Research Article
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Year 1993, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 31 - 42, 09.09.2015


A close examination of the outer and inner morphological characters, of A. scorodoprasum subsp. scorodoprasum and subsp. rotundum grow in European Turkey show that they should be treated as different species and their names as had, till 1978, been A. scorodoprasum L. and A. rotundum L.. According to the results of the present work their main differences are summarized as follows: A. scorodoprasum; outer and inner tunics membranous, dark grey or reddish violet; bulblets ovoid-oblong, stalked spathe yellowish; umbel with bulbils and 0-20 flowered; pedicels almost equal. Cuticle of foliage leaves without micropapilla. Simple pits of parenchymatic cells absent, crystals cubic or prizmatic, simple or twin rarely compound, monohydrate or trihydrate;no sclerenchymatic fibres in bulb scales. Chromosome number 2n=16. A. rotundum; outer tunics coriaceaus, yellowish-brown, inner tunic membranous white or dark purple; bulblets in different shaped; spathe greenish-pink; umbel without bulbils, many flowered:
pedicels unequal with bracteol. Cuticle of foliage leaves with micropapilla.


  • 1. Steam, W. T., Ann. Mris. Goulandris, 4178 (1978).
  • 2. Kollmann, F., Allium in Davis, P.H., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 8, 172-174, University Press, Edinburgh (1984).
  • 3. Chesmedjiyev, I. V., Both. Arch., 24 (1): 165-168 (1979).
  • 4. Levan, A., Hereditas, 15 (3): 347-356 (1931).
  • 5. Katayama, T., Jorrr. Coll. Agric. Imp. Univ. Tokyo,l3 (5): 431-441 (1936).
  • 6. Hindakova, M., Cincura, F., In Index of Chromosome numbers of Slovakian Flora (Part 1) (1967).
  • 7. Sopova, M., God. Zborn. Biol. Fak. Skopje Univ. Prir.-Mat., 20: 147-157 (1968).
  • 8. Kim, J.H., Korean J. Bot., 17: 113-117 (1974).
  • 9. Love, A., Love, D., Tmn 31: 583-587 (1982 b).
  • 10. Speta, F., Linzer Biol. Beitr., 16: 45-81 (1984).
  • 11. Halkka, L., Ann. Bot. Fenn., 22: 315-317 (1985).
  • 12. Semerenko, L.V., Bot. Zurn. SSSR, 70:130-132 (1985 a).
  • 13. Delay, C., Rev. Cytol. et Cytoplzysiol. Veg., 9 (1-4): 169-222, 10 (1-4): 103-229 (1947).
  • 14. Chesmedjiev, J.V., Bot. Zurn. (Moscow Md Leningrad), 58: 864-875 (1973).
  • 15. Ruiz Rejon, M., IN IOPB Chromosome number report LII. Taxon 25: 341-3% (1976).
  • 16. Ozhatay, N., Istanblil Univ. Eczacrl~k Fak. Mecnluas~ (J. Fac. Plrarm. Istanbul), 20:43-65 (1981 a).
  • 17. Tzanoudakis, D., Ann. Mus. Goulandris, 7233-247 (1985).
  • 18. Baytop, T., Farmakognozi Ders Kitabi Cilt I. EczacikFakiiltesi Yaymlan No. 29, Fatih Yaymevi Matbaasl(l980).
  • 19. Azarkova, AF., et al., Kl~im Prir Soedin, 3:407 (1974). Ref. C.A. 81:166358 v (1974).
  • 20. Azarkova, A.F., et al., Kl~im Prir Soedin, 5:65 (1983). Ref. CA. 100:135771 f (1984).
  • 21. Ismailov, A.L, Tagiev, S.A., Uch. Zap., 37:60-64 (1974). Ref. C.A. 87:180731 s (1974).
  • 22. Ismailov, A.I., Tagiev, S.A., Khromotogr. Medody Farm., 137-143 (1977). Ref. C.A. I 90:68651 b (1979).
  • 23. Kerestelidze, E.V. etal., Kltirn Prir Soedin, 6 (3): 372 (1970). Ref. C.A. 73:117181 h (1970).
  • 24. Okanishi, T., et al., Clzenl. Plzarnt. Bull., 23 (3): 573-579 (1975). Ref. C.A. 82: 167519 f (1975).
  • 25. Pkheidze, T.A., et al., Vses Skzda Farm., 215-221 (1967). Ref. C.A. 75:115868 e (1971).
  • 26. Pkheidze, T.A., et al., Klzim Prir Soedin, 7 (6): 841-842 (1971). Ref. C.A. 76:138210 u (1972).
  • 27. Koyuncu, M., Kurucu, S., IV. Bitkisel llaq Hammeddeleri Toplanhsl Bildirileri, Anadolu Oniversitesi Baslmevi, Eski~ehir (1982).
  • 28. Noyanalpan, N., Anadolu'da yetiSen'bau bitkilerin, steroidal ilaqlann yan sentezi yijniinden de~erlendirilmesi haklunda ara.$mnalar. Doqentlik tezi, Ankara (1973).
  • 29. Kaweta, M., et al., Agric. Biol. Cltenl., 44 (6): 1405-1406 (1980). Ref. C.A. 93: 1105584 w (1980).
  • 30. Gubukqu, B., Meriqli, A.H., Plant Med. ef Pltyt., 11:294 (1977).
  • 31. Meriqli, A.H., fstanbul ECZ. Fak. Mec., 16:84 (1980).
  • 32. Meriqli, A.H., et al., Fitoferapia, 55:112 (1984).
  • 33. 0zhatay, N., J. Fac. Plrarm. Istanbrrl, 19: 15-36 (1983).


