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Year 2007, Volume: 70 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 14.11.2011


Amaç: Diyalize giren ve renal transplantasyon geçiren hasta gruplarında kardiyovasküler hastalıklar mortalite ve morbiditenin en sık nedenidir. Elektron-beam bilgisayarlı tomografi (EBBT) ile ölçülen kalsifiye koroner lezyonları anjiografik olarak belgelenmiş aterosklerotik lezyonların şiddeti ve tutulumu ile koreledir. Bu çalışmada hemodiyalize giren ve renal replasman geçiren hastalarda EBBT ile koroner arter kalsifikasyon skorunun (KAKS) saptanması ve KAKS değerlerinin hemodiyaliz ve transplantasyon grupları arasında karşılaştırılması ve diğer hasta özellikleri ile korelasyonunun araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Kronik hemodiyaliz tedavisinde olan 23 hasta (13 erkek, 10 kadın; ortalama yaş: 47,1±12,3 yıl) ve renal replasman tedavisi uygulanmış 15 hasta (9 erkek, 6 kadın; ortalama yaş: 36,3±10,0 yıl) çalışmaya alındı. Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar için geleneksel risk faktörleri, serum kalsiyum, fosfor ve kalsiyum-fosfor çarpımı, renal replasman tedavi süresi ve KAKS ölçüldü. Bulgular: Kronik hemodiyaliz hastalarında yaş, serum fosfor, kalsiyum-fosfor çarpımı, total kolesterol, KAKS ve sigara kullananların oranı renal replasman tedavisinde olanlardan anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti. Bununla birlikte, bu grupta hipertansif olanların oranı ve serum HDL kolesterol düzeyi anlamlı olarak daha düşük saptandı. Yine hemodiyaliz hastalarındaki KAKS, serum fosfor ve kalsiyum-fosfor çarpımı ile korele idi (r=0,511, P=0,013). Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre kronik hemodiyaliz hastalarında koroner arter kalsifikasyon gelişiminden kalsiyum-fosfor çarpımı yüksekliği sorumlu görünmektedir.


  • Agatston AS, Janowitz WR, Hildner FJ, Zusmer NR, Viamonte M Jr, Detrano R. Quantification of coronary artery calcium using ultrafast computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol 1990; 15:827-832.
  • Braun J, Oldendorf M, Moshage W, Heidler R, Zeitler E, Luft FC. Electron beam computed tomography in the evaluation of cardiac calfications in chronic dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 1996; 27:394-401.
  • Ehrlich JE, Rumberger JA. Detection and clinical management of cardiovascular calcification in ESRD: A review. Dialysis Transplant 2004; 33:306-316.
  • Friedman JA, Dwyer JT. Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Nutrition Reviews 1995; 53:197-201.
  • Ghods AJ, Ossareh S. Detection and treatment of coronary artery disease in renal transplantation candidates. Transplant Proceed 2002; 34:2415-2417.
  • Goldsmith DJA, Covic A. Coronary artery disease in uremia: Etiology, diagnosis, and therapy. Kidney Int 2001; 60:2059- 2078.
  • Goodman WG, Goldin J, Kutzon ED, Yoon C, Gales B, Sider D, Wang Y, Chung J, Emerick A, Greaser L, Elashoff RM, Salusky IB. Coronary-artery calcification in young adults with end-stage renal disease who are undergoing dialysis. N Eng J Med 2000; 342:1478-1482.
  • Gradaus F, Ivens K, Peters AJ, Heering P, Schoebel FC, Gran- bensee B, Strauer BE. Angiographic progression of coronary ar- tery disease in patients with end-stage renal disease. Nephrol Di- al Transplant 2001; 16:1198-1202.
  • Haydar AA, Hujairi NM, Covic AA, Pereira D, Rubens M, Goldsmith DJ. Coronary artery calcification is related to coro- nary atherosclerosis in chronic renal disease patients: A study comparing EBCT-generated coronary artery calcium scores and coronary angiography. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19:2307- 2312.
  • Hujairi N, Afzali B, Goldsmith D. Cardiac calcification in renal patients: What we do and don't know. Am J Kidney Dis 2004; 43:234-243.
  • Moe SM, O'Neill KD, Fineberg N, Persohn S, Ahmed S, Garrett P, Meyer CA. Assessment of vascular calcification in ESRD pa- tients using spiral CT. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18:1152- 1158.
  • Nallamothu BK, Saint S, Bielak LF, Sonnad SS, Peyser PA, Ru- benfire M, Fendrick AM. Electron-beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:833-838.
  • Oh J, Wunsch R, Turzer M, Bahner M, Raggi P, Querfeld U, Mehls O, Schaefer F. Advanced Coronary and Carotid Arteri- opathy in Young Adults With Childhood-Onset Chronic Renal Failure. Circulation 2002; 106:100-105.
  • Patel AD, Abo-Auda WS, Davis JM, Zoghbi GJ, Deierhoi MH, Heo J, Iskandrian AE. Prognostic value of myocardial perfusion imaging in predicting outcome after renal transplantation. Am J Cardiol 2003; 92:146-151.
  • Raggi P. The use of electron-beam computed tomography as a to- ol for primary prevention. Am J Cardiol 2001; 88:28-32.
  • Raggi P, Boulay A, Chasan-Taber S, Amin N, Dillon M, Bur- ke SK, Chertow GM. Cardiac calcification in adult hemodi- alysis patients. A link between end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular disease? J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 39:695- 701.
  • Raggi P, Cooil B, Hadi A, Friede G. Predictors of aortic and co- ronary artery calcium on a screening electron beam tomographic scan. Am J Cardiol 2003; 1:744-746.
  • Tamashiro M, Iseki K, Sunagawa O, Inoue T, Higa S, Afuso H, Fukiyama K. Significant association between the progres- sion of coronary artery calcification and dyslipidemia in pa- tients on chronic hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2001; 8:4- 9.
  • Thomson LEJ, Hachamovitch R. Coronary artery calcium sco- ring using electron-beam computed tomography: Where does this test fit into a clinical practice? Rev Cardiovasc Med 2002; 3:121-128.
  • Yildiz A, Tepe S, Oflaz H, Yazici H, Pusuroglu H, Besler M, Ark E, Erzengin F. Carotid atherosclerosis is a predictor of coronary calcification in chronic haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19:885-891.
Year 2007, Volume: 70 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 14.11.2011



