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Year 2013, Volume: 71 Issue: 1, 177 - 193, 06.08.2013


Young offenders held in youth rehabilitation centres constitute an at risk population for substance abuse and violence. This study will describe the relations between psychoactive substances (alcohol and illicit drugs) and violence among this population. More specifically, we will look at the roles played by: a) intoxication periods; b) the need for money to buy drugs; and c) the illicit drug distribution system in the manifestation of violent behaviour among young Canadian offenders. The data referred to in this article is based on a questionnaire administered to 239 young male offenders in rehabilitation centres in Quebec and 162 young male offenders in similar facilities in Ontario, irrespective of the offence for which they were being held. Of the three types of relations studied, intoxication seems to be the most important factor leading to violence. It should be noted that a significant portion of crimes associated to psychoactive substances are related to more than one substance. Possible interpretations are suggested.


  • Ben Amar, M. (2007). « Les psychotropes criminogènes”. Criminologie. 40 (1), p. 11-30. Bergeron, J., Landry, M., Brochu, S. and Guyon, L. (1998). « Les études psychométriques autour de l’ASI/IGT”. [In L. Guyon, M. Landry, S. Brochu and J. Bergeron (ed.): L’évaluation des clientèles alcooliques et toxicomanes: l’indice de gravité d’une toxicomanie (ASI/IGT)] Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 31-46. Blais, M.-F. and Cousineau, M.-M. (1999). Violence entre jeunes à Laval: état de situation et pistes de solutions. Montréal: Institut de recherche pour le développement social des jeunes, Consortium CAVAC. Boys, A., Marsden, J., and Strang, J. (2001). « Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: a functional perspective”. Health Education Research. 16 (4), p. 457-469. Braithwaite, R.L., Cornely, R.C., Robillard, A.G., Stephens, T.T. and Woodring, T. (2003). « Alcohol and other drug use among adolescent detainees”. Journal of Substance Use and Misuse. 8 (2), p. 126-131. Brochu, S. (2006). Drogue et criminalité. Une relation complexe. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 237 p. Brochu, S. and Cousineau, M.M. (avec la collaboration de Sun, F. and Houde, V.) (2006). « Faits saillants du projet “Jeunes, drogues et violence: des liens à comprendre”“. L’intervenant – revue sur l’alcoolisme et la toxicomanie. 23 (1), p. 4-10. Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. (2000). « Drug-crime relations among drug-consuming juvenile delinquents: A tripartite model and more”. Contemporary drug problems. 27 (4), p. 835-866. Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. (2005). « Trajectoires déviantes de garçons et de filles. Points de convergence et de divergence”. [In N. Brunelle and M.-M. Cousineau (Eds.): Trajectoires de déviance juvénile. Les éclairages de la recherche qualitative] Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 9-30. Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie (2003). La consommation de psychotropes: portrait et tendances au Québec. Montréal: Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie, 51 p. Cousineau, M.-M., Brochu, S. and Schneeberger, P. (2000). Consommation de substances psychoactives et violence chez les jeunes. Montréal: Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie. D’Amico, E.J., Edelen, M.O., Miles, J.N.V. and Morral, A.R. (2007). « The longitudinal association between substance use and delinquency among highrisk youth”. Drug and alcohol dependence. 93 (1-2), p. 85-92. Desjardins, N. and Hotton, T. (2004). « Tendances des infractions relatives aux drogues et rôle de l’alcool et des drogues dans la perpétration d’infractions”. Juristat. 24 (1), p. 1-24. Ellickson, P., Saner, H. and McGuignan, K.A. (1997). « Profiles of violent youth: Substance use and other concurrent problems”. American Journal of Public Health. 87 (6), p. 985-991. Ezeonu, I. (2010). «Gun violence in Toronto: Perspectives from the police». The Howard Journal. 49 (2), p. 147-165. Goldstein, P. J. (1985). “The drug/Violence Nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework”. Journal of Drug Issues. 15 (4), p. 493-506.
  • Hammersley, R., Marsland, L. and Reid, M. (2003). Substance use by young offenders: The impact of the normalisation of drug use in the early years of the 21sr century. London, G.-B.: Home Office Research Study, 104 p. Kubrin, C. E. and Weitzer, R. (2003). “Retaliatory homicide: Concentrated disadvantage and neighborhood culture”. Social Problems. 50 (2), p. 157-180. Laventure, M., Déry, M. and Pauzé, R. (2008). “Profils de consommation d’adolescents, garçons et filles, desservis par des centres jeunesse”. Drogues, Santé et Société. 7 (2), p. 9-45. Pernanen, K., Cousineau, M.M., Brochu, S. and Sun, F. (2002). Proportions des crimes associés à l’alcool et aux autres drogues au Canada. Ottawa: Centre canadien de lutte contre l’alcoolisme et les toxicomanies, 153 p. Rainon, G. A., Schmeidler, J. W., Frank, B. and Smith, R. B. (2006). “Violent behavior, substance use, and other delinquent behaviors among middle and high school students”. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 4 (3), p. 247-2 SAMHSA (2006). Youth Violence and Illicit Drug Use. The NSDUH report. Slaby, R.G., Barham, J.E., Eron, L.D. and Wilcox, B.L. (1994). “Policy recommendations: Prevention and treatment of youth violence”. [In L.D. Eron, J.H. Gentry and P. Schlegel (dir.): Reason to hope: A psychosocial perspective on violence and youth] Washington: American Psychological Association, p. 447-456. Stoolmiller, M. and Blechman, E. A. (2005). “Substance use is a robust predictor of adolescent recidivism”. Criminal justice and behavior. 32 (3), p. 302-328. Vitaro, F., Carbonneau, R., Gosselin, C., Tremblay, R.E. and Zoccolillo, M. (2000). “L’approche développementale et les problèmes de consommation chez les jeunes: prévalence, facteurs de prédiction, prévention et dépistage”. [In P. Brisson (ed.): L’usage des drogues et la toxicomanie] Montréal: Éditions Gaëtan Morin, p. 369-378. Warley, R. M. (2009). Situational predictors of adolescent homicide: a secondary analysis. Doctoral dissertation, Graduate Faculty in Social Welfare, The City University of New York. Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., Sun, P. and Dent, C. (2005). “Explaining the link between violence perpetration, victimization and drug use”. Addictive Behaviors. 30 (6), p. 1261-1266.


