Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 84 Issue: 2, 221 - 226, 25.04.2021


Objective: Impaired physical growth is one of the prolonged effects of deficient iodine, a micronutrient. Thus, this study aimed to determine the relationship between the urinary iodine levels and anthropometric indices in a population of schoolchildren in Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria. Material and Method: This was a cross-sectional analytical study carried out among primary schoolchildren in Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria. We recruited a total of 492 children aged 6-12 years through a multi-staged systematic sampling technique. Anthropometry was determined using standard methods. We collected urine samples from the pupils and analysed them for iodine in the laboratory using the Sandell-Kolthoff method. Results: Of the 492 children recruited, 13 (3.2%) were under weight, 23 (4.7%) were stunted, 21 (4.3%) had thinness and obesity was found in 7 (1.5%). The mean (SD) weight for age Z score (WAZ) was -0.216 (1.089), and height for age Z score (HAZ) was -0.073 (1.286). The mean weight for height z score (WHZ) and weight for age Z score (BAZ) were 1.036 (0.002) and -0.428 (0.976) respectively. A total of 26.5% of the schoolchildren had mild iodine deficiency, 0.4% had excess urinary iodine levels and no child had moderate or severe iodine deficiency. There was no relationship between the urinary iodine levels and anthropometric indices (WAZ p=0.665, HAZ p= 0.978, WHZ p=0.375, and BAZ p=0.928). Conclusion: This study showed that there is no relationship between nutritional indices and urinary iodine levels. Hence, nutritional status of schoolchildren may not reflect their iodine level.


  • 1 Puntis JWL. Clinical methods and anthropometry. In: Koletzko B, Bhatia J, Bhutta ZA, Cooper P, Makrides M, Uauy R, et al. (eds). Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. Karger: Munich, Germany, 2015, pp 6-13.
  • 2 World Health Organisation. Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition: Child growth and their indicators. Geneva, 2016.
  • 3 Godecke T, Stein AJ, Qaim M. The global burden of chronic and hidden hunger: Trends and determinants. Glob Food Sec 2018;17:21-9. [CrossRef]
  • 4 Muthayya S, Rah JH, Sugimoto JD, Roos FF, Kraemer K, Black RE. The global hidden hunger indices and maps: an advocacy tool for action. PLoS One 2013;8(6):e67860. [CrossRef]
  • 5 Nwamarah JU, Okeke EC. A pilot study of iodine and anthropometric status of primary school children in Obukpa, a rural Nigerian community. J Public Heal Epidemiol 2012;4(9):246-52. [CrossRef]
  • 6 Ersoy B, Gunes H, Gunay T, Yilmaz O, Kasirga E, Egemen A. Interaction of two public health problems in Turkish schoolchildren: nutritional deficiencies and goitre. Public Health Nutr 2006;9:1001-6. [CrossRef]
  • 7 Koutras DA, Christakis G, Trichopoulos D, Dakou- Voutetaki A, Kyriakopoulos V, Fontanares P, et al. Endemic goiter in Greece: nutritional status, growth, and skeletal development of goitrous and nongoitrous populations. Am J Clin Nutr 1973;26(12):1360-8. [CrossRef]
  • 8 Osman A, Khalid B, Tan T, Wu L, Ng M. Protein energy malnutrition, thyroid hormones and goitre among Malaysian Aborigines and Malays. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 1992;1(1):13-20.
  • 9 Brahmbhatt SR, Brahmbhatt RM, Boyages SC. Impact of protein energy malnutrition on thyroid size in an iodine deficient population of Gujarat (India): is it an aetiological factor for goiter ? Eur J Endocrinol 2001;145(1):11-7. [CrossRef]
  • 10 Sanusi RA, Ekerette NN. Nutrition and goiter status of primary school children in Ibadan, Nigeria. African J Biomed Res 2009;12(1):37-41.
  • 11 Zimmermann MB, Jooste PL, Mabapa NS, Mbhenyane X, Schoeman S, Biebinger R, et al. Treatment of iodine deficiency in school-age children increases insulinlike growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein-3 concentrations and improves somatic growth. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92(2):437-42. [CrossRef]
  • 12 World Health Organisation. WHO Child Growth Standards: length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age: methods and development. Geneva, 2006.
  • 13 WHO. Urinary iodine concentrations for determining iodine status in populations. Geneva, 2013.
  • 14 Akunyili DN. Achieving and sustaining universal salt iodization(USI): doing it well through regulation and enforcement. Lessons learned from USI in Nigeria. SCN NEWS 2007;35:43-7.
  • 15 Fiorentino M, Bastard G, Sembène M, Fortin S, Traissac P, Landais E, et al. Anthropometric and micronutrient status of school-children in an urban West Africa setting: A cross-sectional study in Dakar (Senegal). PLoS One 2013;8(12):e84328.


