Year 1994,
Volume: 30 , 11 - 18, 09.09.2015
O. Özyaral* C.b. Johansson**
Bu gahgmanzda, iglerinde 12 adet cerrahi iplik bulunan, 31 adet kap& kutu olmak iizere toplarn 372 omek kiif mantan kontarninasyonu yoniinden incelenmigtir. Alti ay ve bir senelik depolama siirelerinin sonucunda omekler mikolojik yonden analiz edilmigtir. Katgiit ve cerrahi iplikler iizerinde geligen kiif mantarlanru yakalayabilmek igin ijrnekler 22OC ve.250C'lik normal oda ~s~lannda tutulmuglard~r. omelderden gok fazla say~da ayinrni yap~lan suglar depo kiifleri olarak beliilenmigtir. Ambalaj malzemesi olarak kag~t kullmlmasuun rutubeti geqirmesi ve kiif geligimini desteklemesi nedeniyle uygun olmad~gi kmsma vanlmigtlr.
- 1. Rawlins, E.A, Sutures and Ligatures, pp. 635-637, In: Bentley's Textbook of Pharrnaceutics+Bailliere Tiidall, London (1977).
11. British Pharnlaceutical Codex (BPC), Surgical ligatures and sutures, pp. 595-605 (1973).
- 3. USP, Offical monographs, Suture (Absorbable Surgical Suture), p. 759, USP XX.
- 4. Turk Standartlari (TSE), UDC 675.85 Emilebilir Steril Katgut (Emilebii Steril-Cerrahi
Iplik), TS 349711980, Tiirk Standartlan Eristitusu, Ankara (1981).
- 5. Turk StandartIan (TSE), UDK 615.473, Cerrahi Keten Iplik, TS55011, Turk Standartlm
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 6. Turk Standartiari (TSE), UDK 615.4711, Cerrahi Poliester ~plik, TS5503, Turk Standartlan
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 7. Turk Standartlari (TSE), UDK 615.471, Cerrahi Poliarnid Iplii, TS5504, Tiirk Standartla1
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 8. Turk Standartlar~ (TSE), UDK 615.472, Cerrahi Ipek Iplik, TS5505, Turk Standartlan
Enstitiisu, Ankara (1988).
- 9. Tiirk Standartlar~ (TSE), UDK 615.472, Cerrahi Poliglaktin IplB, TS7342, Turk
Standartlan Enstitiisu, Ankara (1989).
- 10. Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Edition, Ed: Alfonso, R. Gennaro, pp. 1900-
1904, Mack Publishing Company, Easton, Pennsylvania (1990).
- 11. British Pharmaceutical Codex (BPC), Appendix 28, Test for sterility of surgical dressing
and sutures, pp. 917-927, BPC: NP XV (1973).
- 12. Bowman, F.W.: S. Phalat. Sci. 58 (1 1): 1301 (1969).
- 13. Beveridge, E.G: Microbial spoilage and preservation of phramaceutical products, p. 266, In:
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Eds): Huge WB, Russel AD, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, Edingburg, Melbourne (1980).
- 14. Christensen, C.M., Storage Fungi, pp. 173-190, In: Food and Beverage Mycology, (Ed)
.Beuchat LR, Avi Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut (1978).
- 15. Samson, R.A., Hockstra, E.S., van Dorschot, C.A.N.: Introduction to Foodborne Fungi,
CBS, Baarn (1984).
- 16. Cjzyaral, O., Johansson, CB., K~KEM DCI-~., 10 (1): 70-75 (1987).
- 17. Raper, K.B., Fennell, D.I., The genus Aspergillus, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc,
New York (1977).
- 18. Samson, R.A. Stolk, A.C. Hadlok, R, Revision of the subsection fasciculata of Penicillium
and some allied species, CBS, Baarn (1976).
- 19, Schipper, M.A.A., Stalpers, J.A., A revision of the genus Rhizopus, 1. The Rh. stolonifergoup and R. owe, 2. The Rh. microsporus-group, CBS, Baarn (1984). .
- 20. Stolk, A.C., Samson, R.A., The genus Talaromyces, studies on Talaromyces and related
genera TI, CBS, Baarn (1972).
- 21. Stolk, A.C., Samson, R.A., The ascomycete genus Eupenicillium and related penicilliuln
anamorphs, CBS, Baarn, (1983).
- 22. Cole, T.G., Samson, R.A., The conidia pp. 67-103, In: Mouldy Allergy (Ed): Al-Doow Y,
Damson FJ. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia (1984).
- 23. Hoffman, HR., Mould allergens, p. 104, In: mould Allergy (Ed): Al-Doory, Y, Damson,
J.F., Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia (1984).
- 24. Chandler, F.W., Kaplan, W., Ajelb, L, A Colour Atlas and Textbook of the Histopathology
of hlycotic Diseases, Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd. (1989).
- 25. Mossel, D.A.A. Sand, F.E.M.J, Consei7m, 7: 23-32 (1968).
76. Leistner, L., Rodel, W, The significance of water activity for microorganisms in meat Ifl:
Water relations of foods Ed: R.B. Duckwarh, Academic Press, London (1975). '
- 27. Corry, J.E.L, ReIationsllips of Water activity to fungal growth,'pp. 45-82, In: Food and Bevelage mycology, (Ed): Beucliaf L.R. Avi Publishing Company, Inc, Westport, Connecticut
- 28. Pitt, J.I., Cluistian, J.H.B., Appi. Microbial, 16: 1853-1858 (1968).
