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Year 2023, , 393 - 401, 01.12.2023


Altı Şubat Kahramanmaraş depremleri ülkemizdeki en büyük afetlerden biri olmuştur. Depremlerin şiddeti, geniş alana yayılması ve insan kaynaklı boyutunun da olması bu afeti neredeyse tüm ülkeyi etkisi altına alan kitlesel bir travma haline getirmiştir. Afetlerden etkilenen bireyler olaydan sonra birçok farklı psikolojik belirti yaşayabilmekte ve en sık bildirilen tanı Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) olmasına rağmen, depresyon ve anksiyete gibi birçok psikiyatrik bozukluk görülebilmektedir. Afeti yaşayan bireylerin yanı sıra bölgeye yardım için giden kurtarma ve sağlık çalışanlarında da ruhsal sorunlar gözlemlenebilir. Psikolojik ilk yardım (PİY), psikoterapiler, ilaçlar gibi farklı yöntemler afetin çok erken döneminden itibaren sonraki aylara kadar uygulanabilir. Travma sonrası büyüme (TSB), büyük travmalardan sonra bireylerde ve topluluklarda büyük acılarla başa çıkma mekanizmalarından biri olarak gelişebilir. Bu makalede, başta deprem olmak üzere büyük afetler sonrasında gelişen psikolojik etkiler ile tedavi yaklaşımları sunulacak ve TSB anlatılacaktır.