Year 2013, Volume: 71 Issue: 1, 177 - 193, 06.08.2013


Young offenders held in youth rehabilitation centres constitute an at risk population for substance abuse and violence. This study will describe the relations between psychoactive substances (alcohol and illicit drugs) and violence among this population. More specifically, we will look at the roles played by: a) intoxication periods; b) the need for money to buy drugs; and c) the illicit drug distribution system in the manifestation of violent behaviour among young Canadian offenders. The data referred to in this article is based on a questionnaire administered to 239 young male offenders in rehabilitation centres in Quebec and 162 young male offenders in similar facilities in Ontario, irrespective of the offence for which they were being held. Of the three types of relations studied, intoxication seems to be the most important factor leading to violence. It should be noted that a significant portion of crimes associated to psychoactive substances are related to more than one substance. Possible interpretations are suggested.


Keywords: Young offenders, psychoactive substances, violence, links


  • Ben Amar, M. (2007). « Les psychotropes criminogènes”. Criminologie. 40 (1), p. 11-30. Bergeron, J., Landry, M., Brochu, S. and Guyon, L. (1998). « Les études psychométriques autour de l’ASI/IGT”. [In L. Guyon, M. Landry, S. Brochu and J. Bergeron (ed.): L’évaluation des clientèles alcooliques et toxicomanes: l’indice de gravité d’une toxicomanie (ASI/IGT)] Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 31-46. Blais, M.-F. and Cousineau, M.-M. (1999). Violence entre jeunes à Laval: état de situation et pistes de solutions. Montréal: Institut de recherche pour le développement social des jeunes, Consortium CAVAC. Boys, A., Marsden, J., and Strang, J. (2001). « Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: a functional perspective”. Health Education Research. 16 (4), p. 457-469. Braithwaite, R.L., Cornely, R.C., Robillard, A.G., Stephens, T.T. and Woodring, T. (2003). « Alcohol and other drug use among adolescent detainees”. Journal of Substance Use and Misuse. 8 (2), p. 126-131. Brochu, S. (2006). Drogue et criminalité. Une relation complexe. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 237 p. Brochu, S. and Cousineau, M.M. (avec la collaboration de Sun, F. and Houde, V.) (2006). « Faits saillants du projet “Jeunes, drogues et violence: des liens à comprendre”“. L’intervenant – revue sur l’alcoolisme et la toxicomanie. 23 (1), p. 4-10. Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. (2000). « Drug-crime relations among drug-consuming juvenile delinquents: A tripartite model and more”. Contemporary drug problems. 27 (4), p. 835-866. Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. (2005). « Trajectoires déviantes de garçons et de filles. Points de convergence et de divergence”. [In N. Brunelle and M.-M. Cousineau (Eds.): Trajectoires de déviance juvénile. Les éclairages de la recherche qualitative] Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 9-30. Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie (2003). La consommation de psychotropes: portrait et tendances au Québec. Montréal: Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie, 51 p. Cousineau, M.-M., Brochu, S. and Schneeberger, P. (2000). Consommation de substances psychoactives et violence chez les jeunes. Montréal: Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie. D’Amico, E.J., Edelen, M.O., Miles, J.N.V. and Morral, A.R. (2007). « The longitudinal association between substance use and delinquency among highrisk youth”. Drug and alcohol dependence. 93 (1-2), p. 85-92. Desjardins, N. and Hotton, T. (2004). « Tendances des infractions relatives aux drogues et rôle de l’alcool et des drogues dans la perpétration d’infractions”. Juristat. 24 (1), p. 1-24. Ellickson, P., Saner, H. and McGuignan, K.A. (1997). « Profiles of violent youth: Substance use and other concurrent problems”. American Journal of Public Health. 87 (6), p. 985-991. Ezeonu, I. (2010). «Gun violence in Toronto: Perspectives from the police». The Howard Journal. 49 (2), p. 147-165. Goldstein, P. J. (1985). “The drug/Violence Nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework”. Journal of Drug Issues. 15 (4), p. 493-506.
