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Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 47 - 61, 01.05.2017


Kişinin çalıştığı örgütün mülkiyetine, süreçlerine, çıkar gruplarına ya da diğer çalışanlarına zarar verme potansiyeli taşıyan, örgütün belirlenmiş amaçları önünde engel teşkil eden, bilinçli bir şekilde sergilenen davranışların tümü şeklinde tanımlanabilen verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışları, örgütlere ciddi bir maliyet getirmesi nedeniyle son dönemde sıklıkla araştırma konusu olmuştur. Konu ile ilgili araştırmalar incelendiğinde, özellikle verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarının belirleyicilerinin neler olduğu konusuna odaklanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarının, bireysel belirleyicilerden kişilik özellikleri ve bilişsel yetenek ile ilişkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda özel bir bankanın gişe görevlileri (n=148) üzerinde bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada gişe görevlilerine beş faktör kişilik envanteri ve bilişsel yetenek testi uygulanmış, verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarını sergileme sıklıkları ise bağlı oldukları ilk kademe yöneticileri tarafından değerlendirilmiştir.

Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; kişilik boyutlarından sorumluluk bilincinin, verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışının kötüye kullanma ve fiziksel çekilme alt boyutlarında yer alan davranışlarla negatif yönde; dışadönüklüğün, fiziksel çekilme boyutunda pozitif yönde, duygusal dengesizliğin ise kötüye kullanma boyutunda yer alan verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarıyla pozitif yönde ilişkili olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Diğer bir bireysel belirleyici olan bilişsel yeteneğin ise, kötüye kullanma, üretimden sapma ve sabotaj boyutlarında yer alan verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarıyla negatif yönde ilişkili olduğu ve bilişsel yeteneğin, kötüye kullanma, üretimden sapma ve sabotaj boyutlarında yer alan verimlilik karşıtı iş davranışlarının sergilenme düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Appelbaum, Steven H., Deguire, Kyle J., Lay, Mathieu:"The Relationship of Ethical Climate to Deviant Workplace Behaviour", Corporate Governance, 2005, Vol: 54, pp. 43-55. Bayram, Nuran, Gursakal, Necmi, Bilgel, Nazan: “Counterproductive Work Behavior among White-Collar Employees: A study from Turkey”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2009, Vol. 17, pp. 180-188. Bechtoldt, Myriam N., Welk, Conny, Hartig, Johannes, Zapf, Dieter: “Main and Moderating Effects of Self-control, Organizational Justice, and Emotional Labour on Counterproductive Behaviour at Work” European Journal of Work and Organızational Psychology, 2007, 16 (4), pp. 479-500. Berry, Christopher M., Öneş,Deniz S., Sackett Paul R.:"Interpersonal Deviance, Organizational Deviance, and Their Common Correlates: A Review and Meta-Analysis", Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright, 2007 by the American Psychological Association, 2007, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 410–424. Budak, S.: Psikoloji Sözlüğü, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayını, 2003. Charles N. Maclane, Philip T. Walmsley, “Reducing counterproductive work behavior through employee selection”, Human Resource Management Review, 2010, n. 20, s.65. Colbert , Amy E., Mount, Michael K., Harter, James K., Barrick, Murray R., Witt, L. A.: "Interactive Effects of Personality and Perceptions of the Work Situation on Workplace Deviance", Journal of Applied Psychology, 2004, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 599–609. Dawson, Christina Louise:“Dispositional and Attitudinal Explanations of Counterproductivity in Workplace”, University of California, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi,1996. Dilchert, S., Öneş, D. S., Davis, R. D., Rostow, C. D.:“Cognitive Ability Predicts Objectively Measured Counterproductive Work Behaviors”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2007. 