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Year 2014, Volume: 72 Issue: 1, 571 - 590, 13.06.2014




  • Beiner, Ronald: Philosophy in a Time of Lost Spirit: Essays on Contemporary Theory, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1997. Beiner, Ronald: What’s the Matter with Liberalism?, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992. Berkowitz, Peter: Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1999. Berten, Andre; de Silveira, Pablo; Pourtois, Herve (Editör) : Liberaller ve Cemaatçiler. Çev.: Başak Demir v.d. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi. 2006. Bielefeldt, Heiner: “Autonomy and Republicanism. Immanuel Kant's Philosophy of Freedom” Political Theory, c: 25 no: 4 (1997), 524–558. Brugger, Winfried: “Anayasa Teorisi Olarak Komünteryenizm” Çev.: Osman Can, e-akademi, 3 (Mayıs 2002) ( Brugger, Winfried: “Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı’nda Haysiyet, Haklar ve Hukuk Felsefesi”, Çev.: Muhammed İkbal İmamoğlu, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c: 2 no: 8 (Yaz 2009) : 90-108. Brugger, Winfried: “Communitarianism as the social and legal theory behind the German Constitution” I-Con. International Journal of Constitutional Law, c: 2 no: 3 (2004) : 431-460. Brugger, Winfried: Das anthropologische Kreuz der Entscheidung in Politik und Recht [Siyasette ve Hukukta Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı], 2. bs., Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008. Forst, Rainer: Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism, Çev.: John M. M. Farrell, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002. Galston, William A.: “Defending Liberalism” The American Political Science Review, c: 76 no: 3 (1982) : 621–629. Galston, William A.: Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Galston, William A.: “Liberal Virtues”, The American Political Science Review, c: 82 no: 4 (1988) : 1277–1290. Gardbaum, Stephen: “Liberalism, Autonomy, and Moral Conflict”, Stanford Law Review, c:48 no: 2 (1996) : 385–417. Gaus, F. Gerald: “The Diversity of Comprehensive Liberalisms”, Handbook of Political Theory, Editör: F. Gerald Gaus, Chandran Kukathas, London, Sage, 2004: 100–114. Haupt, Claudia E.: Religion-State Relations in the United States and Germany: The Quest for Neutrality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 20 Honneth, Axel: Das Recht der Freiheit [Hürriyet Hakkı], Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011. Hünler, Solmaz Z.: İki Adalet Arasında: Liberal ve Komunitaryan Düşüncelerin Çatışma Alanı, Ankara, Vadi Yayınları, 1997. Joas, Hans; Jung, Matthias (Editör) : Über das anthropologische Kreuz der Entscheidung [Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı’na Dair], Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008.
  • Kagan, Robert A.; Krygier, Martin; Winston, Kenneth (Editör): Legality and Community: On the Intellectual Legacy of Philip Selznick, Lanham, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2002. Krygier, Martin: Philip Selznick: Ideals in the World, Stanford/ California, Stanford University Press, 2012. Krygier, Martin: “Walls and Bridges: A Comment on Philip Selznick’s “The Moral Commonwealth””, California Law Review, c: 82 no: 2 (1994) : 4734 Kymlicka, Will: Çağdaş Siyaset Felsefesine Giriş, Çev.: Ebru Kılıç, İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2004. Kymlicka, Will: Liberalism, Community and Culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989. Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Citizenship, New York, Oxford University Press, 1995. Ladwig, Bernd: “Die Unterscheidung von Freund und Feind als Kriterium des Politischen” [“Siyasî Bir Kıstas Olarak Dost ve Düşman Ayrımı”]” Carl Schmitt: Der Begriff des Politischen. Ein kooperativer Kommentar [Carl Schmitt: Siyaset Kavramı. Müşterek Bir Şerh], Editör: Reinhard Mehring, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2003. Lund, William R.: “Politics, Citizens, and the Good Life. Assessing Two Versions of Ethical Liberalism”, Political Research Quarterly, c: 49 no: 3 (1996) : 479–504. Macedo, Stephen: Liberal Virtues: Citizenship, Virtue, and Community in Liberal Constitutionalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990. MacIntyre, Alasdair: Erdem Peşinde. Ahlâk Teorisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Çev.: Muttalip Özcan, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2001. de Maistre, Joseph: Von der Souveränität: Ein AntiGesellschaftsvertrag [Egemenliğe Dair:Toplum Sözleşmesine Reddiye], Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, (1794) 2000. Mehring, Reinhard (Ed.) : Carl Schmitt: Der Begriff des Politischen. Ein kooperativer Kommentar [Carl Schmitt: Siyaset Kavramı. Müşterek Bir Şerh], Berlin, Akademie Verlag. 