Research Article
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Evaluation of the Breastfeeding Status of Physician Moms in Türkiye and the Problems They Experience at Work

Year 2024, Issue: 29, 23 - 30, 31.10.2024


Medicine; considering the difficulty of the education received, it’s the most sacred and difficult profession. Unfortunately, the group that cannot spare time for breastfeeding and is most exposed to mobbing at work is physician mothers. In our study, physician mothers working in different provinces of Türkiye were reached, and data were collected through an online survey. A total of 250 physicians from 43 cities participated in the study. Of these, 38% of the moms had to start working when their baby was between 3-6 months of age, and 34.8% of the moms were able to breastfeed their baby for less than 6 months. This rate of physicians who knew the importance of breast milk and encouraged mothers to breastfeed was quite striking. When physician mothers were asked what difficulties their managers caused them due to pregnancy/birth, 8 main themes emerged. Writing more weekend shifts, increasing working hours and giving more workload, extending the residency, working lower seniority in undesirable departments, psychological intimidation, not giving breastfeeding permission, penalty of not attending academic trainings, penalty of failing the specialty exam. The fact that physicians are frequently exposed to negative mobbing by their supervisors negatively affects the mother-baby relationship and breastfeeding duration. The postpartum working conditions of physicians should be legally regulated. It’s expected that this arrangement will positively affect the quality of life of physicians, their productivity at work, and the psychological and physiological development of their babies. More importantly, our babies will be healthier and happier with breast milk and love.


  • Doren Catherine. (2019). Which Mothers Pay a Higher Price? Education Differences in Motherhood Wage Penalties by Parity and Fertility Timing. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Sociol Sci. 2019 ; 6: 684-709. doi:10.15195/v6.a26. google scholar
  • Carty, S. E., Colson, Y. L., Garvey, L. S., Schuchert, V. D., Schwentker, A., Tzeng, E., Corcoran, N. A., Simmons, R. L., Webster, M. W., Billiar, T. R. (2002). Maternity policy and practise during surgery residency: How we do it. Surgery, 132(4), 682-688. google scholar
  • DeRisi Joseph, Penland Lolita, B. P. O., Tyagi, S., Kramer, F. R., Group, N. P., & DeRisi Joseph, Penland Lolita, B.P.O. (1996). 1997 Nature Publishing Group Group, 4, 303-308. google scholar
  • Garza, R. M., Weston, J. S., Furnas, H. J. (2017). Pregnancy and the Plastic Surgery Resident. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 139(1), 245-252. google scholar
  • Holliday, E. B., Ahmed, A. A., Jagsi, R., Stentz, N. C., Woodward, W. A., Fuller, C. D., Thomas, C. R. (2015). Pregnancy and parenthood in radiation oncology, views and experience survey (PROVES): Results of a blinded prospective trainee parenting and career development assessment. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 92(3), 516-524. google scholar
  • Linos, E., Halley, M. C., Rustagi, A. S., Torres, J. S., Linos, E., Plaut, V., Mangurian, C., Choo, E. (2018). Physician mothers’ experience of workplace discrimination: A qualitative analysis.BMJ (Online), 363, 1-10. google scholar
  • Polan, R. M., Mattei, L. H., & Barber, E. L. (2022). The Motherhood Penalty in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 139(1), 9-13. google scholar
  • Rangel, E. L., Castillo-Angeles, M., Changala, M., Haider, A. H., Doherty, G. M., Smink, D. S. (2018). Perspectives of pregnancy and motherhood among general surgical residents: A qualitative analysis. American Journal of Surgery, 216(4), 754-759. google scholar
  • Stentz, N. C., Griffith, K. A., Perkins, E., Jones, R. D., Jagsi, R. (2016). Fertility and Childbearing among American Female Physicians. Journal of Women’s Health, 25(10), 1059-1065. google scholar
  • Sandler, B. J., Tackett, J. J., Longo, W. E. and Yoo, P. S. (2016). Pregnancy and parenthood among surgical residents: Results of the first nationwide survey of general surgery residency programme directors. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 222(6), 1090-1096. google scholar
  • Tangul, S. U., Hacimusalar, Y., & Karaaslan, O. (2020). Effects of Working Hours on Sleep Quality and Burnout in Turkish Paediatric Surgeons. Indian Journal of Surgery, 82(2), 176-181. google scholar
  • Wang, S. S., Ackerman, S. (2020). The Motherhood Penalty: Is It Alive and Well in 2020? Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(5), 688-689. google scholar
  • Weaver J.S., Cannada, L., Anand, T., Dream, S., Park, P.K., Altieri, M.S., Tasnim, S., Reyna, C. (2023). The importance of allyship in Academic Surgery. AmJ Surg. 2023 Apr;225(4):805-807. google scholar
  • Webb, A. M. B., Hasty, B. N., Andolsek, K. M., Mechaber, H. F., Harris, T. B., Chatterjee, A., Lautenberger, D. M., Gottlieb, A. S. (2019). A Timely Problem: Parental Leave during Medical Training. Academic Medicine, 94(11), 1631-1634. google scholar

Türkiye’deki Hekim Annelerin Emzirme Durumları ve İşyerinde Yaşadığı Sorunların Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Issue: 29, 23 - 30, 31.10.2024