92, pp. 616-627. Fida, R., Tramontano, C., Barbaranelli, C.: “An Integrative Approach to understanding Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Stressors, Negative Emotions, and Moral Disengagement”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2015, 130, pp, 131-144. Fox, Suzy, Spector, Paul E.: “A Model of Work Frustration-Aggression”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1999, Vol.20, pp. 915-931. Fox, Suzy, Spector, Paul E.Miles, Don:"Counterproductive Work Behavior in Response to Job Stressors and Organizational Justice: Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for Autonomy and Emotions", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2001, Vol:59, pp.291-309. Gonzalez-Mule, Erik, Mount, Michael K., Oh, In-Sue: “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between General Mental Ability and Nontask Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014, Vol. 99, No.6. pp. 1222-1243. Gruys, L.Melissa, Sackett, R. Paul,: “Investigating the Dimensionality of Counterproductive Work Behaior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Volume 11, no.1 March 2003, pp.30-42. Hakstian, A. Ralph, Farrell, Seonaid, Tweed, Roger G.:"The Assessment of Counterproductive Tendencies by Means of the California Psychological Inventory", International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol:10 (1/2), pp.58-86. Harris, Lloyd C., Ogbonna, Emmanuel: “Service Sabotage: A Study of Antecedents and Consequences” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2006, Volume 34, No. 4, pp. 543-558. Hershcovis, M. Sandy., Turner, Nick. Barling, Julian. Arnold, Kara. A., Dupre, Kathryne E., Inness, Michelle. Leblanc, Manon M., Sivanathan, Niro: “Predicting Workplace Aggression: A Meta Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psyhchology, 2007, vol 92. No.1, pp.228-238. Hollinger, R.C., Clark, J.P.:“Formal and Informal Social Controls of Employee Deviance”, The Sociology Quarterly, 1982, 23, pp. 333-343. Hunter, WFJR: “The Role of Integrity and Personality In Counterproductive Work Behaviour”, Stellenbosch University, PhD Thesis, 2014. Ilies, Remus, Scott, Brent A., Judge, Timothy A.:“The İnteractive Effects of Personal Traits and Experienced States on İntraindividual Patterns of Citizenship Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal, 2006, 49, pp. 561-575. Jung, H.S., Yoon, H.H. “The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Counterproductive Work Behaviors among Food and Beverage Employees in a Deluxe Hotel”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2012, 31 (2), 369-378. Katherine M. Fodchuk,: “Work Environments That Negate Counterproductive Behaviors and Foster Organizational Citizenship: Research-Based Recommendations for Managers”, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 2007, 10(1), pp. 27-46. Kelloway, E. Kevin, Francis, Lori, Prosser, Matthew, Cameron, James E.:"Counterproductive Work Behavior as Protest", Human Resource Management Review, 2010, 20, pp. 18-25. Kesslera, Stacey R., Spector, Paul E., Chang, Chu-Hsiang, Parr, Alissa D.: “Organizational Violence and Aggression: Development of the Three-Factor Violence Climate Survey”, Work & Stress, 2008, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 108-124. Le Kimdy, Donnellan, Brent M., Spilman, Sarah K., garcia, Pavlov O., Conger, Rand: "Workers Behaving Badly: Associations Between Adolescent Reports of the Big Five and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in Adulthood,” Personality and ındividual differences, 2014, 61-61, pp. 7-12. Levine, Edward L.: "Emotion and Power (As Social İnfluence): Their İmpact on Organizational Citizenship and Counterproductive İndividual and Organizational Behavior,” Human Resource Management Review, 2010, 20, pp. 4–17. Litzky, Barrie E., Eddleston, Kimberly A., Kidder, Deborah L.:“The Good, The Bad, and the Misguided How Managers Inadvertently Encourage Deviant Behaviors”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 2006, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 