Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethics Committee Approval and Informed Consent

Journal of Child takes as principle to comply with the ethical standards of World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects revised in 2003 and WMA Statement on Animal Use in Biomedical Research revised in 2016.

An approval of research protocols by the Ethics Committee in accordance with international standards mentioned above is required for experimental, clinical, and drug studies and for some case reports. If required, ethics committee reports or an equivalent official document will be requested from the authors. For manuscripts concerning experimental research on humans, a statement should be included that shows that written informed consent of patients and volunteers was obtained following a detailed explanation of the procedures that they may undergo. For studies carried out on animals, the measures taken to prevent pain and suffering of the animals should be stated clearly. Information on patient consent, the name of the ethics committee, and the ethics committee approval number should also be stated in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. It is the authors’ responsibility to carefully protect the patients’ anonymity. For photographs that may reveal the identity of the patients, signed releases of the patient or of their legal representative should be enclosed.

Contact information and address

Addressi: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Turgut Özal Cad. 34093 Çapa, Fatih, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE


Phone: +90 212 414 21 61