Tıp; alınan eğitimin zorluğu göz önüne alındığında en kutsal ve zor meslektir. Ne yazık ki emzirme için vakit ayıramayan, işyerinde mobbinge en çok maruz kalan grup hekim annelerdir. Çalışmamızda Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde görev yapan hekim annelere ulaşılmış, veriler çevrimiçi anket yoluyla toplanmıştır. Çalışmaya 43 ilden 250 hekim katıldı. Hekim annelerin %38’i, bebekleri 3-6 ay arasındayken çalışmaya başlamak zorunda kalmıştı. Hekim annelerin 34.8’i, bebeklerini 6 aydan daha kısa süre emzirebilmişti. Anne sütünün önemini bilen ve tüm anneleri emzirmeye teşvik eden hekimlerin bu oranı oldukça dikkat çekiciydi. Hekim annelere, yöneticilerinin gebelik/doğum nedeniyle kendilerine ne gibi zorluklar yaşattığı sorulduğunda 8 ana tema ortaya çıktı. Hafta sonları fazla mesai yazmak, çalışma saatlerinin artırılması ve daha fazla iş yükü verilmesi, asistanlık süresinin uzatılması, istenmeyen bölümlerde daha düşük kıdemle çalıştırmak, psikolojik korkutma, emzirme izni verilmemesi, akademik eğitimlere katılmama cezası, uzmanlık sınavında başarısız olma cezası. Amirleri tarafından olumsuz mobbinge maruz kalmaları anne-bebek ilişkisini, emzirme süresini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Çalışmamızda hekim annelere problemlerin çözümüne yönelik önerileri soruldu. Hekimlerin doğum sonrası çalışma koşulları bu öneriler doğrultusunda yasal olarak düzenlenmelidir. Bu düzenlemenin hekimlerin yaşam kalitesini, işteki verimliliklerini ve bebeklerinin psikolojik ve fizyolojik gelişimlerini olumlu yönde etkilemesi beklenmektedir. Daha da önemlisi geleceğimiz olan bebeklerimiz anne sütü ve sevgiyle daha sağlıklı ve mutlu olacaktır.


  • Doren Catherine. (2019). Which Mothers Pay a Higher Price? Education Differences in Motherhood Wage Penalties by Parity and Fertility Timing. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Sociol Sci. 2019 ; 6: 684-709. doi:10.15195/v6.a26. google scholar
  • Carty, S. E., Colson, Y. L., Garvey, L. S., Schuchert, V. D., Schwentker, A., Tzeng, E., Corcoran, N. A., Simmons, R. L., Webster, M. W., Billiar, T. R. (2002). Maternity policy and practise during surgery residency: How we do it. Surgery, 132(4), 682-688. google scholar
  • DeRisi Joseph, Penland Lolita, B. P. O., Tyagi, S., Kramer, F. R., Group, N. P., & DeRisi Joseph, Penland Lolita, B.P.O. (1996). 1997 Nature Publishing Group Group, 4, 303-308. google scholar
  • Garza, R. M., Weston, J. S., Furnas, H. J. (2017). Pregnancy and the Plastic Surgery Resident. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 139(1), 245-252. google scholar
  • Holliday, E. B., Ahmed, A. A., Jagsi, R., Stentz, N. C., Woodward, W. A., Fuller, C. D., Thomas, C. R. (2015). Pregnancy and parenthood in radiation oncology, views and experience survey (PROVES): Results of a blinded prospective trainee parenting and career development assessment. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 92(3), 516-524. google scholar
  • Linos, E., Halley, M. C., Rustagi, A. S., Torres, J. S., Linos, E., Plaut, V., Mangurian, C., Choo, E. (2018). Physician mothers’ experience of workplace discrimination: A qualitative analysis.BMJ (Online), 363, 1-10. google scholar
  • Polan, R. M., Mattei, L. H., & Barber, E. L. (2022). The Motherhood Penalty in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 139(1), 9-13. google scholar
  • Rangel, E. L., Castillo-Angeles, M., Changala, M., Haider, A. H., Doherty, G. M., Smink, D. S. (2018). Perspectives of pregnancy and motherhood among general surgical residents: A qualitative analysis. American Journal of Surgery, 216(4), 754-759. google scholar
  • Stentz, N. C., Griffith, K. A., Perkins, E., Jones, R. D., Jagsi, R. (2016). Fertility and Childbearing among American Female Physicians. Journal of Women’s Health, 25(10), 1059-1065. google scholar
  • Sandler, B. J., Tackett, J. J., Longo, W. E. and Yoo, P. S. (2016). Pregnancy and parenthood among surgical residents: Results of the first nationwide survey of general surgery residency programme directors. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 222(6), 1090-1096. google scholar
  • Tangul, S. U., Hacimusalar, Y., & Karaaslan, O. (2020). Effects of Working Hours on Sleep Quality and Burnout in Turkish Paediatric Surgeons. Indian Journal of Surgery, 82(2), 176-181. google scholar
  • Wang, S. S., Ackerman, S. (2020). The Motherhood Penalty: Is It Alive and Well in 2020? Journal of the American College of Radiology, 17(5), 688-689. google scholar
  • Weaver J.S., Cannada, L., Anand, T., Dream, S., Park, P.K., Altieri, M.S., Tasnim, S., Reyna, C. (2023). The importance of allyship in Academic Surgery. AmJ Surg. 2023 Apr;225(4):805-807. google scholar
  • Webb, A. M. B., Hasty, B. N., Andolsek, K. M., Mechaber, H. F., Harris, T. B., Chatterjee, A., Lautenberger, D. M., Gottlieb, A. S. (2019). A Timely Problem: Parental Leave during Medical Training. Academic Medicine, 94(11), 1631-1634. google scholar
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Women's Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Gizem Gencan 0000-0001-5444-676X

Esra Akoluk 0000-0003-1509-548X

Publication Date October 31, 2024
Submission Date March 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 29


APA Gencan, G., & Akoluk, E. (2024). Evaluation of the Breastfeeding Status of Physician Moms in Türkiye and the Problems They Experience at Work. İstanbul Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi(29), 23-30.