Year 1993, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 31 - 42, 09.09.2015


A close examination of the outer and inner morphological characters, of A. scorodoprasum subsp. scorodoprasum and subsp. rotundum grow in European Turkey show that they should be treated as different species and their names as had, till 1978, been A. scorodoprasum L. and A. rotundum L.. According to the results of the present work their main differences are summarized as follows: A. scorodoprasum; outer and inner tunics membranous, dark grey or reddish violet; bulblets ovoid-oblong, stalked spathe yellowish; umbel with bulbils and 0-20 flowered; pedicels almost equal. Cuticle of foliage leaves without micropapilla. Simple pits of parenchymatic cells absent, crystals cubic or prizmatic, simple or twin rarely compound, monohydrate or trihydrate;no sclerenchymatic fibres in bulb scales. Chromosome number 2n=16. A. rotundum; outer tunics coriaceaus, yellowish-brown, inner tunic membranous white or dark purple; bulblets in different shaped; spathe greenish-pink; umbel without bulbils, many flowered:
pedicels unequal with bracteol. Cuticle of foliage leaves with micropapilla.


  • 1. Steam, W. T., Ann. Mris. Goulandris, 4178 (1978).
  • 2. Kollmann, F., Allium in Davis, P.H., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 8, 172-174, University Press, Edinburgh (1984).
  • 3. Chesmedjiyev, I. V., Both. Arch., 24 (1): 165-168 (1979).
  • 4. Levan, A., Hereditas, 15 (3): 347-356 (1931).
  • 5. Katayama, T., Jorrr. Coll. Agric. Imp. Univ. Tokyo,l3 (5): 431-441 (1936).
  • 6. Hindakova, M., Cincura, F., In Index of Chromosome numbers of Slovakian Flora (Part 1) (1967).
  • 7. Sopova, M., God. Zborn. Biol. Fak. Skopje Univ. Prir.-Mat., 20: 147-157 (1968).
  • 8. Kim, J.H., Korean J. Bot., 17: 113-117 (1974).
  • 9. Love, A., Love, D., Tmn 31: 583-587 (1982 b).
  • 10. Speta, F., Linzer Biol. Beitr., 16: 45-81 (1984).
  • 11. Halkka, L., Ann. Bot. Fenn., 22: 315-317 (1985).
  • 12. Semerenko, L.V., Bot. Zurn. SSSR, 70:130-132 (1985 a).
  • 13. Delay, C., Rev. Cytol. et Cytoplzysiol. Veg., 9 (1-4): 169-222, 10 (1-4): 103-229 (1947).
  • 14. Chesmedjiev, J.V., Bot. Zurn. (Moscow Md Leningrad), 58: 864-875 (1973).
  • 15. Ruiz Rejon, M., IN IOPB Chromosome number report LII. Taxon 25: 341-3% (1976).
  • 16. Ozhatay, N., Istanblil Univ. Eczacrl~k Fak. Mecnluas~ (J. Fac. Plrarm. Istanbul), 20:43-65 (1981 a).
  • 17. Tzanoudakis, D., Ann. Mus. Goulandris, 7233-247 (1985).
  • 18. Baytop, T., Farmakognozi Ders Kitabi Cilt I. EczacikFakiiltesi Yaymlan No. 29, Fatih Yaymevi Matbaasl(l980).
  • 19. Azarkova, AF., et al., Kl~im Prir Soedin, 3:407 (1974). Ref. C.A. 81:166358 v (1974).
  • 20. Azarkova, A.F., et al., Kl~im Prir Soedin, 5:65 (1983). Ref. CA. 100:135771 f (1984).