  • Agatston AS, Janowitz WR, Hildner FJ, Zusmer NR, Viamonte M Jr, Detrano R. Quantification of coronary artery calcium using ultrafast computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol 1990; 15:827-832.
  • Braun J, Oldendorf M, Moshage W, Heidler R, Zeitler E, Luft FC. Electron beam computed tomography in the evaluation of cardiac calfications in chronic dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 1996; 27:394-401.
  • Ehrlich JE, Rumberger JA. Detection and clinical management of cardiovascular calcification in ESRD: A review. Dialysis Transplant 2004; 33:306-316.
  • Friedman JA, Dwyer JT. Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Nutrition Reviews 1995; 53:197-201.
  • Ghods AJ, Ossareh S. Detection and treatment of coronary artery disease in renal transplantation candidates. Transplant Proceed 2002; 34:2415-2417.
  • Goldsmith DJA, Covic A. Coronary artery disease in uremia: Etiology, diagnosis, and therapy. Kidney Int 2001; 60:2059- 2078.
  • Goodman WG, Goldin J, Kutzon ED, Yoon C, Gales B, Sider D, Wang Y, Chung J, Emerick A, Greaser L, Elashoff RM, Salusky IB. Coronary-artery calcification in young adults with end-stage renal disease who are undergoing dialysis. N Eng J Med 2000; 342:1478-1482.
  • Gradaus F, Ivens K, Peters AJ, Heering P, Schoebel FC, Gran- bensee B, Strauer BE. Angiographic progression of coronary ar- tery disease in patients with end-stage renal disease. Nephrol Di- al Transplant 2001; 16:1198-1202.
  • Haydar AA, Hujairi NM, Covic AA, Pereira D, Rubens M, Goldsmith DJ. Coronary artery calcification is related to coro- nary atherosclerosis in chronic renal disease patients: A study comparing EBCT-generated coronary artery calcium scores and coronary angiography. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19:2307- 2312.
  • Hujairi N, Afzali B, Goldsmith D. Cardiac calcification in renal patients: What we do and don't know. Am J Kidney Dis 2004; 43:234-243.
  • Moe SM, O'Neill KD, Fineberg N, Persohn S, Ahmed S, Garrett P, Meyer CA. Assessment of vascular calcification in ESRD pa- tients using spiral CT. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18:1152- 1158.
  • Nallamothu BK, Saint S, Bielak LF, Sonnad SS, Peyser PA, Ru- benfire M, Fendrick AM. Electron-beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:833-838.
  • Oh J, Wunsch R, Turzer M, Bahner M, Raggi P, Querfeld U, Mehls O, Schaefer F. Advanced Coronary and Carotid Arteri- opathy in Young Adults With Childhood-Onset Chronic Renal Failure. Circulation 2002; 106:100-105.
  • Patel AD, Abo-Auda WS, Davis JM, Zoghbi GJ, Deierhoi MH, Heo J, Iskandrian AE. Prognostic value of myocardial perfusion imaging in predicting outcome after renal transplantation. Am J Cardiol 2003; 92:146-151.
  • Raggi P. The use of electron-beam computed tomography as a to- ol for primary prevention. Am J Cardiol 2001; 88:28-32.
  • Raggi P, Boulay A, Chasan-Taber S, Amin N, Dillon M, Bur- ke SK, Chertow GM. Cardiac calcification in adult hemodi- alysis patients. A link between end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular disease? J Am Coll Cardiol 2002; 39:695- 701.
  • Raggi P, Cooil B, Hadi A, Friede G. Predictors of aortic and co- ronary artery calcium on a screening electron beam tomographic scan. Am J Cardiol 2003; 1:744-746.
  • Tamashiro M, Iseki K, Sunagawa O, Inoue T, Higa S, Afuso H, Fukiyama K. Significant association between the progres- sion of coronary artery calcification and dyslipidemia in pa- tients on chronic hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2001; 8:4- 9.
  • Thomson LEJ, Hachamovitch R. Coronary artery calcium sco- ring using electron-beam computed tomography: Where does this test fit into a clinical practice? Rev Cardiovasc Med 2002; 3:121-128.
  • Yildiz A, Tepe S, Oflaz H, Yazici H, Pusuroglu H, Besler M, Ark E, Erzengin F. Carotid atherosclerosis is a predictor of coronary calcification in chronic haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19:885-891.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Clinical Research