  • 1. Öztürk AU. Depremlerde hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı 50 bin 96'ya yükseldi, İHA, [cited 2023 March 20]. Available from:. google scholar
  • 2. Saeed SA, Gargano SP. Natural disasters and mental health. Int Rev Psychiatry 2022;34(1):16-25. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 3. Wu Z, Xu J, He L. Psychological consequences and associated risk factors among adult survivors of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. BMC Psychiatry 2014;(14):1-11. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 4. Yıldız Mİ, Başterzi AD, Yıldırım EA, Yüksel Ş, Aker AT, Semerci B et al. Deprem sonrası erken dönemde koruyucu ve tedavi edici ruh sağlığı hizmeti-Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği uzman görüşü. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2023;34(1):39-49. google scholar
  • 5. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Text Revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing; 2013. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 6. Ehlers A, Clark DM. A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behav Res Ther 2000;38(4):319-45. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 7. Norenzayan A, Lee A. It was meant to happen: explaining cultural variations in fate attributions. J Pers Soc Psychol 2010;98:702-20. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 8. Taşcı GA, Özsoy F. Deprem travmasının erken dönem psikolojik etkileri ve olası risk faktörleri. Cukurova Med J 2021;46(2):488-94. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 9. Galea S, Nandi A, Vlahov D. The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters. Epidemiol Rev, 2005;27(1):78-91. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 10. Cheng Y, Wang F, Wen J, Shi Y. Risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after Wenchuan earthquake: a case-control study. PLoS One 2014;9(5):e96644. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 11. Tural U, Coskun B, Onder E, Çorapçioğlu, A, Yildiz, M, Kesepara C, et al. Psychological consequences of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey. J Trauma Stress 2004;17(6):451-9. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 12. Bromet EJ, Atwoli L, Kawakami N, Navarro-Mateu F, Piotrowski P, King AJ, et al. Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with natural and human-made disasters in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2017; 47(2): 227-241. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 13. Foa EB, Zinbarg R, Rothbaum BO. Uncontrollability and unpredictability in post-traumatic stress disorder: an animal model. Psychol Bull 1992;112(2):218-38. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 14. Kalkan HS, Karakılıç H. Afet sonrası yeniden yapılanma; ruhsal travmalar ve toplumsal yaklaşımlar. In: Aker T, Aydın N, Beşiroğlu L, Çelik F, editors. Van-Erciş 2011 depremleri Tpd etkinlikleri ve deneyimleri. Ankara: Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları; 2014.p. 91-111. google scholar
  • 15. Figley CR, editor. Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. New York: Psychology Press; 1995. google scholar
  • 16. Meadors P, Lamson A, Swanson M, White M, Sira N. Secondary traumatization in pediatric healthcare providers: Compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Omega 2010;60(2):103-28. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 17. Kanno H, Giddings M. Hidden trauma victims: Understanding and preventing traumatic stress in mental health professionals. Soc Work Ment Health 2017;15(3):331-53. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 18. Perez-Bret E., Rocafort J, Altisent R. Definition of compassion in healthcare: A systematic literature review. Int J Palliat Nurs 2016;22(12):599-606. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 19. Adams RE, Boscarino, JA, Figley CR. Compassion fatigue and psychological distress among social workers: A validation study. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2006;76(1):103-8. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 20. Maslach C. A Multidimensional theory of burnout. In: Cooper CL, editor. In: Cooper CL, editor. Theories of Organizational Stress. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 p.68-85 google scholar
  • 21. Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout. Annu Rev Psychol 2001;52(1):397-422. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 22. Kelly L. Burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma in nurses: Recognizing the occupational phenomenon and personal consequences of caregiving. Crit Care Nurs Q 2020;43(1):73-80. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 23. North CS. Current research and recent breakthroughs on the mental health effects of disasters. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2014;16(10):481. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 24. Hobfoll SE, Watson PJ, Bell CC. Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: Empirical evidence. Psychiatry 2007;70(4):283-315. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 25. Bisson JI, Tavakoly B, Witteveen AB, Ajdukovic D, Jehel L, Johansen VJ et al. TENTS guidelines: development of post-disaster psychosocial care guidelines through a Delphi process. Br J Psychiatry 2010;196(1):69-74. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 26. McFarlane AC, Williams R. Mental health services required after disasters: Learning from the lasting effects of disasters. Depress Res Treat 2012;2012:970194. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 27. Brymer M, Jacobs A, Layne C, Pynoos R, Josef R, Alan S et al. Psychological First Aid (PFA): Field operations guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: National Child Traumatic Stress 39. Network National Center for PTSD; 2006. google scholar
  • 28. Field JE, Wehrman JD, Yoo MS. Helping the weeping, worried, and willful: Psychological First Aid for primary and 40. secondary students, J Asia Pac Couns 2017;7(2):169-80. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 29. Bell H. Strengths and secondary trauma in family violence work. Soc Work 2003;48(4):513-22. [CrossRef] 41. google scholar
  • 30. Gispen F, Wu AW. Psychological first aid: CPR for mental health crises in healthcare. J Patient Saf Risk Manag 42. 2018;23(2):51-3. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 31. Kc A, Gan CCR, Dwirahmadi F. Breaking through barriers and building disaster mental resilience: A case study in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. Int J Environ Res 43. Public Health 2019;16(16):2964. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 32. Hechanova RM, Ramos PAP, Waelde L. Group-based 44. mindfulness-informed psychological first aid after Typhoon Haiyan. Disaster Prev Manag 2015;24(5):610-8. [CrossRef] 45. google scholar
  • 33. Treleaven DA. Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing. New York: W.W. Norton, 2018. google scholar
  • 34. Shapiro F. Efficacy of the eye movement desensitization procedure in the treatment of traumatic memories. J Trauma Stress 1989;2(2):199-23. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 35. Shapiro F. EMDR 12 years after its introduction: Past and future research. J Clin Psychol 2002;58(1):1-22. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 36. Grainger RD, Levin C, Allen-Byrd L, Doctor RM, Lee H. An 48. empirical evaluation of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with survivors of a natural disaster. J Trauma Stress 1997;10(4):665-71. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 37. Ichii M. Application of eye movement desensitization and 49. reprocessing (EMDR) to survivors of the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake: Treatment with less stress for stress disorder. Japan J Biofeedback Res 1997;24:38-44. google scholar
  • 38. Konuk E, Knipe J, Eke I, Yüksek H, Yurtsever A, Ostep S. The effects of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy on posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of the1999 Marmara, Turkey, earthquake. Int J Stress Manag 2006;13(3):291-308. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 39. Mukba G, Tanrıverdi S, Tanhan F. Investigation of the efficacy of EMDR in earthquake trauma: Case report. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 2020;49(1):477-500. google scholar
  • 40. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. The management of post traumatic stress disorder in primary and secondary care. 2023 March 26 google scholar
  • 41. Foa EB, Kozak MJ. Emotional processing of fear: Exposure to corrective information. Psychol Bull 1986;99(1):20-35. [CrossRef google scholar
  • 42. Cohen JA, Mannarino AP, Staron VR. A pilot study of modified cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood traumatic grief (CBT-CTG). J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006;45(12):1465-73 [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 43. Direk Tecirli N. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda güncel tedaviler. Psikiyatride Güncel 2021;11(3):303-14. google scholar
  • 44. Gökalp PG. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda ilaç tedavisi. Klin Psikiyatri 2000;3(3):21-8. google scholar
  • 45. ISTSS. Posttraumatic stress disorder prevention and treatment guidelines methodology and recommendations 2018. 2023 May 06 google scholar
  • 46. Card P. CARD, Pocket. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder. Focus 2017;16(4):430-48. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 47. Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. Trauma & transformation: Growing in the aftermath of suffering. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 48. Dursun P, Steger MF, Bentele C, Schulenberg SE. Meaning and posttraumatic growth among survivors of the September 2013 Colorado floods. J Clin Psychol 2016;72 (12):1247-63. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 49. Cann A, Calhoun LG, Tedeschi RG, Triplett KN, Vishnevsky T, Lindstrom CM. Assessing posttraumatic cognitive processes: The Event Related Rumination Inventory. Anxiety Stress Coping 2011;24(2):137-56. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 50. Frazier P, Greer C, Gabrielsen S, Tennen H, Park C, Tomich P. The relation between trauma exposure and prosocial behavior. Psychol Trauma 2013;5(3):286-94. [CrossRef] google scholar


