, Brison. D. 1956. A Century of Historiography on the Origins of the Crimean War. The American Historical Review, I: 33-58.
  • Gough, Barry M. 1973. The Crimean War in the Pacific: British Strategy and Naval Operations. Military Affairs, 4: 130- 136.
  • Giinay, Bekir. 1999. Abdurrahim Muhib Efendinin Paris Scfirligi vc Biiylik Sefarctnamesi, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, istanbul Onivcrsitesi, istanbul.
  • 1992. Mchmed Sadik R1fat Pa~a, Hayat1, Escrlcri ve Gorii~leri, Unpublished dissertation, istanbul Onivcrsitcsi, istanbul.
  • 1998. Tanzimar Aycl1111 Sadik R1fat Pa~a'nm Devlct vc iktisat Gorii~leri. Kocacli Onivcrsitcsi iktisad i vc idari Bilimler Fakliltesi Dergisi 2: 299-314.
  • Henderson, Gavin B. 1937. The Diplomatic Revolution of 1854: The Four Points. The American Historical Review, I: 22-50.
  • lorga, Nicolea. 1948. Osmanli Tarihi, trans. Bekir S1tk1 Baykal, Ankara: Ankara Oniversitcsi Yay111lan.
  • Kurtoglu, Fcvzi. 1944. Yunan istiklal Harbi vc Navarin Muharabcsi, Ankara: Genelkurmay Ba~kanlig1 Yay1nlan.
  • Schmitt, Bcrnottc E. I<) 19. The Diplomatic Preliminaries of The Crimean War. The American Historical Review, I: 36-67.
  • Temperley, Harold. 1932. The Treaty of Paris of I 856 and its Execution. The Journal of Modern History, 3: 387-414.
  • _____ I 932. The Last Phase of Stratford de Rcdcliffc, I 855-58. The English Historical Review, I 86: 216-259.
  • _____ I 934. Stratford de Redcliffe and The Origins of The Crimean War. The English Historical Review, I 94: 265-298.
  • Ubucini, F.H.A. I 977. I 855'de TUrkiyc. Trans. Ayla Doz, 2 vols. istanbul: Kervan Yayrnlar1.


Yıl 2009, Sayı: 16, 105 - 128, 14.08.2014


"Westernization" movement of Ottoman State starting 111ith Selim Ill gained mo111e11tu111 with 1839 Ta11:::i111at. Reference of social structure defined by the Ta11zimat is Europe. 111 1841 Lo11do11 agreement, 0110111a11 State 's territorial integrity and sovereignity was preserved by European great states. On Ja1111 c11y 9th, 1853 i11 St Petersburg i11 the historical debate between Tzcar Nicola I and British Ambassador Sir George !-la111ilto11 about la11d-shari11g of Otto111a11 State, destiny of "If/ 111 a11 " 111as decided. Otto111an o.fficials have paradoxes in explailling to the people. the variable policies.followed by European states and the Tallzimat. On one side there is Europe defined as ideal socieiJ' i11 Tanzi111at, 011 the other side .friendly -enemy Europe. This makes the basis of the paradox. Fol/owi11g the dispute Oil I loly Places, Price Menc/1ikow 's Istanbul visit, which outlallls the rules of diplomacy, 0110111an-Russia11 relatiolls gaining te11sio11, Russia 's sending soldiers to Ejlak-Bogada11, the Cri111ea11 War starts o[ficially when Ottomall State delared war 011 Russia Oil October 4th, 1853. The war initially between two states (Olloman - Russian) turned to be European war inshort time. This war, with its progress and consequences .formed the basis/or the establishment a/Modem Europe. A state on the way of westemizc11ion. society aiminglo 11ndersta11d Europe. sal\I E11rope11 soldiers f irst time in their streets. Crimean war is where fi'ie11d and ene111y mixed eah other, soiety su[fered .from perception problems, the human f eelings of hate, pain, blood, suffering and tears together. Our paper ai111s to allalyse the reflections of Cri111ean war on Ottoman social life 011 this concept based 011 thc arhive documents and resources of the time . What was the altitude of the slate and people to the European soldiers, by the number of ten thousands? What impacts did this m1111ber o.f Europea11s make 011 istanbul 's social life? 1856 lslaliat firman, foreig11 interve11/io11, .first debt, change of minorities' status, shortZv ef]ecls of Modem war on Ottoman motfemisation will be investigated


