Research Article
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Elektronik Vasiyetname

Year 2018, Volume: 76 Issue: 1, 203 - 217, 26.10.2018



Ölümle kişilik sona erer fakat ölen kişinin malvarlığı mevcudiyetini sürdürür. Ölen kişinin malvarlığının akıbetinin ne olacağı,

bu konuda murisin bir özgürlüğe sahip olup olmadığı, böyle bir özgürlüğü var ise, bunu nasıl kullanacağı yanıtlanması

gereken sorulardır. Modern hukuk sistemleri, ölümünden sonra malvarlığının nasıl dağıtılacağı hususunda murise kısmen

ya da tamamen özgürlük tanımaktadır. Bu özgürlüğün nasıl kullanılacağı, yani irade beyanının hangi forma girmesi gerektiği

hususunda ise, hukuk sistemleri farklılaşmaktadır. İnceleme konumuz olan elektronik vasiyetnamede ise, bu farklılaşmanın

ortadan kalktığını söyleyebiliriz. Çünkü hukuk sistemlerinin neredeyse hiçbirisinde elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin yasal

bir düzenleme bulunmamaktadır ve bu durum hepsini ortak bir paydada buluşturmaktadır. Yasal bir düzenlemeye sahip

olmamasına rağmen, elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin hukuki ihtilaflardaki artış, konunun incelemeye muhtaç olduğunu

göstermektedir. İşte bu sebeple, elektronik vasiyetname inceleme konusu olarak tercih edilmiş ve böylelikle elektronik

vasiyetnamenin tanıtılması gayesi güdülmüştür. Bu amaçla öncelikle elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin düzenleme, tasarı ve

yargı kararları incelenmiştir. Bunun ardından, meseleye Türk hukuku açısından yaklaşılmış ve elektronik vasiyetnamenin

geçerli olup olmayacağı sorusuna yanıt aranmıştır.


  • Akkanat, Halil; “El yazısı ile vasiyetnamede vasiyetname metninin özellikleri”, Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’e 80. Yaş Günü Armağanı (İstanbul, 2001), 799-815.
  • Aybay, Aydın; Miras hukuku dersleri (İstanbul 2002).
  • Banks, Jasmine; “Turning won’t into a will: Revisiting will formalities and e-filing as permissible solutions for electronic wills in Texas”, Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal, no. 8 (2015), 291-315.
  • Beyer, Gerry W.; Hargrove, Claire G.; “Digital wills: Has the time come for wills to join the digital revolution?”, Ohio Northern University Law Review, no. 33 (2007), 865-902.
  • Boddery, Scott S.; “Electronic wills: Drawing a line in the sand against their validity”, Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal, no. 1 (Spring 2012), 197-212.
  • Dural, Mustafa; Öz, Turgut; Miras hukuku (İstanbul, 2015).
  • Gee, Kyle B.; “Beyond Castro’s tablet will: Exploring electronic will cases around the world and re-visiting Ohio’s harmless error statute”, Probate Law Journal of Ohio, no. 4 (March/April 2016), 149-156.
  • Gee, Kyle B.; Electronic wills and the future: When today’s techie youth become tomorrow’s testators, available at: wills_ and_the_ future_2015_pliskin_2015918.pdf
  • Gönen, Doruk; El yazılı vasiyetname (İstanbul, 2007).
  • Grant, Joseph Karl.; “Shattering and moving beyond the Gutenberg Paradigm: The dawn of modern will”, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, no. 42 (Fall 2008), 105-140.
  • Hergenröder, Cyril H.; “Testieren 2.0: Errichtung eines digitalen eigenhändigen Testaments mittels Touch- oder Smartpen?”, Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge, no. 1 (2018), 7-11.
  • Horton, David; “Tomorrow’s inheritance: The frontiers of estate planning formalism”, Boston College Law Review, no.58 (2017), 539-598.
  • Kasirer, Nicholas; “From written record to memory in the law of wills”, Ottawa Law Review, no. 1 (1997), 39-61. Kılıçoğlu Yılmaz, Kumru; “Resmi vasiyetname”, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, no. 133 (2017), 369-392.
  • Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Necip; Miras hukuku (İstanbul, 1987).
  • Kurşat, Zekeriya; “Yazılı şekil şartının unsuru olan imzanın elektronik ekrana atılmasını etkisi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, no. 1 (2017), 413-430.
  • Künzle, Hans Rainer; “Digitaler Nachlass nach schweizerischem Recht”, successio, no. 9 (2015), 39-54.
  • Mason, Stephen; Electronic signatures in law (London, 2016).
  • Nelson, Daniel A.; “The challenge of digital estate administration for executors”, Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal, no. 32 (2012), 11-22.
  • Ross, Chad Michael; “Probate - Taylor v. Holt: The Tennessee Court of Appeals allows a computer generated signature to validate a testamentary will”, The University of Memphis Law Review, no. 35 (2005), 603-618.
  • Savaş, Abdurrahman; “İnternet ortamında yapılan tek taraflı hukuki işlemler ve özellikle elektronik vasiyetname”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, no.2 (2007), 51-91.
  • Serozan, Rona; Engin, Baki İlkay; Miras hukuku (Ankara, 2014). Tabanlıoğlu, Ahmet; Tenekeci, Mehmet Emin; Çalışkan, Süleyman Ali;
  • Nacar, Mehmet Akif; “Veraset Sistemine Yenilikçi Bir Yaklaşım: e-Vasiyet Servisi”, available at: bildiri/363.pdf Wood-Bodley, Michael Cameron; “Macdonald v The Master: Computer files and the ‘rescue’ provisions of Wills Act”, The South African Law Journal, no. 121 (2004), 34-45.
  • Websites
  • Cases Estate of Reed, 672 P.2d 829 (Wyo. 1983) (USA).
  • Rioux v. Coulombe (1996), 19 E.T.R. (2d) 201 (Quebec Sup. Ct.) (Canada).
  • MacDonald v. The Master, 2002 (5) SA 64 (N) (South Africa).
  • Bekker v Naude 2003 (5) SA 173 (SCA) (South Africa).
  • Taylor v. Holt, 134 S.W.3d 830 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2003) (USA).
  • BGE 131 III 601 (Switzerland).
  • Estate of Javier Castro, Deceased, 2013-ES-00140 (Ct. Comm. Pl. Lorain Cnty., Probate Div., Ohio, June 19, 2013) (USA).
  • Mellino v. Wnuk&Ors [2013] SQC 336 (Supreme Court of Queensland) (Australia).
  • Estate of Wai Fun Chan, Deceased [2015] NSWSC 1107 (Supreme Court of New South Wales) (Australia).

