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Year 2005, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 46 - 49, 15.11.2011


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, toplumun orta-üst ekonomik statüdeki ailelerinden örneklenen çocukların akademik yeteneklerinin
anne tutumuna olan etkisi araştırıldı.
Gereç ve yöntem: Yaş ortalaması 69,2 ± 3,5 ay olan, 34’ü (%38) kız ve 56’sı (%62) erkek, toplam 90 çocuk ve
annelerine ait veriler çalışmaya alındı. Çocukların bilişsel yetenekleri, Stanford-Binet Zeka Testi esas alınarak hazırlanan
sorulara verdikleri sözel yanıtlar değerlendirilerek ve çizgisel yetenekleri ise ‘Bana bir adam resmi çiz’ komutu
ile yaptıkları resimlerin, Goodenough kriterleri ile değerlendirilmesi sonucunda belirlendi. Ayrıca, eşlerarası
uyum, annenin demokrat, baskıcı, ev kadınlığını benimseme ve koruyuculuk gibi eviçi tutumları, aile tutum ölçeği
[Parental Attitude Research Instrument (PARI)] ile belirlendi.
Bulgular: Demokrat yaklaşım içinde olan annenin bir o kadar da baskıcı olduğu ve bu iki tutumun anne koruyuculuğu
ile pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği bulundu. Anne; erkeklere kız çocuğuna olduğundan daha koruyucu (-0,13’e
karşın -6,06), demokrat (0,18’e karşın -3,03) ve baskıcı (1,79’a karşın -6,06) bir tutum sergiliyordu. Ancak, annenin
koruyucu ve demokrat tutumu; erkek çocuğun başarısı ile ters (r= -0,323, p < 0,05), öte yandan kızınki ile doğru (r= 0,391, p < 0,05) korelasyon gösterdi. Erkek annesi eşlerarası uyumsuzluktan daha fazla (0,25’e karşın -9,09)
yakındı ve çocuğun yaşı (r = -0,268, p < 0,05) ve başarısı (r =-0,272, p < 0,05) ile ters orantılı olarak ev kadınlığını reddetti (r= 0,270, p < 0,05). Yani, anne başarısız (zayıf) erkek çocuğunu daha fazla korumaya yönelirken; başarılı
kız (güçlü) çocuğuna daha demokrat davranıyordu. Erkek çocuk annesi eşlerarası uyumsuzluk varlığında, çocuğun
yaş ve başarısı ile ters orantılı olarak ev kadınlığını reddediyordu. Sonuçlar davranışbilim kuramları ve bağlanma teorisi ile irdelendi.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak; anne koruyuculuğunun “annenin kaybetme endişesi” başlığı altında, diğer davranışlarından
farklı ve genetik materyali korumaya yönelik filojenik bir davranış olarak değerlendirilmesinin gerektiği üzerinde