  • Ba~bakanlik Os111anl1 Ar~iv i (BOA),Umum Vilayat, (A-MKT.UM),
  • Ba~bakanlik Osmanl1 Ar~ivi (BOA),l-lariciye Nezareti Mcktubi Kalemi (HR-MKT),
  • Ba~bakanlik Osman Ii Ar~ivi (BOA), Amedi Kalerni (A-AMD), Seco11dary Sources
  • Andis:, Fuat and Suphan Andis:, ed. 2002. Kmm Sava~1, Ali Pa ~a ve Paris Antla~nias1. istanbul: Eren Yay111cJ!1k.
  • Ahmed Cevdct Pa~a, 1986. Tezakir (21-39), ed. Cavid Baysun. Ankara: Tlirk Tarih Kurnmu Yay111lan.
  • Gooch, Brison. D. 1956. A Century of Historiography on the Origins of the Crimean War. The American Historical Review, I: 33-58.
  • Gough, Barry M. 1973. The Crimean War in the Pacific: British Strategy and Naval Operations. Military Affairs, 4: 130- 136.
  • Giinay, Bekir. 1999. Abdurrahim Muhib Efendinin Paris Scfirligi vc Biiylik Sefarctnamesi, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, istanbul Onivcrsitesi, istanbul.
  • 1992. Mchmed Sadik R1fat Pa~a, Hayat1, Escrlcri ve Gorii~leri, Unpublished dissertation, istanbul Onivcrsitcsi, istanbul.
  • 1998. Tanzimar Aycl1111 Sadik R1fat Pa~a'nm Devlct vc iktisat Gorii~leri. Kocacli Onivcrsitcsi iktisad i vc idari Bilimler Fakliltesi Dergisi 2: 299-314.
  • Henderson, Gavin B. 1937. The Diplomatic Revolution of 1854: The Four Points. The American Historical Review, I: 22-50.
  • lorga, Nicolea. 1948. Osmanli Tarihi, trans. Bekir S1tk1 Baykal, Ankara: Ankara Oniversitcsi Yay111lan.
  • Kurtoglu, Fcvzi. 1944. Yunan istiklal Harbi vc Navarin Muharabcsi, Ankara: Genelkurmay Ba~kanlig1 Yay1nlan.
  • Schmitt, Bcrnottc E. I<) 19. The Diplomatic Preliminaries of The Crimean War. The American Historical Review, I: 36-67.
  • Temperley, Harold. 1932. The Treaty of Paris of I 856 and its Execution. The Journal of Modern History, 3: 387-414.
  • _____ I 932. The Last Phase of Stratford de Rcdcliffc, I 855-58. The English Historical Review, I 86: 216-259.
  • _____ I 934. Stratford de Redcliffe and The Origins of The Crimean War. The English Historical Review, I 94: 265-298.
  • Ubucini, F.H.A. I 977. I 855'de TUrkiyc. Trans. Ayla Doz, 2 vols. istanbul: Kervan Yayrnlar1.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bekir Günay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Günay, B. (2014). THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi(16), 105-128.
AMA Günay B. THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. Ağustos 2014;(16):105-128.
Chicago Günay, Bekir. “THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 16 (Ağustos 2014): 105-28.
EndNote Günay B (01 Ağustos 2014) THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 16 105–128.
IEEE B. Günay, “THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE”, Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 16, ss. 105–128, Ağustos 2014.
ISNAD Günay, Bekir. “THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 16 (Ağustos 2014), 105-128.
JAMA Günay B. THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2014;:105–128.
MLA Günay, Bekir. “THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, sy. 16, 2014, ss. 105-28.
Vancouver Günay B. THE CRIMEAN WAR AND ITS EFFECTS ON OTTOMAN SOCIAL LIFE. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2014(16):105-28.