Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 75 Issue: 1, 273 - 292, 30.06.2017


Cayma hakkının tüketici hukukundaki yerinin belirlenmesi, genel anlamda sözleşme hukukundaki yerinin belirlenmesinden geçmektedir. Cayma hakkı sözleşmeye bağlılık ilkesine istisna teşkil etmemektedir. Aksine, sözleşmeye bağlılık ilkesini tamamlamaktadır. Cayma hakkı, tüketim toplumunun yarattığı rasyonel değerlendirme yap(a)mayan tüketici modeline bir çare olarak düşünülmüştür. Günümüzde cayma hakkı genel itibariyle tüketicinin korunması politikası kapsamında tanınmaktadır. Ancak cayma hakkı gelecekte tüketici sözleşmeleriyle sınırlı kalmayacaktır


  • Ağsakal, İbrahim, Sigorta Sözleşmesinde Sözleşme Öncesi Beyan Yükümlülüğüne Aykırılık ve Sonuçları, Ankara, 2015.
  • Akipek, Şebnem, Türk Hukuku ve Mukayeseli Hukuk Açısından Tüketici Kredisi, Ankara, 1999. Anderman, Steven D. / Neal, Alan C. / Sigeman, Tore / Victorin, Anders, (Ed.), (Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. C. I-IV (1981, 1982, 1983, 1989), Professional Books, Abingdon. Atamer, Yeşim M., Kredi ve Diğer Finansman Sözleşmelerinde Tüketicinin Korunması, İstanbul, 2016. Bar-Gill, Oren, Seduction by Contract, Law, Economics, and Psychology in Consumer Markets, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012. Baysal, Başak, Sözleşmenin Uyarlanması, İstanbul, 2017. Baysal, Başak, Tüketici Kredisi, Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı, (Ed. M.M. İnceoğlu), [Kıs. Tüketici Kredisi] İstanbul, 2015, s. 273-325). Bocquillon, Jean-François / Mariage, Martine, Introduction au droit, 9. Bası, Dunod, Paris, 2015. Deschenaux, Henri, “La revision des contrats par le juge”, ZSR 1942, s. 546a vd. Eidenmüller, Horst, “Why Withdrawal Rights”, ERCL, 2011, s.1-24. Gezder, Ümit, Tüketici Kredisi Sözleşmeleri, İstanbul, 1998. Hellner, Jan, “The Applicability of General Rules of Private Law to Consumer Disputes: A Comment”, Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. Steven D. Anderman/Alan C. Neal/Tore Sigeman/AndersVictorin (C. I-IV (1981, 1982,1983,1989), Professional Books, Abingdon, C.II, The English Experience, s. 113-117. Howells, Geraint, “Consumer Credit and Behavioural Economics” [Kıs. Consumer Credit], in Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherverhalten, Consumer Law and Consmuer Behabiour, Heiderhoff, Bettina/ Schulze, Reiner (Eds.), s. 61-81. İnal, Emrehan, “Mesafeli Sözleşmelerde Tüketicinin Korunması ve Buna İlişkin Güncel Gelişmeler”, Uluslararası Tüketici Hukuku Sempozyumu, Metinler Kitabı, İstanbul, 2013, s. 127 vd. Jäggi, Peter / Gauch, Peter, Kommentar zum schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch, V. Band, Obligationenrecht, Teilband V 1b (Art. 18 OR), 3. b., Schulthess, Zürich, 1980, Art. 18 OR N. 649. Jamin, Christophe, “ Plaidoyer pour le solidarisme contractuel”, Etudes offertes à Jacques Ghestin, Paris, 2001, s. 441 vd. Mazeaud, Denis, “Les contradictions légitime au détriment d’autrui en droit des contrats”, in M. Behar-Touchais dir, l’interdiction de se contredire au détriment d’autrui, 2001, s. 138. Micklitz, Hans-W., “The future of consumer law – plea for a movable system” (2013) 2 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, sayı 1, s. 5–11. Micklitz, Hans-W /Stuyck, Jules/Terryn, Evelyne/ Droshout, Dimitri (eds.)