Year 2023, , 393 - 401, 01.12.2023


The February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaraş earthquakes were reported as one of the biggest disasters in our country. The magnitude of the natural events, the large-scale impact, and its man-made aspect made this disaster a mass trauma that affected almost the entire country. Survivors can experience many different psychological symptoms after disasters, and although Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the most frequently reported one, all psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety, can be seen. In addition to the individuals who experienced the earthquake, mental problems can be observed in rescue and health workers who go to the region to help. Different methods such as psychological first aid (PFA), psychotherapies, and drugs can be applied from very early to the following months after the disaster. Post-traumatic growth (PTG) can also develop as one of the mechanisms for coping with great suffering in individuals and communities after major traumas. This article will present the psychological effects that develop after major disasters, especially earthquakes, the treatment approaches, and discuss PTG.


  • 1. Öztürk AU. Depremlerde hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı 50 bin 96'ya yükseldi, İHA, [cited 2023 March 20]. Available from:. google scholar
  • 2. Saeed SA, Gargano SP. Natural disasters and mental health. Int Rev Psychiatry 2022;34(1):16-25. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 3. Wu Z, Xu J, He L. Psychological consequences and associated risk factors among adult survivors of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. BMC Psychiatry 2014;(14):1-11. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 4. Yıldız Mİ, Başterzi AD, Yıldırım EA, Yüksel Ş, Aker AT, Semerci B et al. Deprem sonrası erken dönemde koruyucu ve tedavi edici ruh sağlığı hizmeti-Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği uzman görüşü. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2023;34(1):39-49. google scholar
  • 5. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Text Revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing; 2013. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 6. Ehlers A, Clark DM. A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behav Res Ther 2000;38(4):319-45. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 7. Norenzayan A, Lee A. It was meant to happen: explaining cultural variations in fate attributions. J Pers Soc Psychol 2010;98:702-20. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 8. Taşcı GA, Özsoy F. Deprem travmasının erken dönem psikolojik etkileri ve olası risk faktörleri. Cukurova Med J 2021;46(2):488-94. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 9. Galea S, Nandi A, Vlahov D. The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters. Epidemiol Rev, 2005;27(1):78-91. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 10. Cheng Y, Wang F, Wen J, Shi Y. Risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after Wenchuan earthquake: a case-control study. PLoS One 2014;9(5):e96644. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 11. Tural U, Coskun B, Onder E, Çorapçioğlu, A, Yildiz, M, Kesepara C, et al. Psychological consequences of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey. J Trauma Stress 2004;17(6):451-9. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 12. Bromet EJ, Atwoli L, Kawakami N, Navarro-Mateu F, Piotrowski P, King AJ, et al. Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with natural and human-made disasters in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2017; 47(2): 227-241. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 13. Foa EB, Zinbarg R, Rothbaum BO. Uncontrollability and unpredictability in post-traumatic stress disorder: an animal model. Psychol Bull 1992;112(2):218-38. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 14. Kalkan HS, Karakılıç H. Afet sonrası yeniden yapılanma; ruhsal travmalar ve toplumsal yaklaşımlar. In: Aker T, Aydın N, Beşiroğlu L, Çelik F, editors. Van-Erciş 2011 depremleri Tpd etkinlikleri ve deneyimleri. Ankara: Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları; 2014.p. 91-111. google scholar
  • 15. Figley CR, editor. Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. New York: Psychology Press; 1995. google scholar
  • 16. Meadors P, Lamson A, Swanson M, White M, Sira N. Secondary traumatization in pediatric healthcare providers: Compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Omega 2010;60(2):103-28. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 17. Kanno H, Giddings M. Hidden trauma victims: Understanding and preventing traumatic stress in mental health professionals. Soc Work Ment Health 2017;15(3):331-53. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 18. Perez-Bret E., Rocafort J, Altisent R. Definition of compassion in healthcare: A systematic literature review. Int J Palliat Nurs 2016;22(12):599-606. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 19. Adams RE, Boscarino, JA, Figley CR. Compassion fatigue and psychological distress among social workers: A validation study. Am J Orthopsychiatry 2006;76(1):103-8. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 20. Maslach C. A Multidimensional theory of burnout. In: Cooper CL, editor. In: Cooper CL, editor. Theories of Organizational Stress. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 p.68-85 google scholar
