Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 74 Issue: 2, 807 - 842, 29.12.2016


Günümüzde uyuşmazlıkların mahkeme dışında alternatif uyuşmazlık çözümü yöntemleri ile dostane ve barışçıl yollar ile çözümü için dünya genelinde eğilim bulunmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerden biri de arabuluculuk usulüdür. Arabuluculuğun temel ilkelerinden birisi, bu yöntemin gönüllülük esasına dayalı olmasıdır. Bununla birlikte dünyanın çeşitli ülkelerinde örneğin Avrupa’da, Amerika ve Avustralya’da dava açmadan önce veya dava açtıktan sonra arabuluculuk usulüne başvurmayı zaruri sayan ve zorunlu arabuluculuğu kabul eden sistemler yer almaktadır. Ülkemizde de yakın tarihlerde belirli çeşit uyuşmazlıklarda arabuluculuğun zorunlu hale gelmesi gündeme gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda zorunlu arabuluculuk konusunda dünya uygulamalarından da örnekler verilerek, bu modelin adalete erişim hakkına engel teşkil edip etmeyeceği, mahkemelerin dava yükünü azaltıp azaltmayacağı hususuna temas edilmek suretiyle hukuk sistemimiz içerisindeki yeri tartışmaya konu edilecektir.


  • Boettger, Ulrich, Efficiency Versus Party Empowerment - Against A Good - Faith Requirement in Mandatory Mediation, The Review of Litigation, 2004, Winter, Vol. 23, (s.1-46). Bullock, Stephen G./Gallagher, Linda Rose, Surveying the State of the Mediative Art: A Guide to Institutionalizing Mediation in Loisiana, Louisiana Law Review, 1997 Spring, Vol.57, N.3, (s.885-984). Carter, Roger L., Oh, Ye of Little (Good) Faith: Questions Corcerns and Commentary on Efforts to Regulate Participant Conduct in Mediations, Journal Dispute Resolution, 2002, Vol.2002, (s.367-405). Colombo, Giorgo Fabio, Alternative Dispute Resolution, (ADR) in Italy: Inspiration an National Problems, Ritsumeikan Law Review, No.29, 2012, (s.71-80). Dayton Johnson JR., Paul, Confidentiality in Mediation What Can Flori- da Glean From The Uniform Mediation Act?, Florida State University Law Re. Genn, Hazel, What is Civil Justice for? Reform, ADR, and Access to Jus- tice, 2012, Vol.24, (s.397-417). Germane, Charlotte/Johnson, Margaret/Lemon, NancyMandatory Cus- tody Mediation and Joint Custody Orders in California: The Danger for Victims of Domestic Violence, Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, 2013, Sep- tember, Vol.1, N.1, Article 1, (s.175-200). Goldberg, Stephen B./Sander, Frank E.A./Rogers, Nancy H./Rudolph Cole, Sarah, Dispute Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation and Other Processes, Ed.5, New York, 2007. Green, Cameron, ADR: Where did the ‘alternative’ go? Why mediation should not be a mandatory step in the litigation process, ADR Bulletin, 2010, Vol. 12, N.3, Article 2, (s.54-60). Grillo, Trina, The Mediation Alternative Process Dangers for Women, Yale Law Journal, 1991, Vol.100, (s.1545-1610). Güzel, Ali, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarı Taslağı Hakkında Bazı Aykırı Düşünceler!....; Çalışma ve Toplum, 2016/3, (s.1131-1146). Haneman,Victoria J., The Inapproriate Imposition of Court -Ordered Mediation in Will Contests, Cleveland State Law Review, 2011, Vol.59, (s.513-555). Hanks, Melissa, Perspectives on Mandatory Mediation, UNSW Law Journal, Vol.35, (3), 2012. Hedeen, Timothy, Coercion and Self-Determination in Court-Connected Mediation: All Mediations Are Voluntary, But Some Are More Voluntary Than Others, The Justice System Journal, 2005, Vol.26, N.3, (s.273-291). Hutchinson, Campbell C. The Case for Mandatory Mediation, Loyola Law Review, 1996, Vol.42, (s.85-95). Ingleby, Richard, Court Sponsored Mediation: The Case Against Mandatory Participation, The Modern Law Review, 