Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 82 Issue: 1, 52 - 61, 28.03.2019


Objective: The medication adherence of patients with chronic physical illnesses is an important aspect of the treatment. However it’s difficult to assess the patient’s adherence with medication treatment, both because of the difficulty of defining adherence and the patients reluctance for reporting nonadherence. Two different methods are used to evaluate medication adherence which employ clinical measures and self-report measures. Due to the fact that it provides an economical and consistent evaluation, self-report tools are frequently used in the field. Although there are some scales that measure medication adherence in the Turkish literature, the lack of a scale that provides dimensional and generic evaluation is noteworthy. Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) is a generic self report scale developed to assess medication adherence in medical treatment. The aim of this study is to examine the Turkish reliability and validity of MARS in patients with chronic physical illnesses.

Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 234 patients who were treated with different diagnoses in chronic physical illness. Participants were asked to fill in the Sociodemographic Form, Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS), the European Quality of Life Scale-5 Dimension (EQoL-5D), the Morisky Adhedrence Scale (MAS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI).

Results: The exploratory (KMO=0.79; Barlett p=0.000) and confirmatory factor analysis (GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.93, CFI=0.97, NFI=0.96, srmR=0.040, RMSEA=0.089) revaled a uni-factor structure consistent with the original form. In addition, the internal consistency coefficient of the Turkish version (Cronbach α=0.78) and total item correlations (between 0.35 and 0.71) showed similar psychometric properties to those of the original version. 

Conclusion: The study provides sufficient evidence that the Turkish version of the MARS is a reliable and valid measurement tool. Thus MARS can be used to assess medication adherence in cases of different chronic illnesses.


