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Year 2013, Volume: 71 Issue: 1, 1313 - 1326, 16.08.2013


9 Art 2 of the Code on Combatting with Criminal Organizations Formed to Obtain Gain/No. 4422, July 30, 1999, Official Gazette numbered 23773, August 1, 1999. Fatih Selami Mahmutoğlu, “Telekomünikasyon Yoluyla Yapılan İletişimin Denetlen- mesi, ” Polise Görev, Yetki ve Sorumluluk Veren Mevzuat Uygulamaları Eğitim Projesi (MUYEP) Tebliğleri - 2, EGM Yayınları Katalog No: 444, Eğitim Dairesi Baş- kanlığı Yayın No: 43, 2008, Ankara, s. 408 et seq.; Adem Sözüer, “Türkiye’de ve Kar- şılaştırmalı Hukukta Telefon, Teleks, Faks ve Benzeri Araçlarla Yapılan Özel Haber- leşmenin Bir Ceza Yargılaması Önlemi Olarak Denetlenmesi, ” İHFM, Vol. LV, No:3, 1997, p. 77. The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, the Code on Gendarmerie and the Code on National Intelligence were amended by the Law numbered 5397 in July 3, 2005, Official Gazette numbered 25884, July 23, 2005. The Turkish Criminal Procedure Code, No. 5271, December 4, 2004. The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, the Code on Gendarmerie and the Code on National Intelligence were amended by the Law numbered 5397 in July 3, 2005, Official Gazette numbered 25884, July 23, 2005. For surveillance of communications for the purpose of law enforcement investigation to provide evidence for a criminal investigation at trial, wire communications of “the


  • Başalp, Nilgün: Kişisel Verilerin Korunması ve Saklanması, Ankara, Yetkin, 2004. Bennett, Colin J.: Regulating Privacy, Regulating Privacy: Data Protection and Public Policy in Europe and the United States, USA, Cornell University, 1992. Cammilleri-Subrenat, Anne, Levallois-Barth, Claire: Sensitive Data Protection in the European Union, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007. Article 30/7 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data. Other special categories of data are data dealing with the person’s ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or other beliefs, association membership, health and private life, article 7/1 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data. Article 39 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data, please see supra note 44.
  • Constitution of Republic Turkey, 1982 Consolidated to Law No. 5982 of 2010 (December 17, 2010), HeinDocs/cowdocs/tr_1982_2010_vc_moj_smj.pdf. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Official Journal L 281, 23/11/1995 P. 0031 – 0050 (November 25, 2010), Dural, Mustafa, Öğüz, Tufan: Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt II, Kişiler Hukuku, İstanbul, Filiz, 2011. Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan: “Ceza Muhakemesi Kanununda Telekomunikasyon Yoluyla Yapılan İletişimin Denetlenmesi” (November 27, 2010), http://www.
