Güçlü Kapitalistlerin Kararları ve Belirsizlik: Rasyonel Beklentiler Yaklaşımı
Year 2019,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 43 - 53, 22.01.2019
Hüseyin Can Hacıbebekoğlu
Büyük şirketlerin bugünün ekonomilerinde büyük etkileri vardır. Beklentileri ve kararları gelecek için önemlidir, çünkü neredeyse bir ülkenin GSYİH'sini (Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla) kazanırlar. Bu nedenle, karları ekonomileri etkileyecek kadar büyüktür. Bu şirketler ekonomiler için önemli birer belirleyiciler haline geliyorlar. Varsayımlarımıza göre, karlarını reel sektörlere yatırım yapma veya bankalara borç verme yoluyla kullanabilmektedirler. Ancak, bankacılık sisteminin iyi çalışmaması toplam tasarrufların toplam yatırımlara eşit olmamasına sebep oluyor. Bu nedenle, ekonomi eksik kapasiteyle çalışıyor olacaktır. Ayrıca, mevcut toplam talep yatırımları içermektedir Para otoritesinin para politikası ekonomiyi istikrara kavuşturmakta etkili değildir çünkü büyük şirketlerin beklentilerinin, kararlarının bilmemektedirler. Bu makale de bu varsayımlarımızı rasyonel beklenti modeli ile nasıl olduğunu gösteriyoruz.
- Akerman, G. (1957): "The Cobweb Theorem; A Reconsideration," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71: 151-160
Allen, H. V. (1938): "A Theorem Concerning the Linearity of Regression," Statistical Research Memoirs, 2: 60-68.
Başköy, T. (2002): “Karl Marx’s Theory of Market Competition.” Problematique 8 (Fall 2002): 4-23.
Buchanan, N. S (1939): "A Reconsideration of the Cobweb Theorem," Journal of Political Economy, 47: 67-81.
Ezekiel, M. (1938): "The Cobweb Theorem," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 52: 255-280. Reprinted in Readings in Business Cycle Theory.
Heady, E. O., and D. R. Kaldor (1954): "Expectations and Errors in Forecasting Agricultural Prices," Journal of Political Economy, 62: 34-47.
Muth, J. F. (1960): "Optimal Properties of Exponentially Weighted Forecasts," Journal of the American Statistical Association 55: 299-306.
Muth, JF. (1961): “Rational expectations and the theory of price movements”, Econometrica 29 (3): 315–335.
Orhangazi, Ö. (2008): “Financialization and The US Economy”, New Directıons In Modern Economics: (2): 87.
Slutzky, E. (19379: "The Summation of Random Causes as the Source of Cyclic Pro- cesses," Econometrica, 5: 105-146.
Vincent, Trivett. (2011): http://www.businessinsider.com/25-corporations-bigger-tan- countries-2011-6
http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/staff/peeld/book%20chapters/chap02.pdf. (02.07.2018).
Decisions of the Powerful Capitalists and Uncertainty: A Rational Expectation Approach
Year 2019,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 43 - 53, 22.01.2019
Hüseyin Can Hacıbebekoğlu
This paper is about the relationship between giant companies and the uncertainty of the monetary rule. The uncertainty comes from the decisions of the giant capitalists which are holding a huge amount of capital and their future expectation. Their expectations and decisions are important for the future because their revenues are almost a country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Therefore, their revenues are big enough to affect economies. The main difference of the paper is the adding the decisions of the giant companies in a basic rational expectation model. Also, the subject of the paper depends on Marxian monopolistic competition and surplus value theories. As a result, the monetary authority is affecting the output, but the unknown result so the monetary rule is not efficient for stabilizing the economy. New Classical Economy proposes a similar result. However, this paper explains why monetary policy is ineffective for stabilizing economy considering decisions of the giant capitalist.
- Akerman, G. (1957): "The Cobweb Theorem; A Reconsideration," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 71: 151-160
Allen, H. V. (1938): "A Theorem Concerning the Linearity of Regression," Statistical Research Memoirs, 2: 60-68.
Başköy, T. (2002): “Karl Marx’s Theory of Market Competition.” Problematique 8 (Fall 2002): 4-23.
Buchanan, N. S (1939): "A Reconsideration of the Cobweb Theorem," Journal of Political Economy, 47: 67-81.
Ezekiel, M. (1938): "The Cobweb Theorem," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 52: 255-280. Reprinted in Readings in Business Cycle Theory.
Heady, E. O., and D. R. Kaldor (1954): "Expectations and Errors in Forecasting Agricultural Prices," Journal of Political Economy, 62: 34-47.
Muth, J. F. (1960): "Optimal Properties of Exponentially Weighted Forecasts," Journal of the American Statistical Association 55: 299-306.
Muth, JF. (1961): “Rational expectations and the theory of price movements”, Econometrica 29 (3): 315–335.
Orhangazi, Ö. (2008): “Financialization and The US Economy”, New Directıons In Modern Economics: (2): 87.
Slutzky, E. (19379: "The Summation of Random Causes as the Source of Cyclic Pro- cesses," Econometrica, 5: 105-146.
Vincent, Trivett. (2011): http://www.businessinsider.com/25-corporations-bigger-tan- countries-2011-6
http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/staff/peeld/book%20chapters/chap02.pdf. (02.07.2018).
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