  • Ainsworth MS. The personal origins of attachment theory. An interview with Mary Salter Ainsworth. Interview by Peter L. Rudnytsky. Psychoanal Study Child 1997; 52:386- 405.
  • Alessandri SM, Lewis M. Differences in pride and shame in maltreated and nonmaltreated preschoolers. Child Dev 1996; 67:1857-1869.
  • Ansbacher HL. The Goodenough draw a-man test and primary mental abilities. J Consult Psychol 1952;16:176-180.
  • Arend R, Gove FL, Sroufe LA. Continuity of individual adaptati- on from infancy to kindergarten: a predictive study of ego-resili- ency and curiosity in preschoolers. Child Dev 1979; 50: 950-959.
  • Arnold EH, O'Leary SG. The effect of child negative affect on maternal discipline behavior. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1995; 23:585-595.
  • Blum HP. Separation-individuation theory and attachment the- ory. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 2004; 52: 535-553.
  • Bowlby J. Children generate "internal working models of attach- ment" that influence the organization of their attachment-seeking behaviors. Psychiatry 1996; 59: 20-33.
  • Boyatzis CJ, Chazan E, Ting CZ. Preschool children's decoding of facial emotions. J Genet Psychol 1993; 154:375-382.
  • Bretherton I. Bowlby's legacy to developmental psychology. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1997; 28: 33-43.
  • Broberg AG. A review of interventions in the parent-child relati- onship informed by attachment theory. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2000; 89:37-42.
  • Collins WA, Maccoby EE, Steinberg L, Hetherington EM, Bornstein MH. Contemporary research on parenting. The case for nature and nurture. Am Psychol 2000; 55:218-232.
  • Denham SA, Blair KA, DeMulder E, Levitas J, Sawyer K, Au- erbach-Major S, Queenan P. Preschool emotional competence: pathway to social competence? Child Dev 2003; 74: 238-256.
  • Denham SA, Caverly S, Schmidt M, Blair K, DeMulder E, Caal S, Hamada H, Mason T. Preschool understanding of emo- tions: contributions to classroom anger and aggression. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2002; 43: 901-916.
  • El-Sheikh M. Children's emotional and physiological responses to interadult angry behavior: the role of history of interparental hostility. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1994; 22:661-678.
  • Gardner FE. The quality of joint activity between mothers and their children with behaviour problems. J Child Psychol Psychi- atry 1994; 35: 935-948.
  • Hart CH, DeWolf DM, Wozniak P, Burts DC. Maternal and pa- ternal disciplinary styles: relations with preschoolers' playgro- und behavioral orientations and peer status. Child Dev 1992; 63: 879-892.
  • Hastings PD, Coplan R. Conceptual and empirical links betwe- en children's social spheres: relating maternal beliefs and presc- hoolers' behaviors with peers. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev 1999; 86: 43-59.
  • Holland JG, Skinner BF. The Analysis of Behavior. NY:Mc- Graw Hill, 1961.
  • Maughan A, Cicchetti D. Impact of child maltreatment and inte- radult violence on children's emotion regulation abilities and socioemotional adjustment. Child Dev 2002; 73:1525-1542.
  • Mauro CF, Harris YR. The influence of maternal child-rearing attitudes and teaching behaviors on preschoolers' delay of grati- fication. J Genet Psychol 2000; 161:292-306.
  • Michael J. Supplements to Accompany Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis. 2nd ed 2000, pp.1-54.
  • Miller PH. Children's reasoning about the causes of human be- havior. J Exp Child Psychol 1985; 39:343-362.
  • Shih AR, von Baeyer CL. Preschool children's seriation of pain faces and happy faces in the Affective Facial Scale. Psychol Rep 1994; 74:659-665.
  • Stipek DJ, Ryan RH. Economically disadvantaged preschoolers: ready to learn but further to go. Dev Psychol 1997; 33:711-723.
  • Strand PS. Coordination of maternal directives with prescho- olers' behavior: influence of maternal coordination training on dyadic activity and child compliance. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2002; 31: 6-15.
  • van Asperen de Boer S. The Stanford-Binet test in the determi- nation of high intellectual level. Ned Tijdschr Psychol 1960; 15:47-82.
  • Vaughan ME. Rule-governed behavior and higher mental pro- cesses. In: S Modgil and C Modgil (eds). BF Skinner: Consen- sus and Controversy. Barcombe, England: Falmer Press, 1987, pp. 257-264.
  • White C, Barrowclough C. Depressed and non-depressed mot- hers with problematic preschoolers: attributions for child beha- viors. Br J Clin Psychol 1998; 37: 385-398.
  • Zuckerman M, Bibback BB, Monashkin I, Norton JA Jr. Norma- tive data and factor analysis on the Parental Attitude Research Instrument. J Consult Psychol 1958; 22:165- 171.
Year 2005, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 46 - 49, 15.11.2011