1993, Vol.56, (s.441-451). Karacabey, Kürşat, Zorunlu Arabuluculuğun Hukukun Temel İlkelerine Aykırılığı ve Uygulanabilirliğine Dair Sorunlar, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 2016, Sayı 123, (s.451-488). Katz, Lucy V., Compulsory Alternative Dispute Resolution and Volunta- rism: Two - Headed Monster or Two Sides of The Coin, Journal Dispute Resolu- tion, 1993, N.1, (s.1-55). Kovach, Kimberlee K., Good Faith in Mediation-Requested, Recommen- ded or Required? A New Ethic, South Texas Law Review, 1997, Vol.38, (s.576- 623). Kuhn, Susan C., Mandatory Mediation: California Civil Code Section 4607, Emory Law Journal, 1984, Vol.33, (s.733-778). Lande, John, Using Dispute System Design Methods to Promote Good- Faith Participation in Court- Connected Mediations Programs, UCLA Law Re- view, 2002, Vol.69; (s.69-141). Loi, Piera, İtalyan İş Hukukunda Arabuluculuk ve Uzlaşma, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağının Değerlendirilmesi, İş Hukuku ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Derneği 40. Yıl Uluslararası Toplantısı, 14 Mayıs 2016, İstanbul, (s. 121-134). Marfice, Doug, The Mischief of Court-Ordered Mediation, Idaho Law Re- view, 2002, Vol.39, (s.57-75). Matteucci, Giovanni, Mandatory Mediation, The Italian Experience, 2015, (s. 1-16), (www. academia. edu/.../M andatory_mediation_the_Italian_e). Matteucci, Giovanni ‘Italy is doing it- Should We Be? Civil and Com- mercial Mediation in Italy’, Comtemporary Tendencies in Mediation, (Ed. Hu- mebrto dalla Bernardina de Pinho/Juliana Loss de Andrade), Madrid, 2015, (s.205-228). McNally, Edward M./MacDonald, Barbara, The New Delaware, Del. Journal Corp. Law, 1996, Vol.21, (s.87- 102). Mistelis, Loukas, ADR in England and Wales: a successful case of public private partnership, ADR Bulletin, 2003, Vol.6, N.3, Article 6, (s.53-55). Mitchell, Vanessa, Mediation in Kentucky: Where Do We Go From Here? Ky.L.Journal, 1998-1999, Vol.87, (s.463-487). Morek, Rafal, Mandatory Mediation in Italy Reloaded, 2013, (kluwerme- diationblog. com/.../mandatory- mediation-in-Italy). Namlı, Mert, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağı ile Getirilen Zorunlu Arabuluculuk Kurumunun Medeni Usul Hukuku Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağının Değerlendirilmesi, İş Hukuku ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Derneği 40. Yıl Uluslararası Toplantısı, 14 Mayıs 2016, İstanbul, (s.151-165). Nelle, Andreas, Making Mediation Mandatory: A proposed Framework, Journal on Dispute Resolution, 1992, Vol.7, (s.287-313). Nesic, Miryana ‘Mediation - On the Rise in the United Kingdom?’ Bond Law Review, Vol. 13, Issue 2, Article 10, 2001, (s.1-18)07-927). Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline, Consent in Mediation, Dispute Resolution Magazine, 2008, (s.4-7). Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline, Is Europe Headed Down the Primrose Path with Mandatory Mediation, Fordham University School of Law, 2012, (1-31). (http: //ssrn. com /abstract=2010615). Palmieri, Nicola W., Good Faith Disclosures Required During Precontrac- tual Negotiation, Seton Hall Law Review, 1993, Vol.24, (s.72-209). Quek, Dorcas, Mandatory Mediation: An Oxymoron? Examining The Fe- asibility of Implementing a Court - Mandated Mediation Program, Cardozo Jo- urnal of Conflict Resolution, 2010, Vol.11, (s.479-509). Reuben, Richard C., Tort Reform Renews Debate Over Mandatory Mediation, Dispute Resolution Magazine, 2007, Vol.13. N.2, (s.13-15). Sander, Frank E. A., ‘Another View of Mandatory Mediation’ Dispute Resolution Magazine, Vol. 13 (2), 2007. Sander, Frank E. A./Allen, H.William/Hensler, Debra, Judicial (Mis) Use of ADR? A Debate, University of Toledo Law Review, 1996, Vol.27, (s.885-895). Semple, Noel, Mandatory Family Mediation and the Settlement Mission: A Feminist Critique, Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 2012, Vol.24, N.1, (s.207-239). Sherman, Edward F., Court-Mandated Alternative Dispute Resolution: What Form of Participation Should Be Required ? SMU Law Review, 1993, Vol.46; (s.2081-2112). Streeter-Schaefer, Holly A. A Look at Court Mandated Civil Mediation, Drake Law Review, 2001, Vol.49, (s.368-389). Odaman, Serkan/Karaçöp, Eda, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarı Taslağından Öngörülen Zorunlu Arabuluculuk Müessesesi, Sicil İş Hukuku Dergisi, 2016, S.35, (s.51-65). Özbek, Mustafa, Sosyal Devletin Gereği: Adalete Erişim - Nihai Rapor - Lord Woolf, MİHDER, 2006/2, Sayı: 4, (s.907-927). Özbek, Mustafa, Avrupa Konseyi Arabuluculuk Yönergesi Önerisi, AÜHFD, 2007, C.56, S.1, (s.185-231). Özbek, Mustafa Serdar, Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözümü, 3. Baskı, Ankara, 2013. Özmumcu, Seda, Arabuluculuğun Doğuşu ve Gelişmelerine Genel Bir Bakış, Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Sempozyumu (I), İstanbul, 2014, (s.33-42). Özmumcu, Seda, Arabulucunun Rolü, Kolaylaştırıcı ve Değerlendirici Arabuluculuk, Prof. Dr. Füsun Sokullu-Akıncı’ya Armağan, (C.II), İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2013, C.LXXXI, S.1, (s.1357-1377). Tjersland, Odd/Gulrandsen, Wenke/Haavind, Hanne, Mandatory Mediation outside the Court: A Process and Effect Study, Conflict Resolution Quar- terly,2015, Vol.33, (s.19-34). Van Winkle, John R., Mediation: An Analysis of Indiana’s Court-Annexed Mediation Rule, Indiana Law Review, 1992, Vol.25, (s.957-979). Vettori, Stella, Mandatory Mediation-An Obstacle to Access to Justice? African Human Rights Law Journal, 2015, Vol.15, (s.355-377). Ward Ettie,, Mandatory Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Courts: Panacea or Pandemic?, St. John’s Law. Review, 2007, Vol. 8, (s. 77-98). Winston, David S., Participation Standards in Mandatory Mediation Sta- tutes: You Can Lead A Horse to Water...”, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 1996, Vol.11, (s. 187-206). Wissler, Roselle L., The Effects of Mandatory Mediation: Empirical Rese- arch on the Experience of Small Claims and Common Pleas Courts, Willamette Law Review, 1997, Vol. 33, (s.565-604). Zylstra, Alexandria, The Road from Voluntary Mediation to Mandatory Good Faith Requirements: A Road Best Left Untraveled, Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2001, Vol.17, (s.69-103). DİĞER KAYNAKLAR Lord Jackson, Review of Civil Litigation and Costs: Final Report (Ministry of Justice, 2009) (


Year 2016, Volume: 74 Issue: 2, 807 - 842, 29.12.2016


Nowadays there is a tendency to settle disputes outside the court via ami- cable and peaceful alternative dispute resolution methods. One of such methods is mediation. One of the main principles of mediation is that mediation is based on voluntariness. Along with that in various countries such as America, Australia and some countries in Europe have systems which accepts mandatory mediation by ma- king the application to mediation mandatory prior or after the petitioning. It was also recently on our country’s agenda to make mediation mandatory on some types of disputes. In this context the place of this model in our judicial system will be discussed by mentioning whether this model will hinder the access to justice or not, whether it will decrease the workload of the courts or not, via gi- ving examples regarding the application of mandatory mediation around the world.


