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Rusya’nın Boğaz Harekatı- Planlar ve 1915’in İlk Yarısının Muhtemel Faaliyetleri

Year 2016, Issue: 29, 11 - 18, 30.06.2016


Rusya’nın Boğaz Harekatı- Planlar ve 1915’in İlk Yarısının Muhtemel Faaliyetleri


  • Archives
  • Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota(RGA VMF)., Moscow, Russia.
  • Published sources and literature
  • Airapetov O.R., Na Puti k Krahu. Russko-Yaponskaya Vojna 1904-1905 gg. Voenno-Politicheskaya Istoriya, M. 2015.
  • Airapetov O.R, Zabytaya Kar’era «Russkogo Mol’tke». N.N. Obruchev (18301904), Spb.1998
  • Airapetov O.R., “K Voprosu o Proekte Zahvata Bosfora (Iz Istorii Vneshnej Politiki i Strategii Rossii 1806-1884 gg.)”, Etudes Balkanique. Sofiya. 2009. Vol.1. pp.143-158.
  • Airapetov O.R., Na Vostochnom Napravlenii. Sud’ba Bosforskoj Ehkspedicii v Pravlenie Imperatora Nikolaya II, Poslednyaya Vojna Imperatorskoj Rossii. M. 2002.
  • Airapetov O.R., “Vstuplenie Turcii v Vojnu: Ehkonomicheskie Posledstviya Dlya Rossii”, Problemy Nacional’noj Strategii. Rossijskij Institut Strategicheskih Issledovanij. M.2013. №3. pp.174-189.
  • Aprelev B.[P.], Vyderzhki iz Dnevnika ot 14/27 fevr. po 12/25 iyulya 1915 g, Zarubezhnyj Morskoj Sbornik. Pl’zen’. 1930. №№11-12.
  • Bubnov A.[D.], V Carskoj Stavke. Vospominaniya Admirala Bubnova, N’yu-Jork. 1955.
  • Bogdanovich M.I., Vostochnaya Vojna1853-1856 gg. v Svyazi s Sovremennoj Ej Politicheskoj Obstanovkoj, Vol1, Spb.1876.
  • Ericson E. Ordered to die. A history of the Ottoman Army in the First World war, Greenwood Press. Westport. 2001.
  • Grigorovich I.K., Vospominaniya Byvshego Morskogo Ministra, Spb.1999.
  • Hanbury-Williams J. The Emperor Nicholas II. As I knew him, Lnd. 1922.
  • Korbett YU. Operacii Anglijskogo Flota v Mirovuyu Vojnu, L.1928. Vol.2.
  • Lambert A.[D.] Admirals. The Naval Commanders who made Britain Great. Lnd. 2008.
  • Ludshuvejt E.F., Turciya v Gody Pervoj Mirovoj vojny 1914-1918 gg. Voenno-politicheskij Ocherk, M.1966.
  • Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya v Ehpohu Imperializma. Dokumenty iz Arhivov Carskogo i Vremennogo Pravitel’stv 1878-1917 gg.(MOEHI).
  • Ob’yavlenie Anglijskogo Protektorata nad Egiptom, IMID. Pgr.1915. №1.
  • Odesskoe Gradonachal’stvo (Po Poslednim Otchetnym Dannym za 1914 god), Pravitel’stvennyj Vestnik. 28.02.(12.03) 1916. № 47.
  • “Ovladenie Dardanellami v 1783 g. Predstavlenie Admirala Samuila Grejga”, Russkaya Starina. 1878. Vol 22. №. 7. pp 449-328
  • Petrov M.[A.], Podgotovka Rossii k Mirovoj Vojne na More, M.-L.1926.
  • Podgotovka Rossii k Mirovoj Vojne na More, M.-L.1926
  • Puankare R., Na Sluzhbe Francii. Vospominaniya za Devyat’ let, M.1936. Vol.1. Russkij Imperializm i Razvitie Flota Nakanune Pervoj Mirovoj Vojny 1906-1914 gg, M.1968.
  • Russkij Invalid. 16 dec. 1914 g. № 292.
  • Rytchenkov S., Chasti Osobogo Naznacheniya v Vojnu 1914-1916 gg, Chasovoj. Parizh. 1961. №426.
  • Savvaitov P.I, Vzyatie Anapy ehskadroj Chernomorskogo Flota, Pod Komandoyu Kontr-admirala S.A. Pustoshkina v 1807 godu, Spb.1851
  • Shcherbachev O., Afonskoe Srazhenie, Morskoj Sbornik. 1915. №12.
  • Tarle E.V., Krymskaya Vojna, Vol1, M. 2003.
  • The Times History of the War, Part 62. Vol. 5. Oct. 26, 1915.
  • The Times History and Encyclopedia of the War, Part 123. Vol.10, Dec.26, 1916.
  • Ukaz o Prisoedinenii Kipra k Velikobritanskim Vladeniyam, 05.11.1914., Izvestiya Ministerstva Inostrannyh del (IMID). Pgr.1915. №2.
  • “Vojny Rossii s Turciej 1828-1829 i 1853-1854”, Russkaya Starina. 1876. Vol 16. №.8., pp. 671-708.

Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915

Year 2016, Issue: 29, 11 - 18, 30.06.2016


The article runs the problem of the Bosporus expedition plans in Russia. First proposed in the second half of the XVII century, it was rejected and taken again into the consideration during the reigns of Catherine II, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander III and finally Nicholas II. The last emperor made his choice for the Far East in 1895-1896 to come back to the necessity of the Naval attack on the Bosporus preparation once again after the moment Turkey entered World War I. The Turkish attack on Russian was long awaited but come suddenly and that led to the crisis in Transcaucasia. Total impossibility to predict the end of the Sarikamish battle happened to be the reason why Grand Duke Nicolas Nikolaevich – Russian commander-in-chief at that moment – appealed for the Allied Naval demonstration nearby the shores of the Ottoman Empire. The decisive strike in the Passes region inevitably created the problem of the Russian participation – the knocking in the Turkish backdoor simultaneously with the Allied amphibious attack. Good and logical on a paper – this plan was not ever to be fulfilled, and in 1915 because of the unpreparedness of the Army, navy and transportation flotilla.


  • Archives
  • Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota(RGA VMF)., Moscow, Russia.
  • Published sources and literature
  • Airapetov O.R., Na Puti k Krahu. Russko-Yaponskaya Vojna 1904-1905 gg. Voenno-Politicheskaya Istoriya, M. 2015.
  • Airapetov O.R, Zabytaya Kar’era «Russkogo Mol’tke». N.N. Obruchev (18301904), Spb.1998
  • Airapetov O.R., “K Voprosu o Proekte Zahvata Bosfora (Iz Istorii Vneshnej Politiki i Strategii Rossii 1806-1884 gg.)”, Etudes Balkanique. Sofiya. 2009. Vol.1. pp.143-158.
  • Airapetov O.R., Na Vostochnom Napravlenii. Sud’ba Bosforskoj Ehkspedicii v Pravlenie Imperatora Nikolaya II, Poslednyaya Vojna Imperatorskoj Rossii. M. 2002.
  • Airapetov O.R., “Vstuplenie Turcii v Vojnu: Ehkonomicheskie Posledstviya Dlya Rossii”, Problemy Nacional’noj Strategii. Rossijskij Institut Strategicheskih Issledovanij. M.2013. №3. pp.174-189.
  • Aprelev B.[P.], Vyderzhki iz Dnevnika ot 14/27 fevr. po 12/25 iyulya 1915 g, Zarubezhnyj Morskoj Sbornik. Pl’zen’. 1930. №№11-12.
  • Bubnov A.[D.], V Carskoj Stavke. Vospominaniya Admirala Bubnova, N’yu-Jork. 1955.
  • Bogdanovich M.I., Vostochnaya Vojna1853-1856 gg. v Svyazi s Sovremennoj Ej Politicheskoj Obstanovkoj, Vol1, Spb.1876.
  • Ericson E. Ordered to die. A history of the Ottoman Army in the First World war, Greenwood Press. Westport. 2001.
  • Grigorovich I.K., Vospominaniya Byvshego Morskogo Ministra, Spb.1999.
  • Hanbury-Williams J. The Emperor Nicholas II. As I knew him, Lnd. 1922.
  • Korbett YU. Operacii Anglijskogo Flota v Mirovuyu Vojnu, L.1928. Vol.2.
  • Lambert A.[D.] Admirals. The Naval Commanders who made Britain Great. Lnd. 2008.