Year 2021, Volume: 84 Issue: 2, 221 - 226, 25.04.2021


Amaç: Bozulmuş fiziksel büyüme, bir mikrobesin olan iyotun eksikliğinin uzun süreli etkilerinden biridir. Bu çalışma, Kuzey-Orta Nijerya'daki Ilorin okulundaki bir popülasyonda idrarda iyot düzeyleri ile antropometrik endeksler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, Nijerya'nın Kuzey-Orta Ilorin kentindeki ilkokul çocukları arasında yapılan kesitsel bir analitik çalışmadır. Bu çalışmaya, çok aşamalı sistematik örnekleme tekniği ile 6-12 yaş arası toplam 492 çocuk dahil edildi. Antropometri standart yöntemler kullanılarak belirlendi. Öğrencilerden idrar numuneleri toplandı ve Sandell-Kolthoff yöntemi kullanılarak laboratuarda iyot açısından analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 492 çocuğun 13'ü (%3,2) yaşına göre kilosunun altında, 23'ü (%4,7) kısa boylu, 21'inde (%4,3) zayıflık vardı ve 7'de (%1,5) ise obezite saptandı. Yaş Z skoru (WAZ) için ortalama (SD) ağırlık -0,216 (1,089) ve yaş Z skoru (HAZ) için yükseklik -0,073 (1,286) idi. Boy z skoru (WHZ) ve yaş Z skoru (BAZ) için ortalama ağırlık sırasıyla 1,036 (0,002) ve -0,428 (0,976) idi. Okul çocuklarının toplam %26,5'inde hafif iyot eksikliği, %0,4'ünde aşırı idrar iyot düzeyi saptanırken çocukların hiçbirinde orta veya şiddetli iyot eksikliği yoktu. Üriner iyot düzeyleri ile antropometrik indeksler arasında ilişki yoktu (WAZ p=0,665, HAZ p=0,978, WHZ p=0,375 ve BAZ p=0,928). Sonuç: Bu çalışma beslenme indeksleri ile idrarda iyot düzeyleri anthropometarasında bir ilişki olmadığını göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, okul çocuklarının beslenme durumu iyot seviyelerinin bir yansıması olmayabilir.