Gürsel Acartürk This is me

Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu This is me

Esat Memişoğlu This is me

Savaş Tepe This is me

Yasar Çalışkan This is me

Aydın Türkmen This is me

Alaattin Yıldız This is me

Semra Bozfakioğlu This is me

Gürsel Acartürk This is me

At All. This is me

Publication Date November 14, 2011
Submission Date November 14, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 70 Issue: 1


APA Acartürk, G., Kazancıoğlu, R., Memişoğlu, E., Tepe, S., et al. (2011). RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 70(1), 1-5.
AMA Acartürk G, Kazancıoğlu R, Memişoğlu E, Tepe S, Çalışkan Y, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakioğlu S, Acartürk G, All. A. RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU. İst Tıp Fak Derg. November 2011;70(1):1-5.
Chicago Acartürk, Gürsel, Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Esat Memişoğlu, Savaş Tepe, Yasar Çalışkan, Aydın Türkmen, Alaattin Yıldız, Semra Bozfakioğlu, Gürsel Acartürk, and At All. “RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 70, no. 1 (November 2011): 1-5.
EndNote Acartürk G, Kazancıoğlu R, Memişoğlu E, Tepe S, Çalışkan Y, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakioğlu S, Acartürk G, All. A (November 1, 2011) RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 70 1 1–5.
ISNAD Acartürk, Gürsel et al. “RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 70/1 (November 2011), 1-5.
JAMA Acartürk G, Kazancıoğlu R, Memişoğlu E, Tepe S, Çalışkan Y, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakioğlu S, Acartürk G, All. A. RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2011;70:1–5.
MLA Acartürk, Gürsel et al. “RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 70, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-5.
Vancouver Acartürk G, Kazancıoğlu R, Memişoğlu E, Tepe S, Çalışkan Y, Türkmen A, Yıldız A, Bozfakioğlu S, Acartürk G, All. A. RENAL REPLASMAN TEDAVİSİ GÖREN HASTALARDA KORONER ARTER KALSİFİKASYONU. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2011;70(1):1-5.

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