91-103. Marcus, Bernd; Wagner, Uwe, : "Combining Dispositions and Evaluations of Vocation and Job to Account for Counterproductive Work Behavior in Adolescent Job Apprentices", Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2007, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 161-176. Marcus, Bernd, Lee, Kibeom, Ashton, Micheal C.:“Personality Dimensions Explaining Relationships Between Integrity Tests and Counterproductive Behavior: Big Five, For One in Addition?”, Personnel Psychology, 2007, 60, pp. 1–34. Marcus, Bernd, Wagner, Uwe, Poole, Amanda, Powell, Deborah M., Carswell, Julie: “The relationship of GMA to counterproductive work behavior revisited”, European Journal of Personality, 2009, Volume.3 No.6, pp. 489-507. McClurg, L.A., Deborah, B.S.: “Workplace Theft: A Proposed Model and Research Agenda”, Southern Business Review, 2006, 31, pp. 25-34. Mikulay, Shawn; Neuman, George; Finkelstein, Lisa, :"Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour", Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 2001, 127, pp. 279-300. Miles, Donald E., Borman Walter E., Spector, Paul E., Fox, Suzy : “Building an Integrative Model of Extra Role Work Behaviors: A Comparison of Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, March/June, Vol.10, No:1/2, pp. 51-57. Mount, M., Ilies, R., Johnson, E.: “Relationship of Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction”, Personal Psychology, 2006, 59, pp. 591-622. Neuman, J. H., Baron, R. A. : “Workplace Aggression - The Iceberg Beneath The Tip of Workplace Violence: Evidence on its Forms, Frequency, and Targets”, Public Administration Quarterly, 1998 Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 447-464. Oh, In-Sue, Charlier, Teven D., Mount, Michael K., Berry, Christopher M.: “The Two Faces Of High Self-Monitors: Chameleonic Moderating Effects Of Self-Monitoring On The Relationships Between Personality Traits And Counterproductive Work Behaviors”, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 2014, Vol. 35.pp. 92-111. Öneş, Deniz S.: “Introduction to the Special Issue on Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol. 10 No. 1/2 March/June pp. 1-4. Öneş, D. S., Viswesvaran, C.:Personality and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. In M. Koslowsky, S. Stashevsky, & A. Sagie (Eds.), Misbehavior and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Organizations, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003, pp. 211-249. Öneş, D. S., Viswesvaran, C.: “Integrity Tests and Other Criterion-Focused Occupational Personality Scales (Cops) Used in Personnel Selection”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2001, 9, pp. 31-39. Özkalp, E., Aydın, U., Tekeli, S: “Sapkın örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafing) ve İş İlişkilerinde Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 2 (26), 18-33. Penney, M. , Spector, E.P.: “Job Stress, Incivility, and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): The Moderating Role of Negative Affectivity”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2005, Vol. 26: pp.777-796. Phipps, Simone T.A., Prieto, Leon C., Deis, Michael H.:“The Role Of Personality In Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Introducing Counterproductive Work Behavior And Integrating Impression Management As A Moderating Factor”, Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 2015, Vol. 19. N.1: pp.176-196. Popovich, Paula M., Warren, Michael A.: “The role of power in sexual harassment as a counterproductive behavior in organizations”, Human Resource Management Review, 2010, n.20, pp. 45–53. Probst, Tahira M., Stewart, Susan M., Gruys, Melissa L., Tierney, Bradley W.: “Productivity, counterproductivity and creativity: The ups and downs of job insecurity”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2007, n.80, pp.479–497. Reynolds, Clair A., Shoos, Mindy K., Jundt, Dustin K.: "In the Eye of the Beholder: A multi – staholder perspective of Organizational Citizenship and Counterproductive work Behaviors", Human Resource Management Review, 