Research Article
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“Family-power, experience, culture” scale and a research about the relationship between family influence and top managersi view about managers who are family members in the family businesses

Year 2010, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 335 - 358, 02.12.2009


In this study, the “family-power, experience, culture (F-PEC)” scale that assesses family influence, was subjected. The first purpose of the study is to find out the extent to which the “F-PEC scale” that is observed to be used to measure family influence concept in international literature, is suitable for family businesses in Turkey. The second purpose of the study is to find out whether family influence facts affect the ideas of top managers about the managers who are “family members”. A research was conducted for these purposes at October 2009. In the research, the family businesses that are present in eight organized industrial zones of Istanbul were considered and questionnaires were applied to the family members, who are the top managers of these businesses. While family influence depends on the items of F-PEC; the view about the managers, who are family members, was formed by the items derived from the relevant literature. According to results obtained, the F-PEC scale isn’t exactly suitable for family businesses in the sample. Also, some of the family influence facts can affect top managers’ ideas about the managers who are family members. 


  • Family Firm Institute, Facts and Perspectives on Family Businesses Around the World. Erişim: 06.10.2009, <>.
  • J.L. Ward and C. Dolan, Defining and Describing Family Business Ownership Configurations. Family Business Review, 11, 4, 305–310 (1998).
  • J. Davis and R. Tagiuri, Bivalent Attributes of the Family Firm. Family Business Review, 9, 2, 199–208 (1996).
  • M.K. Fiegener, et al., A Comparison of Successor Development in Family and Nonfamily Businesses. Family Business Review. 7, 4, 313–329 (1994).
  • M.C. Shanker and J.H. Astrachan, Myths and Realities: Family Businesses’ Contribution to the U.S. Economy-A Framework for Assessing Family Business Statistics. Family Business Review. 9, 2, 107–122 (1996).
  • G.E. Gümüştekin, KOBİ Niteliğindeki Aile İşletmelerinin Yönetim ve Organizasyon Sorunları: Kütahya Seramik Sanayi Örneği. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 6, 1, 71–92 (2005).
  • J.A. Alcaraz, Family Influence on Financial Performance Satisfaction in Mexican Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Alliant International University, 2004.
  • S.D. Von Buch, The Relationship of Family Influence, Top Management Teams’ Behavioral Integration and Firm Performance in German Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Alliant International University, 2006.
  • P. Sharma ve S. Manikutty, Strategic Divestments in Family Firms: Role of Family Structure and Community Culture. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 29, 3, 293–311 (2005).
  • C.C. Stewart ve S.M. Danes, Inclusion and Control in Resort Family Businesses: A Developmental Approach to Conflict. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 22, 3, 293–319 (2001).
  • J.J. Chrisman, J.H. Chua, ve L.P. Steier, The Influence of National Culture and Family Involvement on Entrepreneurial Perceptions and Performance at the State Level. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 26, 113–130 (2002).
  • C.M. Daily ve M.J. Dollinger, An Empirical Examination of Ownership Structure in Family and Professionally Managed Firms. Family Business Review. 5, 2, 117–136 (1992).
  • B. Lauterbach ve A. Vaninsky, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Israel. Journal of Management and Governance. 3, 2, 189–201 (1999).
  • L.R. Gomez-Mejia, M. Nunez-Nickel ve I. Gutierrez, The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts. Academy of Management Journal. 44, 1, 81–95 (2001).
  • S.N. Rodriguez, G.J. Hildreth ve J. Mancuso, The Dynamics of Families in Business: How Therapists Can Help in Ways Consultants Don’t. Contemporary Family Therapy. 21, 4, 453–468 (1999).
  • R.J. Avery, D.C. Haynes ve G.W. Haynes, Managing Work and Family: The Decision to Outsource Child Care in Families Engaged in Family-owned Businesses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 21, 3, 227–258 (2000).
  • P. Karofsky, R. Millen, M.R. Yılmaz, K.X. Smyrnios, G.A. Tanewski ve C.A. Romano, Work-family Conflict and Emotional Well-being in American Family Businesses. Family Business Review. 14, 4, 313–324 (2001).
  • N. Athanassiou, W.F. Crittenden, L.M. Kelly ve P. Marquez, Founder Centrality Effects on the Mexican Family Firms’ Top Management Group: Firm Culture, Strategic Vision and Goals and Firm Performance. Journal of World Business. 37, 139–150 (2002).
  • D. Sraer ve D. Teshmar, Performance and Behavior of Family Firms: Evidence from the French Stock Market. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < paper_rev2.pdf> (2006).
  • E. Garcia-Alvarez, J. Lopez-Sintas ve P.S. Gonzalvo, Socialization Partterns of Successors in First to Second Generation Family Businesses. Family Business Review. 15, 3, 189–204 (2002).
  • S.B. Pontet, C. Wrosch ve M. Gagne, An Exploration of the Generational Differences in Levels of Control Held Among Family Businesses Approaching Succession. Family Business Review. 20, 4, 337–354 (2007).
  • L.K. Gundry ve H.P. Welsch, Differences in Familial Influence among Women-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 7, 3, 273–286 (1994).
  • K. LaChapelle ve L.B. Barnes, The Trust Catalyst in Family-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 11, 1, 1–17 (1998).
  • B.R. Rowe ve G.S. Hong, The Role of Wives in Family Business: The Paid and Unpaid Work of Women. Family Business Review. 13, 1, 1–13 (2000).
  • K. Kaye, Mate Selection and Family Business Success. Family Business Review. 12, 2, 107–115 (1999).
  • J. Astrachan, S.B. Klein ve K.X. Smyrnios, The F-PEC Scale of Family Influence: A Proposal for Solving the Family Business Definition Problem. Family Business Review. 15, 1, 45–59 (2002).
  • J.A. Barach ve J.B. Ganitsky, Successful Succession in Family Business. Family Business Review. 8, 2, 131–155 (1995).
  • P. Jaskiewicz, V.M. Gonzalez, S. Menendez ve D. Schiereck, Long-run IPO Performance Analysis of German and Spanish Family-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 18, 3, 179–202 (2005).
  • J.A. Di Pofi, Effects of Family Influence on Satisfaction with Financial Performance in Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Auburn University, 2003.
  • K.M. Eisenhardt, Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review. Academy of Management Review. 14, 1, 57–74 (1989).
  • W.S. Schulze, M.H. Lubatkin ve R.N. Dino, Toward a Theory of Agency and Altruism in Family Firms. Journal of Business Venturing. 18, 4, 473–490 (2003).
  • Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Üst Kuruluşu, Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İkitelli OSB Başkanlığı, Firma Rehberi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İstanbul Deri OSB, Firma Rehberi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < com_sobi2&Itemid=18>.
  • İstanbul Tuzla OSB, Tüm Firmaların Listesi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • KobiEfor, Tuzla Kimya Sanayicileri. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • Tuzla Mermerciler OSB, Tuzla Mermerciler OSB Faaliyette Bulunan Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <http://www.tmosb. com/dosyalar/faalliste.xls>.
  • Boya Vernik OSB, Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İstanbul Beylikdüzü OSB, Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009), <>.
  • İstanbul Dudullu OSB, Bölgedeki Kuruluşlar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < kuruluslar.asp>.
  • G.D. Garson, Scales and Standard Measures. Erişim: 11.11.2009, < PA765/standard.htm#internal>.
  • K.V. Mardia, J.T. Kent ve J.M. Bibby, Multivariate Analysis. Academic Press, London, 1979, p.244.
  • N. Ravishanker ve D. Dey, A First Course in Linear Model Theory. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Florida, 2002, p.92.
  • R.J. Rummel, Applied Factor Analysis. Library of Congress, USA, 1970, p.441.
  • L.S. Meyers, G. Garnst ve A.J. Guarino, Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. Sage Publications, California, 2006, p.343.

“Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma

Year 2010, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 335 - 358, 02.12.2009


Bu çalışmada aile etkisini değerlendiren “aile-güç, deneyim, kültür (A-GDK)” ölçeği konu edilmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk amacı, uluslararası literatürde aile etkisi kavramının ölçülmesinde kullanıldığı gözlemlenen “A-GDK ölçeği”nin Türkiye’deki aile işletmelerine ne kadar uygun olduğunu ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmanın ikinci amacı ise, aile etkisi unsurlarının, aile işletmelerinin tepe yöneticilerinin “aile üyesi olan” yöneticiler hakkındaki düşüncelerini etkileyip etkilemediklerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaçlara yönelik olarak Ekim 2009’da bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, İstanbul’un sekiz organize sanayi bölgesinde bulunan aile işletmeleri dikkate alınmış ve bu işletmelerin en üst düzey yöneticileri olan aile üyelerine anket uygulanmıştır. Aile etkisi, A-GDK ölçeği ifadelerine dayanmakta iken; aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakış, ilgili literatürden elde edilen ifadelerden oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre A-GDK ölçeği örneklemdeki aile işletmelerine birebir uygun değildir. Ayrıca aile etkisi unsurlarının bir kısmı, tepe yöneticisinin aile üyesi olan yöneticiler hakkındaki düşüncelerini etkileyebilmektedir.


