Research Article
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Tariff Disadvantages of SMEs in International Trade

Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 22.01.2019


Although SMEs working both in developed and developing countries contribute a lot to employment and GDP of the countries they operate, their participations in international trading activities remain modest. Great importance are attached to bringing them international play field from the viewpoint of macroeconomic stability of the world economy. In the process of internalization, SMEs encounter a lot of obstacles such as high level customs tariff and quasi tariff financial burdens, as well as other non- tariff barriers. But who creates these obstacles are SMEs themselves. SMEs most of whom operate in import substitution industries in their home country receive tariff protection support from their governments, thanks to their high lobbying power. In order for SMEs to be able escape from this vicious cycle, it is impossible for countries to fight with the protectionism in their own initiatives. In this regard, instead of governments’ initiatives, a multilateral initiation under the WTO umbrella could be considered.


  • Baldwin, R.E. (1989). “The political economy of trade policy”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 3, Number 4. Fall 1989. s: 119 -135 Bombardini, M. (2008). “Firm heterogeneity and lobby participation”. Journal of International Economics 75. ss. 329 –348 Busch, M.L & Mansfield, E.D (2009). Political economy of trade policy. (15.07.2018) CNN (2018). Corden, W. M. (1997). Trade Policy And Economic Welfare (second edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Das, D.K & Kalita, G. (2009). Do Labor Intensive Industries Generate Employment: Evidence From Firm Level Survey From India? Working Paper No:237. New Delhi: Indian Council for Research on International Relations. European Commission. (2018). Trade/Market Access Database/Trade Barriers. (04.08.2018) Fitzgerald, D. ve Haller, S. (2014), “Pricing-to-market: evidence from plant-level prices”, Review of Economic Studies 81(2): 761-786. Global Trade Alert. (2018). Indonesia: Raised import duties on numerous consumer goods. duties-on-numerous-consumer-goods (04.08.2018) Global Trade Alert. (2018). Turkey. Global Trade Alert. (2018). United States of America. (04.08.2018) Grossman, G. M ve Helpman, E. (1994). “Protection for sale”. The American Economic Review, Vol. 84, No. 4. ss. 833-850. Integrated Trade Intelligence Portal. (2018) http://i- (05.08.2018) ITC, (2015) The Invisible Barriers to Trade – How Businesses Experience Non-Tariff Measures Geneva: ITC, 2015. xii, 39 pages (Technical paper) Doc. No. MAR-15-326.E Kerr, W. R., William, F. L ve Prachi Mishra (2014) “The dynamics of firm lobbying”. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 6, No. 4 ss. 343-379 KOSGEB. (2015). Kobi Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2015-2018. Ankara: KOSGEB Ludema, R. D., Mayda, A. M. ve Mishra, P. (2010). Protection for Free? The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions. IMF Working Paper No:WP/10/211. Milner, H. V. (1999). “The political economy of international trade”. Annual Review of Political Science. Vol.2:91-114 OECD (2016), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris. Olson, M. (1965). The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and Theory of Groups. 20. Baskı (2012). Massachusetts: Harvard University Press Osgood, I., Tingley, D., Bernauer, T., Kim, I. S., Milner, H., & Spilker, G. (2017). “The charmed life of superstar exporters: survey evidence on firms and trade policy”. Journal of Politics, 47 (1). ss.133-152. (13.06.2018) Reuters. (2018). Trump to impose steep tariffs on steel, aluminum; stokes trade war fears aluminum-stokes-trade-war-fears-idUSKCN1GD4ZW (16.07.2018) Rodrik, D. (1995). “Political economy of trade policy” Handbook of International Economics. Volume 3, ss. 1457-1494 Seyidoğlu, H. (2013). Uluslararası İktisat. Gözden geçirilmiş 19. Baskı. İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları. No:28. 908 s. Seyoum, B. (2009). Export Import Theory, Practices and Procedures. Second edition. New York and London: Routledge. 677 p. Sustainable Development Goals. Ticaret Bakanlığı (2018).Ticaret Politikası Savunma Araçları/Korunma Önlemleri. (02.08.2018) TOBB (20015). KOBİ Bilgi Sitesi / KOBİ İstatistikleri. (25.06.2018) Trefler, D. (1993). "Trade liberalization and the theory of endogenous protection: an econometric study of u.s. import policy," Journal of Political Economy 101, no. 1 (Feb., 1993): 138-160. UNDP (2015). Sustainable Development Goals. (15.7.2018) WCO (2018). WCO News The Harmonized System From Every Angle. Geneva: World Customs Organization. (23.08.2018) World Bank (2018), Enterprise Survey. (26.07.2018) WTO (2014). WTO Annual Report 2014. Geneva: WTO WTO (2015). WTO Annual Report 2015. Geneva: WTO WTO (2016). Trade Policy Review, Report by the Secretariat -Turkey. WT/TPR/S/331. Geneva: WTO WTO, ITC ve UNCTAD, (2017). World Tariff Profiles. Geneva: WTO Plouffe, M. Liberalization for Sale: Heterogeneous Firms and Lobbying Over FTAs (2017). Revision of paper prepared for the 2012 APSA annual meeting. KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları Hasan Parıltı WTO, UNCTAD ve CS. (1996). Business Guide to the Uruguay Round. Geneva: ITC/CS. 394 s. WTO. (2012). Understanding the WTO. Geneva: WTO. 112 s. WTO. (2017). World Trade Statistical Review. Geneva: WTO WTO. (2018). Annual Report 2018.Geneva:WTO WTO. (2018a). Report on G20 Trade Measures. (31.08.2018) Yaman, Ş. (2008). “Tarım dışı ürünlerde pazara giriş müzakereleri ve Türkiye”. Dünya Ticaret Örgütü, Doha Turu Çok Taraflı Ticaret Müzakereleri ve Türkiye. (Ed. Yaman, Ş. ve Akman, S). Ankara: TEPAV. ss.157-191

KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları

Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 22.01.2019


Hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkelerde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ’ler, faaliyet gösterdikleri ülkelerin istihdam ve GSYİH’larına önemli katkılar yaptıkları halde, dünya ticaretine katılım düzeyleri oldukça sınırlı kalmaktadır. KOBİ’lerin uluslararası ticaret sahnesine çekilmesine ülkelerin makroekonomik istikrarı açısından büyük bir önem atfedilmektedir. Bunların uluslararası ticarete açılmasının önünde, birçok engel yanında, yüksek düzeyde gümrük tarifeleri ve tarife benzeri mali yüklerler mevcuttur. Fakat önlerine yüksek gümrük duvarları örenler, KOBİ’lerin kendilerdir. Çoğunlukla kendi ülkelerinde ithal ikamesi endüstrilerinde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ’ler, yüksek lobi güçleri sayesinde, hükümetlerinden tarifeler ve tarife dışı yollarla koruma desteği almaktadırlar. KOBİ’lerin bu kısır döngüden çıkarılabilmesi için ülkelerin kendi inisiyatifleri ile korumacılıkla mücadele etmesi mümkün değildir. Bu bağlamda hükümet inisiyatifleri yerine DTÖ şemsiyesi altında çok taraflı bir girişim göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.


  • Baldwin, R.E. (1989). “The political economy of trade policy”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 3, Number 4. Fall 1989. s: 119 -135 Bombardini, M. (2008). “Firm heterogeneity and lobby participation”. Journal of International Economics 75. ss. 329 –348 Busch, M.L & Mansfield, E.D (2009). Political economy of trade policy. (15.07.2018) CNN (2018). Corden, W. M. (1997). Trade Policy And Economic Welfare (second edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Das, D.K & Kalita, G. (2009). Do Labor Intensive Industries Generate Employment: Evidence From Firm Level Survey From India? Working Paper No:237. New Delhi: Indian Council for Research on International Relations. European Commission. (2018). Trade/Market Access Database/Trade Barriers. (04.08.2018) Fitzgerald, D. ve Haller, S. (2014), “Pricing-to-market: evidence from plant-level prices”, Review of Economic Studies 81(2): 761-786. Global Trade Alert. (2018). Indonesia: Raised import duties on numerous consumer goods. duties-on-numerous-consumer-goods (04.08.2018) Global Trade Alert. (2018). Turkey. Global Trade Alert. (2018). United States of America. (04.08.2018) Grossman, G. M ve Helpman, E. (1994). “Protection for sale”. The American Economic Review, Vol. 84, No. 4. ss. 833-850. Integrated Trade Intelligence Portal. (2018) http://i- (05.08.2018) ITC, (2015) The Invisible Barriers to Trade – How Businesses Experience Non-Tariff Measures Geneva: ITC, 2015. xii, 39 pages (Technical paper) Doc. No. MAR-15-326.E Kerr, W. R., William, F. L ve Prachi Mishra (2014) “The dynamics of firm lobbying”. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 6, No. 4 ss. 343-379 KOSGEB. (2015). Kobi Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2015-2018. Ankara: KOSGEB Ludema, R. D., Mayda, A. M. ve Mishra, P. (2010). Protection for Free? The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions. IMF Working Paper No:WP/10/211. Milner, H. V. (1999). “The political economy of international trade”. Annual Review of Political Science. Vol.2:91-114 OECD (2016), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2016, OECD Publishing, Paris. Olson, M. (1965). The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and Theory of Groups. 