  • 21. Ismailov, A.L, Tagiev, S.A., Uch. Zap., 37:60-64 (1974). Ref. C.A. 87:180731 s (1974).
  • 22. Ismailov, A.I., Tagiev, S.A., Khromotogr. Medody Farm., 137-143 (1977). Ref. C.A. I 90:68651 b (1979).
  • 23. Kerestelidze, E.V. etal., Kltirn Prir Soedin, 6 (3): 372 (1970). Ref. C.A. 73:117181 h (1970).
  • 24. Okanishi, T., et al., Clzenl. Plzarnt. Bull., 23 (3): 573-579 (1975). Ref. C.A. 82: 167519 f (1975).
  • 25. Pkheidze, T.A., et al., Vses Skzda Farm., 215-221 (1967). Ref. C.A. 75:115868 e (1971).
  • 26. Pkheidze, T.A., et al., Klzim Prir Soedin, 7 (6): 841-842 (1971). Ref. C.A. 76:138210 u (1972).
  • 27. Koyuncu, M., Kurucu, S., IV. Bitkisel llaq Hammeddeleri Toplanhsl Bildirileri, Anadolu Oniversitesi Baslmevi, Eski~ehir (1982).
  • 28. Noyanalpan, N., Anadolu'da yetiSen'bau bitkilerin, steroidal ilaqlann yan sentezi yijniinden de~erlendirilmesi haklunda ara.$mnalar. Doqentlik tezi, Ankara (1973).
  • 29. Kaweta, M., et al., Agric. Biol. Cltenl., 44 (6): 1405-1406 (1980). Ref. C.A. 93: 1105584 w (1980).
  • 30. Gubukqu, B., Meriqli, A.H., Plant Med. ef Pltyt., 11:294 (1977).
  • 31. Meriqli, A.H., fstanbul ECZ. Fak. Mec., 16:84 (1980).
  • 32. Meriqli, A.H., et al., Fitoferapia, 55:112 (1984).
  • 33. 0zhatay, N., J. Fac. Plrarm. Istanbrrl, 19: 15-36 (1983).
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal Section Makaleler

N. Özhatay*, L.üstün* A.h.meriçli** This is me

Publication Date September 9, 2015
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA A.h.meriçli**, N. Ö. L. (2015). COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 29(1), 31-42.
AMA A.h.meriçli** NÖL. COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. September 2015;29(1):31-42.
Chicago A.h.meriçli**, N. Özhatay*, L.üstün*. “COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn Scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 29, no. 1 (September 2015): 31-42.
EndNote A.h.meriçli** NÖL (September 1, 2015) COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 29 1 31–42.
IEEE N. Ö. L. A.h.meriçli**, “COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY”, Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 31–42, 2015.
ISNAD A.h.meriçli**, N. Özhatay*, L.üstün*. “COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn Scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University 29/1 (September 2015), 31-42.
JAMA A.h.meriçli** NÖL. COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2015;29:31–42.
MLA A.h.meriçli**, N. Özhatay*, L.üstün*. “COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn Scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University, vol. 29, no. 1, 2015, pp. 31-42.
Vancouver A.h.meriçli** NÖL. COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON Alliurn scorodoprasum COMPLEX IN EUROPEAN TURKEY. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2015;29(1):31-42.