  • 1 Puntis JWL. Clinical methods and anthropometry. In: Koletzko B, Bhatia J, Bhutta ZA, Cooper P, Makrides M, Uauy R, et al. (eds). Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. Karger: Munich, Germany, 2015, pp 6-13.
  • 2 World Health Organisation. Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition: Child growth and their indicators. Geneva, 2016.
  • 3 Godecke T, Stein AJ, Qaim M. The global burden of chronic and hidden hunger: Trends and determinants. Glob Food Sec 2018;17:21-9. [CrossRef]
  • 4 Muthayya S, Rah JH, Sugimoto JD, Roos FF, Kraemer K, Black RE. The global hidden hunger indices and maps: an advocacy tool for action. PLoS One 2013;8(6):e67860. [CrossRef]
  • 5 Nwamarah JU, Okeke EC. A pilot study of iodine and anthropometric status of primary school children in Obukpa, a rural Nigerian community. J Public Heal Epidemiol 2012;4(9):246-52. [CrossRef]
  • 6 Ersoy B, Gunes H, Gunay T, Yilmaz O, Kasirga E, Egemen A. Interaction of two public health problems in Turkish schoolchildren: nutritional deficiencies and goitre. Public Health Nutr 2006;9:1001-6. [CrossRef]
  • 7 Koutras DA, Christakis G, Trichopoulos D, Dakou- Voutetaki A, Kyriakopoulos V, Fontanares P, et al. Endemic goiter in Greece: nutritional status, growth, and skeletal development of goitrous and nongoitrous populations. Am J Clin Nutr 1973;26(12):1360-8. [CrossRef]
  • 8 Osman A, Khalid B, Tan T, Wu L, Ng M. Protein energy malnutrition, thyroid hormones and goitre among Malaysian Aborigines and Malays. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 1992;1(1):13-20.
  • 9 Brahmbhatt SR, Brahmbhatt RM, Boyages SC. Impact of protein energy malnutrition on thyroid size in an iodine deficient population of Gujarat (India): is it an aetiological factor for goiter ? Eur J Endocrinol 2001;145(1):11-7. [CrossRef]
  • 10 Sanusi RA, Ekerette NN. Nutrition and goiter status of primary school children in Ibadan, Nigeria. African J Biomed Res 2009;12(1):37-41.
  • 11 Zimmermann MB, Jooste PL, Mabapa NS, Mbhenyane X, Schoeman S, Biebinger R, et al. Treatment of iodine deficiency in school-age children increases insulinlike growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein-3 concentrations and improves somatic growth. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92(2):437-42. [CrossRef]
  • 12 World Health Organisation. WHO Child Growth Standards: length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age: methods and development. Geneva, 2006.
  • 13 WHO. Urinary iodine concentrations for determining iodine status in populations. Geneva, 2013.
  • 14 Akunyili DN. Achieving and sustaining universal salt iodization(USI): doing it well through regulation and enforcement. Lessons learned from USI in Nigeria. SCN NEWS 2007;35:43-7.
  • 15 Fiorentino M, Bastard G, Sembène M, Fortin S, Traissac P, Landais E, et al. Anthropometric and micronutrient status of school-children in an urban West Africa setting: A cross-sectional study in Dakar (Senegal). PLoS One 2013;8(12):e84328.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section RESEARCH

Yetunde T Olasınde This is me 0000-0002-8093-4721

Omatayo O Adesiyun This is me 0000-0002-5127-1914

Rasaq R Olaosebıkan This is me 0000-0002-3244-2212

Adeola Olasinde This is me

Olayinka R Ibrahim This is me 0000-0002-2621-6593

Samuel K Ernest This is me 0000-0002-6408-9388

Publication Date April 25, 2021
Submission Date June 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 84 Issue: 2


APA Olasınde, Y. T., Adesiyun, O. O., Olaosebıkan, R. R., Olasinde, A., et al. (2021). NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 84(2), 221-226.
AMA Olasınde YT, Adesiyun OO, Olaosebıkan RR, Olasinde A, Ibrahim OR, Ernest SK. NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?. İst Tıp Fak Derg. April 2021;84(2):221-226. doi:10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0081
Chicago Olasınde, Yetunde T, Omatayo O Adesiyun, Rasaq R Olaosebıkan, Adeola Olasinde, Olayinka R Ibrahim, and Samuel K Ernest. “NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84, no. 2 (April 2021): 221-26.
EndNote Olasınde YT, Adesiyun OO, Olaosebıkan RR, Olasinde A, Ibrahim OR, Ernest SK (April 1, 2021) NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84 2 221–226.
IEEE Y. T. Olasınde, O. O. Adesiyun, R. R. Olaosebıkan, A. Olasinde, O. R. Ibrahim, and S. K. Ernest, “NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 221–226, 2021, doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0081.
ISNAD Olasınde, Yetunde T et al. “NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84/2 (April 2021), 221-226.
JAMA Olasınde YT, Adesiyun OO, Olaosebıkan RR, Olasinde A, Ibrahim OR, Ernest SK. NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2021;84:221–226.
MLA Olasınde, Yetunde T et al. “NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 84, no. 2, 2021, pp. 221-6, doi:10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0081.
Vancouver Olasınde YT, Adesiyun OO, Olaosebıkan RR, Olasinde A, Ibrahim OR, Ernest SK. NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND URINARY IODINE LEVELS OF SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN: IS THERE A CORRELATION?. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2021;84(2):221-6.

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