  • 1. World Health Organisation. Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases. 2010; Available from: http://
  • 2. Lubkin IM, Larsen PD. Chronic Illness: Impact and Intervention. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2013.
  • 3. Altuntaş O, Akı E, Huri M. Kronik Hastalıklarda İlaç Kullanımının Yaşam Kalitesi ve Sosyal Katılıma Etkisi Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 2015;3(2):79-86.
  • 4. Kelly M, McCarthy S, Sahm LJ. Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of Patients and Carers Regarding Medication Adherence: A Review of Qualitative Literature. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2014;70:1423-31.
  • 5. Cook PF, Emiliozzi S, El-Hajj D, McCabe MM. Telephone nurse counseling for medication adherence in ulcerative colitis: a preliminary study. Patient Educ Couns 2010;81(2):182-6.
  • 6. Mäkelä MJ, Backer V, Hedegaard M, Larsson K. Adherence to inhaled therapies, health outcomes and costs in patients with asthma and COPD. Respir Med 2013;107(10):1481-90.
  • 7. Ruppar TM, Dobbels F, Lewek P, Matyjaszczyk M, Siebens K, De Geest SM. Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Improvement of Medication Adherence. Int J Behav Med 2015;22:699-708.
  • 8. Cramer JA, Benedict A, Muszbek N, Keskinaslan A, Khan ZM. The significance of compliance and persistence in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidaemia: a review. Int J Clin Pract 2008;62(1):76-87.
  • 9. Gossec L, Tubach F, Dougados M, Ravaud P. Reporting of Adherence to Medication in Recent Randomized Controlled Trials of 6 Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Literature Review. Am J Med Sci 2007;334(4):248-54.
  • 10. World Health Organization. Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. 2003, Geneva; Available from:
  • 11. Horne R, Chapman SCE, Parham R, Freemantle N, Forbes A, Cooper V. Understanding Patients’ Adherence-Related Beliefs about Medicines Prescribed for Long Term Conditions: A Meta Analytic Review of the Necessity-Concerns Framework. PLoS ONE 2013;8(12):1-24.
  • 12. Van Mierlo T, Fournier R, Ingham M. Targeting Medication Non-Adherence Behavior in Selected Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Approach to Digital Health Program Development. PLoS ONE 2015;10(6):1-17.
  • 13. Vrijens B, Geest SD, Hughes D, Przemyslaw K, Demonceau J, Ruppar T, et al. A new taxonomy for describing anda defining adherence to medication. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2012;73(5):691-705.
  • 14. Nicklas LB, Dunbar M, Wild M. Adherene to Pharmacological Treatment of Non-Malignant Chronic Pain: The Role of Illness Perceptions and Medication Beliefs. Psychol Health 2010;25(5):601-15.
  • 15. Morisky DE, Ang A, Krousel-Wood M, Ward HJ. Predictive validity of a medication adherence measure in an outpatient setting. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2008;10:348-54.
  • 16. Horne R, Weinman J. Self-regulation and self-management in asthma: exploring the role of illness perceptions and treatment beliefs in explaining non-adherence to preventer medication. Psychol Health 2002;17:17-32.
  • 17. Sandy R, Connor U. Variation in medication adherence across patient behavioral segments: a multi-country study in hypertension. Patient Prefer Adherence 2015;9:1539-48.
  • 18. Kutsal YG. Yaşlılarda Çoklu İlaç Kullanımı. Turk J Geriatr 2006;Özel Sayı:37-44.
  • 19. Öztürk Z, Gülen-Uğraş K. Yaşlı hastalarda ilaç kullanımı ve polifarmasi. Tepecik Eğit Hast Derg 2017;27(2):103-8.
  • 20. Ágh T, Dömötör P, Bártfai Z, Inotai A, Fujsz E, Mészáros Á. Relationship between medication adherence and health-related quality of life in subjects with COPD: a systematic review. Respir Care 2015;60:297-303.
  • 21. Ediger JP, Walker JR, Graff L, Lix L, Clara I, Rawsthorne Pet al. Predictors of Medication Adherence in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:1417-26.
  • 22. Hughes LD. Psychological Adjustment to the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Perceptions of and Adherence to Medication (thesis). Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire Üniversitesi; 2011.
  • 23. Mahler C, Hermann K, Horne R, Ludt S, Haefeli WE, Szecsenyi Jet al. Assessing reported adherence to pharmacological treatment recommendations. Translation and evaluation of the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) in Germany. J Eval Clin Pract 2010;16(3):574-79.
  • 24. Clatworthy J, Price D, Ryan D, Haughney J, Horne R. The value of self-report assessment of adherence, rhinitis and smoking in relation to asthma control. Prim Care Respir J 2009;18(4):300-5.
  • 25. Cohen RT, Canino GJ, Bird HR, Celedón JC. Violence, abuse, and asthma in Puerto Rican children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;178:453-9.
  • 26. George J, Kong DCM, Thoman R, Stewart K. Factors associated with medication nonadherence in patients with COPD. Chest 2005;128:3198-204.
  • 27. Tibaldi V, Isaia G, Scarafiotti C, et al. Hospital at home for elderly patients with acute decompensation of chronic heart failure: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2009;169(17):1569-75.
  • 28. Horne R, Parham R, Driscoll R, Robinson A. Patients’ attitudes to medicines and adherence to maintenance treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2009:15(6):837-44.
  • 29. World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1992.
  • 30. Horne R, Hankins M. The Medication Adherence report Scale (MARS), 2001. (manuscript submitted for publication).
  • 31. Morisky DE, Gren LW, Levine DM. Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Med Care 1986;24:67-74.
  • 32. Yılmaz, S. Psikiyatri hastalarında ilaç yan etkileri ve ilaç uyumu (thesis). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2004.
  • 33. Drummond MF, O’Brien BJ, Torrance GW, Stoddart GL. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997. p.39-70.
  • 34. Kahyaoğlu-Süt, H. Akut Koroner Sendromlu Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi: EQ-5D Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması (thesis). Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2009.
  • 35. Derogatis LR. SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring and procedures manual. 1st ed. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research; 1977. p.1-61.
  • 36. Şahin NH, Durak A. Kısa Semptom Envanteri: Türk gençleri için uyarlanması. Turk J Psychol 1994;9(31):44-56.
  • 37. Büyüköztürk Ş. Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. 7th ed. Ankara: Pegema Yayıncılık; 2004. p.170-214.
  • 38. Kline P. An easy guide to factor analysis. 1st ed. New York: Routledge; 1994. p.1-14.
  • 39. Sümer, N. Yapısal eşitlik modelleri: Temel kavramlar ve örnek uygulama. Turk W Psychol 2000;3(6):49-73.
  • 40. Fan X, Thompson B, Wang L. Effects of Sample Size, Estimation Methods, and Model Specification on Structural Equation Modeling Fit Indexes. Struct Equ Modeling 1999;6 (1):56-83.
  • 41. Horne R, Weinman J. Patients’ beliefs about prescribed medicines and their role in adherence to treatment in chronic physical illness. J Psychosom Res 1999;47:555–67.
  • 42. Alsous M, Alhalaiqa F, Abu Farha R, Abdel Jalil M, McElnay J, Horne R. Reliability and validity of Arabic translation of Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) and Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) specific for use in children and their parents. PLoS ONE 2017;12(2):1-14.
  • 43. Jacobsen R, Møldrup C, Christrup L, Sjøgren P, Hansen OB. The Danish version of the Medication Adherence Report Scale: Preliminary Validation in Cancer Pain Patients. Pain Pract 2009;9(1):1-7.
  • 44. Kane SV, Cohen RD, Aikens JE, Hanauer SB. Prevalence of nonadherence with maintenance mesalamine in quiescent ulcerative colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:2929-33.
  • 45. Shale MJ, Riley A. Studies of compliance with delayedrelease mesalazine therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2003;18:191-8.
  • 46. Fitzsimmons D, Gilbert J, Howse F. et al. A systematic review of the use and validation of health-related quality of life instruments in older cancer patients. Eur J Cancer 2010;45(1):19-32.