/[İşleyen], Cases, Materials and Text on Consumer Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010. Özdamar, Mehmet, 6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu Bağlamında Sözleşme Öncesi Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğünü İhlâl Eden Sigortacıya Uygulanacak Yaptırım Sorunu, İÜHFM 2013 C. LXXI, S. 2, s. 347-360. Özdamar, Mehmet, Sigortacının Sözleşme Öncesi Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü, Ankara, 2009. Özel, Çağlar, Mukayeseli Hukuk Işığında Tüketiciyi Koruyan Geri Alma Hakkı, Ankara, 1999. Pichonnaz, Pascal, “La protection du consommateur en droit des contrats: le difficile équilibre entre cohérence du système contractuel et régime particulier”, in Liber amicorum Bernd Stauder, Droit de la consommation, Konsumentenrecht, Consumer law, (Eds. Luc Thévenoz/Norbert Reich), [Kıs. FS Stauder], Nomos, Schultess, 2006, s.323-341. Reich, Norbert, General Principles of EU Civil Law,Intersentia, Cambridge, 2014. Reynolds, Francis, “Protection of Small Businesses in English Law”, in Law and the Weaker Party, Vol. IV, 1989, s. 203-213. Reynolds, Francis, “The Applicability of General Rules of Private Law to Consumer Disputes”, in Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. Steven D. Anderman/Alan C. Neal/Tore Sigeman/AndersVictorin (C. I-IV (1981, 1982,1983,1989), Professional Books, Abingdon, C.II, The English Experience, s. 91-110 Rochefeld, Judith, “Le contrat? je veux!”, RTDciv. 2001, s. 970. Rösler, Hannes, “Schutz des Schwächeren im Europäischen Vertragsrecht”, Rabelsz, Vol. 73, 2009, s. 889–911. Rzepecki, Nathalie, Droit de la consommation et Théorie Générale du Contrat, PUAM, Aix-En-Provence, 2002. Sanlı, Kerem Cem, Hukuk ve Ekonomi Perspektifinden Sözleşme Hukuku ve Sözleşme Yaptırımlarının Ekonomik Analizi, İstanbul, 2015. Sauphanor-Brouillard, Natacha, Traité de Droit Civil, Les Contrats de Consommation: Règles Communes, L.G.D.J., Paris 2012. Serozan, Rona, Tüketicinin Koruma Kanunu Değişikliğinin Artıları ve Eksileri, İÜHFM, Cilt 61, Sayı 1-2, 2003, 339-356. Serozan, Rona, Sözleşmeden Dönme, Gözden Geçirilmiş İkinci Bası, İstanbul, 2007 Serrat, Maria Bech, Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis, Springer, 2012. Smits, Jan M., “Rethinking the Usefulness of Mandatory Rights of Withdrawal in Consumer Contract Law: The Right to Change Your Mind?” 29 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 671 2010-2011, s. 671-684. Stoffel-Munck, Philippe, Regards sur la théorie de l’imprévision, PUAM, Aix-Marseille, 1994. Thibierge-Guelfucci, Catherine, “Libres propos sur la transformation du droit des contrats”, RTDciv. 1997, s. 357-385, N. 12. Twigg-Flesner, Christian / Schulze, Reiner, Protecting rational choice: information and the right of withdrawal, in Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, (Howells, Geraint/ Ramsay, Iain/ Wilhelmsson, Thomas/Kraft, David Eds), EE, Cheltenham, 2010, s. 130-157. Weatherill, Stephen, “The Consumer Rights Directive: How and why a quest for “coherence” has (largely) failed'” Common Market Law Review 2012, 49, s. 1279-1371. Zimmermann, Reinhard, “Rückabwicklung nach Widerruf”, [Kıs. Widerruf] in Revision des Verbraucher-acquis, (Eds. Eidenmüller, H./Faust, F./Grigoleit, H.C./Jansen, N./Wagner, G./ Zimmermann, R), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, s. 167-192. Zimmermann, Reinhard, The Law of Obligations, Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition, Juta§Co Ltd., Cape Town, 2006, s. 578/579.


Year 2017, Volume: 75 Issue: 1, 273 - 292, 30.06.2017


Determining the point of withdrawal right in consumer law is related to determination its point, in general terms, in contract law. Withdrawal right is not an exception for the principle of commitment to contract. On the contrary, it backs up this principle. Withdrawal right is considered as a solution for the consumer type which has been created by consumption society and which do or can not evaluate rationally. Today, withdrawal right is generally regarded in terms of the policy of consumer protection. However, withdrawal right will not be limited to consumer contracts in the future. 