  • Family Firm Institute, Facts and Perspectives on Family Businesses Around the World. Erişim: 06.10.2009, <>.
  • J.L. Ward and C. Dolan, Defining and Describing Family Business Ownership Configurations. Family Business Review, 11, 4, 305–310 (1998).
  • J. Davis and R. Tagiuri, Bivalent Attributes of the Family Firm. Family Business Review, 9, 2, 199–208 (1996).
  • M.K. Fiegener, et al., A Comparison of Successor Development in Family and Nonfamily Businesses. Family Business Review. 7, 4, 313–329 (1994).
  • M.C. Shanker and J.H. Astrachan, Myths and Realities: Family Businesses’ Contribution to the U.S. Economy-A Framework for Assessing Family Business Statistics. Family Business Review. 9, 2, 107–122 (1996).
  • G.E. Gümüştekin, KOBİ Niteliğindeki Aile İşletmelerinin Yönetim ve Organizasyon Sorunları: Kütahya Seramik Sanayi Örneği. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 6, 1, 71–92 (2005).
  • J.A. Alcaraz, Family Influence on Financial Performance Satisfaction in Mexican Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Alliant International University, 2004.
  • S.D. Von Buch, The Relationship of Family Influence, Top Management Teams’ Behavioral Integration and Firm Performance in German Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Alliant International University, 2006.
  • P. Sharma ve S. Manikutty, Strategic Divestments in Family Firms: Role of Family Structure and Community Culture. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 29, 3, 293–311 (2005).
  • C.C. Stewart ve S.M. Danes, Inclusion and Control in Resort Family Businesses: A Developmental Approach to Conflict. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 22, 3, 293–319 (2001).
  • J.J. Chrisman, J.H. Chua, ve L.P. Steier, The Influence of National Culture and Family Involvement on Entrepreneurial Perceptions and Performance at the State Level. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 26, 113–130 (2002).
  • C.M. Daily ve M.J. Dollinger, An Empirical Examination of Ownership Structure in Family and Professionally Managed Firms. Family Business Review. 5, 2, 117–136 (1992).
  • B. Lauterbach ve A. Vaninsky, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Israel. Journal of Management and Governance. 3, 2, 189–201 (1999).
  • L.R. Gomez-Mejia, M. Nunez-Nickel ve I. Gutierrez, The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts. Academy of Management Journal. 44, 1, 81–95 (2001).
  • S.N. Rodriguez, G.J. Hildreth ve J. Mancuso, The Dynamics of Families in Business: How Therapists Can Help in Ways Consultants Don’t. Contemporary Family Therapy. 21, 4, 453–468 (1999).
  • R.J. Avery, D.C. Haynes ve G.W. Haynes, Managing Work and Family: The Decision to Outsource Child Care in Families Engaged in Family-owned Businesses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 21, 3, 227–258 (2000).
  • P. Karofsky, R. Millen, M.R. Yılmaz, K.X. Smyrnios, G.A. Tanewski ve C.A. Romano, Work-family Conflict and Emotional Well-being in American Family Businesses. Family Business Review. 14, 4, 313–324 (2001).
  • N. Athanassiou, W.F. Crittenden, L.M. Kelly ve P. Marquez, Founder Centrality Effects on the Mexican Family Firms’ Top Management Group: Firm Culture, Strategic Vision and Goals and Firm Performance. Journal of World Business. 37, 139–150 (2002).
  • D. Sraer ve D. Teshmar, Performance and Behavior of Family Firms: Evidence from the French Stock Market. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < paper_rev2.pdf> (2006).
  • E. Garcia-Alvarez, J. Lopez-Sintas ve P.S. Gonzalvo, Socialization Partterns of Successors in First to Second Generation Family Businesses. Family Business Review. 15, 3, 189–204 (2002).
  • S.B. Pontet, C. Wrosch ve M. Gagne, An Exploration of the Generational Differences in Levels of Control Held Among Family Businesses Approaching Succession. Family Business Review. 20, 4, 337–354 (2007).
  • L.K. Gundry ve H.P. Welsch, Differences in Familial Influence among Women-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 7, 3, 273–286 (1994).
  • K. LaChapelle ve L.B. Barnes, The Trust Catalyst in Family-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 11, 1, 1–17 (1998).
  • B.R. Rowe ve G.S. Hong, The Role of Wives in Family Business: The Paid and Unpaid Work of Women. Family Business Review. 13, 1, 1–13 (2000).
  • K. Kaye, Mate Selection and Family Business Success. Family Business Review. 12, 2, 107–115 (1999).
  • J. Astrachan, S.B. Klein ve K.X. Smyrnios, The F-PEC Scale of Family Influence: A Proposal for Solving the Family Business Definition Problem. Family Business Review. 15, 1, 45–59 (2002).
  • J.A. Barach ve J.B. Ganitsky, Successful Succession in Family Business. Family Business Review. 8, 2, 131–155 (1995).
  • P. Jaskiewicz, V.M. Gonzalez, S. Menendez ve D. Schiereck, Long-run IPO Performance Analysis of German and Spanish Family-owned Businesses. Family Business Review. 18, 3, 179–202 (2005).
  • J.A. Di Pofi, Effects of Family Influence on Satisfaction with Financial Performance in Family Businesses. Ph.D. Thesis, Auburn University, 2003.
  • K.M. Eisenhardt, Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review. Academy of Management Review. 14, 1, 57–74 (1989).
  • W.S. Schulze, M.H. Lubatkin ve R.N. Dino, Toward a Theory of Agency and Altruism in Family Firms. Journal of Business Venturing. 18, 4, 473–490 (2003).
  • Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Üst Kuruluşu, Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İkitelli OSB Başkanlığı, Firma Rehberi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İstanbul Deri OSB, Firma Rehberi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < com_sobi2&Itemid=18>.
  • İstanbul Tuzla OSB, Tüm Firmaların Listesi. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • KobiEfor, Tuzla Kimya Sanayicileri. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • Tuzla Mermerciler OSB, Tuzla Mermerciler OSB Faaliyette Bulunan Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <http://www.tmosb. com/dosyalar/faalliste.xls>.
  • Boya Vernik OSB, Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, <>.
  • İstanbul Beylikdüzü OSB, Firmalar. Erişim: 03.10.2009), <>.
  • İstanbul Dudullu OSB, Bölgedeki Kuruluşlar. Erişim: 03.10.2009, < kuruluslar.asp>.
  • G.D. Garson, Scales and Standard Measures. Erişim: 11.11.2009, < PA765/standard.htm#internal>.
  • K.V. Mardia, J.T. Kent ve J.M. Bibby, Multivariate Analysis. Academic Press, London, 1979, p.244.
  • N. Ravishanker ve D. Dey, A First Course in Linear Model Theory. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Florida, 2002, p.92.
  • R.J. Rummel, Applied Factor Analysis. Library of Congress, USA, 1970, p.441.
  • L.S. Meyers, G. Garnst ve A.J. Guarino, Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. Sage Publications, California, 2006, p.343.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Management and Organization