2015, Vol. 25, pp. 80-93. Robinson, Sandra L. Bennett, Rebecca J.:"A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study", Academy of Management Journal, 1995, Vol. 38(2), pp. 555-572. Salgado, Jesus: “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Counterproductive Behavior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol.10, No: 1/2, pp.117-125. Sackett, Paul R.: "The Structure of Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Dimensionality and Relationships with Facets of Job Performance", International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol: 10 (1/2), pp. 5-11. Scherer, Kelly T., Baysinger, M., Zolynsky, D., Lebreton, James M,: "Predicting Counterproductive Work Behaviors with sub-clinical Psychopaty”, Personality and Individual Differences, 2013, 55, 300-305. Sezici, Emre: "Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş Davranışları Üzerinde Kişilik Özelliklerinin Rolü”, International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies. 2015. 7 (14) Winter, 1-22. Skarlicki, Daniel P., Folger, Robert, Tesluk Paul: “Personality as A Moderator in the Relationship between Fairness and Retaliation”, Academy of Management Journal, (1999), Vol.42, No.1, s. 100-108. Smithikrai, Chuchai: “Moderating Effect of Situational Strength on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviour”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2008, 11, pp. 253-263 Spector, Paul E., Fox, Suzy:"An Emotion-Centered Model of Voluntary Work Behavior Some Parallels Between Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Human Resource Management Review, 2002, 12, pp. 269-292. Sackett, Paul R.; DeVore Cynthia J.:“Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”, (in), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, Volume 1, Eds. Neil Anderson, Deniz S. Öneş, Handan Kepir Sinangil, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. 2001, pp.145-164. Spector, Paul E., Zhou, Zhqing E.: "The Moderating Role of Gender in relationships of Stressors and Personality with Counterproductive Work Behavior", Journal of Business Psychology, 2014, Vol: 29, pp. 669-681. Spector, Paul E., Fox, Suz, Penney, Lisa M., Bruursema, Kari, Goh, Angeline, Kesslera, Stacey:"The Dimensionality of Counterproductivity: Are All Counterproductive Behaviors Created Equal?", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2006, Vol: 68, pp.446-460. Vardi, Yoav, Wiener Yoash: “Misbehavior in Organizations: A Motivational Framework”, Organization Science, 1996, Vol:7(2), pp.151-165. Vardi, Yoav; Weitz, Ely: "Personal and Positional Antecedents of Organizational Misbehaviour", (içinde) Eds. Abraham Sagie, Shmuel Stashevsky, Meni Koslowsky, Misbehaviour and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Organizations. Palgrave, 2003, pp.173-193. Victor, Bart, Cullen, John B.: “The Organizational Bases of Ethical Work Climates”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1988, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.101-125.

The Effect of Five Factor Personality Traits and Cognitive Ability on Counterproductive Work Behavior

Year 2017, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 47 - 61, 01.05.2017


violating an organization’s legitimate interests by being potentially harmful to the organization, organization’s property, process or its members and caused not to fulfill organization’s objectives, are being researched frequently nowadays because of its huge amount of cost to the organizations. It is seen that researchs are mainly focused on to define what are the antecedents of counterproductive work behaviors.

The purpose of this study is to define relationship between personality and cognitive ability, as being personel antecedents, and counterproductive work behaviors. In this direction; research was conducted among one of the private bank tellers (n=148). Five-factor personality inventory and cognitive ability test was applied to tellers, on the other hand display level of counterproductive work behaviors was answered by teller’s managers via another inventory.