  • Hammersley, R., Marsland, L. and Reid, M. (2003). Substance use by young offenders: The impact of the normalisation of drug use in the early years of the 21sr century. London, G.-B.: Home Office Research Study, 104 p. Kubrin, C. E. and Weitzer, R. (2003). “Retaliatory homicide: Concentrated disadvantage and neighborhood culture”. Social Problems. 50 (2), p. 157-180. Laventure, M., Déry, M. and Pauzé, R. (2008). “Profils de consommation d’adolescents, garçons et filles, desservis par des centres jeunesse”. Drogues, Santé et Société. 7 (2), p. 9-45. Pernanen, K., Cousineau, M.M., Brochu, S. and Sun, F. (2002). Proportions des crimes associés à l’alcool et aux autres drogues au Canada. Ottawa: Centre canadien de lutte contre l’alcoolisme et les toxicomanies, 153 p. Rainon, G. A., Schmeidler, J. W., Frank, B. and Smith, R. B. (2006). “Violent behavior, substance use, and other delinquent behaviors among middle and high school students”. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 4 (3), p. 247-2 SAMHSA (2006). Youth Violence and Illicit Drug Use. The NSDUH report. Slaby, R.G., Barham, J.E., Eron, L.D. and Wilcox, B.L. (1994). “Policy recommendations: Prevention and treatment of youth violence”. [In L.D. Eron, J.H. Gentry and P. Schlegel (dir.): Reason to hope: A psychosocial perspective on violence and youth] Washington: American Psychological Association, p. 447-456. Stoolmiller, M. and Blechman, E. A. (2005). “Substance use is a robust predictor of adolescent recidivism”. Criminal justice and behavior. 32 (3), p. 302-328. Vitaro, F., Carbonneau, R., Gosselin, C., Tremblay, R.E. and Zoccolillo, M. (2000). “L’approche développementale et les problèmes de consommation chez les jeunes: prévalence, facteurs de prédiction, prévention et dépistage”. [In P. Brisson (ed.): L’usage des drogues et la toxicomanie] Montréal: Éditions Gaëtan Morin, p. 369-378. Warley, R. M. (2009). Situational predictors of adolescent homicide: a secondary analysis. Doctoral dissertation, Graduate Faculty in Social Welfare, The City University of New York. Weiner, M.D., Sussman, S., Sun, P. and Dent, C. (2005). “Explaining the link between violence perpetration, victimization and drug use”. Addictive Behaviors. 30 (6), p. 1261-1266.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Public Law

Serge Brochu This is me

Publication Date August 6, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 71 Issue: 1


APA Brochu, S. (2013). WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 71(1), 177-193.
AMA Brochu S. WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. August 2013;71(1):177-193.
Chicago Brochu, Serge. “WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71, no. 1 (August 2013): 177-93.
EndNote Brochu S (August 1, 2013) WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71 1 177–193.
IEEE S. Brochu, “WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 177–193, 2013.
ISNAD Brochu, Serge. “WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71/1 (August 2013), 177-193.
JAMA Brochu S. WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2013;71:177–193.
MLA Brochu, Serge. “WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 71, no. 1, 2013, pp. 177-93.
Vancouver Brochu S. WHEN YOUTH COMBINE DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: AN EXPLOSIVE COCKTAIL*. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2013;71(1):177-93.