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Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study

Year 2024, , 299 - 306, 30.12.2024


Background and Aims: Medication use for pre-existing or pregnancy-induced conditions/diseases is common during pregnancy. Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of pregnant women regarding medication use is crucial for healthcare professionals in providing safe and rational drug use during pregnancy. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the attitudes and perceptions of Turkish women regarding medication use during pregnancy.
Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted with 60 pregnant/lactating women who applied to a community pharmacy in Istanbul, Türkiye. The questionnaire focused on women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding the use of medications and supplements during pregnancy.
Results: 65% of women stated that the use of certain medications is harmful, while 31.7% believed that all medications are harmful in pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester. The majority of participants (90%) consulted with their physicians before using any medication, whereas a few received advice from pharmacists and nurses. Most women adhered to the prescribed treatment regimen for pre-existing (83.3%) and pregnacy-induced diseases (75%), while a few stopped taking medication for not to harm their baby. None of the participants had a habit of self-medication.
Conclusion: The majority of the women used medication with high adherence and had high confidence in the advice from a physician. However, the tendency to avoid medication use due to concerns about fetal harm, and the low consultation rate with pharmacists are notable findings. More effort is needed to encourage pregnant women to obtain information regarding medication use during pregnancy from community pharmacists.


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  • Ceulemans, M., Liekens, S., Van Calsteren, K., Allegaert, K., & Foulon, V. (2020). Community pharmacists’ attitudes, barriers, knowledge and counseling practice with regard to preconcep-tion, pregnancy and lactation. Research in Social & Administra-tive pharmacy: RSAP, 16(9), 1192-1200. j.sapharm.2019.12.010 google scholar
  • Çobanoğlu, A. (2020). Investigation of drug utilization status and safe drug utilization information in pregnant women. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 23(4), 463-9. google scholar
  • Devkota, R., Khan, G. M., Alam, K., Sapkota, B., & Devkota, D. (2017). Impacts of counseling on knowledge, attitude and practice of medication use during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Child-birth, 17(1), 131. google scholar
  • Göker, A., Kadıoğlu Duman, M., Gürpınar, T., Muci, E., Yıldırım, Y., Erköseoğlu, İ., Dikayak, Ş., & Koyuncu, F. M. (2012). Retro-spective evaluation of the pregnant women consulted due to drug exposure during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 22(2), 90-94. google scholar
  • Kahraman, A., Şen Aytekin, M., Mete Sandalcı, E., & Alparslan, Ö. (2023). Rational use of drugs during pregnancy and determination of affecting factors. Journal of Midwifery and Health sciences, 6(3), 142-149. google scholar
  • Kassaw, C. & Wabe, N. T. (2012). Pregnant women and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: knowledge, perception and drug con-sumption pattern during pregnancy in Ethiopia. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(2), 72-76. 1947-2714.93377 google scholar
  • Lupattelli, A., Spigset, O., Twigg, M. J., Zagorodnikova, K., Mârdby, A. C., Moretti, M. E., Drozd, M., Panchaud, A., Hameen-Anttila, K., Rieutord, A., Gjergja Juraski, R., Odalovic, M., Kennedy, D., Rudolf, G., Juch, H., Passier, A., Björnsdottir, I., & Nor-deng, H. (2014). Medication use in pregnancy: a cross-sectional, multinational web-based study. BMJ open, 4(2), e004365. https: // google scholar
  • Lynch, M. M., Amoozegar, J. B., McClure, E. M., Squiers, L. B., Broussard, C. S., Lind, J. N., Polen, K. N., Frey, M. T., Gilboa, S. M., & Biermann, J. (2017). Improving Safe Use of Medica-tions During Pregnancy: The Roles of Patients, Physicians, and Pharmacists. Qualitative Health Research, 27(13), 2071-2080. google scholar
  • Mitchell, A. A., Gilboa, S. M., Werler, M. M., Kelley, K. E., Louik, C., Herıı;iııdez-I.)ıaz, S., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study (2011). Medication use during pregnancy, with particular focus on prescription drugs: 1976-2008. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 205(1), 51.e1-51.e518. j.ajog.2011.02.029 google scholar
  • Nordeng, H., Ystr0m, E., & Einarson, A. (2010). Perception of risk regarding the use of medications and other exposures during pregnancy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 66(2), 207-214. google scholar
  • Olukman, M., Parlar, A., Orhan, C.E., & Erol, A. (2006). )rug use in pregnancy: one year’s experience. Turkish Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology. 3(4),255-261. google scholar
  • Petersen, I., McCrea, R. L., Lupattelli, A., & Nordeng, H. (2015). Women’s perception of risks of adverse fetal pregnancy outcomes: a large-scale multinational survey. BMJ open, 5(6), e007390. https: // google scholar
  • Sharma, R., Kapoor, B., & Verma, U. (2006). )rug utilization pat-tern during pregnancy in North India. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 60(7), 277-287. google scholar
  • Terzioğlu Bebitoğlu, B., Hıdıroğlu, S., Ayaz Bilir, R., Sarısaltık, A., & Koc, ). (2022). Investigation of medication use patterns among pregnant women attending a tertiary referral hospital. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52(1), 90-95. google scholar
  • Undela, K., Joy, N., Gurumurthy, P., & Sujatha M.S. (2021). Knowl-edge, beliefs, and practice of pregnant women regarding med-ication use during pregnancy: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 41(4), 522-526. google scholar
  • Wolgast, E., Lindh-Âstrand, L., & Lilliecreutz, C. (2019). Women’s perceptions of medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding-A Swedish cross-sectional questionnaire study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 98(7), 856-864. https: // google scholar
  • Zaki, N. M., & Albarraq, A. A. (2014). Use, attitudes and knowl-edge of medications among pregnant women: A Saudi study. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 22(5), 419-428. 10.1016/j.jsps.2013.09.001 google scholar
Year 2024, , 299 - 306, 30.12.2024