2003. Mohrs, Thomas: Weltbürgerlicher Kommunitarismus: Zeitgeistkonträre Anregungen zu einer konkreten Utopie [Dünya Vatandaşlığı ve Komüniter yanizm: Somut Bir Ütopyaya Dair Zamanın Ruhuna Aykırı Bir Çağrı], Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann., 2003. Mulhall, Stephen; Swift, Adam: Liberals and Communitarians, 2. bs. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996. Oberndörfer, Dieter: Der Wahn des Nationalen: Die Alternative der offenen Republik [Millî Olmak Hezeyanı: Bir Alternatif Olarak Açık Cumhuriyet], Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1994. Raz, Joseph: The Morality of Freedom, Oxford, Clarendon Paperbacks, 19
  • Rohrmoser, Günter: Der Ernstfall: Die Krise unserer liberalen Republik [Durum Ciddi: Liberal Cumhuriyetimiz Krizde], Berlin, Ullstein, 19 Rohrmoser, Günter: Kampf um die Mitte: Der moderne Konservativismus nach dem Scheitern der Ideologien [İtidal Mücadelesi: İdeolojilerin İflası Sonrasında Modern Muhafazakârlık], Münih, Olzog, 1999. Schmitt, Carl: Der Begriff des Politischen [Siyaset Kavramı], Berlin, Duncker und Humblot. 1963. Schmitt, Carl: Verfassungslehre [Anayasa Kuramı], 9. bs. Berlin, Duncker und Humblot. 2003. Scott, Joan Wallach: The Politics of the Veil, 2. bs., Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2010. Selznick, Philip: A Humanist Science: Values and Ideals in Social Inquiry, Stanford/California, Stanford University Press, 2008. Selznick, Philip: The Communitarian Persuation, Washington D.C., Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002. Selznick, Philip: The Moral Commonwealth: Social Theory and the Promise of Community, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992.
Year 2014, Volume: 72 Issue: 1, 571 - 590, 13.06.2014



  • Beiner, Ronald: Philosophy in a Time of Lost Spirit: Essays on Contemporary Theory, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1997. Beiner, Ronald: What’s the Matter with Liberalism?, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992. Berkowitz, Peter: Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1999. Berten, Andre; de Silveira, Pablo; Pourtois, Herve (Editör) : Liberaller ve Cemaatçiler. Çev.: Başak Demir v.d. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi. 2006. Bielefeldt, Heiner: “Autonomy and Republicanism. Immanuel Kant's Philosophy of Freedom” Political Theory, c: 25 no: 4 (1997), 524–558. Brugger, Winfried: “Anayasa Teorisi Olarak Komünteryenizm” Çev.: Osman Can, e-akademi, 3 (Mayıs 2002) ( Brugger, Winfried: “Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı’nda Haysiyet, Haklar ve Hukuk Felsefesi”, Çev.: Muhammed İkbal İmamoğlu, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c: 2 no: 8 (Yaz 2009) : 90-108. Brugger, Winfried: “Communitarianism as the social and legal theory behind the German Constitution” I-Con. International Journal of Constitutional Law, c: 2 no: 3 (2004) : 431-460. Brugger, Winfried: Das anthropologische Kreuz der Entscheidung in Politik und Recht [Siyasette ve Hukukta Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı], 2. bs., Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008. Forst, Rainer: Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism, Çev.: John M. M. Farrell, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002. Galston, William A.: “Defending Liberalism” The American Political Science Review, c: 76 no: 3 (1982) : 621–629. Galston, William A.: Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the Liberal State, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Galston, William A.: “Liberal Virtues”, The American Political Science Review, c: 82 no: 4 (1988) : 1277–1290. Gardbaum, Stephen: “Liberalism, Autonomy, and Moral Conflict”, Stanford Law Review, c:48 no: 2 (1996) : 385–417. Gaus, F. Gerald: “The Diversity of Comprehensive Liberalisms”, Handbook of Political Theory, Editör: F. Gerald Gaus, Chandran Kukathas, London, Sage, 2004: 100–114. Haupt, Claudia E.: Religion-State Relations in the United States and Germany: The Quest for Neutrality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 20 Honneth, Axel: Das Recht der Freiheit [Hürriyet Hakkı], Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011. Hünler, Solmaz Z.: İki Adalet Arasında: Liberal ve Komunitaryan Düşüncelerin Çatışma Alanı, Ankara, Vadi Yayınları, 1997. Joas, Hans; Jung, Matthias (Editör) : Über das anthropologische Kreuz der Entscheidung [Antropolojik Karar Kavşağı’na Dair], Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008.