Year 1994,
Volume: 30 , 11 - 18, 09.09.2015
O. Özyaral* C.b. Johansson**
In this study 31 sealed carton paper packages containing 12 surgical
strings totally 372 samples were investigated for mould contamination. Mycological analyses were carried out on samples after a storage period of 6 months
and a year time. Growth of fungi was detected on catguts and sutures that were
kept at normal room temperature of 22°C to 25°C.
A large number of mould strains isolated from samples which were
among the storage fungi.
We conclude that using paper as a packaging material is unsuitable, since
moisture which supports fungal growth, penetrates it.
- 1. Rawlins, E.A, Sutures and Ligatures, pp. 635-637, In: Bentley's Textbook of Pharrnaceutics+Bailliere Tiidall, London (1977).
11. British Pharnlaceutical Codex (BPC), Surgical ligatures and sutures, pp. 595-605 (1973).
- 3. USP, Offical monographs, Suture (Absorbable Surgical Suture), p. 759, USP XX.
- 4. Turk Standartlari (TSE), UDC 675.85 Emilebilir Steril Katgut (Emilebii Steril-Cerrahi
Iplik), TS 349711980, Tiirk Standartlan Eristitusu, Ankara (1981).
- 5. Turk StandartIan (TSE), UDK 615.473, Cerrahi Keten Iplik, TS55011, Turk Standartlm
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 6. Turk Standartiari (TSE), UDK 615.4711, Cerrahi Poliester ~plik, TS5503, Turk Standartlan
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 7. Turk Standartlari (TSE), UDK 615.471, Cerrahi Poliarnid Iplii, TS5504, Tiirk Standartla1
Enstitusu, Ankara (1988).
- 8. Turk Standartlar~ (TSE), UDK 615.472, Cerrahi Ipek Iplik, TS5505, Turk Standartlan
Enstitiisu, Ankara (1988).
- 9. Tiirk Standartlar~ (TSE), UDK 615.472, Cerrahi Poliglaktin IplB, TS7342, Turk
Standartlan Enstitiisu, Ankara (1989).
- 10. Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Edition, Ed: Alfonso, R. Gennaro, pp. 1900-
1904, Mack Publishing Company, Easton, Pennsylvania (1990).
- 11. British Pharmaceutical Codex (BPC), Appendix 28, Test for sterility of surgical dressing
and sutures, pp. 917-927, BPC: NP XV (1973).
- 12. Bowman, F.W.: S. Phalat. Sci. 58 (1 1): 1301 (1969).
- 13. Beveridge, E.G: Microbial spoilage and preservation of phramaceutical products, p. 266, In:
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Eds): Huge WB, Russel AD, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, Edingburg, Melbourne (1980).
- 14. Christensen, C.M., Storage Fungi, pp. 173-190, In: Food and Beverage Mycology, (Ed)
.Beuchat LR, Avi Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut (1978).
- 15. Samson, R.A., Hockstra, E.S., van Dorschot, C.A.N.: Introduction to Foodborne Fungi,
CBS, Baarn (1984).
- 16. Cjzyaral, O., Johansson, CB., K~KEM DCI-~., 10 (1): 70-75 (1987).
- 17. Raper, K.B., Fennell, D.I., The genus Aspergillus, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc,
New York (1977).
- 18. Samson, R.A. Stolk, A.C. Hadlok, R, Revision of the subsection fasciculata of Penicillium
and some allied species, CBS, Baarn (1976).
- 19, Schipper, M.A.A., Stalpers, J.A., A revision of the genus Rhizopus, 1. The Rh. stolonifergoup and R. owe, 2. The Rh. microsporus-group, CBS, Baarn (1984). .
- 20. Stolk, A.C., Samson, R.A., The genus Talaromyces, studies on Talaromyces and related
genera TI, CBS, Baarn (1972).
- 21. Stolk, A.C., Samson, R.A., The ascomycete genus Eupenicillium and related penicilliuln
anamorphs, CBS, Baarn, (1983).
- 22. Cole, T.G., Samson, R.A., The conidia pp. 67-103, In: Mouldy Allergy (Ed): Al-Doow Y,
Damson FJ. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia (1984).
- 23. Hoffman, HR., Mould allergens, p. 104, In: mould Allergy (Ed): Al-Doory, Y, Damson,
J.F., Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia (1984).
- 24. Chandler, F.W., Kaplan, W., Ajelb, L, A Colour Atlas and Textbook of the Histopathology
of hlycotic Diseases, Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd. (1989).
- 25. Mossel, D.A.A. Sand, F.E.M.J, Consei7m, 7: 23-32 (1968).
76. Leistner, L., Rodel, W, The significance of water activity for microorganisms in meat Ifl:
Water relations of foods Ed: R.B. Duckwarh, Academic Press, London (1975). '
- 27. Corry, J.E.L, ReIationsllips of Water activity to fungal growth,'pp. 45-82, In: Food and Bevelage mycology, (Ed): Beucliaf L.R. Avi Publishing Company, Inc, Westport, Connecticut
- 28. Pitt, J.I., Cluistian, J.H.B., Appi. Microbial, 16: 1853-1858 (1968).