  • Appelbaum, Steven H., Deguire, Kyle J., Lay, Mathieu:"The Relationship of Ethical Climate to Deviant Workplace Behaviour", Corporate Governance, 2005, Vol: 54, pp. 43-55. Bayram, Nuran, Gursakal, Necmi, Bilgel, Nazan: “Counterproductive Work Behavior among White-Collar Employees: A study from Turkey”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2009, Vol. 17, pp. 180-188. Bechtoldt, Myriam N., Welk, Conny, Hartig, Johannes, Zapf, Dieter: “Main and Moderating Effects of Self-control, Organizational Justice, and Emotional Labour on Counterproductive Behaviour at Work” European Journal of Work and Organızational Psychology, 2007, 16 (4), pp. 479-500. Berry, Christopher M., Öneş,Deniz S., Sackett Paul R.:"Interpersonal Deviance, Organizational Deviance, and Their Common Correlates: A Review and Meta-Analysis", Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright, 2007 by the American Psychological Association, 2007, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 410–424. Budak, S.: Psikoloji Sözlüğü, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayını, 2003. Charles N. Maclane, Philip T. Walmsley, “Reducing counterproductive work behavior through employee selection”, Human Resource Management Review, 2010, n. 20, s.65. Colbert , Amy E., Mount, Michael K., Harter, James K., Barrick, Murray R., Witt, L. A.: "Interactive Effects of Personality and Perceptions of the Work Situation on Workplace Deviance", Journal of Applied Psychology, 2004, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 599–609. Dawson, Christina Louise:“Dispositional and Attitudinal Explanations of Counterproductivity in Workplace”, University of California, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi,1996. Dilchert, S., Öneş, D. S., Davis, R. D., Rostow, C. D.:“Cognitive Ability Predicts Objectively Measured Counterproductive Work Behaviors”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2007. 92, pp. 616-627. Fida, R., Tramontano, C., Barbaranelli, C.: “An Integrative Approach to understanding Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Stressors, Negative Emotions, and Moral Disengagement”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2015, 130, pp, 131-144. Fox, Suzy, Spector, Paul E.: “A Model of Work Frustration-Aggression”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1999, Vol.20, pp. 915-931. Fox, Suzy, Spector, Paul E.Miles, Don:"Counterproductive Work Behavior in Response to Job Stressors and Organizational Justice: Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for Autonomy and Emotions", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2001, Vol:59, pp.291-309. Gonzalez-Mule, Erik, Mount, Michael K., Oh, In-Sue: “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between General Mental Ability and Nontask Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014, Vol. 99, No.6. pp. 1222-1243. Gruys, L.Melissa, Sackett, R. Paul,: “Investigating the Dimensionality of Counterproductive Work Behaior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Volume 11, no.1 March 2003, pp.30-42. Hakstian, A. Ralph, Farrell, Seonaid, Tweed, Roger G.:"The Assessment of Counterproductive Tendencies by Means of the California Psychological Inventory", International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol:10 (1/2), pp.58-86. Harris, Lloyd C., Ogbonna, Emmanuel: “Service Sabotage: A Study of Antecedents and Consequences” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2006, Volume 34, No. 4, pp. 543-558. Hershcovis, M. Sandy., Turner, Nick. Barling, Julian. Arnold, Kara. A., Dupre, Kathryne E., Inness, Michelle. Leblanc, Manon M., Sivanathan, Niro: “Predicting Workplace Aggression: A Meta Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psyhchology, 2007, vol 92. No.1, pp.228-238. Hollinger, R.C., Clark, J.P.:“Formal and Informal Social Controls of Employee Deviance”, The Sociology Quarterly, 1982, 23, pp. 333-343. Hunter, WFJR: “The Role of Integrity and Personality In Counterproductive Work Behaviour”, Stellenbosch University, PhD Thesis, 2014. Ilies, Remus, Scott, Brent A., Judge, Timothy A.:“The İnteractive Effects of Personal Traits and Experienced States on İntraindividual Patterns of Citizenship Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal, 2006, 49, pp. 561-575. Jung, H.S., Yoon, H.H. “The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Counterproductive Work Behaviors among Food and Beverage Employees in a Deluxe Hotel”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2012, 31 (2), 369-378. Katherine M. Fodchuk,: “Work Environments That Negate