  • =2510&Itemid=126. Geleri, Aytekin: “Türkiye’de İletişimin Denetlenmesi”, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü/Institute of Strategic Thinking, July 2010, Ankara. Kunter, Nurullah, Yenisey, Feridun, Nuhoğlu, Ayşe: Muhakeme Hukuku Dalı Olarak Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, 17. ed., İstanbul, Beta, April 2010. Küzeci, Elif: Kişisel Verilerin Korunması, Ankara, Turhan, 2010. Mahmutoğlu, Fatih Selami: “Telekomünikasyon Yoluyla Yapılan İletişimin Denetlenmesi, ” Polise Görev, Yetki ve Sorumluluk Veren Mevzuat Uygulamaları Eğitim Projesi (MUYEP) Tebliğleri - 2, EGM Yayınları Katalog No: 444, Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı Yayın No: 43, 2008, Ankara, s. 405-418. Oğuzman, M. Kemal, Seliçi, Özer, Oktay Özdemir, Saibe: Kişiler Hukuku (Gerçek ve Tüzel Kişiler), İstanbul, Filiz, 2011. Özbek, Veli Özer, Kanbur, M. Nihat, Doğan, Koray, Bacaksız, Pınar, Tepe, İlker: Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, 2. bs., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Öztürk, Bahri, Tezcan, Durmuş, Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan, Sırma, Özge, Saygılar, Yasemin F., Alan, Esra: Nazari ve Uygulamalı Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, Ed. by. Bahri Öztürk, 3. bs., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Taşkın, Mustafa: Adli ve İstihbari Amaçlı İletişimin Denetlenmesi, Ankara, Seçkin, 2008. Sözüer, Adem: “Türkiye’de ve Karşılaştırmalı Hukukta Telefon, Teleks, Faks ve Benzeri Araçlarla Yapılan Özel Haberleşmenin Bir Ceza Yargılaması Önlemi Olarak Denetlenmesi, ” İHFM, Vol. LV, No:3, 1997, p. 65-110. Şahin, Cumhur: Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku I, 2. ed., Ankara, Seçkin, 20 Şen, Ersan: Türk Hukuku’nda Telefon Dinleme, Gizli Soruşturmacı, X Muhbir, 5. ed., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Şimşek, Oğuz: Anayasa Hukukunda Kişisel Verilerin Korunması, İstanbul, Beta, 2008. The Code on Combatting with Criminal Organizations Formed to Obtain Gain/No. 4422, July 30, 1999, Official Gazette numbered 23773, August 1, 19 The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, the Code on Gendarmerie and the Code on National Intelligence were amended by the Law numbered 5397 in July 3, 2005, Official Gazette numbered 25884, July 23, 2005.
  • The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, No. 2559, as amended on July 3, 2007 (November 19, 2010), 569.html. The Code on Gendarmerie, No. 2803, Official Gazette numbered 17985, March 12, 1983. The Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data, No. 1812, April 22, 2008, (November 24, 2010), The Regulation on the Principles and Procedure of the Intercepting, Monitoring and Recording Correspondence through Telecommunication”, published at the Official Gazette numbered 25989, November 10, 2005. The Turkish Criminal Procedure Code, No. 5271, Dec. 4, 2004, Official Gazette numbered 25673, December 17, 2004. Yenisey, Feridun (trans.), Jefferson Exum, Jelani (ed.), “The Turkish Penal Procedure Code”, Istanbul, 2009.


