Year 2005,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1353 - 1362, 28.12.2011
Malik Şiş
- L. Kleinrock , Queuing Systems, Vol. I: Theory, John Wiley fa Sons,Inc. 1975.
- L. Kleinrock , Queuing Systems, Vol. II: Theory, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 1976.
- M. K. Sis A Dynamic Local Congestion Reducing Strategy Based on a Mini-Max Criterion, Polytechnic University 1994.
- P.E. Sarachik, "Congestion Reducing Dynamic Routing Strategies for Multidesti- nation Traffic Networks", IEEE Trans on Commun., Vol. COM-24, No. 4, April S.Ross, "Applied Probability Models with Optimization Applications", (Chapter 6) Markov Decision Processes, Holden -Day, San Francisco, 1970.
- W. Lin and P.R, Kumar, "Optimal Control of a Queuing System with Two Heterogeneous Servers", IEEE Trans on Automat. Contr. Vol. AC-29, No. 8, August 1984.
- Floyd S. and Jacobson V, "Random Early detection Gateways in congestion avoidance", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking. Vol. , No. 3, 1993 SHORT BIOGRAPHY
Year 2005,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1353 - 1362, 28.12.2011
Malik Şiş
- L. Kleinrock , Queuing Systems, Vol. I: Theory, John Wiley fa Sons,Inc. 1975.
- L. Kleinrock , Queuing Systems, Vol. II: Theory, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 1976.
- M. K. Sis A Dynamic Local Congestion Reducing Strategy Based on a Mini-Max Criterion, Polytechnic University 1994.
- P.E. Sarachik, "Congestion Reducing Dynamic Routing Strategies for Multidesti- nation Traffic Networks", IEEE Trans on Commun., Vol. COM-24, No. 4, April S.Ross, "Applied Probability Models with Optimization Applications", (Chapter 6) Markov Decision Processes, Holden -Day, San Francisco, 1970.
- W. Lin and P.R, Kumar, "Optimal Control of a Queuing System with Two Heterogeneous Servers", IEEE Trans on Automat. Contr. Vol. AC-29, No. 8, August 1984.
- Floyd S. and Jacobson V, "Random Early detection Gateways in congestion avoidance", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking. Vol. , No. 3, 1993 SHORT BIOGRAPHY
There are 6 citations in total.