  • Ludshuvejt E.F., Turciya v Gody Pervoj Mirovoj vojny 1914-1918 gg. Voenno-politicheskij Ocherk, M.1966.
  • Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya v Ehpohu Imperializma. Dokumenty iz Arhivov Carskogo i Vremennogo Pravitel’stv 1878-1917 gg.(MOEHI).
  • Ob’yavlenie Anglijskogo Protektorata nad Egiptom, IMID. Pgr.1915. №1.
  • Odesskoe Gradonachal’stvo (Po Poslednim Otchetnym Dannym za 1914 god), Pravitel’stvennyj Vestnik. 28.02.(12.03) 1916. № 47.
  • “Ovladenie Dardanellami v 1783 g. Predstavlenie Admirala Samuila Grejga”, Russkaya Starina. 1878. Vol 22. №. 7. pp 449-328
  • Petrov M.[A.], Podgotovka Rossii k Mirovoj Vojne na More, M.-L.1926.
  • Podgotovka Rossii k Mirovoj Vojne na More, M.-L.1926
  • Puankare R., Na Sluzhbe Francii. Vospominaniya za Devyat’ let, M.1936. Vol.1. Russkij Imperializm i Razvitie Flota Nakanune Pervoj Mirovoj Vojny 1906-1914 gg, M.1968.
  • Russkij Invalid. 16 dec. 1914 g. № 292.
  • Rytchenkov S., Chasti Osobogo Naznacheniya v Vojnu 1914-1916 gg, Chasovoj. Parizh. 1961. №426.
  • Savvaitov P.I, Vzyatie Anapy ehskadroj Chernomorskogo Flota, Pod Komandoyu Kontr-admirala S.A. Pustoshkina v 1807 godu, Spb.1851
  • Shcherbachev O., Afonskoe Srazhenie, Morskoj Sbornik. 1915. №12.
  • Tarle E.V., Krymskaya Vojna, Vol1, M. 2003.
  • The Times History of the War, Part 62. Vol. 5. Oct. 26, 1915.
  • The Times History and Encyclopedia of the War, Part 123. Vol.10, Dec.26, 1916.
  • Ukaz o Prisoedinenii Kipra k Velikobritanskim Vladeniyam, 05.11.1914., Izvestiya Ministerstva Inostrannyh del (IMID). Pgr.1915. №2.
  • “Vojny Rossii s Turciej 1828-1829 i 1853-1854”, Russkaya Starina. 1876. Vol 16. №.8., pp. 671-708.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Oleg Rudol’fovich Airapetov This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 29


APA Airapetov, O. R. (2016). Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi(29), 11-18.
AMA Airapetov OR. Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. June 2016;(29):11-18.
Chicago Airapetov, Oleg Rudol’fovich. “Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 29 (June 2016): 11-18.
EndNote Airapetov OR (June 1, 2016) Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 29 11–18.
IEEE O. R. Airapetov, “Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915”, Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 29, pp. 11–18, June 2016.
ISNAD Airapetov, Oleg Rudol’fovich. “Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 29 (June 2016), 11-18.
JAMA Airapetov OR. Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2016;:11–18.
MLA Airapetov, Oleg Rudol’fovich. “Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915”. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 29, 2016, pp. 11-18.
Vancouver Airapetov OR. Russia’s Bosporus Expedition-Plans and Possible Actions of The First Half of 1915. Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2016(29):11-8.