  • Abasiubong, F., Bassey, E. A., Udobang, J. A., Akinbami, O. S., Udoh, S. B., & Idung, A. U. (2012). Self-Medication: potential risks and hazards among pregnant women in Uyo, Nigeria. The Pan African Medical Journal, 13, 15. google scholar
  • Albayrak, A., Demir, A., & Sezik, M. (2024). Evaluation of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of pregnant women on medicine use during pregnancy. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, 48(1), 109-117. google scholar
  • Alhajri, N. A., Alshathri, A. H., Aldharman, S. S., Alshathri, A. H., Abukhlaled, J. K., Alabdullah, D. W., & Aleban, S. A. (2022). Women’s Perceptions of Medication Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding in Saudi Arabia. Cureus, 14(12), e32953. https: // google scholar
  • Alptekin, P.Ç., & Koruk, F. (2020). Şanlıurfa’da Gebe Kadınların İlaç Kullanım Alışkanlıkları ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 17(1):28-32. google scholar
  • Ceulemans, M., Liekens, S., Van Calsteren, K., Allegaert, K., & Foulon, V. (2020). Community pharmacists’ attitudes, barriers, knowledge and counseling practice with regard to preconcep-tion, pregnancy and lactation. Research in Social & Administra-tive pharmacy: RSAP, 16(9), 1192-1200. j.sapharm.2019.12.010 google scholar
  • Çobanoğlu, A. (2020). Investigation of drug utilization status and safe drug utilization information in pregnant women. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 23(4), 463-9. google scholar
  • Devkota, R., Khan, G. M., Alam, K., Sapkota, B., & Devkota, D. (2017). Impacts of counseling on knowledge, attitude and practice of medication use during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Child-birth, 17(1), 131. google scholar
  • Göker, A., Kadıoğlu Duman, M., Gürpınar, T., Muci, E., Yıldırım, Y., Erköseoğlu, İ., Dikayak, Ş., & Koyuncu, F. M. (2012). Retro-spective evaluation of the pregnant women consulted due to drug exposure during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 22(2), 90-94. google scholar
  • Kahraman, A., Şen Aytekin, M., Mete Sandalcı, E., & Alparslan, Ö. (2023). Rational use of drugs during pregnancy and determination of affecting factors. Journal of Midwifery and Health sciences, 6(3), 142-149. google scholar
  • Kassaw, C. & Wabe, N. T. (2012). Pregnant women and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: knowledge, perception and drug con-sumption pattern during pregnancy in Ethiopia. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(2), 72-76. 1947-2714.93377 google scholar
  • Lupattelli, A., Spigset, O., Twigg, M. J., Zagorodnikova, K., Mârdby, A. C., Moretti, M. E., Drozd, M., Panchaud, A., Hameen-Anttila, K., Rieutord, A., Gjergja Juraski, R., Odalovic, M., Kennedy, D., Rudolf, G., Juch, H., Passier, A., Björnsdottir, I., & Nor-deng, H. (2014). Medication use in pregnancy: a cross-sectional, multinational web-based study. BMJ open, 4(2), e004365. https: // google scholar
  • Lynch, M. M., Amoozegar, J. B., McClure, E. M., Squiers, L. B., Broussard, C. S., Lind, J. N., Polen, K. N., Frey, M. T., Gilboa, S. M., & Biermann, J. (2017). Improving Safe Use of Medica-tions During Pregnancy: The Roles of Patients, Physicians, and Pharmacists. Qualitative Health Research, 27(13), 2071-2080. google scholar
  • Mitchell, A. A., Gilboa, S. M., Werler, M. M., Kelley, K. E., Louik, C., Herıı;iııdez-I.)ıaz, S., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study (2011). Medication use during pregnancy, with particular focus on prescription drugs: 1976-2008. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 205(1), 51.e1-51.e518. j.ajog.2011.02.029 google scholar
  • Nordeng, H., Ystr0m, E., & Einarson, A. (2010). Perception of risk regarding the use of medications and other exposures during pregnancy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 66(2), 207-214. google scholar
  • Olukman, M., Parlar, A., Orhan, C.E., & Erol, A. (2006). )rug use in pregnancy: one year’s experience. Turkish Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology. 3(4),255-261. google scholar
  • Petersen, I., McCrea, R. L., Lupattelli, A., & Nordeng, H. (2015). Women’s perception of risks of adverse fetal pregnancy outcomes: a large-scale multinational survey. BMJ open, 5(6), e007390. https: // google scholar
  • Sharma, R., Kapoor, B., & Verma, U. (2006). )rug utilization pat-tern during pregnancy in North India. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 60(7), 277-287. google scholar
  • Terzioğlu Bebitoğlu, B., Hıdıroğlu, S., Ayaz Bilir, R., Sarısaltık, A., & Koc, ). (2022). Investigation of medication use patterns among pregnant women attending a tertiary referral hospital. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 52(1), 90-95. google scholar
  • Undela, K., Joy, N., Gurumurthy, P., & Sujatha M.S. (2021). Knowl-edge, beliefs, and practice of pregnant women regarding med-ication use during pregnancy: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 41(4), 522-526. google scholar
  • Wolgast, E., Lindh-Âstrand, L., & Lilliecreutz, C. (2019). Women’s perceptions of medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding-A Swedish cross-sectional questionnaire study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 98(7), 856-864. https: // google scholar
  • Zaki, N. M., & Albarraq, A. A. (2014). Use, attitudes and knowl-edge of medications among pregnant women: A Saudi study. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 22(5), 419-428. 10.1016/j.jsps.2013.09.001 google scholar
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Original Article