  • Boettger, Ulrich, Efficiency Versus Party Empowerment - Against A Good - Faith Requirement in Mandatory Mediation, The Review of Litigation, 2004, Winter, Vol. 23, (s.1-46). Bullock, Stephen G./Gallagher, Linda Rose, Surveying the State of the Mediative Art: A Guide to Institutionalizing Mediation in Loisiana, Louisiana Law Review, 1997 Spring, Vol.57, N.3, (s.885-984). Carter, Roger L., Oh, Ye of Little (Good) Faith: Questions Corcerns and Commentary on Efforts to Regulate Participant Conduct in Mediations, Journal Dispute Resolution, 2002, Vol.2002, (s.367-405). Colombo, Giorgo Fabio, Alternative Dispute Resolution, (ADR) in Italy: Inspiration an National Problems, Ritsumeikan Law Review, No.29, 2012, (s.71-80). Dayton Johnson JR., Paul, Confidentiality in Mediation What Can Flori- da Glean From The Uniform Mediation Act?, Florida State University Law Re. Genn, Hazel, What is Civil Justice for? Reform, ADR, and Access to Jus- tice, 2012, Vol.24, (s.397-417). Germane, Charlotte/Johnson, Margaret/Lemon, NancyMandatory Cus- tody Mediation and Joint Custody Orders in California: The Danger for Victims of Domestic Violence, Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, 2013, Sep- tember, Vol.1, N.1, Article 1, (s.175-200). Goldberg, Stephen B./Sander, Frank E.A./Rogers, Nancy H./Rudolph Cole, Sarah, Dispute Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation and Other Processes, Ed.5, New York, 2007. Green, Cameron, ADR: Where did the ‘alternative’ go? Why mediation should not be a mandatory step in the litigation process, ADR Bulletin, 2010, Vol. 12, N.3, Article 2, (s.54-60). Grillo, Trina, The Mediation Alternative Process Dangers for Women, Yale Law Journal, 1991, Vol.100, (s.1545-1610). Güzel, Ali, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarı Taslağı Hakkında Bazı Aykırı Düşünceler!....; Çalışma ve Toplum, 2016/3, (s.1131-1146). Haneman,Victoria J., The Inapproriate Imposition of Court -Ordered Mediation in Will Contests, Cleveland State Law Review, 2011, Vol.59, (s.513-555). Hanks, Melissa, Perspectives on Mandatory Mediation, UNSW Law Journal, Vol.35, (3), 2012. Hedeen, Timothy, Coercion and Self-Determination in Court-Connected Mediation: All Mediations Are Voluntary, But Some Are More Voluntary Than Others, The Justice System Journal, 2005, Vol.26, N.3, (s.273-291). Hutchinson, Campbell C. The Case for Mandatory Mediation, Loyola Law Review, 1996, Vol.42, (s.85-95). Ingleby, Richard, Court Sponsored Mediation: The Case Against Mandatory Participation, The Modern Law Review, 1993, Vol.56, (s.441-451). Karacabey, Kürşat, Zorunlu Arabuluculuğun Hukukun Temel İlkelerine Aykırılığı ve Uygulanabilirliğine Dair Sorunlar, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 2016, Sayı 123, (s.451-488). Katz, Lucy V., Compulsory Alternative Dispute Resolution and Volunta- rism: Two - Headed Monster or Two Sides of The Coin, Journal Dispute Resolu- tion, 1993, N.1, (s.1-55). Kovach, Kimberlee K., Good Faith in Mediation-Requested, Recommen- ded or Required? A New Ethic, South Texas Law Review, 1997, Vol.38, (s.576- 623). Kuhn, Susan C., Mandatory Mediation: California Civil Code Section 4607, Emory Law Journal, 1984, Vol.33, (s.733-778). Lande, John, Using Dispute System Design Methods to Promote Good- Faith Participation