  • Kagan, Robert A.; Krygier, Martin; Winston, Kenneth (Editör): Legality and Community: On the Intellectual Legacy of Philip Selznick, Lanham, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2002. Krygier, Martin: Philip Selznick: Ideals in the World, Stanford/ California, Stanford University Press, 2012. Krygier, Martin: “Walls and Bridges: A Comment on Philip Selznick’s “The Moral Commonwealth””, California Law Review, c: 82 no: 2 (1994) : 4734 Kymlicka, Will: Çağdaş Siyaset Felsefesine Giriş, Çev.: Ebru Kılıç, İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2004. Kymlicka, Will: Liberalism, Community and Culture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989. Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Citizenship, New York, Oxford University Press, 1995. Ladwig, Bernd: “Die Unterscheidung von Freund und Feind als Kriterium des Politischen” [“Siyasî Bir Kıstas Olarak Dost ve Düşman Ayrımı”]” Carl Schmitt: Der Begriff des Politischen. Ein kooperativer Kommentar [Carl Schmitt: Siyaset Kavramı. Müşterek Bir Şerh], Editör: Reinhard Mehring, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2003. Lund, William R.: “Politics, Citizens, and the Good Life. Assessing Two Versions of Ethical Liberalism”, Political Research Quarterly, c: 49 no: 3 (1996) : 479–504. Macedo, Stephen: Liberal Virtues: Citizenship, Virtue, and Community in Liberal Constitutionalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990. MacIntyre, Alasdair: Erdem Peşinde. Ahlâk Teorisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Çev.: Muttalip Özcan, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2001. de Maistre, Joseph: Von der Souveränität: Ein AntiGesellschaftsvertrag [Egemenliğe Dair:Toplum Sözleşmesine Reddiye], Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos, (1794) 2000. Mehring, Reinhard (Ed.) : Carl Schmitt: Der Begriff des Politischen. Ein kooperativer Kommentar [Carl Schmitt: Siyaset Kavramı. Müşterek Bir Şerh], Berlin, Akademie Verlag. 2003. Mohrs, Thomas: Weltbürgerlicher Kommunitarismus: Zeitgeistkonträre Anregungen zu einer konkreten Utopie [Dünya Vatandaşlığı ve Komüniter yanizm: Somut Bir Ütopyaya Dair Zamanın Ruhuna Aykırı Bir Çağrı], Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann., 2003. Mulhall, Stephen; Swift, Adam: Liberals and Communitarians, 2. bs. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996. Oberndörfer, Dieter: Der Wahn des Nationalen: Die Alternative der offenen Republik [Millî Olmak Hezeyanı: Bir Alternatif Olarak Açık Cumhuriyet], Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1994. Raz, Joseph: The Morality of Freedom, Oxford, Clarendon Paperbacks, 19
  • Rohrmoser, Günter: Der Ernstfall: Die Krise unserer liberalen Republik [Durum Ciddi: Liberal Cumhuriyetimiz Krizde], Berlin, Ullstein, 19 Rohrmoser, Günter: Kampf um die Mitte: Der moderne Konservativismus nach dem Scheitern der Ideologien [İtidal Mücadelesi: İdeolojilerin İflası Sonrasında Modern Muhafazakârlık], Münih, Olzog, 1999. Schmitt, Carl: Der Begriff des Politischen [Siyaset Kavramı], Berlin, Duncker und Humblot. 1963. Schmitt, Carl: Verfassungslehre [Anayasa Kuramı], 9. bs. Berlin, Duncker und Humblot. 2003. Scott, Joan Wallach: The Politics of the Veil, 2. bs., Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2010. Selznick, Philip: A Humanist Science: Values and Ideals in Social Inquiry, Stanford/California, Stanford University Press, 2008. Selznick, Philip: The Communitarian Persuation, Washington D.C., Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002. Selznick, Philip: The Moral Commonwealth: Social Theory and the Promise of Community, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992.
There are 3 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Public Law

Muhammed İmamoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 13, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 72 Issue: 1


APA İmamoğlu, M. (2014). LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 72(1), 571-590.
AMA İmamoğlu M. LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. June 2014;72(1):571-590.
Chicago İmamoğlu, Muhammed. “LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 72, no. 1 (June 2014): 571-90.
EndNote İmamoğlu M (June 1, 2014) LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 72 1 571–590.
IEEE M. İmamoğlu, “LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 571–590, 2014.
ISNAD İmamoğlu, Muhammed. “LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 72/1 (June 2014), 571-590.
JAMA İmamoğlu M. LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2014;72:571–590.
MLA İmamoğlu, Muhammed. “LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 72, no. 1, 2014, pp. 571-90.
Vancouver İmamoğlu M. LİBERAL KOMÜNİTERYANİZMİN TEMEL İLKELERİ. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2014;72(1):571-90.