Hipertansiyon ve diyabetes mellitus tanıları olan altmış iki yaşındaki kadın hasta; halsizlik, uykusuzluk, dengesizlik ve baş ağrısı yakınmaları ile acil servise başvurdu. Yapılan tetkiklerinde ciddi hiponatremi saptanan ve hastaneye yatırılan hasta hiponatremiye yol açabilecek ilaçları kesilerek takip edildi. Hiponatremisi devam eden hastada yapılan incelemelerde uygunsuz antidiüretik hormon (ADH) sendromu saptanarak çekilen torax tomografisinde akciğerde kitle tespit edildi ve histopatolojik inceleme akciğerin küçük hücreli karsinomu olarak rapor edildi.
A 62-year- old woman with a history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus was admitted to the emergency department because of headache, weakness, insomnia and impaired balance. Severe hyponatremia was detected and patient was admitted to the hospital. The drugs that could lead to hyponatremia were stopped. Additional investigations were made because of the persistence of hyponatremia. After the diagnosis of inappropriate ADH syndrome computed tomography of the chest was performed which revealed a pulmonary mass. The histopathological test revealed small-cell carcinoma of the lung.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Health Care Administration |
Journal Section | Case Reports |
Authors | |
Publication Date | October 19, 2020 |
Submission Date | September 18, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2020 Volume: 83 Issue: 4 |
Contact information and address
Addressi: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Turgut Özal Cad. 34093 Çapa, Fatih, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE
Email: itfdergisi@istanbul.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 414 21 61