Year 2019, Volume: 82 Issue: 1, 52 - 61, 28.03.2019


Amaç: Kronik fiziksel hastalığı olan bireylerin ilaca uyum göstermesi tedavinin önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Hastanın ilaç tedavisine uyumunu değerlendirmek hem uyumun tanımlanmasının zorluğu hem de hastanın olumsuzu bildirmede zorlanması sebebiyle zor olmaktadır. Klinik araştırmalarda ve uygulamada ilaç uyumunu değerlendirmek için klinik ölçümler ve öz bildirim ölçüm araçları olmak üzere iki farklı yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Hem ekonomik hem de tutarlı bir değerlendirme sunması sebebiyle öz bildirim ölçüm araçlarına alanda sıklıkla başvurulmaktadır. Türkçe literatürde ilaç uyumunu ölçen bazı ölçekler olmasına rağmen boyutsal ve jenerik değerlendirme sunan bir ölçeğin eksikliği dikkat çekmektedir. İlaç Uyumunu Bildirim Ölçeği (İUBÖ) medikal tedavide ilaç uyumunu kısa ve doğru değerlendirmek amacıyla geliştirilen bir öz bildirim ölçeğidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı İUBÖ’nün kronik fiziksel hastalığı olan bireylerde Türkçe güvenirlik ve geçerliliğinin incelenmesidir. 

Yöntemler: Araştırmanın örneklemini kronik fiziksel hastalığı nedeniyle farklı tanılarla ayaktan tedavi gören ve ilaç kullanan yaşları 18 ile 65 arasında değişen 234 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarından Sosyodemografik Form, İlaç Uyumunu Bildirim Ölçeği (İUBÖ), Avrupa Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği-5 Boyut (EQoL-5D), Morisky Uyum Ölçeği (MUÖ) ve Kısa Semptom Envanterini (KSE) doldurmaları istenmiştir. 

Bulgular: Uygulanan açımlayıcı (KMO=0,79; Barlett p=0,000) ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri (GFI=0,98, AGFI=0,93, CFI=0,97, NFI=0,96, sRMR=0,040, RMSEA=0,089) ölçeğin orijinal formu ile tutarlı olarak tek faktörlü yapıyı desteklediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca, Türkçe formun iç tutarlılık katsayısı (Cronbach α=0,78) ve toplam madde korelasyonları (0,35 ile 0,71 arasında) orijinal versiyonla benzer psikometrik özelliklere sahip olduğunu desteklemiştir. 

Sonuç: Yapılan çalışma, İUBÖ’nün Türkçe formunun güvenilir ve geçerli bir ölçüm aracı olduğuna dair yeterli kanıtlar sunmaktadır. Ölçüm aracı bu haliyle farklı kronik hastalık tanısı ile takip edilen hastalarda ilaç uyumunun değerlendirilmesi amacıyla kullanılabilir.