  • 21. Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout. Annu Rev Psychol 2001;52(1):397-422. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 22. Kelly L. Burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma in nurses: Recognizing the occupational phenomenon and personal consequences of caregiving. Crit Care Nurs Q 2020;43(1):73-80. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 23. North CS. Current research and recent breakthroughs on the mental health effects of disasters. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2014;16(10):481. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 24. Hobfoll SE, Watson PJ, Bell CC. Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: Empirical evidence. Psychiatry 2007;70(4):283-315. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 25. Bisson JI, Tavakoly B, Witteveen AB, Ajdukovic D, Jehel L, Johansen VJ et al. TENTS guidelines: development of post-disaster psychosocial care guidelines through a Delphi process. Br J Psychiatry 2010;196(1):69-74. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 26. McFarlane AC, Williams R. Mental health services required after disasters: Learning from the lasting effects of disasters. Depress Res Treat 2012;2012:970194. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 27. Brymer M, Jacobs A, Layne C, Pynoos R, Josef R, Alan S et al. Psychological First Aid (PFA): Field operations guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: National Child Traumatic Stress 39. Network National Center for PTSD; 2006. google scholar
  • 28. Field JE, Wehrman JD, Yoo MS. Helping the weeping, worried, and willful: Psychological First Aid for primary and 40. secondary students, J Asia Pac Couns 2017;7(2):169-80. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 29. Bell H. Strengths and secondary trauma in family violence work. Soc Work 2003;48(4):513-22. [CrossRef] 41. google scholar
  • 30. Gispen F, Wu AW. Psychological first aid: CPR for mental health crises in healthcare. J Patient Saf Risk Manag 42. 2018;23(2):51-3. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 31. Kc A, Gan CCR, Dwirahmadi F. Breaking through barriers and building disaster mental resilience: A case study in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. Int J Environ Res 43. Public Health 2019;16(16):2964. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 32. Hechanova RM, Ramos PAP, Waelde L. Group-based 44. mindfulness-informed psychological first aid after Typhoon Haiyan. Disaster Prev Manag 2015;24(5):610-8. [CrossRef] 45. google scholar
  • 33. Treleaven DA. Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing. New York: W.W. Norton, 2018. google scholar
  • 34. Shapiro F. Efficacy of the eye movement desensitization procedure in the treatment of traumatic memories. J Trauma Stress 1989;2(2):199-23. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 35. Shapiro F. EMDR 12 years after its introduction: Past and future research. J Clin Psychol 2002;58(1):1-22. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 36. Grainger RD, Levin C, Allen-Byrd L, Doctor RM, Lee H. An 48. empirical evaluation of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with survivors of a natural disaster. J Trauma Stress 1997;10(4):665-71. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 37. Ichii M. Application of eye movement desensitization and 49. reprocessing (EMDR) to survivors of the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake: Treatment with less stress for stress disorder. Japan J Biofeedback Res 1997;24:38-44. google scholar
  • 38. Konuk E, Knipe J, Eke I, Yüksek H, Yurtsever A, Ostep S. The effects of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy on posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of the1999 Marmara, Turkey, earthquake. Int J Stress Manag 2006;13(3):291-308. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 39. Mukba G, Tanrıverdi S, Tanhan F. Investigation of the efficacy of EMDR in earthquake trauma: Case report. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 2020;49(1):477-500. google scholar
  • 40. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. The management of post traumatic stress disorder in primary and secondary care. 2023 March 26 google scholar
  • 41. Foa EB, Kozak MJ. Emotional processing of fear: Exposure to corrective information. Psychol Bull 1986;99(1):20-35. [CrossRef google scholar
  • 42. Cohen JA, Mannarino AP, Staron VR. A pilot study of modified cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood traumatic grief (CBT-CTG). J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006;45(12):1465-73 [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 43. Direk Tecirli N. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda güncel tedaviler. Psikiyatride Güncel 2021;11(3):303-14. google scholar
  • 44. Gökalp PG. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda ilaç tedavisi. Klin Psikiyatri 2000;3(3):21-8. google scholar
  • 45. ISTSS. Posttraumatic stress disorder prevention and treatment guidelines methodology and recommendations 2018. 2023 May 06 google scholar
  • 46. Card P. CARD, Pocket. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder. Focus 2017;16(4):430-48. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 47. Tedeschi RG, Calhoun LG. Trauma & transformation: Growing in the aftermath of suffering. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 48. Dursun P, Steger MF, Bentele C, Schulenberg SE. Meaning and posttraumatic growth among survivors of the September 2013 Colorado floods. J Clin Psychol 2016;72 (12):1247-63. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 49. Cann A, Calhoun LG, Tedeschi RG, Triplett KN, Vishnevsky T, Lindstrom CM. Assessing posttraumatic cognitive processes: The Event Related Rumination Inventory. Anxiety Stress Coping 2011;24(2):137-56. [CrossRef] google scholar
  • 50. Frazier P, Greer C, Gabrielsen S, Tennen H, Park C, Tomich P. The relation between trauma exposure and prosocial behavior. Psychol Trauma 2013;5(3):286-94. [CrossRef] google scholar
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Services and Systems (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Irmak Polat 0000-0003-3631-6018