Year 2013, Volume: 71 Issue: 1, 1313 - 1326, 16.08.2013




  • Başalp, Nilgün: Kişisel Verilerin Korunması ve Saklanması, Ankara, Yetkin, 2004. Bennett, Colin J.: Regulating Privacy, Regulating Privacy: Data Protection and Public Policy in Europe and the United States, USA, Cornell University, 1992. Cammilleri-Subrenat, Anne, Levallois-Barth, Claire: Sensitive Data Protection in the European Union, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007. Article 30/7 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data. Other special categories of data are data dealing with the person’s ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or other beliefs, association membership, health and private life, article 7/1 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data. Article 39 of the Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data, please see supra note 44.
  • Constitution of Republic Turkey, 1982 Consolidated to Law No. 5982 of 2010 (December 17, 2010), HeinDocs/cowdocs/tr_1982_2010_vc_moj_smj.pdf. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Official Journal L 281, 23/11/1995 P. 0031 – 0050 (November 25, 2010), Dural, Mustafa, Öğüz, Tufan: Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt II, Kişiler Hukuku, İstanbul, Filiz, 2011. Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan: “Ceza Muhakemesi Kanununda Telekomunikasyon Yoluyla Yapılan İletişimin Denetlenmesi” (November 27, 2010), http://www.
  • =2510&Itemid=126. Geleri, Aytekin: “Türkiye’de İletişimin Denetlenmesi”, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü/Institute of Strategic Thinking, July 2010, Ankara. Kunter, Nurullah, Yenisey, Feridun, Nuhoğlu, Ayşe: Muhakeme Hukuku Dalı Olarak Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, 17. ed., İstanbul, Beta, April 2010. Küzeci, Elif: Kişisel Verilerin Korunması, Ankara, Turhan, 2010. Mahmutoğlu, Fatih Selami: “Telekomünikasyon Yoluyla Yapılan İletişimin Denetlenmesi, ” Polise Görev, Yetki ve Sorumluluk Veren Mevzuat Uygulamaları Eğitim Projesi (MUYEP) Tebliğleri - 2, EGM Yayınları Katalog No: 444, Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı Yayın No: 43, 2008, Ankara, s. 405-418. Oğuzman, M. Kemal, Seliçi, Özer, Oktay Özdemir, Saibe: Kişiler Hukuku (Gerçek ve Tüzel Kişiler), İstanbul, Filiz, 2011. Özbek, Veli Özer, Kanbur, M. Nihat, Doğan, Koray, Bacaksız, Pınar, Tepe, İlker: Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, 2. bs., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Öztürk, Bahri, Tezcan, Durmuş, Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan, Sırma, Özge, Saygılar, Yasemin F., Alan, Esra: Nazari ve Uygulamalı Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, Ed. by. Bahri Öztürk, 3. bs., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Taşkın, Mustafa: Adli ve İstihbari Amaçlı İletişimin Denetlenmesi, Ankara, Seçkin, 2008. Sözüer, Adem: “Türkiye’de ve Karşılaştırmalı Hukukta Telefon, Teleks, Faks ve Benzeri Araçlarla Yapılan Özel Haberleşmenin Bir Ceza Yargılaması Önlemi Olarak Denetlenmesi, ” İHFM, Vol. LV, No:3, 1997, p. 65-110. Şahin, Cumhur: Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku I, 2. ed., Ankara, Seçkin, 20 Şen, Ersan: Türk Hukuku’nda Telefon Dinleme, Gizli Soruşturmacı, X Muhbir, 5. ed., Ankara, Seçkin, 2011. Şimşek, Oğuz: Anayasa Hukukunda Kişisel Verilerin Korunması, İstanbul, Beta, 2008. The Code on Combatting with Criminal Organizations Formed to Obtain Gain/No. 4422, July 30, 1999, Official Gazette numbered 23773, August 1, 19 The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, the Code on Gendarmerie and the Code on National Intelligence were amended by the Law numbered 5397 in July 3, 2005, Official Gazette numbered 25884, July 23, 2005.
  • The Code on Duties and Powers of Police, No. 2559, as amended on July 3, 2007 (November 19, 2010), 569.html. The Code on Gendarmerie, No. 2803, Official Gazette numbered 17985, March 12, 1983. The Draft Code on the Protection of Personal Data, No. 1812, April 22, 2008, (November 24, 2010), The Regulation on the Principles and Procedure of the Intercepting, Monitoring and Recording Correspondence through Telecommunication”, published at the Official Gazette numbered 25989, November 10, 2005. The Turkish Criminal Procedure Code, No. 5271, Dec. 4, 2004, Official Gazette numbered 25673, December 17, 2004. Yenisey, Feridun (trans.), Jefferson Exum, Jelani (ed.), “The Turkish Penal Procedure Code”, Istanbul, 2009.
There are 4 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Public Law

Saadet Yüksel This is me

Publication Date August 16, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 71 Issue: 1


APA Yüksel, S. (2013). INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 71(1), 1313-1326.
AMA Yüksel S. INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. August 2013;71(1):1313-1326.
Chicago Yüksel, Saadet. “INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71, no. 1 (August 2013): 1313-26.
EndNote Yüksel S (August 1, 2013) INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71 1 1313–1326.
IEEE S. Yüksel, “INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 1313–1326, 2013.
ISNAD Yüksel, Saadet. “INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 71/1 (August 2013), 1313-1326.
JAMA Yüksel S. INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2013;71:1313–1326.
MLA Yüksel, Saadet. “INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 71, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1313-26.
Vancouver Yüksel S. INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE OF WIRE COMMUNICATIONS UNDER TURKISH LAW. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2013;71(1):1313-26.