20. Baskı (2012). Massachusetts: Harvard University Press Osgood, I., Tingley, D., Bernauer, T., Kim, I. S., Milner, H., & Spilker, G. (2017). “The charmed life of superstar exporters: survey evidence on firms and trade policy”. Journal of Politics, 47 (1). ss.133-152. (13.06.2018) Reuters. (2018). Trump to impose steep tariffs on steel, aluminum; stokes trade war fears aluminum-stokes-trade-war-fears-idUSKCN1GD4ZW (16.07.2018) Rodrik, D. (1995). “Political economy of trade policy” Handbook of International Economics. Volume 3, ss. 1457-1494 Seyidoğlu, H. (2013). Uluslararası İktisat. Gözden geçirilmiş 19. Baskı. İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları. No:28. 908 s. Seyoum, B. (2009). Export Import Theory, Practices and Procedures. Second edition. New York and London: Routledge. 677 p. Sustainable Development Goals. Ticaret Bakanlığı (2018).Ticaret Politikası Savunma Araçları/Korunma Önlemleri. (02.08.2018) TOBB (20015). KOBİ Bilgi Sitesi / KOBİ İstatistikleri. (25.06.2018) Trefler, D. (1993). "Trade liberalization and the theory of endogenous protection: an econometric study of u.s. import policy," Journal of Political Economy 101, no. 1 (Feb., 1993): 138-160. UNDP (2015). Sustainable Development Goals. (15.7.2018) WCO (2018). WCO News The Harmonized System From Every Angle. Geneva: World Customs Organization. (23.08.2018) World Bank (2018), Enterprise Survey. (26.07.2018) WTO (2014). WTO Annual Report 2014. Geneva: WTO WTO (2015). WTO Annual Report 2015. Geneva: WTO WTO (2016). Trade Policy Review, Report by the Secretariat -Turkey. WT/TPR/S/331. Geneva: WTO WTO, ITC ve UNCTAD, (2017). World Tariff Profiles. Geneva: WTO Plouffe, M. Liberalization for Sale: Heterogeneous Firms and Lobbying Over FTAs (2017). Revision of paper prepared for the 2012 APSA annual meeting. KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları Hasan Parıltı WTO, UNCTAD ve CS. (1996). Business Guide to the Uruguay Round. Geneva: ITC/CS. 394 s. WTO. (2012). Understanding the WTO. Geneva: WTO. 112 s. WTO. (2017). World Trade Statistical Review. Geneva: WTO WTO. (2018). Annual Report 2018.Geneva:WTO WTO. (2018a). Report on G20 Trade Measures. (31.08.2018) Yaman, Ş. (2008). “Tarım dışı ürünlerde pazara giriş müzakereleri ve Türkiye”. Dünya Ticaret Örgütü, Doha Turu Çok Taraflı Ticaret Müzakereleri ve Türkiye. (Ed. Yaman, Ş. ve Akman, S). Ankara: TEPAV. ss.157-191
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Hasan Parıltı

Publication Date January 22, 2019
Submission Date October 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Parıltı, H. (2019). KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları. Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 6(1), 1-30.
AMA Parıltı H. KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları. JEPR. January 2019;6(1):1-30.
Chicago Parıltı, Hasan. “KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları”. Journal of Economic Policy Researches 6, no. 1 (January 2019): 1-30.
EndNote Parıltı H (January 1, 2019) KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları. Journal of Economic Policy Researches 6 1 1–30.
IEEE H. Parıltı, “KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları”, JEPR, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1–30, 2019.
ISNAD Parıltı, Hasan. “KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları”. Journal of Economic Policy Researches 6/1 (January 2019), 1-30.
JAMA Parıltı H. KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları. JEPR. 2019;6:1–30.
MLA Parıltı, Hasan. “KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları”. Journal of Economic Policy Researches, vol. 6, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-30.
Vancouver Parıltı H. KOBİ’lerin Uluslararası Ticarette Karşılaştığı Tarife Dezavantajları. JEPR. 2019;6(1):1-30.