in Court- Connected Mediations Programs, UCLA Law Re- view, 2002, Vol.69; (s.69-141). Loi, Piera, İtalyan İş Hukukunda Arabuluculuk ve Uzlaşma, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağının Değerlendirilmesi, İş Hukuku ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Derneği 40. Yıl Uluslararası Toplantısı, 14 Mayıs 2016, İstanbul, (s. 121-134). Marfice, Doug, The Mischief of Court-Ordered Mediation, Idaho Law Re- view, 2002, Vol.39, (s.57-75). Matteucci, Giovanni, Mandatory Mediation, The Italian Experience, 2015, (s. 1-16), (www. academia. edu/.../M andatory_mediation_the_Italian_e). Matteucci, Giovanni ‘Italy is doing it- Should We Be? Civil and Com- mercial Mediation in Italy’, Comtemporary Tendencies in Mediation, (Ed. Hu- mebrto dalla Bernardina de Pinho/Juliana Loss de Andrade), Madrid, 2015, (s.205-228). McNally, Edward M./MacDonald, Barbara, The New Delaware, Del. Journal Corp. Law, 1996, Vol.21, (s.87- 102). Mistelis, Loukas, ADR in England and Wales: a successful case of public private partnership, ADR Bulletin, 2003, Vol.6, N.3, Article 6, (s.53-55). Mitchell, Vanessa, Mediation in Kentucky: Where Do We Go From Here? Ky.L.Journal, 1998-1999, Vol.87, (s.463-487). Morek, Rafal, Mandatory Mediation in Italy Reloaded, 2013, (kluwerme- diationblog. com/.../mandatory- mediation-in-Italy). Namlı, Mert, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağı ile Getirilen Zorunlu Arabuluculuk Kurumunun Medeni Usul Hukuku Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarısı Taslağının Değerlendirilmesi, İş Hukuku ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Derneği 40. Yıl Uluslararası Toplantısı, 14 Mayıs 2016, İstanbul, (s.151-165). Nelle, Andreas, Making Mediation Mandatory: A proposed Framework, Journal on Dispute Resolution, 1992, Vol.7, (s.287-313). Nesic, Miryana ‘Mediation - On the Rise in the United Kingdom?’ Bond Law Review, Vol. 13, Issue 2, Article 10, 2001, (s.1-18)07-927). Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline, Consent in Mediation, Dispute Resolution Magazine, 2008, (s.4-7). Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline, Is Europe Headed Down the Primrose Path with Mandatory Mediation, Fordham University School of Law, 2012, (1-31). (http: //ssrn. com /abstract=2010615). Palmieri, Nicola W., Good Faith Disclosures Required During Precontrac- tual Negotiation, Seton Hall Law Review, 1993, Vol.24, (s.72-209). Quek, Dorcas, Mandatory Mediation: An Oxymoron? Examining The Fe- asibility of Implementing a Court - Mandated Mediation Program, Cardozo Jo- urnal of Conflict Resolution, 2010, Vol.11, (s.479-509). Reuben, Richard C., Tort Reform Renews Debate Over Mandatory Mediation, Dispute Resolution Magazine, 2007, Vol.13. N.2, (s.13-15). Sander, Frank E. A., ‘Another View of Mandatory Mediation’ Dispute Resolution Magazine, Vol. 13 (2), 2007. Sander, Frank E. A./Allen, H.William/Hensler, Debra, Judicial (Mis) Use of ADR? A Debate, University of Toledo Law Review, 1996, Vol.27, (s.885-895). Semple, Noel, Mandatory Family Mediation and the Settlement Mission: A Feminist Critique, Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 2012, Vol.24, N.1, (s.207-239). Sherman, Edward F., Court-Mandated Alternative Dispute Resolution: What Form of Participation Should Be Required ? SMU Law Review, 1993, Vol.46; (s.2081-2112). Streeter-Schaefer, Holly A. A Look at Court Mandated Civil Mediation, Drake Law Review, 2001, Vol.49, (s.368-389). Odaman, Serkan/Karaçöp, Eda, İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Tasarı Taslağından Öngörülen Zorunlu Arabuluculuk Müessesesi, Sicil İş Hukuku Dergisi, 2016, S.35, (s.51-65). Özbek, Mustafa, Sosyal Devletin Gereği: Adalete Erişim - Nihai Rapor - Lord Woolf, MİHDER, 2006/2, Sayı: 4, (s.907-927). Özbek, Mustafa, Avrupa Konseyi Arabuluculuk Yönergesi Önerisi, AÜHFD, 2007, C.56, S.1, (s.185-231). Özbek, Mustafa Serdar, Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözümü, 3. Baskı, Ankara, 2013. Özmumcu, Seda, Arabuluculuğun Doğuşu ve Gelişmelerine Genel Bir Bakış, Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Sempozyumu (I), İstanbul, 2014, (s.33-42). Özmumcu, Seda, Arabulucunun Rolü, Kolaylaştırıcı ve Değerlendirici Arabuluculuk, Prof. Dr. Füsun Sokullu-Akıncı’ya Armağan, (C.II), İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2013, C.LXXXI, S.1, (s.1357-1377). Tjersland, Odd/Gulrandsen, Wenke/Haavind, Hanne, Mandatory Mediation outside the Court: A Process and Effect Study, Conflict Resolution Quar- terly,2015, Vol.33, (s.19-34). Van Winkle, John R., Mediation: An Analysis of Indiana’s Court-Annexed Mediation Rule, Indiana Law Review, 1992, Vol.25, (s.957-979). Vettori, Stella, Mandatory Mediation-An Obstacle to Access to Justice? African Human Rights Law Journal, 2015, Vol.15, (s.355-377). Ward Ettie,, Mandatory Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Courts: Panacea or Pandemic?, St. John’s Law. Review, 2007, Vol. 8, (s. 77-98). Winston, David S., Participation Standards in Mandatory Mediation Sta- tutes: You Can Lead A Horse to Water...”, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 1996, Vol.11, (s. 187-206). Wissler, Roselle L., The Effects of Mandatory Mediation: Empirical Rese- arch on the Experience of Small Claims and Common Pleas Courts, Willamette Law Review, 1997, Vol. 33, (s.565-604). Zylstra, Alexandria, The Road from Voluntary Mediation to Mandatory Good Faith Requirements: A Road Best Left Untraveled, Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2001, Vol.17, (s.69-103). DİĞER KAYNAKLAR Lord Jackson, Review of Civil Litigation and Costs: Final Report (Ministry of Justice, 2009) (
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Private Law

Seda Özmumcu This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 74 Issue: 2


AMA Özmumcu S. A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. December 2016;74(2):807-842.
Chicago Özmumcu, Seda. “A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74, no. 2 (December 2016): 807-42.
EndNote Özmumcu S (December 1, 2016) A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74 2 807–842.
IEEE S. Özmumcu, “A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 807–842, 2016.
ISNAD Özmumcu, Seda. “A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74/2 (December 2016), 807-842.
MLA Özmumcu, Seda. “A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 74, no. 2, 2016, pp. 807-42.
Vancouver Özmumcu S. A GENERAL VIEW ON THE MANDATORY MEDIATION SYSTEM WITH REGARDS TO THE TURKISH AND COMPARATIVE LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2016;74(2):807-42.