Counterproductive Behaviors and Foster Organizational Citizenship: Research-Based Recommendations for Managers”, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 2007, 10(1), pp. 27-46. Kelloway, E. Kevin, Francis, Lori, Prosser, Matthew, Cameron, James E.:"Counterproductive Work Behavior as Protest", Human Resource Management Review, 2010, 20, pp. 18-25. Kesslera, Stacey R., Spector, Paul E., Chang, Chu-Hsiang, Parr, Alissa D.: “Organizational Violence and Aggression: Development of the Three-Factor Violence Climate Survey”, Work & Stress, 2008, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 108-124. Le Kimdy, Donnellan, Brent M., Spilman, Sarah K., garcia, Pavlov O., Conger, Rand: "Workers Behaving Badly: Associations Between Adolescent Reports of the Big Five and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in Adulthood,” Personality and ındividual differences, 2014, 61-61, pp. 7-12. Levine, Edward L.: "Emotion and Power (As Social İnfluence): Their İmpact on Organizational Citizenship and Counterproductive İndividual and Organizational Behavior,” Human Resource Management Review, 2010, 20, pp. 4–17. Litzky, Barrie E., Eddleston, Kimberly A., Kidder, Deborah L.:“The Good, The Bad, and the Misguided How Managers Inadvertently Encourage Deviant Behaviors”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 2006, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 91-103. Marcus, Bernd; Wagner, Uwe, : "Combining Dispositions and Evaluations of Vocation and Job to Account for Counterproductive Work Behavior in Adolescent Job Apprentices", Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2007, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 161-176. Marcus, Bernd, Lee, Kibeom, Ashton, Micheal C.:“Personality Dimensions Explaining Relationships Between Integrity Tests and Counterproductive Behavior: Big Five, For One in Addition?”, Personnel Psychology, 2007, 60, pp. 1–34. Marcus, Bernd, Wagner, Uwe, Poole, Amanda, Powell, Deborah M., Carswell, Julie: “The relationship of GMA to counterproductive work behavior revisited”, European Journal of Personality, 2009, Volume.3 No.6, pp. 489-507. McClurg, L.A., Deborah, B.S.: “Workplace Theft: A Proposed Model and Research Agenda”, Southern Business Review, 2006, 31, pp. 25-34. Mikulay, Shawn; Neuman, George; Finkelstein, Lisa, :"Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour", Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 2001, 127, pp. 279-300. Miles, Donald E., Borman Walter E., Spector, Paul E., Fox, Suzy : “Building an Integrative Model of Extra Role Work Behaviors: A Comparison of Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, March/June, Vol.10, No:1/2, pp. 51-57. Mount, M., Ilies, R., Johnson, E.: “Relationship of Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction”, Personal Psychology, 2006, 59, pp. 591-622. Neuman, J. H., Baron, R. A. : “Workplace Aggression - The Iceberg Beneath The Tip of Workplace Violence: Evidence on its Forms, Frequency, and Targets”, Public Administration Quarterly, 1998 Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 447-464. Oh, In-Sue, Charlier, Teven D., Mount, Michael K., Berry, Christopher M.: “The Two Faces Of High Self-Monitors: Chameleonic Moderating Effects Of Self-Monitoring On The Relationships Between Personality Traits And Counterproductive Work Behaviors”, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 2014, Vol. 35.pp. 92-111. Öneş, Deniz S.: “Introduction to the Special Issue on Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol. 10 No. 1/2 March/June pp. 1-4. Öneş, D. S., Viswesvaran, C.:Personality and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. In M. Koslowsky, S. Stashevsky, & A. Sagie (Eds.), Misbehavior and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Organizations, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003, pp. 211-249. Öneş, D. S., Viswesvaran, C.: “Integrity Tests and Other Criterion-Focused Occupational Personality Scales (Cops) Used in Personnel Selection”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2001, 9, pp. 31-39. Özkalp, E., Aydın, U., Tekeli, S: “Sapkın örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafing) ve İş İlişkilerinde Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 2 (26), 18-33. Penney, M. , Spector, E.P.: “Job Stress, Incivility, and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): The Moderating Role of Negative Affectivity”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2005, Vol. 26: pp.777-796. Phipps, Simone T.A., Prieto, Leon C., Deis, Michael H.:“The Role Of Personality In Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Introducing Counterproductive Work Behavior And Integrating Impression Management As A Moderating Factor”, Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 2015, Vol. 19. N.1: pp.176-196. Popovich, Paula M., Warren, Michael A.: “The role of power in sexual harassment as a counterproductive behavior in organizations”, Human Resource Management Review, 2010, n.20, pp. 45–53. Probst, Tahira M., Stewart, Susan M., Gruys, Melissa L., Tierney, Bradley W.: “Productivity, counterproductivity and creativity: The ups and downs of job insecurity”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2007, n.80, pp.479–497. Reynolds, Clair A., Shoos, Mindy K., Jundt, Dustin K.: "In the Eye of the Beholder: A multi – staholder perspective of Organizational Citizenship and Counterproductive work Behaviors", Human Resource Management Review, 2015, Vol. 25, pp. 80-93. Robinson, Sandra L. Bennett, Rebecca J.:"A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study", Academy of Management Journal, 1995, Vol. 38(2), pp. 555-572. Salgado, Jesus: “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Counterproductive Behavior”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol.10, No: 1/2, pp.117-125. Sackett, Paul R.: "The Structure of Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Dimensionality and Relationships with Facets of Job Performance", International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2002, Vol: 10 (1/2), pp. 5-11. Scherer, Kelly T., Baysinger, M., Zolynsky, D., Lebreton, James M,: "Predicting Counterproductive Work Behaviors with sub-clinical Psychopaty”, Personality and Individual Differences, 2013, 55, 300-305. Sezici, Emre: "Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş Davranışları Üzerinde Kişilik Özelliklerinin Rolü”, International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies. 2015. 7 (14) Winter, 1-22. Skarlicki, Daniel P., Folger, Robert, Tesluk Paul: “Personality as A Moderator in the Relationship between Fairness and Retaliation”, Academy of Management Journal, (1999), Vol.42, No.1, s. 100-108. Smithikrai, Chuchai: “Moderating Effect of Situational Strength on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviour”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2008, 11, pp. 253-263 Spector, Paul E., Fox, Suzy:"An Emotion-Centered Model of Voluntary Work Behavior Some Parallels Between Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Human Resource Management Review, 2002, 12, pp. 269-292. Sackett, Paul R.; DeVore Cynthia J.:“Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”, (in), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, Volume 1, Eds. Neil Anderson, Deniz S. Öneş, Handan Kepir Sinangil, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. 2001, pp.145-164. Spector, Paul E., Zhou, Zhqing E.: "The Moderating Role of Gender in relationships of Stressors and Personality with Counterproductive Work Behavior", Journal of Business Psychology, 2014, Vol: 29, pp. 669-681. 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There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

İrfan Gültaş This is me

V. Lale Tüzüner

Publication Date May 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 46 Issue: 1


APA Gültaş, İ., & Tüzüner, V. L. (2017). Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46(1), 47-61.
AMA Gültaş İ, Tüzüner VL. Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. May 2017;46(1):47-61.
Chicago Gültaş, İrfan, and V. Lale Tüzüner. “Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri Ve Bilişsel Yetenek Ile İlişkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 46, no. 1 (May 2017): 47-61.
EndNote Gültaş İ, Tüzüner VL (May 1, 2017) Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 46 1 47–61.
IEEE İ. Gültaş and V. L. Tüzüner, “Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 47–61, 2017.
ISNAD Gültaş, İrfan - Tüzüner, V. Lale. “Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri Ve Bilişsel Yetenek Ile İlişkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 46/1 (May 2017), 47-61.
JAMA Gültaş İ, Tüzüner VL. Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;46:47–61.
MLA Gültaş, İrfan and V. Lale Tüzüner. “Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri Ve Bilişsel Yetenek Ile İlişkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 46, no. 1, 2017, pp. 47-61.
Vancouver Gültaş İ, Tüzüner VL. Verimlilik Karşıtı İş Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Bilişsel Yetenek ile İlişkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;46(1):47-61.