  • Ağsakal, İbrahim, Sigorta Sözleşmesinde Sözleşme Öncesi Beyan Yükümlülüğüne Aykırılık ve Sonuçları, Ankara, 2015.
  • Akipek, Şebnem, Türk Hukuku ve Mukayeseli Hukuk Açısından Tüketici Kredisi, Ankara, 1999. Anderman, Steven D. / Neal, Alan C. / Sigeman, Tore / Victorin, Anders, (Ed.), (Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. C. I-IV (1981, 1982, 1983, 1989), Professional Books, Abingdon. Atamer, Yeşim M., Kredi ve Diğer Finansman Sözleşmelerinde Tüketicinin Korunması, İstanbul, 2016. Bar-Gill, Oren, Seduction by Contract, Law, Economics, and Psychology in Consumer Markets, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012. Baysal, Başak, Sözleşmenin Uyarlanması, İstanbul, 2017. Baysal, Başak, Tüketici Kredisi, Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı, (Ed. M.M. İnceoğlu), [Kıs. Tüketici Kredisi] İstanbul, 2015, s. 273-325). Bocquillon, Jean-François / Mariage, Martine, Introduction au droit, 9. Bası, Dunod, Paris, 2015. Deschenaux, Henri, “La revision des contrats par le juge”, ZSR 1942, s. 546a vd. Eidenmüller, Horst, “Why Withdrawal Rights”, ERCL, 2011, s.1-24. Gezder, Ümit, Tüketici Kredisi Sözleşmeleri, İstanbul, 1998. Hellner, Jan, “The Applicability of General Rules of Private Law to Consumer Disputes: A Comment”, Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. Steven D. Anderman/Alan C. Neal/Tore Sigeman/AndersVictorin (C. I-IV (1981, 1982,1983,1989), Professional Books, Abingdon, C.II, The English Experience, s. 113-117. Howells, Geraint, “Consumer Credit and Behavioural Economics” [Kıs. Consumer Credit], in Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherverhalten, Consumer Law and Consmuer Behabiour, Heiderhoff, Bettina/ Schulze, Reiner (Eds.), s. 61-81. İnal, Emrehan, “Mesafeli Sözleşmelerde Tüketicinin Korunması ve Buna İlişkin Güncel Gelişmeler”, Uluslararası Tüketici Hukuku Sempozyumu, Metinler Kitabı, İstanbul, 2013, s. 127 vd. Jäggi, Peter / Gauch, Peter, Kommentar zum schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch, V. Band, Obligationenrecht, Teilband V 1b (Art. 18 OR), 3. b., Schulthess, Zürich, 1980, Art. 18 OR N. 649. Jamin, Christophe, “ Plaidoyer pour le solidarisme contractuel”, Etudes offertes à Jacques Ghestin, Paris, 2001, s. 441 vd. Mazeaud, Denis, “Les contradictions légitime au détriment d’autrui en droit des contrats”, in M. Behar-Touchais dir, l’interdiction de se contredire au détriment d’autrui, 2001, s. 138. Micklitz, Hans-W., “The future of consumer law – plea for a movable system” (2013) 2 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, sayı 1, s. 5–11. Micklitz, Hans-W /Stuyck, Jules/Terryn, Evelyne/ Droshout, Dimitri (eds.)/[İşleyen], Cases, Materials and Text on Consumer Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010. Özdamar, Mehmet, 6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu Bağlamında Sözleşme Öncesi Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğünü İhlâl Eden Sigortacıya Uygulanacak Yaptırım Sorunu, İÜHFM 2013 C. LXXI, S. 2, s. 347-360. Özdamar, Mehmet, Sigortacının Sözleşme Öncesi Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü, Ankara, 2009. Özel, Çağlar, Mukayeseli Hukuk Işığında Tüketiciyi Koruyan Geri Alma Hakkı, Ankara, 1999. Pichonnaz, Pascal, “La protection du consommateur en droit des contrats: le difficile équilibre entre cohérence du système contractuel et régime particulier”, in Liber amicorum Bernd Stauder, Droit de la consommation, Konsumentenrecht, Consumer law, (Eds. Luc Thévenoz/Norbert Reich), [Kıs. FS Stauder], Nomos, Schultess, 2006, s.323-341. Reich, Norbert, General Principles of EU Civil Law,Intersentia, Cambridge, 2014. Reynolds, Francis, “Protection of Small Businesses in English Law”, in Law and the Weaker Party, Vol. IV, 1989, s. 203-213. Reynolds, Francis, “The Applicability of General Rules of Private Law to Consumer Disputes”, in Law and the Weaker Party, An Anglo-Swedish comparative study, (Ed. Steven D. Anderman/Alan C. Neal/Tore Sigeman/AndersVictorin (C. I-IV (1981, 1982,1983,1989), Professional Books, Abingdon, C.II, The English Experience, s. 91-110 Rochefeld, Judith, “Le contrat? je veux!”, RTDciv. 