  • Ainsworth MS. The personal origins of attachment theory. An interview with Mary Salter Ainsworth. Interview by Peter L. Rudnytsky. Psychoanal Study Child 1997; 52:386- 405.
  • Alessandri SM, Lewis M. Differences in pride and shame in maltreated and nonmaltreated preschoolers. Child Dev 1996; 67:1857-1869.
  • Ansbacher HL. The Goodenough draw a-man test and primary mental abilities. J Consult Psychol 1952;16:176-180.
  • Arend R, Gove FL, Sroufe LA. Continuity of individual adaptati- on from infancy to kindergarten: a predictive study of ego-resili- ency and curiosity in preschoolers. Child Dev 1979; 50: 950-959.
  • Arnold EH, O'Leary SG. The effect of child negative affect on maternal discipline behavior. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1995; 23:585-595.
  • Blum HP. Separation-individuation theory and attachment the- ory. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 2004; 52: 535-553.
  • Bowlby J. Children generate "internal working models of attach- ment" that influence the organization of their attachment-seeking behaviors. Psychiatry 1996; 59: 20-33.
  • Boyatzis CJ, Chazan E, Ting CZ. Preschool children's decoding of facial emotions. J Genet Psychol 1993; 154:375-382.
  • Bretherton I. Bowlby's legacy to developmental psychology. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1997; 28: 33-43.
  • Broberg AG. A review of interventions in the parent-child relati- onship informed by attachment theory. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2000; 89:37-42.
  • Collins WA, Maccoby EE, Steinberg L, Hetherington EM, Bornstein MH. Contemporary research on parenting. The case for nature and nurture. Am Psychol 2000; 55:218-232.
  • Denham SA, Blair KA, DeMulder E, Levitas J, Sawyer K, Au- erbach-Major S, Queenan P. Preschool emotional competence: pathway to social competence? Child Dev 2003; 74: 238-256.
  • Denham SA, Caverly S, Schmidt M, Blair K, DeMulder E, Caal S, Hamada H, Mason T. Preschool understanding of emo- tions: contributions to classroom anger and aggression. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2002; 43: 901-916.
  • El-Sheikh M. Children's emotional and physiological responses to interadult angry behavior: the role of history of interparental hostility. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1994; 22:661-678.
  • Gardner FE. The quality of joint activity between mothers and their children with behaviour problems. J Child Psychol Psychi- atry 1994; 35: 935-948.
  • Hart CH, DeWolf DM, Wozniak P, Burts DC. Maternal and pa- ternal disciplinary styles: relations with preschoolers' playgro- und behavioral orientations and peer status. Child Dev 1992; 63: 879-892.
  • Hastings PD, Coplan R. Conceptual and empirical links betwe- en children's social spheres: relating maternal beliefs and presc- hoolers' behaviors with peers. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev 1999; 86: 43-59.
  • Holland JG, Skinner BF. The Analysis of Behavior. NY:Mc- Graw Hill, 1961.
  • Maughan A, Cicchetti D. Impact of child maltreatment and inte- radult violence on children's emotion regulation abilities and socioemotional adjustment. Child Dev 2002; 73:1525-1542.
  • Mauro CF, Harris YR. The influence of maternal child-rearing attitudes and teaching behaviors on preschoolers' delay of grati- fication. J Genet Psychol 2000; 161:292-306.
  • Michael J. Supplements to Accompany Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis. 2nd ed 2000, pp.1-54.
  • Miller PH. Children's reasoning about the causes of human be- havior. J Exp Child Psychol 1985; 39:343-362.
  • Shih AR, von Baeyer CL. Preschool children's seriation of pain faces and happy faces in the Affective Facial Scale. Psychol Rep 1994; 74:659-665.
  • Stipek DJ, Ryan RH. Economically disadvantaged preschoolers: ready to learn but further to go. Dev Psychol 1997; 33:711-723.
  • Strand PS. Coordination of maternal directives with prescho- olers' behavior: influence of maternal coordination training on dyadic activity and child compliance. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2002; 31: 6-15.
  • van Asperen de Boer S. The Stanford-Binet test in the determi- nation of high intellectual level. Ned Tijdschr Psychol 1960; 15:47-82.
  • Vaughan ME. Rule-governed behavior and higher mental pro- cesses. In: S Modgil and C Modgil (eds). BF Skinner: Consen- sus and Controversy. Barcombe, England: Falmer Press, 1987, pp. 257-264.
  • White C, Barrowclough C. Depressed and non-depressed mot- hers with problematic preschoolers: attributions for child beha- viors. Br J Clin Psychol 1998; 37: 385-398.
  • Zuckerman M, Bibback BB, Monashkin I, Norton JA Jr. Norma- tive data and factor analysis on the Parental Attitude Research Instrument. J Consult Psychol 1958; 22:165- 171.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Clinical Research

Sabiha Keskin This is me

Publication Date November 15, 2011
Submission Date November 15, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 68 Issue: 2


APA Keskin, S. (2011). ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 68(2), 46-49.
Chicago Keskin, Sabiha. “ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 68, no. 2 (November 2011): 46-49.
EndNote Keskin S (November 1, 2011) ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 68 2 46–49.
IEEE S. Keskin, “ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 46–49, 2011.
ISNAD Keskin, Sabiha. “ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 68/2 (November 2011), 46-49.
MLA Keskin, Sabiha. “ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 68, no. 2, 2011, pp. 46-49.
Vancouver Keskin S. ÇOCUĞUN AKADEMİK YETENEĞİNİN ANNE DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2011;68(2):46-9.

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