Electronic Will

Year 2018, Volume: 76 Issue: 1, 203 - 217, 26.10.2018


When the existence of a personality ends with death, the assets of the deceased continue to exist. In such a case, what

should be the status of the assets of the deceased; whether the testator has a freedom in this regard? And if he or she

has such a freedom, how should it be used? These are the questions to be answered. Modern legal systems award a

partial or total freedom to individuals on how to distribute the assets after the death of the testator. These legal systems

differ in terms of how to use this freedom, i.e. in which form should the declaration of intention be expressed. However,

in the case of electronic wills, which are the main topic of our article, such differentiation disappears. This is because the

majority of legal systems do not contain any legal provisions for electronic wills and this absence makes all of them share

a common ground: despite not being regulated by law, the increase in electronic will related conflicts shows that this

subject needs to be examined thoroughly. For this reason, the electronic will has been selected as the topic of this article

and the regulations, draft law and judicial decisions regarding the e-Will will be analyzed in detail. Then, this topic will

be examined in the context of Turkish law and the question whether the electronic will is valid or not will be discussed.


  • Akkanat, Halil; “El yazısı ile vasiyetnamede vasiyetname metninin özellikleri”, Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’e 80. Yaş Günü Armağanı (İstanbul, 2001), 799-815.
  • Aybay, Aydın; Miras hukuku dersleri (İstanbul 2002).
  • Banks, Jasmine; “Turning won’t into a will: Revisiting will formalities and e-filing as permissible solutions for electronic wills in Texas”, Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal, no. 8 (2015), 291-315.
  • Beyer, Gerry W.; Hargrove, Claire G.; “Digital wills: Has the time come for wills to join the digital revolution?”, Ohio Northern University Law Review, no. 33 (2007), 865-902.
  • Boddery, Scott S.; “Electronic wills: Drawing a line in the sand against their validity”, Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal, no. 1 (Spring 2012), 197-212.
  • Dural, Mustafa; Öz, Turgut; Miras hukuku (İstanbul, 2015).
  • Gee, Kyle B.; “Beyond Castro’s tablet will: Exploring electronic will cases around the world and re-visiting Ohio’s harmless error statute”, Probate Law Journal of Ohio, no. 4 (March/April 2016), 149-156.
  • Gee, Kyle B.; Electronic wills and the future: When today’s techie youth become tomorrow’s testators, available at: wills_ and_the_ future_2015_pliskin_2015918.pdf
  • Gönen, Doruk; El yazılı vasiyetname (İstanbul, 2007).
  • Grant, Joseph Karl.; “Shattering and moving beyond the Gutenberg Paradigm: The dawn of modern will”, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, no. 42 (Fall 2008), 105-140.
  • Hergenröder, Cyril H.; “Testieren 2.0: Errichtung eines digitalen eigenhändigen Testaments mittels Touch- oder Smartpen?”, Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge, no. 1 (2018), 7-11.
  • Horton, David; “Tomorrow’s inheritance: The frontiers of estate planning formalism”, Boston College Law Review, no.58 (2017), 539-598.
  • Kasirer, Nicholas; “From written record to memory in the law of wills”, Ottawa Law Review, no. 1 (1997), 39-61. Kılıçoğlu Yılmaz, Kumru; “Resmi vasiyetname”, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, no. 133 (2017), 369-392.
  • Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Necip; Miras hukuku (İstanbul, 1987).
  • Kurşat, Zekeriya; “Yazılı şekil şartının unsuru olan imzanın elektronik ekrana atılmasını etkisi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, no. 1 (2017), 413-430.
  • Künzle, Hans Rainer; “Digitaler Nachlass nach schweizerischem Recht”, successio, no. 9 (2015), 39-54.
  • Mason, Stephen; Electronic signatures in law (London, 2016).
  • Nelson, Daniel A.; “The challenge of digital estate administration for executors”, Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal, no. 32 (2012), 11-22.
  • Ross, Chad Michael; “Probate - Taylor v. Holt: The Tennessee Court of Appeals allows a computer generated signature to validate a testamentary will”, The University of Memphis Law Review, no. 35 (2005), 603-618.
  • Savaş, Abdurrahman; “İnternet ortamında yapılan tek taraflı hukuki işlemler ve özellikle elektronik vasiyetname”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, no.2 (2007), 51-91.
  • Serozan, Rona; Engin, Baki İlkay; Miras hukuku (Ankara, 2014). Tabanlıoğlu, Ahmet; Tenekeci, Mehmet Emin; Çalışkan, Süleyman Ali;
  • Nacar, Mehmet Akif; “Veraset Sistemine Yenilikçi Bir Yaklaşım: e-Vasiyet Servisi”, available at: bildiri/363.pdf Wood-Bodley, Michael Cameron; “Macdonald v The Master: Computer files and the ‘rescue’ provisions of Wills Act”, The South African Law Journal, no. 121 (2004), 34-45.
  • Websites
  • Cases Estate of Reed, 672 P.2d 829 (Wyo. 1983) (USA).
  • Rioux v. Coulombe (1996), 19 E.T.R. (2d) 201 (Quebec Sup. Ct.) (Canada).
  • MacDonald v. The Master, 2002 (5) SA 64 (N) (South Africa).
  • Bekker v Naude 2003 (5) SA 173 (SCA) (South Africa).
  • Taylor v. Holt, 134 S.W.3d 830 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2003) (USA).
  • BGE 131 III 601 (Switzerland).
  • Estate of Javier Castro, Deceased, 2013-ES-00140 (Ct. Comm. Pl. Lorain Cnty., Probate Div., Ohio, June 19, 2013) (USA).
  • Mellino v. Wnuk&Ors [2013] SQC 336 (Supreme Court of Queensland) (Australia).
  • Estate of Wai Fun Chan, Deceased [2015] NSWSC 1107 (Supreme Court of New South Wales) (Australia).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Articles

Murat Oruç This is me

Publication Date October 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 76 Issue: 1


APA Oruç, M. (2018). Electronic Will. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 76(1), 203-217.
AMA Oruç M. Electronic Will. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. October 2018;76(1):203-217.
Chicago Oruç, Murat. “Electronic Will”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 76, no. 1 (October 2018): 203-17.
EndNote Oruç M (October 1, 2018) Electronic Will. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 76 1 203–217.
IEEE M. Oruç, “Electronic Will”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 203–217, 2018.
ISNAD Oruç, Murat. “Electronic Will”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 76/1 (October 2018), 203-217.
JAMA Oruç M. Electronic Will. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2018;76:203–217.
MLA Oruç, Murat. “Electronic Will”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 76, no. 1, 2018, pp. 203-17.
Vancouver Oruç M. Electronic Will. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2018;76(1):203-17.