2001, s. 970. Rösler, Hannes, “Schutz des Schwächeren im Europäischen Vertragsrecht”, Rabelsz, Vol. 73, 2009, s. 889–911. Rzepecki, Nathalie, Droit de la consommation et Théorie Générale du Contrat, PUAM, Aix-En-Provence, 2002. Sanlı, Kerem Cem, Hukuk ve Ekonomi Perspektifinden Sözleşme Hukuku ve Sözleşme Yaptırımlarının Ekonomik Analizi, İstanbul, 2015. Sauphanor-Brouillard, Natacha, Traité de Droit Civil, Les Contrats de Consommation: Règles Communes, L.G.D.J., Paris 2012. Serozan, Rona, Tüketicinin Koruma Kanunu Değişikliğinin Artıları ve Eksileri, İÜHFM, Cilt 61, Sayı 1-2, 2003, 339-356. Serozan, Rona, Sözleşmeden Dönme, Gözden Geçirilmiş İkinci Bası, İstanbul, 2007 Serrat, Maria Bech, Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis, Springer, 2012. Smits, Jan M., “Rethinking the Usefulness of Mandatory Rights of Withdrawal in Consumer Contract Law: The Right to Change Your Mind?” 29 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 671 2010-2011, s. 671-684. Stoffel-Munck, Philippe, Regards sur la théorie de l’imprévision, PUAM, Aix-Marseille, 1994. Thibierge-Guelfucci, Catherine, “Libres propos sur la transformation du droit des contrats”, RTDciv. 1997, s. 357-385, N. 12. Twigg-Flesner, Christian / Schulze, Reiner, Protecting rational choice: information and the right of withdrawal, in Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, (Howells, Geraint/ Ramsay, Iain/ Wilhelmsson, Thomas/Kraft, David Eds), EE, Cheltenham, 2010, s. 130-157. Weatherill, Stephen, “The Consumer Rights Directive: How and why a quest for “coherence” has (largely) failed'” Common Market Law Review 2012, 49, s. 1279-1371. Zimmermann, Reinhard, “Rückabwicklung nach Widerruf”, [Kıs. Widerruf] in Revision des Verbraucher-acquis, (Eds. Eidenmüller, H./Faust, F./Grigoleit, H.C./Jansen, N./Wagner, G./ Zimmermann, R), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, s. 167-192. Zimmermann, Reinhard, The Law of Obligations, Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition, Juta§Co Ltd., Cape Town, 2006, s. 578/579.
There are 2 citations in total.


Journal Section Private Law

Başak Baysal This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 75 Issue: 1


APA Baysal, B. (2017). THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 75(1), 273-292.
AMA Baysal B. THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. June 2017;75(1):273-292.
Chicago Baysal, Başak. “THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 75, no. 1 (June 2017): 273-92.
EndNote Baysal B (June 1, 2017) THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 75 1 273–292.
IEEE B. Baysal, “THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 273–292, 2017.
ISNAD Baysal, Başak. “THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 75/1 (June 2017), 273-292.
JAMA Baysal B. THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2017;75:273–292.
MLA Baysal, Başak. “THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 75, no. 1, 2017, pp. 273-92.
Vancouver Baysal B. THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL IN CONTRACT LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2017;75(1):273-92.