  • 1. World Health Organisation. Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases. 2010; Available from: http://
  • 2. Lubkin IM, Larsen PD. Chronic Illness: Impact and Intervention. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2013.
  • 3. Altuntaş O, Akı E, Huri M. Kronik Hastalıklarda İlaç Kullanımının Yaşam Kalitesi ve Sosyal Katılıma Etkisi Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 2015;3(2):79-86.
  • 4. Kelly M, McCarthy S, Sahm LJ. Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of Patients and Carers Regarding Medication Adherence: A Review of Qualitative Literature. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2014;70:1423-31.
  • 5. Cook PF, Emiliozzi S, El-Hajj D, McCabe MM. Telephone nurse counseling for medication adherence in ulcerative colitis: a preliminary study. Patient Educ Couns 2010;81(2):182-6.
  • 6. Mäkelä MJ, Backer V, Hedegaard M, Larsson K. Adherence to inhaled therapies, health outcomes and costs in patients with asthma and COPD. Respir Med 2013;107(10):1481-90.
  • 7. Ruppar TM, Dobbels F, Lewek P, Matyjaszczyk M, Siebens K, De Geest SM. Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Improvement of Medication Adherence. Int J Behav Med 2015;22:699-708.
  • 8. Cramer JA, Benedict A, Muszbek N, Keskinaslan A, Khan ZM. The significance of compliance and persistence in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidaemia: a review. Int J Clin Pract 2008;62(1):76-87.
  • 9. Gossec L, Tubach F, Dougados M, Ravaud P. Reporting of Adherence to Medication in Recent Randomized Controlled Trials of 6 Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Literature Review. Am J Med Sci 2007;334(4):248-54.
  • 10. World Health Organization. Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. 2003, Geneva; Available from:
  • 11. Horne R, Chapman SCE, Parham R, Freemantle N, Forbes A, Cooper V. Understanding Patients’ Adherence-Related Beliefs about Medicines Prescribed for Long Term Conditions: A Meta Analytic Review of the Necessity-Concerns Framework. PLoS ONE 2013;8(12):1-24.
  • 12. Van Mierlo T, Fournier R, Ingham M. Targeting Medication Non-Adherence Behavior in Selected Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Approach to Digital Health Program Development. PLoS ONE 2015;10(6):1-17.
  • 13. Vrijens B, Geest SD, Hughes D, Przemyslaw K, Demonceau J, Ruppar T, et al. A new taxonomy for describing anda defining adherence to medication. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2012;73(5):691-705.
  • 14. Nicklas LB, Dunbar M, Wild M. Adherene to Pharmacological Treatment of Non-Malignant Chronic Pain: The Role of Illness Perceptions and Medication Beliefs. Psychol Health 2010;25(5):601-15.
  • 15. Morisky DE, Ang A, Krousel-Wood M, Ward HJ. Predictive validity of a medication adherence measure in an outpatient setting. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2008;10:348-54.
  • 16. Horne R, Weinman J. Self-regulation and self-management in asthma: exploring the role of illness perceptions and treatment beliefs in explaining non-adherence to preventer medication. Psychol Health 2002;17:17-32.
  • 17. Sandy R, Connor U. Variation in medication adherence across patient behavioral segments: a multi-country study in hypertension. Patient Prefer Adherence 2015;9:1539-48.
  • 18. Kutsal YG. Yaşlılarda Çoklu İlaç Kullanımı. Turk J Geriatr 2006;Özel Sayı:37-44.
  • 19. Öztürk Z, Gülen-Uğraş K. Yaşlı hastalarda ilaç kullanımı ve polifarmasi. Tepecik Eğit Hast Derg 2017;27(2):103-8.
  • 20. Ágh T, Dömötör P, Bártfai Z, Inotai A, Fujsz E, Mészáros Á. Relationship between medication adherence and health-related quality of life in subjects with COPD: a systematic review. Respir Care 2015;60:297-303.
  • 21. Ediger JP, Walker JR, Graff L, Lix L, Clara I, Rawsthorne Pet al. Predictors of Medication Adherence in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:1417-26.
  • 22. Hughes LD. Psychological Adjustment to the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Perceptions of and Adherence to Medication (thesis). Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire Üniversitesi; 2011.
  • 23. Mahler C, Hermann K, Horne R, Ludt S, Haefeli WE, Szecsenyi Jet al. Assessing reported adherence to pharmacological treatment recommendations. Translation and evaluation of the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) in Germany. J Eval Clin Pract 2010;16(3):574-79.
  • 24. Clatworthy J, Price D, Ryan D, Haughney J, Horne R. The value of self-report assessment of adherence, rhinitis and smoking in relation to asthma control. Prim Care Respir J 2009;18(4):300-5.
  • 25. Cohen RT, Canino GJ, Bird HR, Celedón JC. Violence, abuse, and asthma in Puerto Rican children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;178:453-9.
  • 26. George J, Kong DCM, Thoman R, Stewart K. Factors associated with medication nonadherence in patients with COPD. Chest 2005;128:3198-204.
  • 27. Tibaldi V, Isaia G, Scarafiotti C, et al. Hospital at home for elderly patients with acute decompensation of chronic heart failure: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2009;169(17):1569-75.
  • 28. Horne R, Parham R, Driscoll R, Robinson A. Patients’ attitudes to medicines and adherence to maintenance treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2009:15(6):837-44.
  • 29. World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1992.
  • 30. Horne R, Hankins M. The Medication Adherence report Scale (MARS), 2001. (manuscript submitted for publication).
  • 31. Morisky DE, Gren LW, Levine DM. Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Med Care 1986;24:67-74.
  • 32. Yılmaz, S. Psikiyatri hastalarında ilaç yan etkileri ve ilaç uyumu (thesis). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2004.
  • 33. Drummond MF, O’Brien BJ, Torrance GW, Stoddart GL. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997. p.39-70.
  • 34. Kahyaoğlu-Süt, H. Akut Koroner Sendromlu Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi: EQ-5D Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması (thesis). Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2009.
  • 35. Derogatis LR. SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring and procedures manual. 1st ed. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research; 1977. p.1-61.
  • 36. Şahin NH, Durak A. Kısa Semptom Envanteri: Türk gençleri için uyarlanması. Turk J Psychol 1994;9(31):44-56.
  • 37. Büyüköztürk Ş. Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. 7th ed. Ankara: Pegema Yayıncılık; 2004. p.170-214.
  • 38. Kline P. An easy guide to factor analysis. 1st ed. New York: Routledge; 1994. p.1-14.
  • 39. Sümer, N. Yapısal eşitlik modelleri: Temel kavramlar ve örnek uygulama. Turk W Psychol 2000;3(6):49-73.
  • 40. Fan X, Thompson B, Wang L. Effects of Sample Size, Estimation Methods, and Model Specification on Structural Equation Modeling Fit Indexes. Struct Equ Modeling 1999;6 (1):56-83.
  • 41. Horne R, Weinman J. Patients’ beliefs about prescribed medicines and their role in adherence to treatment in chronic physical illness. J Psychosom Res 1999;47:555–67.
  • 42. Alsous M, Alhalaiqa F, Abu Farha R, Abdel Jalil M, McElnay J, Horne R. Reliability and validity of Arabic translation of Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) and Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) specific for use in children and their parents. PLoS ONE 2017;12(2):1-14.
  • 43. Jacobsen R, Møldrup C, Christrup L, Sjøgren P, Hansen OB. The Danish version of the Medication Adherence Report Scale: Preliminary Validation in Cancer Pain Patients. Pain Pract 2009;9(1):1-7.
  • 44. Kane SV, Cohen RD, Aikens JE, Hanauer SB. Prevalence of nonadherence with maintenance mesalamine in quiescent ulcerative colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:2929-33.
  • 45. Shale MJ, Riley A. Studies of compliance with delayedrelease mesalazine therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2003;18:191-8.
  • 46. Fitzsimmons D, Gilbert J, Howse F. et al. A systematic review of the use and validation of health-related quality of life instruments in older cancer patients. Eur J Cancer 2010;45(1):19-32.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section RESEARCH

