Bu 9ah~ma literati.ir taramas1yla birlikte Gi.ircistan'da 13 yil bulunmam ve Amerika Birle~ik Devletlerinde yakla~1k bir yila varan ara~tmnalanm neticesinde edindigim gozlemlerime dayanmaktad1r. Ama9, Ti.irkiye'nin Avrupa Birligi ili~kileriyle birlikte Sovyet Sosyalist Sistemin 9oki.i~i.inden sonra sadece Avrasya'da degil, ti.im di.inyada Ti.irk Devleti ve halkma di.i~en rol ve bunu devlet ve millet olarak Ti.irkiye'nin nas1l degerlendigini ortaya koymaktir. Aynca Ti.irkiye'nin Avrupa Birligi i9in ne kadar onemli oldugu ve Sovyetler Birliginin sona ennesiyle Cin seddinden Orta - Asya'ya, oradan da Katkaslar ve Ti.irkiye'yi de a~arak Avrupaya ula~acak olan ipekten demir yolunun insanhga kazand1racaklan incelenmi~tir. Bir9ok par9alardan olu~an fotografm hepsine bir anda bakt1g11mzda, Avrupa'nm Ti.irkiye'ye kazand1racaklarmm birka9 katm1 Ti.irkiye'nin Avrupa Birligine kazand1racag1 ger9egi sonucuna vanlm1~t1r.
Ryan Crow, The Dynamics of International Influence: The Relationship of Influence to Realist Conceptions of Foreign Policy Presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, 26-29, 2008.
Robert A. Dahl - Bruce Stinebrickner, Modem Political Analysis, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2003, p. 12-13.
http://e-dergi.atauni.edu. tr/index.php/taed/article/viewFile/ I 4 77 I I 4 73
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP OV ALI.pdf
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP _ OV ALI.pdf
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP _ OV ALI.pdf
http://www.traceca-org.org/default. php?l=en
http:// en. rian. ru/business/2 00 5 060 2140460669. html
http://english.pravda.ru/main/l 8/89/357/l l 772 pipeline.html
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
Prof. Dr. Faruk Sen, Tiirkiye AB ili~kilerinde Di~ Etkenler: Kopenhag Zirvesinden Bugiine Irak Sava~1 - Tiirkiye - AB, AB Ulkelerindeki Tiirklerin Ekonomik Giicii, islam ve Goi;;, K1bns Dosyas1, ilerleme Raporunun Degerlendirilmesi, Ankara: -Omit Yaymc1hk, 2005, Sh. 73
This study with its literature scanning, is depending on my observations res11ltingfrom my presence in Georgia for I 3 years and my researches in the USA almost a year. In this study, my aim is to emphasize on the relations of Turkey with the European - Union, the role of Turkish Government and the community not only in Eurasia after the co/lapse of Soviet Socialist system, b11t also in the whole world, as we// and the viewpoint of the Turkish Government and the community to the situation. Besides, after mentioning the importance of Turkey for the European Union, what the railway made of silk, which passes from Wall of China with the co/lapse of Soviet Union, ji-om Middle East, Caucasians, T11rkey and reaches to E11rope, has bro11ght in to the human kind is also looked through. When we look at the photograph formed of different components as a whole, what is deduced is Turkey wi// bring in more to the European Union than the European Union will bring in to Turkey.
Ryan Crow, The Dynamics of International Influence: The Relationship of Influence to Realist Conceptions of Foreign Policy Presented at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, 26-29, 2008.
Robert A. Dahl - Bruce Stinebrickner, Modem Political Analysis, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2003, p. 12-13.
http://e-dergi.atauni.edu. tr/index.php/taed/article/viewFile/ I 4 77 I I 4 73
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP OV ALI.pdf
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP _ OV ALI.pdf
http://www.kenancelik.com/documents/iiid9SERAP _ OV ALI.pdf
http://www.traceca-org.org/default. php?l=en
http:// en. rian. ru/business/2 00 5 060 2140460669. html
http://english.pravda.ru/main/l 8/89/357/l l 772 pipeline.html
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
http://www.silkroadstudies.org/BTC 6.pdf
Prof. Dr. Faruk Sen, Tiirkiye AB ili~kilerinde Di~ Etkenler: Kopenhag Zirvesinden Bugiine Irak Sava~1 - Tiirkiye - AB, AB Ulkelerindeki Tiirklerin Ekonomik Giicii, islam ve Goi;;, K1bns Dosyas1, ilerleme Raporunun Degerlendirilmesi, Ankara: -Omit Yaymc1hk, 2005, Sh. 73