Evren Ayrancı This is me

Fatih Semerciöz

Publication Date December 2, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 39 Issue: 2


APA Ayrancı, E., & Semerciöz, F. (2009). “Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(2), 335-358.
AMA Ayrancı E, Semerciöz F. “Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2009;39(2):335-358.
Chicago Ayrancı, Evren, and Fatih Semerciöz. “‘Aile-güç, Deneyim, kültür’ ölçeği Ve Aile işletmelerinde Aile Etkisi Ile Tepe yöneticilerin Aile üyesi Olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine Bir araştırma”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 39, no. 2 (December 2009): 335-58.
EndNote Ayrancı E, Semerciöz F (December 1, 2009) “Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 39 2 335–358.
IEEE E. Ayrancı and F. Semerciöz, “‘Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür’ ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 335–358, 2009.
ISNAD Ayrancı, Evren - Semerciöz, Fatih. “‘Aile-güç, Deneyim, kültür’ ölçeği Ve Aile işletmelerinde Aile Etkisi Ile Tepe yöneticilerin Aile üyesi Olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine Bir araştırma”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 39/2 (December 2009), 335-358.
JAMA Ayrancı E, Semerciöz F. “Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;39:335–358.
MLA Ayrancı, Evren and Fatih Semerciöz. “‘Aile-güç, Deneyim, kültür’ ölçeği Ve Aile işletmelerinde Aile Etkisi Ile Tepe yöneticilerin Aile üyesi Olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine Bir araştırma”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 2, 2009, pp. 335-58.
Vancouver Ayrancı E, Semerciöz F. “Aile-güç, deneyim, kültür” ölçeği ve aile işletmelerinde aile etkisi ile tepe yöneticilerin aile üyesi olan yöneticilere yönelik bakışı arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;39(2):335-58.