Esin Temeloğlu Şen 0000-0002-1941-4786

Özlem Sertel Berk 0000-0002-3045-3903

Dilşad Sindel This is me

Publication Date March 28, 2019
Submission Date April 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 82 Issue: 1


APA Temeloğlu Şen, E., Sertel Berk, Ö., & Sindel, D. (2019). İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 82(1), 52-61.
AMA Temeloğlu Şen E, Sertel Berk Ö, Sindel D. İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI. İst Tıp Fak Derg. March 2019;82(1):52-61. doi:10.26650/IUITFD.413637
Chicago Temeloğlu Şen, Esin, Özlem Sertel Berk, and Dilşad Sindel. “İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 82, no. 1 (March 2019): 52-61.
EndNote Temeloğlu Şen E, Sertel Berk Ö, Sindel D (March 1, 2019) İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 82 1 52–61.
IEEE E. Temeloğlu Şen, Ö. Sertel Berk, and D. Sindel, “İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 52–61, 2019, doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.413637.
ISNAD Temeloğlu Şen, Esin et al. “İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 82/1 (March 2019), 52-61.
MLA Temeloğlu Şen, Esin et al. “İLAÇ UYUMUNU BİLDİRİM ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE UYARLAMASININ GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 82, no. 1, 2019, pp. 52-61, doi:10.26650/IUITFD.413637.

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