Dilek Anuk 0000-0001-7804-5434

Mine Özkan 0000-0002-2981-9541

Güler Bahadır 0000-0002-6583-9152

Publication Date December 1, 2023
Submission Date July 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Polat, I., Anuk, D., Özkan, M., Bahadır, G. (2023). MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 86(4), 393-401.
AMA Polat I, Anuk D, Özkan M, Bahadır G. MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING. İst Tıp Fak Derg. December 2023;86(4):393-401. doi:10.26650/IUITFD.1322896
Chicago Polat, Irmak, Dilek Anuk, Mine Özkan, and Güler Bahadır. “MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86, no. 4 (December 2023): 393-401.
EndNote Polat I, Anuk D, Özkan M, Bahadır G (December 1, 2023) MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86 4 393–401.
IEEE I. Polat, D. Anuk, M. Özkan, and G. Bahadır, “MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 393–401, 2023, doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.1322896.
ISNAD Polat, Irmak et al. “MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86/4 (December 2023), 393-401.
MLA Polat, Irmak et al. “MENTAL HEALTH IN THE AFTERMATH OF DISASTERS; PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT APPROACHES AND COPING”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 86, no. 4, 2023, pp. 393-01, doi:10.26650/IUITFD.1322896.

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Addressi: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Turgut Özal Cad. 34093 Çapa, Fatih, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE


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