Deniz Kaleli Durman 0000-0002-8669-7480

Belkıs Dolgun 0009-0008-2584-4193

Narin Öztürk Seyhan 0000-0003-4594-4251

İlker Kurt 0000-0002-4932-4183

Esen Gül Koçak 0009-0000-5714-031X

B. Sönmez Uydeş Doğan 0000-0002-6729-8150

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 1, 2024
Acceptance Date November 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kaleli Durman, D., Dolgun, B., Öztürk Seyhan, N., Kurt, İ., et al. (2024). Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 54(3), 299-306.
AMA Kaleli Durman D, Dolgun B, Öztürk Seyhan N, Kurt İ, Koçak EG, Uydeş Doğan BS. Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study. iujp. December 2024;54(3):299-306. doi:10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1559151
Chicago Kaleli Durman, Deniz, Belkıs Dolgun, Narin Öztürk Seyhan, İlker Kurt, Esen Gül Koçak, and B. Sönmez Uydeş Doğan. “Evaluation of Turkish women’s Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Medication Use in Pregnancy: A Pilot Study”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54, no. 3 (December 2024): 299-306.
EndNote Kaleli Durman D, Dolgun B, Öztürk Seyhan N, Kurt İ, Koçak EG, Uydeş Doğan BS (December 1, 2024) Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54 3 299–306.
IEEE D. Kaleli Durman, B. Dolgun, N. Öztürk Seyhan, İ. Kurt, E. G. Koçak, and B. S. Uydeş Doğan, “Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study”, iujp, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 299–306, 2024, doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1559151.
ISNAD Kaleli Durman, Deniz et al. “Evaluation of Turkish women’s Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Medication Use in Pregnancy: A Pilot Study”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54/3 (December 2024), 299-306.
JAMA Kaleli Durman D, Dolgun B, Öztürk Seyhan N, Kurt İ, Koçak EG, Uydeş Doğan BS. Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study. iujp. 2024;54:299–306.
MLA Kaleli Durman, Deniz et al. “Evaluation of Turkish women’s Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Medication Use in Pregnancy: A Pilot Study”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 54, no. 3, 2024, pp. 299-06, doi:10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1559151.
Vancouver Kaleli Durman D, Dolgun B, Öztürk Seyhan N, Kurt İ, Koçak EG, Uydeş Doğan BS. Evaluation of Turkish women’s attitudes and perceptions regarding medication use in pregnancy: A pilot study. iujp. 2024;54(3):299-306.